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Thank You Letters To Peyton

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Thank you for everything you have given us Peyton, you are a great player and a great person. I will continue to support you wherever you go. Thanks for 14 wonderful years and a SB win. You're the greatest!

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Indianapolis Colts

c/o Peyton Manning

7001 West 56th Street

Indianapolis, IN 46254


Swap that. It would be:

Peyton Manning

c/o Indianapolis Colts

I was actually toying with the idea myself. What the heck.

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Where do I begin to express my gratitude and admeration. I feel blessed I had the privelidge of waching, loving, and your 14 year career with the colts. I will never forget the day you were drafted in 1998. I sat, my hands folded praying to hear 'and the colts select... Peyton Manning'. A grin took over my face. I knew at that moment the Colts were destined for greatness and you were the captian to take them there.

Every sunday you played, I was watching. Through the great moments and the moments that brought tears to my eyes. I knew I was watching, in my opinion, the greatest quarter back to play the position. On the field and off the field you demanded only the best not only out of yourself, but others around you. Giving so much time to the local hospital, The Peyback foundation, ect.

I met you last year at the december thursday night game in Indy. The colts last home game. Thank you for stopping and signing my jersey. I had traveled all the way from Idaho for my first Colts game. It may sound silly, but after you walked away i shed a tear of pure joy. I had finally met you after 14 years. It was a moment I will never forget.

I look forward to watching you resume your career wherever it may take you. I will support you always. There will never be another Peyton Manning. I wish you only the best, go give them heck!

-W.B. "fan of the MANning"

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Dear Peyton,

I was only a young kid, 6 years old, when you started your career in Indianapolis. Growing up in Northeastern Pennsylvania there weren't a lot of Colts fans. I didn't understand much of football, but I knew what fun it was just to watch the Colts. You brought such success, and I remember every moment of it. Your second year everyone talked about how it was the greatest turn around you brought to our team. At the time I didn't understand what it meant, but just knew we were doing great. You put such a mark on me as a young kid. Watching you play taught me the in and outs of the game. I would mimic you in my backyard by myself. I wanted to be able to have your throwing motion, the way you back peddled, the way you handed the ball off. Ultimately dreamed of becoming the great Peyton Manning. You were an instant hero to me. As your career continue I grew older, and understood more. It made me cherish it even more. I was the only kid in my neighborhood that was a Colts fan so I didn't get to share my thoughts about our team, but I still felt special being a Colts fan. Win or lose it was just fun watching. There were so many memories that will never fade, and it is all because of you leading us. Whether it was The Monday Night Miracle, the touchdown record, the duo of you and Marvin, the '06 AFC Championship game, or the pair of Super Bowls. I will never forget them. One of my fondest memories is the Monday Night Football game against the Buccaneers. I could remember watching the game on tv, and remembering my reactions. I remember when Mike Doss intercepted the ball. and on his return he fumbled for the Bucs to pick it up and score. I remember grabbing my forehead with both hands, clenching my eyes shut, saying "nooooo", and slamming my head with disgust into my couch. I lost almost all hope, and accepted an almost certain loss. I couldn't help, but finish watching the rest of the game. I am extremely glad my drive just to watch you play made me not want to miss the rest of the game, and if it wasn't for that I would have missed the greatest comeback ever. It's strange how one player can strike an emotion in you that can never be brought out again. I feel extremely privileged to have been being born into a family of Colts fans. You brought me so many memories, good or bad. Even the bad ones are unforgettable, and bring complete joy knowing what I witnessed to get there. Your career so far has been one of the finest in history. I find it a strange and an impossible thought that football fans of the future only get to hear stories of Peyton Manning, and I got to witness every minute of it. I only have one regret, and that is I never got to watch you from the stands. I can only hope and pray I will one day, and it saddens me it won't be in blue and white, but you are always a Colt in my eyes. You are the greatest childhood idol a person could have asked for. Thank you Peyton for what you did for me, and what you did for my team. Good luck with your new team, and go win yourself another championship.


Malcolm Colombo

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Titans Fan Here,

I just want to say, I as a Titans fan disliked Peyton Manning. Not because of the person he was but because of the player he was against our team. I will however say this, as I have always said it, "Peyton Manning," is by far the best QB ever. He is a class player, that has always given his 110%. His departure really sadenned me, because he is very loyal to you the fans. Being a fan of a team you see players, "come and go." When players leave it is really not much impact, but when you see a player that has dedicated his entire professional career to your team, and recognizes you as fans, "WOW!" I had so much respect for Peyton, but now, He has really touched a special place in my heart. He is withouth a doubt "The Best QB."

