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Upset With Irsay [Merge]


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I somewhat agree with you. I put that press conference up there with Lebron James' "The Decision." All that press conference did was to try to save face for Irsay. I beleive in my heart that Peyton wanted to stay in Indy but Irsay had decided after we wrapped up the #1 seed that it was time for Manning to go. I still think they could have worked something out that would have kept Peyton in Indy, fielded a good team, and prepared for the future. Just because you have the #1 pick doesn't mean you have to pick #1. People don't realize that we are going to be a really bad team next season and possibly the next few seasons.

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Im kinda angry at Irsay rightnow

Irsay needs to explain today why the situation changed from " it's Peyton's decision " to " were changing QBs as part of the restructuring ".

Then he needs to disappear for awhile.


When Irsay said "It's Peyton's decision", we don't really know what he meant, or what was going on in his head. It could be any of the following possibilities:

1) It's PM's decision if he wants to retire a Colt right now, instead of forcing the Colts to cut him. I don't think it is in his best interest to continue playing given his health condition.

2) It's PM's decision if he wants to be a Colt next season, if he is willing to restructure the contract so it does not put the Colts at risk should he not be able to continue playing.

3) It's PM's decision if he wants to continue playing for the Colts, even though we are in rebuilding mode, and should not expect a SB run anytime soon. Given PM's age, and limited years to play, it is up to him to decide if he wants to stay with a rebuilding team or go elsewhere in search of the ring again.

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Here is what I don't get: Without Peyton, we were 2-14, so to hopefully be better in 2-3 years we get rid of Peyton? I understand that Luck is supposedly the best prospect in forever, but Peyton, is the best EVER. Hands down. We are bringing Andrew Luck into complete uncertainty. We are going to put him behind a line that is unproven. Luck hasn't played in the NFL before. Former players will tell you NCAA and NFL are two different games. The speed, size, and brutality are much worse. Peyton is proven, 80% Peyton is better than 90% of the NFL

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When Irsay said "It's Peyton's decision", we don't really know what he meant, or what was going on in his head. It could be any of the following possibilities:

1) It's PM's decision if he wants to retire a Colt right now, instead of forcing the Colts to cut him. I don't think it is in his best interest to continue playing given his health condition.

2) It's PM's decision if he wants to be a Colt next season, if he is willing to restructure the contract so it does not put the Colts at risk should he not be able to continue playing.

3) It's PM's decision if he wants to continue playing for the Colts, even though we are in rebuilding mode, and should not expect a SB run anytime soon. Given PM's age, and limited years to play, it is up to him to decide if he wants to stay with a rebuilding team or go elsewhere in search of the ring again.

3 bad options if you ask me.

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Several people including myself have been saying for months this day was coming but people just didn't want to hear it. I had watery eyes during the presser for sure but it's the right move. I'm glad it's over now we can move on to the new era in colts football. If ur just a manning fan and don't have anything good to come on here and say then don't say anything at all go join his new teams forum. COLTS fans should be excited for the new direction we r going. Very exciting

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You're iceskating uphill fighting that battle.

People are mad and acting irrationally. I heard on the radio Irsay is getting death threats on his twitter account and for what? Trying to do what he thinks is in the team's best interests?

I know but seriously I saw a lot of love between those two men.

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I know but seriously I saw a lot of love between those two men.

I did too. I said this in another thread but I think this was a case where the head said one thing and the heart said another. Sometimes in life we have to make choices we don't want to. This is one of those cases.

I just don't think you're going to have a whole lot of luck convincing the outraged of that right now (I know I'm not).

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I don't think Irsay flat out lied.

I think Irsay didn't have a full grasp of the situation when he made some of the statements that he made.

He had Polian running the show, and I don't think that he was as involved as he is now, or as knowledgeable that he is now. In the end it looked like he lied because his statements certainly contradict the end results, but I don't believe he had a full grasp of the cap, and things along those lines when he was making those statements.

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I did too. I said this in another thread but I think this was a case where the head said one thing and the heart said another. Sometimes in life we have to make choices we don't want to. This is one of those cases.

I just don't think you're going to have a whole lot of luck convincing the outraged of that right now (I know I'm not).

C'mon Jaric you are a voice of reason, you can get through some of those thick skulls. Actually, I just hope some of those people don't actually vote.

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I don't think Irsay flat out lied.

I think Irsay didn't have a full grasp of the situation when he made some of the statements that he made.

He had Polian running the show, and I don't think that he was as involved as he is now, or as knowledgeable that he is now. In the end it looked like he lied because his statements certainly contradict the end results, but I don't believe he had a full grasp of the cap, and things along those lines when he was making those statements.

You and I just see things differently. I think Irsay knew everything all along and was far more transparent than he had to be.

I don't feel lied to because I saw it coming.

Never will understand why people feel they were lied to or misled in anyway.

It was a perfect storm. It just was.

Not the fairy tale ending we always felt we would get

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C'mon Jaric you are a voice of reason, you can get through some of those thick skulls. Actually, I just hope some of those people don't actually vote.

