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Teams still asking wrong questions at the Combine....


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1 minute ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Its not about answering the question honestly, its about resolve. You can tell them that its none of their business quite frankly, respectfully of course. You can avoid the question and still answer it, i.e. I love my wife very much and we have a healthy relationship. Alternatively you can get emotional or make a scene about it to others. Any of those reactions tells the prospective employer something about yourself.


In my line of work, it would have told the Board that I might not represent a potential client as well as I should because you often dont obhectively do your best work when you are too emotional.


So, if they ask for details, you would not find it inappropriate?


If someone asked me such questions, I would turn down the job, as that tells me something about the character of the interviewer.

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm not sure you even realize......


This is YOU in a nutshell.


O come now, I'm not the one who has to be so dramatic as to make every sentence of every post so important that it needs its own paragraph.  LOL.

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19 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I agree that his motives were misrepresented by me and most of the stuff you said applies to a position earlier in the thread that I no longer take.  He was interviewed and simply answered the question rather innocently...but reactions from others are more serious, which is really my point. 


However, it is important for NFL teams to judge if someone is a Jonathan Martin type.


As far as policy and the ship sailing, that's fine.  The NFL can set whatever policy it wants whether it be rooted in pragmatism, fairness, or a weird way of enforcing social justice.


But this story has been lifted to a level that goes beyond the situation.  A single team interviewer reportedly asked one player two unrelated questions that the player sort of laughed off.  Social watchdogs apparently have more of a problem with it than the player, and the NFL has to come out and make its stance known too.


Its similar to 1930's Germany, when the paranoid social police wondered if people saluted the cause quickly enough, and prosecuted those who they thought didn't.  I'm sure people in N Korea must not give any impression they are not all-in on the ideology or else there is heck to pay.  We aren't so violent, but the paranoid social police still get upset if there is a whiff of bigotry anywhere, and must elevate even benign things to a level to where punishment is visible and sends a message.




Thanks....    I appreciate this answer....


But to the bolded sentence....    I'm not aware of ANY SOCIAL WATCHDOGS who have jumped on this.


I've only seen this on sports websites.    NFL.com and ESPN.com.      I'm not saying it's not anywhere else,  but the NFL is saying it's investigating,  so not sure whatelse there is to say and do right now...


Right now this is in the sports world and is not a hot topic elsewhere.     It may turn out to be in a few days or weeks or months depending on what the NFL finds and does about it.     But for right now....   as far as I know, it's only in the sports world....


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2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

O come now, I'm not the one who has to be so dramatic as to make every sentence of every post so important that it needs its own paragraph.  LOL.


I do that because it helps me as a writer....    and I think it makes my posts easier for others to read.


Really....     that's all...


Don't read to much into things that aren't there......


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:




Thanks....    I appreciate this answer....


But to the bolded sentence....    I'm not aware of ANY SOCIAL WATCHDOGS who have jumped on this.


I've only seen this on sports websites.    NFL.com and ESPN.com.      I'm not saying it's not anywhere else,  but the NFL is saying it's investigating,  so not sure whatelse there is to say and do right now...


Right now this is in the sports world and is not a hot topic elsewhere.     It may turn out to be in a few days or weeks or months depending on what the NFL finds and does about it.     But for right now....   as far as I know, it's only in the sports world....


Barely even saw it there

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I do that because it helps me as a writer....    and I think it makes my posts easier for others to read.


Really....     that's all...


Don't read to much into things that aren't there......


Hey man, I didn't start a thread about it and use the word "wrong" in the title.  I'm just a participant.

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


I do that because it helps me as a writer....    and I think it makes my posts easier for others to read.


Really....     that's all...


Don't read to much into things that aren't there......



And I thank you, sir.  I do the same thing... but with less ellipses.  :P


The reading just flows better when there's an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


It's like a Three-Part-Harmony.




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Just now, NFLfan said:


So, if they ask for details, you would not find it inappropriate?


If someone asked me such questions, I would turn down the job, as that tells me something about the character of the interviewer.

Exactly right. You are interviewing them as much as they are you. In my case, like these players, they have to get drafted to play in the NFL (i had to be admitted to practice).


Even so, knowing who has the leverage is key, and what the questions purpose is key. Are you going to let a question, no matter how offensive, derail your career? I sure wasnt. Its just a question, and one I didnt have to answer if I didnt want to. Call it a problem with the system, but any job or interview is a back and forth game. And you could decline a job based on what impression they made on you. Thats fully within your right as well.

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3 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Exactly right. You are interviewing them as much as they are you. In my case, like these players, they have to get drafted to play in the NFL (i had to be admitted to practice).


Even so, knowing who has the leverage is key, and what the questions purpose is key. Are you going to let a question, no matter how offensive, derail your career? I sure wasnt. Its just a question, and one I didnt have to answer if I didnt want to. Call it a problem with the system, but any job or interview is a back and forth game. And you could decline a job based on what impression they made on you. Thats fully within your right as well.

