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If You Want To Blame Someone

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

Really... blame Bill Polian? That's really dumb...

How exactly is Jim Irsay putting the pieces back together? That would be true if by next week he resigns Peyton Manning, Reggie Wayne, Jeff Saturday, Pierre Garcon, and the other guys. He hasn't yet so the pieces are spread out everywhere right now.

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No one is to blame but time. Look at all the great teams of the past (70's Steelers, 80's 49ers, 90's Cowboys and Broncos), after they had great runs they were bad, some for several years. Polian did what all franchises did, he overpaid some aging players to keep the run going.

Losing Peyton sucks, but looking at the big picture we shouldn't complain that much. We had 13 great years, now we will have a couple of bad ones, but we will have a QB that has the potential to be great, which gives us the chance to be at the top again very soon for a long time.

The best the Steelers had between Bradshaw and Ben was Neil O'Donnell. The best the Cowboys have had since Aikman is Romo. Broncos and Dolphins have gone more than a decade and still haven't replaced Elway and Marino. The only two franchises to adequately replace great QB's have been the 49ers and Packers, and they had to get rid of Montana and Favre to move on to their replacement. So the question is, which scenario would you prefer, the path taken by the Cowboys, Steelers, and Dolphins, or the one taken by the Packers and 49ers?

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No one is to blame but time. Look at all the great teams of the past (70's Steelers, 80's 49ers, 90's Cowboys and Broncos), after they had great runs they were bad, some for several years. Polian did what all franchises did, he overpaid some aging players to keep the run going.

Losing Peyton sucks, but looking at the big picture we shouldn't complain that much. We had 13 great years, now we will have a couple of bad ones, but we will have a QB that has the potential to be great, which gives us the chance to be at the top again very soon for a long time.

The best the Steelers had between Bradshaw and Ben was Neil O'Donnell. The best the Cowboys have had since Aikman is Romo. Broncos and Dolphins have gone more than a decade and still haven't replaced Elway and Marino. The only two franchises to adequately replace great QB's have been the 49ers and Packers, and they had to get rid of Montana and Favre to move on to their replacement. So the question is, which scenario would you prefer, the path taken by the Cowboys, Steelers, and Dolphins, or the one taken by the Packers and 49ers?

Very good point with the Niners and Packers. Montana and Favre still had a few good years left in them, but ultimately their teams made the right decision. I don't think the Colts are quite in their situation since Luck hasn't even been drafted, but the Colts could have been if they kept Manning. The fact is the Colts have a golden opportunity to pick a good replacement for Manning and a chance to rebuild the team around him. Keeping Manning and the rest of the aging stars would be a detriment to this. If the Polians had drafted better the last few years this transition wouldn't have been so rough and it would have been worth renegotiating Manning's contract to keep him around for a few years, but with this team it really doesn't matter. Manning is better off playing for a true contender and the Colts are better off starting from scratch.

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Very good point with the Niners and Packers. Montana and Favre still had a few good years left in them, but ultimately their teams made the right decision. I don't think the Colts are quite in their situation since Luck hasn't even been drafted, but the Colts could have been if they kept Manning. The fact is the Colts have a golden opportunity to pick a good replacement for Manning and a chance to rebuild the team around him. Keeping Manning and the rest of the aging stars would be a detriment to this. If the Polians had drafted better the last few years this transition wouldn't have been so rough and it would have been worth renegotiating Manning's contract to keep him around for a few years, but with this team it really doesn't matter. Manning is better off playing for a true contender and the Colts are better off starting from scratch.


bradshaw's teamates were AMAZING, bradshaw wasn't amazing.

marino never even won a superbowl.

You need a good team, not just an amazing QB

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bradshaw's teamates were AMAZING, bradshaw wasn't amazing.

marino never even won a superbowl.

You need a good team, not just an amazing QB

Exactly, which is why I have no problem with this team going into rebuilding mode. They don't have a good team.

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Corndog and Portage

You are correct on needing a good team, but to consistently win, you also have to have a great QB. You can look around them league and see some pretty good teams that can't quite get over the top. Most of them are lacking an elite QB (Ravens, Dolphins, Jets).