Right now people just need some time to digest everything that's all.

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You and I just see things differently. I think Irsay knew everything all along and was far more transparent than he had to be.

I don't feel lied to because I saw it coming.

Never will understand why people feel they were lied to or misled in anyway.

It was a perfect storm. It just was.

Not the fairy tale ending we always felt we would get

True. But very few people get to be Bronco Nagurski.

For me personally, the last 14 years were enough of a fairy tale that I'm not going to let a bad ending spoil the story.

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The stars went into perfect mis-alignment on the whole situation.

If Manning had not gotten hurt, had we not lost an entire season due to his injury, if this was not the season that Andrew Luck was entering the draft, had we not been lined up to draft him, and had this not been the year of "Contract Critical Mass" on all of our backloaded contracts, I don't think we're having this discussion and Manning would be our quarterback until his retirement.

However, Manning DID get hurt, the Colts DID lose an entire season due to his injury, this IS the season that Andrew Luck enters the draft, we ARE lined up to draft him, this IS the year of "critical mass" on the backloaded contracts.

If this year is not the year to gut the team, which one is?

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You and I just see things differently. I think Irsay knew everything all along and was far more transparent than he had to be.

I don't feel lied to because I saw it coming.

Never will understand why people feel they were lied to or misled in anyway.

It was a perfect storm. It just was.

Not the fairy tale ending we always felt we would get

I get the transparent part of it, but if he had a full grasp of the cap situation, then he did seem to lie about of his comments about money. In the NFL it's always about the money and the salary cap. It can't be ignored. If this were the 1985 NFL, then sure, he could pay Peyton whatever, draft Luck, and they would have to deal with each other. It's not like that.

It should have been very clear to him, if he had a full grasp of the cap that there would be issues with all of the free agents that would need to be retained.

I try to see both sides of the street but, to me he was either ignorant to a point(and i'm not using that word to bash him, I just don't have a better word, maybe uniformed), or he blatantly said things to try to sugar coat the situation that he knew weren't true. To me it would have to be one or the other. A lot like the Manning/Luck debate. Both just doesn't mesh.

If you saw it coming, and I saw it coming, and others saw it coming, and if he saw it coming, then there is no other explanation about the comments. He wasn't truthful.

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I get the transparent part of it, but if he had a full grasp of the cap situation, then he did seem to lie about of his comments about money. In the NFL it's always about the money and the salary cap. It can't be ignored. If this were the 1985 NFL, then sure, he could pay Peyton whatever, draft Luck, and they would have to deal with each other. It's not like that.

It should have been very clear to him, if he had a full grasp of the cap that there would be issues with all of the free agents that would need to be retained.

I try to see both sides of the street but, to me he was either ignorant to a point(and i'm not using that word to bash him, I just don't have a better word, maybe uniformed), or he blatantly said things to try to sugar coat the situation that he knew weren't true. To me it would have to be one or the other. A lot like the Manning/Luck debate. Both just doesn't mesh.

If you saw it coming, and I saw it coming, and others saw it coming, and if he saw it coming, then there is no other explanation about the comments. He wasn't truthful.

there is emotion to be factored in. I think they were both hoping that something could be worked out.

And anyway, didn't you and everyone else see Irsay's recent comments as blind hope? I certainly did

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I think that's just a convenient coping mechanism ... IMO despite all that happened if they still wanted Manning here he would be here.

OK, we just won't agree on this.

I don't think it was convenient at all and was not treated that way

Both men had to adjust and adapt to what this season threw at them.

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For me personally, the last 14 years were enough of a fairy tale that I'm not going to let a bad ending spoil the story.

Amen brotha.

I am excited for the future though. As long as we build a TEAM and not just rely on 1 person.

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Sorry to offend, but that does not change the fact that he lied about the move and fired everyone. Then he went on to move in the middle of the night.

Are you serious? The state of Maryland had declined all requests for anything resembling a modern football stadium and the Maryland state assembly had issued credible threats of declaring eminent domain over the Colts.

The Irsays didn't move the Colts, the city of Baltimore did!

That said, Bob Irsay was owner at the time. Jim Irsay was involved in the search for a new home but from everything I know of the situation, it was Bob that moved the team to Indianapolis. (*looks up* Thanks, Bob!)

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I get the emotional side of it, and if it's hoping to work something out say so as opposed to what was said. That's all I'm saying. I viewed his more recent comments as more accurate. Maybe the early ones were blind hope, but to me fits my "not fully informed" point more than emotion.

If you ask me to borrow 20.00 and i know it can't be done, and lead you on, then I'm not being truthful. I'm not sure if it can be done and I say the same thing, then I'm not outright misleading you, I'm just offering blind hope or trying to give a good answer to sugarcoat the situation.

there is emotion to be factored in. I think they were both hoping that something could be worked out.

