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All-Right Andrew, Its Your Team Now


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i took the time to quote your garbage. keep spewing it, we are all getting a good laugh.

Havent' we been through this before? all you do is call what other people write as garbage, or dumb or whatever insult you can muster.

But I have never seen or read you make an thoughtful or intelligent position.

So continue your insults. When you reply to my posts, I automatically see you typing. "dumb, garbage, lol'

That's all you got? I'm done with you

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If he doesn't truly replace Peyton's greatness with his own than he is a failure in the eye's of the fans, I mean look at Steve Young if he did not destroy SD all 49er fans would have said was Montana was better in the Superbowl. When you said he had a monkey on his back he did and now Luck has one on his back. Replacing a QB who won 12+ games 7 years in a row with subpar talent around him for a few of those years is not easy and this fan base has had crazy expectations for years WITH peyton running the team what made you think that would just stop because Luck is a rookie. 2011 better be the bump in the road of Colt's greatness or Luck is a failure its that simply

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My baby? How dare I support our future QB.....

Your the one who cant clarify his own stance. I'll wait for your specifications on what Luck has to do to earn the respect on the legendary PortageColtsFan.

oh wise travis,

please, will you give me a guide on proper expectations for our new QB? I will fax it to USA today.

My specifications will be simple. Win, win, Win, win, win Is that simple enough for you?

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umm didn't Irsay have to make the decision to fire Polian?

Of course for this to be his first decision not only do you have to ignore that but you have to ignore him hiring and firing Tobin, Infante, and countless other personal moves he made when he was the GM of the team.

I guess it maybe isn't the first. The one of the most magnitude.

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I remember when Irsay quoted:

With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.

We all love Peyton but, Whats done is done. Time to move on with Andrew Luck.

Build a bigger, tougher team. Play more physical.

A new era is here. Deal with it.

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Deal with it.

quoted for the absolute, be all, end all, most simple truth. it takes time, i know. come back in a week, see how you feel. i went through the grieving almost a month ago. its ok, you guys will make it through.

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So it doesn't matter about Peytons performance?!?!!?

It took Peyton 6 seasons to win a single playoff game. 9 seasons to win a Super Bowl.

You gonna allow that amount of time to Luck as well?

This right here is what is horrible...Fans all of a sudden turning on Manning... Now we are unhappy about his performance here??

Peyton is no longer a Colt, but I will always be greatful for what he gave to this team regardless.

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This right here is what is horrible...Fans all of a sudden turning on Manning... Now we are unhappy about his performance here??

Peyton is no longer a Colt, but I will always be greatful for what he gave to this team regardless.

and what's the difference between that and the fans turning on Irsay? Fans are going to pick sides in this. That's what fans do.

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This right here is what is horrible...Fans all of a sudden turning on Manning... Now we are unhappy about his performance here??

Peyton is no longer a Colt, but I will always be greatful for what he gave to this team regardless.

Turning on Manning?! Get a grip hombre.

That post wasn't about Manning performance. It was in reference to the Luck bashing. The "he better be better than Manning" sentiment. It was a simple question to the poster I was refering to. Will you allow the amount of time to Andrew Luck, that was afforded to Peyton.

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Turning on Manning?! Get a grip hombre.

That post wasn't about Manning performance. It was in reference to the Luck bashing. The "he better be better than Manning" sentiment. It was a simple question to the poster I was refering to. Will you allow the amount of time to Andrew Luck, that was afforded to Peyton.

Um...you get a grip....

I am in no position to give someone a timeline..who the heck am I to say...do this in so many years or else. There are so many factors in winning the SB. I didn't do that with PM nor will I do it with Luck.

What more can you ask -we were competitive and were in the playoffs for 12 years..ever year under PM WE HAD A CHANCE to compete.

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Um...you get a grip....

I am in no position to give someone a timeline..who the heck am I to say...do this in so many years or else. There are so many factors in winning the SB. I didn't do that with PM nor will I do it with Luck.

What more can you ask -we were competitive and were in the playoffs for 12 years..ever year under PM WE HAD A CHANCE to compete.

Hialrious. As I was the one saying to not give timelines. "Do this in so many years or less". Which is EXACTLY what I was refering to. The "Luck better win first year" crap. Geez. You dont need a grip, you need glasses.

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I for one think everyone needs to quit calling out posters and let everyone deal with it in their own way. I wish Luck the best and he does have big shoes to fill and only time will tell. Now lets all chill before the mods have to do some housekeeping. :clean: They have enough to do without that.

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whoa, I dont' want to do that at all. I just have high expectations and I don't think that is unreasonable.

Your expectations are unreasonable. Our roster is a mess right now and you expect him to come in and win a superbowl in less time than it took Manning to win a single playoff game.

It's not Andrew Luck's fault that Manning is gone. Directing your rage towards him isn't going to bring back Peyton Manning.

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Your expectations are unreasonable. Our roster is a mess right now and you expect him to come in and win a superbowl in less time than it took Manning to win a single playoff game.

It's not Andrew Luck's fault that Manning is gone. Directing your rage towards him isn't going to bring back Peyton Manning.

Life is unfair. Being the best since Elway has some bad to it i guess. Not just good only.

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Life is unfair. Being the best since Elway has some bad to it i guess. Not just good only.

It's not Andrew Luck's fault that Manning is gone. Directing your rage towards him isn't going to bring back Peyton Manning.

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He gets one year. One year, if we aren't in the playoff in 2013 Irsay made the wrong move.

