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Jack freakin Doyle... SMH


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On 9/13/2018 at 4:51 AM, Pacergeek said:

I've thought about it, and I think that Doyle has to be benched. Frank needs to send a message that fumbling cannot be tolerated. It isn't like Doyle was fighting for extra yardage, trying to make a big play. He caught the ball, and did not have it secured. It's football 101 people, always protect the ball.


I've posted very little in this thread......   but this post is such incredible nonsense,  that it demands a response.


Did you  even watch the game?     Because your post says you didn't.


There was 30 seconds left in the game.    The Colts had 3rd down and 15 to go.   Luck's pass went 10-12 yards...    Doyle turned up field trying to get a FIRST DOWN.     If he gets it,  the Colts have time for four throws into the end zone.    If he doesn't get it,  it's 4th down, and the Colts have ONE PLAY left to get a first down.    


Of course Doyle was fighting for extra yardage,  he WAS trying to make a big play.    The biggest of the game.    What?     Were?     You?      Watching?!?


You literally wrote the opposite of what actually happened on that play.    The exact opposite.


This is an embarrassing post.   It's 100% wrong.    You need to own it.




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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I've posted very little in this thread......   but this post is such incredible nonsense,  that it demands a response.


Did you  even watch the game?     Because your post says you didn't.


There was 30 seconds left in the game.    The Colts had 3rd down and 15 to go.   Luck's pass went 10-12 yards...    Doyle turned up field trying to get a FIRST DOWN.     If he gets it,  the Colts have time for four throws into the end zone.    If he doesn't get it,  it's 4th down, and the Colts have ONE PLAY left to get a first down.    


Of course Doyle was fighting for extra yardage,  he WAS trying to make a big play.    The biggest of the game.    What?     Were?     You?      Watching?!?


You literally wrote the opposite of what actually happened on that play.    The exact opposite.


This is an embarrassing post.   It's 100% wrong.    You need to own it.




Well you know it's football 101. :thinking:------------haha

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Jack needs to secure the ball better.  The whole team needs some ball security drills or reminders or something.  The coaches need to be on it....every practice.  Instead of "build the monster", maybe "hold on to the damn ball" would be more appropriate.

its the first game and these guys dont really see real action in practice and pre-season so it takes a game or too until they "remember" real game situations i think.

as far as Doyle, i dont remember or see him as a fumbler.  I actually think he plays above his skill level most of the time, an over-achiever.  Its a bummer of an outcome, but i'll give him a pass because of the situation and the effort.

  Bottom line is that we are a better team with him in the game.

and after that hit he took earlier, i'm a lil surprised he was able to play the whole game.

i'm still a big Doyle fan.

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8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I've posted very little in this thread......   but this post is such incredible nonsense,  that it demands a response.


Did you  even watch the game?     Because your post says you didn't.


There was 30 seconds left in the game.    The Colts had 3rd down and 15 to go.   Luck's pass went 10-12 yards...    Doyle turned up field trying to get a FIRST DOWN.     If he gets it,  the Colts have time for four throws into the end zone.    If he doesn't get it,  it's 4th down, and the Colts have ONE PLAY left to get a first down.    


Of course Doyle was fighting for extra yardage,  he WAS trying to make a big play.    The biggest of the game.    What?     Were?     You?      Watching?!?


You literally wrote the opposite of what actually happened on that play.    The exact opposite.


This is an embarrassing post.   It's 100% wrong.    You need to own it.




Of course I watched the game. Doyle caught the ball, turned, ran vertically, saw the defenders, got hit, did not protect the ball, and fumbled. This was a routine play by an NFL receiver, and the fumble was inexcusable. Jack had the first down easily, and did not need to do anything special to get extra yards


Sometimes, ball carriers refuse to get tackled, which can lead to fumbles. This is what I was referring to with "fighting for extra yardage". 

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5 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

Of course I watched the game. Doyle caught the ball, turned, ran vertically, saw the defenders, got hit, did not protect the ball, and fumbled. This was a routine play by an NFL receiver, and the fumble was inexcusable. Jack had the first down easily, and did not need to do anything special to get extra yards


Sometimes, ball carriers refuse to get tackled, which can lead to fumbles. This is what I was referring to with "fighting for extra yardage". 


