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Irsay cryptic tweet/Bob Lamey (Voice of the Colts) retiring (merge)

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10 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

This thread needs to be locked. Cannot believe how many people are defending Bob Lamey here


Because people are having a quite sensible (so far) conversation about a sensitive topic?


Lock this topic, pretend this word doesn’t exist.. sure, that’s how we eradicate the ills of society. I mean prohibition and censorship has such a good track record.



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5 minutes ago, Nadine said:

Good movies.  Blazing Saddles ridiculed racism pretty effectively. What a cast!


Yes it is and yes it did.  The very end of the movie was a little over done to me, but still a very good movie, imo.

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6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


At best if you were paraphrasing someone else using that word you’d never ever actually say that word.   At best you’d say...   “the N-word.”  Or say...   “a word I can not say in public.”


But I’d prefer that people just not go there.  Don’t tell that story.   Just don’t.

Not enough to be gained and too much to lose.   John Schnatter should’ve known better too.




I agree, whether you think he fundamentally has done anything “wrong”, he could have been wiser. Paraphrasing would have still allowed the story while making it clear he doesn’t agree with the use of the word. 



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14 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


Yes it is and yes it did.  The very end of the movie was a little over done to me, but still a very good movie, imo.

It could never be made today. Satire in context isn't safe. It's too bad, because it's far more effective than what society wants to do now (just pretend it doesn't exist, except when it does, but don't mention it- think Rap).

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31 minutes ago, Nadine said:

Censorship is a slippery slope. I think that people can and should police their own language and in this case, the language of others. Language evolves and it should.


But we cannot sanitize history.  Movies and books that show how people were, what people said are an important part of remembering history correctly.


I think also there's a benefit to looking back to see how things really were.  Came across this story on sexist ads this week https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/17-ridiculously-sexist-vintage-ads?utm_term=.ysp88oqlZr#.aoz55nm3xd

Sent it to my daughters.  You don't see that sort of thing anymore but, it wasn't so long ago


Okay Nadine, I am going to send that to my daughter, she will go off on it.  Hard to believe with todays culture that those were considered okay 60 to 70 years ago.  Things do change for the better, imo.

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1 minute ago, MarquisJ said:

I will never defend someone using a racial slur some of you should be ashamed honestly 

Actually nobody is defending Bob. I even said he made a mistake and he shouldn't of said it but IMO it doesn't make him a racist or a bad person. He was just telling a story of what someone else said. It was wrong and something I would never say but the way some are acting, they act like Bob is a criminal LOL. 

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7 hours ago, NFLfan said:


I don't think that is a good comparison. I had to read that article several times to make sense of it. He did not use the word himself to address someone or to describe someone/group of people. He was quoting someone else while telling a story. What's so egregious or offensive about that! Okay, the word is offensive but look at the context.


I agree with Stitches. This should have been a non-story. There are real stories of racism. This is not one of them. 

Here in Indiana it is a story because of what Pappa John did 


   I wasn’t comparing how he used it but the use of the word 

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Just now, The Fish said:

It could never be made today. Satire in context isn't safe. It's too bad, because it's far more effective than what society wants to do now (just pretend it doesn't exist, accept when it does, but don't mention it- think Rap).


I'm not sure if it couldn't be made, Django Unchained was made in the recent past.  I agree that people would rather shove some topics under the carpet and not discuss them, either because they find them uncomfortable or don't agree with them.

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8 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Here in Indiana it is a story because of what Pappa John did 


What does that have to do with what Lamey said?


Perhaps you can share more. I don't see the connection. I'll read it later. Thanks.

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6 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


What does that have to do with what Lamey said?


Perhaps you can share more. I don't see the connection.

Because of what PJ did any usage of the word is taboo and “perked” everyone up


  remember Schnatter is a Indiana native, went to Ball State and his company is headquartered in Louisville plus he made donations to IU, PU, BSU, UK and UL and others


    If the PJ situation had not just happened this “story” would be a non story 

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15 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Because of what PJ did any usage of the word is taboo and “perked” everyone up


  remember Schnatter is a Indiana native, went to Ball State and his company is headquartered in Louisville plus he made donations to IU, PU, BSU, UK and UL and others


    If the PJ situation had not just happened this “story” would be a non story 


The use of that word was offensive long before PJ.

It's up to the ear shot offended to determine to what degree, and unfortunately the leash is pretty short for some.