And to Peyton, if you read this, "I don't appreciate the spankings you gave us." But, "Thank you for doing it in a modest and classy way. May God Bless you and your future."

Titans Fan,

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Dear Mr Manning,

I want you to know that for 13+ yrs I defended you, here in S FLA. From the time you were drafted, Dolphin fans ridiculed you as the one who couldn't win the big one. heck, I one time had a debate with some chick that said you wouldn't make it great in the NFL because you were too doofy looking. And on and on and on.....

Now, you and Jim decide it's time you just up and leave Indy to continue a glorius career? I just have one thing to say....

Please continue to prove that edit wrong.

Thanks for helpin' puttin' the Colts back on the map. You don't know us fans personally, but we love ya just the same

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Titans Fan Here,

I just want to say, I as a Titans fan disliked Peyton Manning. Not because of the person he was but because of the player he was against our team. I will however say this, as I have always said it, "Peyton Manning," is by far the best QB ever. He is a class player, that has always given his 110%. His departure really sadenned me, because he is very loyal to you the fans. Being a fan of a team you see players, "come and go." When players leave it is really not much impact, but when you see a player that has dedicated his entire professional career to your team, and recognizes you as fans, "WOW!" I had so much respect for Peyton, but now, He has really touched a special place in my heart. He is withouth a doubt "The Best QB."

And to Peyton, if you read this, "I don't appreciate the spankings you gave us." But, "Thank you for doing it in a modest and classy way. May God Bless you and your future."

Titans Fan,

i think that sums up how most former enemies feel. very nice

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Some of us may want to wait until he signs with a new team and send the letters in care of that new team, sending a copy to Jim Irsay.

He will get the letters quicker, and still the Colts will know what Peyton has meant to the Colts fans and what a monumental devastation his being cut is.

Anyway, how do we know the Colts will forward the letters to Peyton right away? They may just sit on them for awhile. While his new team will give them to him immediately.

We can always find the address of his team on the Internet, and he will be there very soon you can bet, because of minicamps, etc. He has said he wants to sign with a new team within the next week.

Also, if anyone does not feel his or her grammar is up to par, I am happy to volunteer to edit your letter for you. Just private message me what you want to say.

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It's not a thank you letter, but I thought I'd drop by and share:

Manning 1 (style doesn't really apply to Manning, so I had to do another one to make it more appropriate.)> Manning 2

Good luck in Post-PM era. Enjoy :)


(BTW, This forum is very advanced! I love it! And I love the fact that I can join through my twitter/facebook, which is convenient. Not many forums doesn't have that option yet)

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Yes and it should be something like this,

Dear Mr. (Super) Manning

We in Indiana, hometown fans, and out of state hometown fans and the millions of Colts and Manning Fans from around the world would like to thank you for everything you did for the fans and the city.

Thank you anyway for being the best and we all wish you were still here....

Edited by shecolt
masked profanity and personal insults
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Thankyou Peyton for giving my entire family a reason to believe in a team year after year. We wish u all the luck in the world in ur new town but will always watch u as a Colt. I hope that when u choose to retire u might consider returning to Indy either in coaching or front office capacity. I believe having u on the team in any form increases its stock dramatically. Again, thankyou making us all believe.

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Dear Peyton thank you for giving us a reason to love the game, thank you for caring for the young and best wishes on your career best game ever played...............

10/06/2003 38-35 colts vs bucs best comeback game of all time!!!!!!!!

How many Colts Fans Remember That Game Stayed Up All Night

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Dear Peyton thank you for giving us a reason to love the game, thank you for caring for the young and best wishes on your career best game ever played............... 10/06/2003 38-35 colts vs bucs best comeback game of all time!!!!!!!! How many Colts Fans Remember That Game Stayed Up All Night

I was there! I am a NJ colts fan and visited my friend in Tampa (Bucs fan) to see that game. With about 5 minutes left and things looked dim, my friends buddy suggested we leave to get to the bar before they closed. I refused and I said "I came here to see the game, I was watching the entire game." THANK GOD I DID!!!!! Most amazing thing I ever watched. You could hear a pin drop in that place. Then the craziest thing was Vanderjack missing the winning field goal, only to be bailed out by a defensive penalty and was able to kick again.