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

I agree whole heartedly -I Blame Polian but of course that is as well Irsay's fault for allowing him. For ONE player to be absent and the whole machine breakdown is absolutely unaceptable.

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Peyton was so good, he masked how bad our GM and owner were. Look at those rosters peyton had to play with...then compare to pats/packer/steelers/giants

Completely agree with the GM part at least for the past 4 or 5 years, which is also why the Colts needed to start over and why Peyton is better off playing somewhere else.

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I believe Chris started having an impact in 2006. Bill was planning to retire in a few more years and wanted Chris to get his feet wet to take over. Bill was a genius at building teams but not at winning SBs. I believe his teams went to 8 SBs only winning one.

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I believe Chris started having an impact in 2006. Bill was planning to retire in a few more years and wanted Chris to get his feet wet to take over. Bill was a genius at building teams but not at winning SBs. I believe his teams went to 8 SBs only winning one.

Thing is......Bill didn't retire. What's that all about?

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Yeah, well, Jim Caldwell has to be the WORST head coach in the NFL.

Trying to fit Painter (the worst QB in the NFL) into Manning's offense was doomed from the start. We got high school coaches in Indiana that could have done a better job.

Ya gotta adjust the system to the players, not the other way around.

Oh, and thank's for nothin' Tony (Dungy). Left us holdin the bag on that one with your hand picked asst head coach...

There's enough blame to go around for this one.

Wonder what would have happened if we had won, oh say 5 ballgames? Not had first pick? Manning still here? YOU BET.

So did Polian/Irsay tank by deliberately keeping the incompetent Caldwell last season? Hmmmmm.....

I'm just sayin'...

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Why don’t you blame the person that ran this franchise into the ground. You know the guy that put this Peyton-less 2 and 14 team together. The guy that cost the owner an extra 4 mill to replace the backup QB that he supported for three years and then when it came time for him to have to start……..well he isn’t good enough. You know the guy that drafted the perennial IR players. The guy that didn’t care what the people that paid his salary thought. You know the guy called Bill Polian

Now that the owner has to put the pieces of his business back together you want to crucify him for letting Peyton go. Well if you have 28 mill burning a hole in your back pocket then be my guest. You run the Franchise and pay the bills. Do you really want Peyton to suffer through the last part of his career on a team that will be mediocre at best? If so then nothing I say here will change your mind. Otherwise you need to realize one thing. The only thing that nostalgia is good for is costing money and wasting time

I am not really sure that anyone is actually to blame. I feel that this is the price you pay for having long term success.I would be glad to accept the blame for 11 years of success in my line of work.
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i blame andrew luck. if he wasn't so great & such a hard worker, this never would have happened! :flaming:

haha, the best thing you can say about him is that he's a hard worker? Show the articles of proof. Show the articles proving he wont be the next Leaf.

- yeah, you got nothing

You just cut the hardest worker in the NFL.

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Plenty of blame to go around. Blame both Irsay and Peyton for not believing this team could get to the Super Bowl again. Blame everyone involved at Peyton's last contract negotiations. Blame Dungy for taking advantage of Irsay's loyalty and asking him to hire Caldwell. Blame Greg Williams for encouraging his teams to take players out. Blame the doctors for poor management and timing in regards to Peyton's surgeries. Blame the lockout for the salary cap not increasing much more this year. I hope Mr. Irsay, Grigson and Pagano get it right when they place blame so it doesn't happen again with their new "franchise" player.

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Corndog and Portage

You are correct on needing a good team, but to consistently win, you also have to have a great QB. You can look around them league and see some pretty good teams that can't quite get over the top. Most of them are lacking an elite QB (Ravens, Dolphins, Jets).

I think if you look closely, you have to have a very good defense to win the Super Bowl. Offense wins games, defense wins championships.

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haha, the best thing you can say about him is that he's a hard worker? Show the articles of proof. Show the articles proving he wont be the next Leaf.

- yeah, you got nothing

You just cut the hardest worker in the NFL.

Show the proof that Luck is going to be the next Leaf - yeah, you got nothing. Manning is better off somewhere else with the rebuilding that this team is about to go through.