I want to be dismayed at the person who felt offended to the degree of making this a public issue, and their reasoning for it, BUT, I'm cautious to the fact that I wasn't there, and Bob's story, itself, could have an impact on my opinion....... We still don't know everything, I'm afraid.

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This is ridiculous. It was a quote of somebody. If you quote somebody you quote "exactly" what they say. If ANY part of history is deleted or changed then IT ALL should be. This world is so SOFT nowdays. Literally anybody can say they are offended by ANY word.  Hmm maybe the next time a Wal-mart greeter greets me as Sir I will notify their manage that they are ASSUMING MY GENDER (sarcasm). 

There are many " N-words". Its FREEDOM of SPEECH. Its as simple as that really. 


I don't condone the use of the word but again its just that a WORD. 

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I love Bob as much as anybody.  He made a bad error in judgement and sometimes when you do that there are consequences.  He’s facing them as it seems like “retired” has turned into code for fired.


It’s sad but there are certain things you just can’t say yes even if your quoting someone.  There are ways around it.  Look no further than Peyton when he would tell the story of meeting Polian and Mora before the draft and told them “if you don’t draft me I am going to spend the next 15 years beating your butt and I didn’t say butt either.”  Everyone knows what Peyton meant but he didn’t say the word because he was telling the story to TV where that word would not have been acceptable.  So IMO the if you are quoting someone you have to say the exact same thing is a weak defense.


It’s a sad way for Bobs career to end.  I still like the guy as an announcer and I am not going to pretend to know him as a person to label him a racist as I think anyone can make a mistake and say something they shouldn’t but that alone doesn’t make you a racist to me that has more to do with how you live your life.  Still it was very poor error in judgement on his part.

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23 minutes ago, strt182 said:

This is ridiculous. It was a quote of somebody. If you quote somebody you quote "exactly" what they say. If ANY part of history is deleted or changed then IT ALL should be. This world is so SOFT nowdays. Literally anybody can say they are offended by ANY word.  Hmm maybe the next time a Wal-mart greeter greets me as Sir I will notify their manage that they are ASSUMING MY GENDER (sarcasm). 

There are many " N-words". Its FREEDOM of SPEECH. Its as simple as that really. 


I don't condone the use of the word but again its just that a WORD. 

Freedom of Speech means you don’t go to jail for saying something it doesn’t protect your job status.  People lose jobs all the time because of something they said.

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1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


Okay Nadine, I am going to send that to my daughter, she will go off on it.  Hard to believe with todays culture that those were considered okay 60 to 70 years ago.  Things do change for the better, imo.

my personal favorite is advertising morning sickness drugs to women so that they could still get up and make breakfast.  These were ads directed at women so, women were sexist against themselves.


All I could think of was the morning sickness drug thalidomide and how many babies were born without limbs because of it.

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I am not going to defend Bob Lamey at all for his slur. We can continue to speculate what kind of person he was all we want, when no one is watching, but I am not going to do that. 


However, I will say this. If a clean wall has just a few dirty spots, I will still focus on the clean that can overshadow the few dirty spots because I never believe a person is good because they are always good; it is because they are good far more often than bad. No one is perfect. I will leave it at that.

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:

Censorship is a slippery slope. I think that people can and should police their own language and in this case, the language of others. Language evolves and it should.


But we cannot sanitize history.  Movies and books that show how people were, what people said are an important part of remembering history correctly.


I think also there's a benefit to looking back to see how things really were.  Came across this story on sexist ads this week https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/17-ridiculously-sexist-vintage-ads?utm_term=.ysp88oqlZr#.aoz55nm3xd

Sent it to my daughters.  You don't see that sort of thing anymore but, it wasn't so long ago

yes it is.  I'm a very avid consitutionist as well. So it really pains me to say that. But if people want to make that word unacceptable for use, than it has to happen for all people, not just white people.  And banning its use nationally is the only way I can think of to do it fairly.  Albeit, unconstitutional on the surface of it. 

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35 minutes ago, buccolts said:


The use of that word was offensive long before PJ.

It's up to the ear shot offended to determine to what degree, and unfortunately the leash is pretty short for some.


I want to be dismayed at the person who felt offended to the degree of making this a public issue, and their reasoning for it, BUT, I'm cautious to the fact that I wasn't there, and Bob's story, itself, could have an impact on my opinion....... We still don't know everything, I'm afraid.