It was right after he ran his mouth in canada and the "* kicker" remark was made, so I am pretty sure Peyton would have run him out of town that night if that penalty didn't happen! I couldn't believe it at the time, watching Peyton drive the team all the way back and for 30 seconds thought the "* kicker" wasted it all! Best game of my life!

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I'm a die hard New England Patriots fan.

For years now, the most important game for us was the Colts - Pats game every season. It goes without saying why - Brady vs Manning. Who could ask for anything better? There was no better match up in the NFL and it is not surprising that these games were the most watched games nationally as anyone even remotely interested in the NFL or football would drop everything and make the time to watch this clash.

For years, my buddies and I "hated" Peyton - nothing personal (there was the deepest respect and a fear bordering on paranoia whenever Number 18 was behind center) but all the same, we hated him and called him a lot of names (again, nothing personal - it was the name calling that a respected and feared opponent inspires).

Having said that, it cut me deeply when I learnt that Number 18 would retire and would no longer be with the Colts.

Here is a heartfelt "thank you" from me and other Patriot fans (I include my buddies too) for all those years of rivalry between two great teams (not the 2011 team though as we didn't feel we were playing the Colts without Manning under center). You are one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game and I respect and admire your skills on the field and your behavior off the field as a true gentleman, a sportsman who displayed the highest level of integrity and your farewell was touching. I was surprisingly moved by the press conference and thought it was one of the best moments of your career, where you gave your best wishes not to the organization or the owner, but to its fans. That, to me, represented everything that you could say about a sportsman and how great you (Peyton) are truly are.

Once in a lifetime, a player comes along who changes everything for an organization, for a franchise, for a city. You were that man and while I cannot picture you in another uniform, I guess I'll expect you to see you some day in the near future with your old rival, Tom. However, it won't be the same and while the game will certainly be a "must watch", I think it will pale in comparison to the old Colts vs Patriots games, which will remain among the best games ever played in the NFL's long history.

Thank you, Peyton and wish you the very best in your new career with whatever team you choose. I'm sure they will be as privileged as the Colts to share some of the moments that Colts fans have enjoyed for years.

On behalf of the New England Patriots fans, this is my letter to you.

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In every walk of life, we see those who define things by their very existence. It can be in music, in art, in combat, in philanthropy, in sports. Some just take their calling to a level never achieved before. Einstein with mathematics and theory. Jordan and Magic with basketball, Woods in golf, to name a few.

Peyton, you have raised the bar for both preparing for and performing in the NFL at the QB position. There have been many who have had a cannon for an arm. They come out of college all the time. What you brought to the game is a cerebral understanding of your duties that combined massive responsibility and unprecedented autonomy, with rare capacity for memory. And you executed these functions in just a few seconds.

What we were fortunate to witness was endless preparation and effort meeting pure art. You are the best. Someday, another will come. But just as Johnny changed the game for those after, you have done the same. Your very actions have caused a ripple effect of expectations for QB's at all levels. You have redefined the position.

And Colt fans have been the luckiest of all, because in our own hearts, we got to share it with you. From all of us, we want you to know, we have really enjoyed being your fans. You will always be in every Colt fans heart, and we can't wait for you to one day be a part of the horseshoe again. Be safe, stay healthy, and go get yourself another ring. We'll all be cheering for you.

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Dear Peyton,

Thank you for all the memories you have brought to the city of Indianapolis and to all Colts fans across the world. Turning on the TV one fateful day in 2003, seeing your majestic throwing motions against the Saints where you threw 6 TD's was captivating. You made me tune in the next week. You were down 35-14 against the Bucs but I believed in you. I did not change the channel and watched as you as you made the come back in OT. From then, I never turned back. I was an obese kid for the whole beginning of my life, nearly weighing 200 pounds when I was merely 9 years old. Watching you play football motivated me to join the football team my sophomore year to try and become a tight-end to hopefully receive a pass from you one day. I obviously did not go pro, but that year kickstarted me into getting into the best shape of my life.

Honestly, I can say that you have made me into the person I am today. Though we have never met, and probably never will, you have motivated me to do things (indirectly and directly) that I never thought I could before. Thank you.

- Roberto Redoble

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2012 - reply to deleted post
Hidden by Nadine, March 27, 2012 - reply to deleted post

Thank You Peyton for leaving, so it can make way for Luck and the next decade dominance in Colts Football.

Sincerely, Colts Fans from the future with 2 Superbowl rings

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