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Plenty of blame to go around. Blame both Irsay and Peyton for not believing this team could get to the Super Bowl again. Blame everyone involved at Peyton's last contract negotiations. Blame Dungy for taking advantage of Irsay's loyalty and asking him to hire Caldwell. Blame Greg Williams for encouraging his teams to take players out. Blame the doctors for poor management and timing in regards to Peyton's surgeries. Blame the lockout for the salary cap not increasing much more this year. I hope Mr. Irsay, Grigson and Pagano get it right when they place blame so it doesn't happen again with their new "franchise" player.

Peyton believes the team can get to the Super Bowl again, otherwise, why would he want to remain a colt?

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Why rebuild a team that doesn't need rebuilding?

The Colts are bereft of talent, the O line is not good on the inside and neither is the D line. They also need to upgrade the DBs and they lack considerable depth at most positions. IMO, that is a team that needs to rebuild.

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Thanks for the info.

there were some sources saying he was the one pulling hard for Ugoh...so there is that too....the truth is we will never know.

besides blaming the pollians I'll add Caldwell and Christiansen. Pete metzelrdas was quoted saying that they didnt change the offense enough cause they were hoping like crazy for Manning to come back. is like they were praying for PM to come back and save their jobs. Ridiculous. Mediocre. How can they be coaches when they are so limited? ridiculous. I'll blame those 2 as much as I blame Chris Pollian (maybe even Bill).

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The Colts are bereft of talent, the O line is not good on the inside and neither is the D line. They also need to upgrade the DBs and they lack considerable depth at most positions. IMO, that is a team that needs to rebuild.

If the veterans and key players are resigned, then this team is only a few players away from having a solid roster. We only need 2-3 players on defense and an OG on offense.

Shredding the roster and rebuilding is extremely dumb when you are close to having a team that can win a Super Bowl. Trade the #1 pick and sign a couple of free agents and we will have a very good team.

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Thing is......Bill didn't retire. What's that all about?

I am only guessing but maybe Irsay did not trust Chris enough to let Bill retire. Some people in the front office leaked that Chris had polarized the front office. They said he let go of good scouts because they were not in his click. Maybe thats why the last few drafts were not as good as some wanted.
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Fixed it for you.

Plenty of blame to go around. Blame both Irsay and Peyton for not believing this team could get to the Super Bowl again. Blame everyone involved at Peyton's last contract negotiations. Blame Dungy for taking advantage of Irsay's loyalty and asking him to hire Caldwell. Blame Greg Williams for encouraging his teams to take players out. Blame the doctors for poor management and timing in regards to Peyton's surgeries. Blame the lockout for the salary cap not increasing much more this year. I hope Mr. Irsay, Grigson and Pagano get it right when they place blame so it doesn't happen again with their new "franchise" player.

:facepalm: ...

Here, I'll make it easy for you... Read the bolded part of your comment above. You said "Blame both Irsay and Peyton for not believing this team could get to the Super Bowl again."

I said "Peyton believes the team can get to the Super Bowl again, otherwise, why would he want to remain a colt?"

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If the veterans and key players are resigned, then this team is only a few players away from having a solid roster. We only need 2-3 players on defense and an OG on offense.

Shredding the roster and rebuilding is extremely dumb when you are close to having a team that can win a Super Bowl. Trade the #1 pick and sign a couple of free agents and we will have a very good team.

The Colts need more than 2 or 3 players on defense and they need 2 OGs not to mention the need to upgrade the depth at most of the positions. That is going to take more than this years draft. Some of the vets are not as good as they used to be and the Colts should probably consider trading them if they still have good value.

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The Colts need more than 2 or 3 players on defense and they need 2 OGs not to mention the need to upgrade the depth at most of the positions. That is going to take more than this years draft. Some of the vets are not as good as they used to be and the Colts should probably consider trading them if they still have good value.

I guess we disagree because Joe Ritz is at least average at LG. You don't have pro bowlers at every position you know. On defense, all we need is a CB, SS, and NT. That's 4 players, which is not very hard to get in one offseason. Just ask the Texans.

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