My heavens you are so wrong.  Doyle did not have the first down easily, he was right at the first down line when he fumbled.  If he had held onto the ball and fell forward he would have made the first down by a half a yard, again not even close to making it easily.  Based on that I find it hard to believe that you actually watched the game, either that or your memory is very poor.


Here is the play to refresh that memory.



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1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


My heavens you are so wrong.  Doyle did not have the first down easily, he was right at the first down line when he fumbled.  If he had held onto the ball and fell forward he would have made the first down by a half a yard, again not even close to making it easily.  Based on that I find it hard to believe that you actually watched the game, either that or your memory is very poor.


Here is the play to refresh that memory.



Exactly. Doyle had the first down. He protects the ball, and the drive continues. It wasn't like he was short, and had to fight for extra yardage, and fumbles. Really don't know why you are giving me such a hard time on this

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44 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

Really don't know why you are giving me such a hard time on this


Because you are wrong, again. That seems to be an everyday occurence with you.  He did not easily have the first down as you stated.  He was fighting to get the first down on a 3rd and 15 play, he did not absolutely have it.  The only thing I agree with you about is that Doyle should have secured the ball better. 

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2 hours ago, Pacergeek said:

Of course I watched the game. Doyle caught the ball, turned, ran vertically, saw the defenders, got hit, did not protect the ball, and fumbled. This was a routine play by an NFL receiver, and the fumble was inexcusable. Jack had the first down easily, and did not need to do anything special to get extra yards


Sometimes, ball carriers refuse to get tackled, which can lead to fumbles. This is what I was referring to with "fighting for extra yardage". 

Two defenders hit him. The ball popped out. Get over it. It happens in the NFL. Doyle has 3 total fumbles in a 5 year career.  Had he not been "fighting for extra yardage" you would have complained about that.

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1 hour ago, Pacergeek said:

Exactly. Doyle had the first down. He protects the ball, and the drive continues. It wasn't like he was short, and had to fight for extra yardage, and fumbles. Really don't know why you are giving me such a hard time on this


Sir, you are wrong.  Doyle did not have the 1st down.  The ball never made it to the 1st down line (the 15-yd line).  Watch the play again.


Doyle catches the ball at the 20, takes two steps while turning his head upfield, then gets sandwiched by two defenders at the 16, one of whom pops the ball out.  And it wasn't like Doyle had the ball stretched out with one hand when he got hit.  He had the ball secured with both hands against his chest, but Fejedelem put his face right between the 8 and the 4 on Jacks' chest and the ball popped out.


Doyle isn't the scapegoat.  Fejedelem just made a perfect play and we all have to move on.



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3 hours ago, Pacergeek said:

Of course I watched the game. Doyle caught the ball, turned, ran vertically, saw the defenders, got hit, did not protect the ball, and fumbled. This was a routine play by an NFL receiver, and the fumble was inexcusable. Jack had the first down easily, and did not need to do anything special to get extra yards


Sometimes, ball carriers refuse to get tackled, which can lead to fumbles. This is what I was referring to with "fighting for extra yardage". 

You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.    No idea.


There is video of the play in this thread.   It’s just a few posts above this one.   And the video shows that what you believe happened is FALSE.   What you are writing is incorrect.  


This is not an opinion.   The video shows you are wrong.    Period.


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9 hours ago, MPStack said:

Alls I know is Ken Dilger would have never fumbled that ball!


I know Dilger was a good and popular player...  but a check if his career stats showed he fumbled 7 times and lost 3 of those in a 10 year career.   I’m only saying is these kind of things happen to the best of them.


I’m posting from my phone at the moment so I can’t include a link.   But I will later... 


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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I know Dilger was a good and popular player...  but a check if his career stats showed he fumbled 7 times and lost 3 of those in a 10 year career.   I’m only saying is these kind of things happen to the best of them.


I’m posting from my phone at the moment so I can’t include a link.   But I will later... 


3 out of 356 Receptions or 1 lost fumble every 118.667 reception

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I know Dilger was a good and popular player...  but a check if his career stats showed he fumbled 7 times and lost 3 of those in a 10 year career.   I’m only saying is these kind of things happen to the best of them.


I’m posting from my phone at the moment so I can’t include a link.   But I will later... 


No need to as the Dilger comment was a joke, just like the thread!

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9 hours ago, King Colt said:

I want to see this forum after the Skins game when there is a fumble or a dropped pass. or interception or a failure to make first down or a failure to score in the red zone or a punt is shanked or a field goal is missed, etc., etc., etc.