And anyway, didn't you and everyone else see Irsay's recent comments as blind hope? I certainly did

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I dont care that Jim got up there and got chocked up. He still lied to the fan base, and in my opinion he lied to Peyton this whole time. I mean he tells Peyton to be quiet and stop being a politic to the media, and then just release him in the end. His last statement was that it was up to Peyton. The only reason Peyton is being so honorable is that he loves the Colts staffers and the fans. He will always be a Colt. He is never going to do anything to disrespect that. He will always be apart of Indy and Indiana. Someone asked why he isnt retiring at the presser and he simple stated, "I dont want to." Enough said. Irsay lied to us. Period.

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How about waiting till after the official press conference before jumping to this conclusion. You know after we have had a chance to actually hear from both Mr. Irsay and Peyton Manning on how they reached this decision. You may very well be proven correct but right now this is premature.

Ok, so do you still think it was really a mutual decision. Jim had his head down the whole time Peyton was talking. He knows he disrespected the man. He knows what he said in the past and what he was doing now was not the same.

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Sorry to offend schwamm, but it does not change the fact that he lied to everyone, fired the staff and then moved in the middle of the night. Something that Rex Ryan or Bill Belichick might do.

Well first off, Jim Irsay wasn't involved at all in the move from Batlimore. If you've been a fan since 59 you should know that.

Secondly, coaches can't move teams.

Third he should have fired everyone on the coaching staff because they weren't doing their jobs.

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Ok, so do you still think it was really a mutual decision.

I do.

Manning might have wanted to retire a Colt, but I'm betting he wants to win another Superbowl more and I don't blame him for that. I think Irsay wanted Manning to retire a Colts, but I'm betting he understood that the teams needs to rebuile more and I don't blame him for that.

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I'll give the colts a few days to resign Peyton Manning, but they are on a tight leash. If Jim Irsay doesn't bring Peyton back and the other colts veterans, then he has proven that he is not a good owner, that he is not loyal, that he is respectful, and that he doesn't know how to run a business. The colts are not run in the mold, "It's just business" or they used to not be run that way.

Jim, don't >>> it up. I find people who think that choosing Andrew Luck or a quarterback at the #1 pick as the only way to be extremely ignorant. To me and to many other people, it's clear as day to keep one of the best players of all time, Peyton Manning, and to trade the #1 pick to load the team with talent. With Peyton Manning, you have a good team that is a few pieces away from having a good defense and offense apart from the quarterback. All it takes is drafting those few pieces or getting them in free agency. It's really not that hard. I wonder how you get a job in the NFL anyways.

Once again Jim Irsay, don't mess it up. You seem to be a good man with good faith. Why don't you ask your faith what to do instead of relying on your own determination which is what you seem to be doing right now.

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I'll give the colts a few days to resign Peyton Manning, but they are on a tight leash. If Jim Irsay doesn't bring Peyton back and the other colts veterans, then he has proven that he is not a good owner, that he is not loyal, that he is respectful, and that he doesn't know how to run a business. The colts are not run in the mold, "It's just business" or they used to not be run that way.

Jim, don't >>> it up. I find people who think that choosing Andrew Luck or a quarterback at the #1 pick as the only way to be extremely ignorant. To me and to many other people, it's clear as day to keep one of the best players of all time, Peyton Manning, and to trade the #1 pick to load the team with talent. With Peyton Manning, you have a good team that is a few pieces away from having a good defense and offense apart from the quarterback. All it takes is drafting those few pieces or getting them in free agency. It's really not that hard. I wonder how you get a job in the NFL anyways.

Once again Jim Irsay, don't mess it up. You seem to be a good man with good faith. Why don't you ask your faith what to do instead of relying on your own determination which is what you seem to be doing right now.

Are you serious? After all that we have seen you still have hope he is coming back.

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Sorry to offend schwamm, but it does not change the fact that he lied to everyone, fired the staff and then moved in the middle of the night. Something that Rex Ryan or Bill Belichick might do.

I still don't think you can claim to understand the situation the Irsays were facing. If they told anybody about their plans, they would have lost the team. You see it as lying, I see it as protecting themselves from what would have been the Maryland Legislature committing one of the most criminal acts in the history of professional sports. But you hate Bob, and now Jim, and I doubt anything I could add would change that. It was a far more complicated situation that you are painting it to be, and this one with Peyton is too.

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I get the emotional side of it, and if it's hoping to work something out say so as opposed to what was said. That's all I'm saying. I viewed his more recent comments as more accurate. Maybe the early ones were blind hope, but to me fits my "not fully informed" point more than emotion.

If you ask me to borrow 20.00 and i know it can't be done, and lead you on, then I'm not being truthful. I'm not sure if it can be done and I say the same thing, then I'm not outright misleading you, I'm just offering blind hope or trying to give a good answer to sugarcoat the situation.

You are a cold cold man. I don't see how anyone can say there was deception or ineptitude here. I think Irsay held the same blind hope I did..........so I relate

Right up until he said it was over......in spite of myself.......I believe there was still a chance.

that's just human imo

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