I agree PJ didn’t start it but has made people a tune to it

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3 minutes ago, csmopar said:

yes it is.  I'm a very avid consitutionist as well. So it really pains me to say that. But if people want to make that word unacceptable for use, than it has to happen for all people, not just white people.  And banning its use nationally is the only way I can think of to do it fairly.  Albeit, unconstitutional on the surface of it. 

I happen to think it is inappropriate for anyone to use.  I don’t buy the we can say that word but you can’t argument that some use.  That’s just a power trip. With that said I think there is a big difference in something being demented inappropriate and being banned.  

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35 minutes ago, strt182 said:

This is ridiculous. It was a quote of somebody. If you quote somebody you quote "exactly" what they say. If ANY part of history is deleted or changed then IT ALL should be. This world is so SOFT nowdays. Literally anybody can say they are offended by ANY word.  Hmm maybe the next time a Wal-mart greeter greets me as Sir I will notify their manage that they are ASSUMING MY GENDER (sarcasm). 

There are many " N-words". Its FREEDOM of SPEECH. Its as simple as that really. 


I don't condone the use of the word but again its just that a WORD. 


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Bob was great and and a great Colts fan.


Although I do admit part of the fun listening to him is you never really knew if what he was saying was true.  These are some paraphrases of some of the best Lamey moments.


"Manning to Harrison... TD!!!!!!!, oh he dropped it."

"He fumbled the !@# ball, wait Saturday got it TD Colts!"


And of course, "Marlin's got it.  We're going to the Superbowl, We're going to the SB!!"

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8 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

I happen to think it is inappropriate for anyone to use.  I don’t buy the we can say that word but you can’t argument that some use.  That’s just a power trip. With that said I think there is a big difference in something being demented inappropriate and being banned.  

when i say banned, im not meaning by law.  I'm saying that pop culture publishers need to all agree to ban its use in their publications.  Its a pipe dream I know. It wont happen, I get it.

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

yes it is.  I'm a very avid consitutionist as well. So it really pains me to say that. But if people want to make that word unacceptable for use, than it has to happen for all people, not just white people.  And banning its use nationally is the only way I can think of to do it fairly.  Albeit, unconstitutional on the surface of it. 


I don't have an issue with not using that word.  I literally never have thought of using that word.  It's just not ok and hasn't been my whole life. I think what's happened with the word in the black community is up to them.  I am not confused at all by it and I don't understand how anyone could be. I don't think anyone actually is confused by it.  They just don't like it or feel it's not fair.


Banning the word makes me think of Quebec and how they have language police to make sure people are speaking French.  They cracked down on restaurants that had common English words on their menus.


Most recently, they've advised shopkeepers that they cannot use the bilingual greeting of 'bonjour - hi' and must only say 'bonjour. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/05/world/canada/bonjour-hi-quebec.html



I get that preserving french speaking is important but, feels like something I would hate. I don't want the government deciding our vocabulary

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1 minute ago, Nadine said:


I don't have an issue with not using that word.  I literally never have thought of using that word.  It's just not ok and hasn't been my whole life. I think what's happened with the word in the black community is up to them.  I am not confused at all by it and I don't understand how anyone could be. I don't think anyone actually is confused by it.  They just don't like it or feel it's not fair.


Banning the word makes me think of Quebec and how they have language police to make sure people are speaking French.  They cracked down on restaurants that had common English words on their menus.


Most recently, they've advised shopkeepers that they cannot use the bilingual greeting of 'bonjour - hi' and must only say 'bonjour. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/05/world/canada/bonjour-hi-quebec.html



I get that preserving french speaking is important but, feels like something I would hate. I don't want the government deciding our vocabulary

Very true.  I wasn't meaning from a government point though.  I was referring publishers.  But nevertheless, your point is a very valid one.  And one I agree with

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7 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I don't have an issue with not using that word.  I literally never have thought of using that word.  It's just not ok and hasn't been my whole life. I think what's happened with the word in the black community is up to them.  I am not confused at all by it and I don't understand how anyone could be. I don't think anyone actually is confused by it.  They just don't like it or feel it's not fair.


Banning the word makes me think of Quebec and how they have language police to make sure people are speaking French.  They cracked down on restaurants that had common English words on their menus.


Most recently, they've advised shopkeepers that they cannot use the bilingual greeting of 'bonjour - hi' and must only say 'bonjour. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/05/world/canada/bonjour-hi-quebec.html



I get that preserving french speaking is important but, feels like something I would hate. I don't want the government deciding our vocabulary


I knew English was frowned upon there, but thought it was the will of the people, not the government. THAT's funny.