The thing with Doyle's mistake was, it was the timing of it. Had he done that before the Half I doubt anyone even brings it up after the game. He did it on a game winning potential drive is why it stands out. I will give you a Baseball example, nobody would ever remember Kris Bryant striking out with bases loaded in the 1st Inning but if he strikes out with bases loaded down 1 in the 9th Inning for the final Out, then that is what everyone will focus on.

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The thing with Doyle's mistake was, it was the timing of it. Had he done that before the Half I doubt anyone even brings it up after the game. He did it on a game winning potential drive is why it stands out. I will give you a Baseball example, nobody would ever remember Kris Bryant striking out with bases loaded in the 1st Inning but if he strikes out with bases loaded down 1 in the 9th Inning for the final Out, then that is what everyone will focus on.

You have your way of looking at a game, mine simply differs. I can't blame a FG kicker for missing a FG with one second left to play if his team has scored zero pointed for four quarters. Would the coach single out the kicker as the reason they lost? The game is 60 minutes and there can't be any excuse to lay down at any point during the game. What about a four man relay race when the first three drag their butts then blame the last runner for the loss? My 02.

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3 minutes ago, King Colt said:

You have your way of looking at a game, mine simply differs. I can't blame a FG kicker for missing a FG with one second left to play if his team has scored zero pointed for four quarters. Would the coach single out the kicker as the reason they lost? The game is 60 minutes and there can't be any excuse to lay down at any point during the game. What about a four man relay race when the first three drag their butts then blame the last runner for the loss? My 02.

That's fair enough, throughout a game different players make mistakes so blaming 1 person for a loss isn't right. I was just stating how most people think as in when a player goofs up late it really stands out. Like Norwoods miss or Bill Buckner in the 1986 WS.

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On 9/12/2018 at 7:47 PM, King Colt said:

What Colt fan thinks for a second the Colts would have put the ball in the end zone after the Doyle turnover. They stink in the red zone and always have. It is a non-issue from all sides and no fault of Doyles.

Red zone efficiency 3/3, so we've always been good right?

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7 hours ago, King Colt said:

Yeah, you better go back and re-read the history of the Colts.

Oh now you want to take into account the history of the colts, how convenient. However, I already showed you that historically (since manning year) we have been a top RZ efficiency team. 


Sorry bro, you're just wrong all around.

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7 hours ago, Narcosys said:

Oh now you want to take into account the history of the colts, how convenient. However, I already showed you that historically (since manning year) we have been a top RZ efficiency team. 


Sorry bro, you're just wrong all around.

Sorry, you are.

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1 hour ago, King Colt said:

Sorry, you are.

I've posted my research and facts...Where's yours?


03: 12th

04: 3rd

05: 6th

06: 3rd

07: 11th

08: 1st

09: 3rd

10: 1st

11: 27th (manning out)

12: 21st (luck rookie)

13: 10th

14: 12th

15: 21st

16: 4th

17: 31st (luck out)


Need any more history? You trying to look into the Harbaugh years? The Baltimore years?


You complained last time that I brought up manning in "historical", so have some consistency.

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2 hours ago, Narcosys said:

I've posted my research and facts...Where's yours?


03: 12th

04: 3rd

05: 6th

06: 3rd

07: 11th

08: 1st

09: 3rd

10: 1st

11: 27th (manning out)

12: 21st (luck rookie)

13: 10th

14: 12th

15: 21st

16: 4th

17: 31st (luck out)


Need any more history? You trying to look into the Harbaugh years? The Baltimore years?


You complained last time that I brought up manning in "historical", so have some consistency.

At profootball focus.com and teamrankings.com  Read them and weep for 2017

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21 minutes ago, King Colt said:

At profootball focus.com and teamrankings.com  Read them and weep for 2017


so...this comment:



They stink in the red zone and always have. It is a non-issue from all sides and no fault of Doyles.


was based exclusively off of the 2017 season?  um....k   :thinking:

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42 minutes ago, King Colt said:

At profootball focus.com and teamrankings.com  Read them and weep for 2017

So we've "always" been bad because of one year? The year luck was out? That's your "historical" you're going with? 


Dude, the only thing I'm weeping for is your inconsistent an illogical way of thinking. 

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