I hope this is sarcasm. Luck deserves just as much time to develop as any other young quarterback out of college. One year is ridiculous. Peyton was the greatest Colt since Johnny U. His jersey should be retired and a statue put up in his honor right in front of the stadium he built...but it's time for the change...everything just seems right. Peyton gets to move on and finish his career. The Colts get their pick in Luck. Clean break.

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I hope this is sarcasm. Luck deserves just as much time to develop as any other young quarterback out of college. One year is ridiculous. Peyton was the greatest Colt since Johnny U. His jersey should be retired and a statue put up in his honor right in front of the stadium he built...but it's time for the change...everything just seems right. Peyton gets to move on and finish his career. The Colts get their pick in Luck. Clean break.

Luck is better than Manning and as good as Elway coming out of college. Peyton and John only took one year to be successful. Why does Andrew deserve anymore if he is better and equal than the two?

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It's not Andrew Luck's fault that Manning is gone. Directing your rage towards him isn't going to bring back Peyton Manning.

not on a personal level, but indirectly he did by making saliva run out of every scout in america's mouth. If he wasn't in this draft, would you be happy with RGIII? and cutting manning for RGIII? I think indirectly it does have to do with his possible bright future. What if no QB in this draft was projected to go in the top20? Would you be praying for Manning to get better? It's not luck's fault that he's supposed to be so good, I'll agree to that. but I'm not sure Manning would be leaving if star's and moon's didn't align to get the colts in a position to draft him.

But as I said prior, I am not hating on Andrew Luck for being andrew luck. I just have high expectations for him to perform at a high level.

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not on a personal level, but indirectly he did by making saliva run out of every scout in america's mouth. If he wasn't in this draft, would you be happy with RGIII? and cutting manning for RGIII? I think indirectly it does have to do with his possible bright future. What if no QB in this draft was projected to go in the top20? Would you be praying for Manning to get better? It's not luck's fault that he's supposed to be so good, I'll agree to that. but I'm not sure Manning would be leaving if star's and moon's didn't align to get the colts in a position to draft him.

But as I said prior, I am not hating on Andrew Luck for being andrew luck. I just have high expectations for him to perform at a high level.

This couldn't be more true. Luck isn't the reason Manning is leaving. He has nothing to do with the Manning decision. However his ability is the reason Mr Irsay now views Peyton as expendable.

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Running Andrew Luck out of town isn't going to bring back Peyton Manning.

I did not like it when Unitas was run out of town but it was the right thing to do. Maybe Jim should move the team to LA so Luck can start his own fan base there. I am a Colt fan not an Indy fan. I hated to see the Colts leave Baltimore but if you are a Colt fan you live with the changes. I agree with you in that we can not bring Peyton back by hating on Luck.
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No I fully understand that some people are going to insist on acting like petulant children who just had their binky's taken away.

No, i expect well educated adults to look at the whole picture, what Payton Manning meant to this town, the Colts organization, and the entire NFL league. He put the Colts back on the map after their success in Baltimore, he built Lucas, he lined Irsay's pockets with millions, and his success helped bring the Super Bowl to Indy which in return brought millions to the city. You think Indy would have had a super Bowl had Manning not brough the success and they were still playing in the RCA dome?!!!

Its a bad situation for all those involved. And we the fans i am sure don't have all the details, however when you hear reporters who have been watching him through both distance and power balls then you have to think he will be back by this fall to play. Andrew Luck will never be a Manning, but I think he stands to be a good QB in the league. Why not sit him behind Manning for a year or two just like the Packers did with Rodgers behind Farve and let him continue to develop? After everything he has done for the team and Irsay its the respectable thing to do. But that what professional athletics have become, all about the money, not about morals and role models.

I will still remain a Colts fan true and true. Its going to be some long years trying to make it back to a play off caliber team after being gutted they way they were. But i will say this, come Sunday i will watch the respected Manning on any team over the unprofessional Irsay dramatics.

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I will still remain a Colts fan true and true. ..............But i will say this, come Sunday i will watch the respected Manning on any team over the unprofessional Irsay dramatics.

wow, you managed to contradict yourself in the span of 3 sentences. good on 'ya.

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What people don't understand is the difference between Manning's and Luck's arrivals to INDY. PM came in and was able to be the Savior of Indy after several years of drought. Sure we had a couple winning seasons with Harbaugh under center, but nothing truly amazing had happened for the Colts until Peyton's 2nd and successive years behind the mask. The past 13 (cept for last year) years have been laden with WIN after WIN after WIN, and we as Colts fans have been spoiled by that.

Now the greatest QB of all-time is no longer part of OUR team and we are faced with a "Rookie" at the helm yet again. We threw our support behind PM, but most refuse to let go and throw your support behind THIS rookie... Hypocritical is the word used for this reaction. Peyton will always be a COLT no matter where he goes. This is where his legacy was built. Peyton has maybe 4-5 years in him if he doesn't get hurt again, but his best is behind him. The reason we don't have 3 SB rings in his run is because of poor decisions from our GM and VC whom will remain unnamed. They scored big on a couple of picks in their 13 years, but failed to build a consistent championship team around the Greatest... OH.. and thank you Gregg Williams...

Bottom line guys/gals. Luck is it. That's not going to change regardless of how much we cry, /cyberrant or whatever you do to show your frustration. Let's get behind #12 Andrew Luck and roll the dice with the rest of the front office like real fans..


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