I'm amazed it's not been an obvious topic of a movie, or comedy skit. Seems National Lampoon would have been all over that. Maybe they have a club to protect in Quebec.


They're not even THAT strict in France, are they?

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38 minutes ago, Nadine said:

my personal favorite is advertising morning sickness drugs to women so that they could still get up and make breakfast.  These were ads directed at women so, women were sexist against themselves.


All I could think of was the morning sickness drug thalidomide and how many babies were born without limbs because of it.


Yeah, the thalidomide for morning sickness was bad.  I think I read somewhere that they found the drug useful for a different condition, I don't remember what though.


The one I found myself chuckling at was the one where the husband was "comforting" the wife by saying at least "you didn't burn the beer".

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11 minutes ago, buccolts said:


I knew English was frowned upon there, but thought it was the will of the people, not the government. THAT's funny.


I'm amazed it's not been an obvious topic of a movie, or comedy skit. Seems National Lampoon would have been all over that. Maybe they have a club to protect in Quebec.


They're not even THAT strict in France, are they?


IDK, I've never been to France.  My sister was just in Ireland. We descend from an area that to this day is Gaelic speaking.  I know Ireland is trying to preserve Gaelic and the culture. 

But, I don't think they restrict what words the residents can use.


Language Police makes me think of the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter when they went completely out of control with policing personal behavior.


Common sense and civility isn't that hard


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12 minutes ago, buccolts said:


I knew English was frowned upon there, but thought it was the will of the people, not the government. THAT's funny.


I'm amazed it's not been an obvious topic of a movie, or comedy skit. Seems National Lampoon would have been all over that. Maybe they have a club to protect in Quebec.


They're not even THAT strict in France, are they?

The Quebec issues goes back to the French and Indian War and a fear of losing their heritage



    Here is an example

       My maternal grandmothers family were descendants of French settlers to Indiana

       Original name DeQuendre now is Cary, Carey, Carrie

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2 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


Yeah, the thalidomide for morning sickness was bad.  I think I read somewhere that they found the drug useful for a different condition, I don't remember what though.


The one I found myself chuckling at was the one where the husband was "comforting" the wife by saying at least "you didn't burn the beer".

LOL, perhaps the beer one is appropriate.  Sounds like something I might say to my husband.  He's very careful with his beer. :)


Things have changed




I think thalidomide can be used now for multiple myeloma, a bone cancer.  That's a good thing.  My mother in law had that.

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2 minutes ago, Nadine said:

LOL, perhaps the beer one is appropriate.  Sounds like something I might say to my husband.  He's very careful with his beer. :)


Things have changed




I think thalidomide can be used now for multiple myeloma, a bone cancer.  That's a good thing.  My mother in law had that.


As he should be.

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One thing worth mentioning, as Zak Keefer did, is that the Colts appear to have actually tried to cover this up.  Lamey was slated to come back this year, they then played it as the trip to Seattle made him realise that it wasn't for him when, obviously now, there was more to it.


Maybe not all the facts are at hand, but not a good look for the organisation.

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2 minutes ago, DaveA1102 said:

One thing worth mentioning, as Zak Keefer did, is that the Colts appear to have actually tried to cover this up.  Lamey was slated to come back this year, they then played it as the trip to Seattle made him realise that it wasn't for him when, obviously now, there was more to it.


Maybe not all the facts are at hand, but not a good look for the organisation.

Several Twitter responses linked this “lying” to the “Coverup” of the Luck injury

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2 minutes ago, DaveA1102 said:

One thing worth mentioning, as Zak Keefer did, is that the Colts appear to have actually tried to cover this up.  Lamey was slated to come back this year, they then played it as the trip to Seattle made him realise that it wasn't for him when, obviously now, there was more to it.


Maybe not all the facts are at hand, but not a good look for the organisation.


Cover Up is such an ugly phrase.

The company offered a good, long standing employee a graceful way out of an unfortunate mistake.

I'm fine with that.

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2 minutes ago, buccolts said:


Cover Up is such an ugly phrase.

The company offered a good, long standing employee a graceful way out of an unfortunate mistake.

I'm fine with that.


Maybe a poor choice of words on my part, but they could still be seen to be letting him off with something that many would be fired for. 


I realise that he lost his job either way, but I still think it doesn't reflect well.

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