That is why I said earlier the process is about to change

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14 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Hey man, I didn't start a thread about it and use the word "wrong" in the title.  I'm just a participant.


I used the word "wrong" because the NFL thinks it's wrong.     It's not just my opinion,  it's league policy.


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21 minutes ago, DougDew said:

O come now, I'm not the one who has to be so dramatic as to make every sentence of every post so important that it needs its own paragraph.  LOL.




You're the one who turned a pretty straight forward story into something that it's not.


You were the person who saw this as something for the social justice warriors,  or possible legal action. 


That wasn't me.     That was you.



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12 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

That is why I said earlier the process is about to change

It may change, and maybe its for the best. I still dont think its the end of the world if it didnt. Still, I dont think it should be done because its always been done same as I dont think things should change just for the sake of change. Maybe the line is at race and sexuality.  Because there is a place in the interview process to divulge personal details,  like drug tests and criminal history. If you are a pilot for instance, its federally mandated.

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15 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


And I thank you, sir.  I do the same thing... but with less ellipses.  :P


The reading just flows better when there's an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


It's like a Three-Part-Harmony.





To be honest....    I have a little A-D-D....    and it's hard for me to read paragraphs...   both my own, and from other posters....   and the bigger the paragraphs the harder for me it is to work my way through it... 


So, when I write,  I try to keep the paragraphs short...   and broken up....    so my eyes can see what I've done,  and my brain can know whatelse I want to do.    That's how it helps me.     And I assume the spacing makes it easier for other people as well.     I certainly don't see a downside for anyone.


As for the elipses......    Well....     I confess......    I love them a little.....    too much!       :thmup:       :peek:

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2 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

It may change, and maybe its for the best. I still dont think its the end of the world if it didnt. Still, I dont think it should be done because its always been done same as I dont think things should change just for the sake of change. Maybe the line is at race and sexuality.  Because there is a place in the interview process to divulge personal details,  like drug tests and criminal history. If you are a pilot for instance, its federally mandated.

So you are fine with teams violating League mandated rules

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


To be honest....    I have a little A-D-D....    and it's hard for me to read paragraphs...   both my own, and from other posters....   and the bigger the paragraphs the harder for me it is to work my way through it... 


So, when I write,  I try to keep the paragraphs short...   and broken up....    so my eyes can see what I've done,  and my brain can know whatelse I want to do.    That's how it helps me.     And I assume the spacing makes it easier for other people as well.     I certainly don't see a downside for anyone.


As for the elipses......    Well....     I confess......    I love them a little.....    too much!       :thmup:       :peek:

I takes me forever to write paragraphs so I rarely do

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Just now, OffensivelyPC said:

I dont follow. What is the league mandated rule. Must've missed that. 


The NFL has been telling teams for years now DO NOT ASK players if they are gay.    And do not ask players if their mothers are prostitues.      Those types of questions.    It's league policy.


And the league says it sends out a reminder notice to all 32 teams every year.


Clearly all teams are not getting the message.     The vast majority seem to.    But this seems to surface every few years.....


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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


The NFL has been telling teams for years now DO NOT ASK players if they are gay.    And do not ask players if their mothers are prostitues.      Those types of questions.    It's league policy.


And the league says it sends out a reminder notice to all 32 teams every year.


Clearly all teams are not getting the message.     The vast majority seem to.    But this seems to surface every few years.....


Come the next CBA I have a feeling they just won’t be Friendly Reminders

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Just now, NewColtsFan said:


The NFL has been telling teams for years now DO NOT ASK players if they are gay.    And do not ask players if their mothers are prostitues.      Those types of questions.    It's league policy.


And the league says it sends out a reminder notice to all 32 teams every year.


Clearly all teams are not getting the message.     The vast majority seem to.    But this seems to surface every few years.....


I just thought it was a ban on questions re: sexual orientation. But I dont have a problem with them asking questions if theres a basis in fact behind them. Asking La'el Collins if he was a murderer for instance.

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Just now, OffensivelyPC said:

I just thought it was a ban on questions re: sexual orientation. But I dont have a problem with them asking questions if theres a basis in fact behind them. Asking La'el Collins if he was a murderer for instance.


  I don’t think anyone really has an issue with questions based off of fact

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1 minute ago, BOTT said:

This story is red meat to mike Florio and PFT.  A thousand interviews and a couple meatheads asked some stupid questions.  I be crying myself to sleep tonight.


Why is it a stupid question?


The question was.....       "What was the strangest thing teams asked you during the interviews?"


Why is that a stupid question?


Media have been asking this question for years and typically gets more amusing answers.....


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1 minute ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Asking La'el Collins if he was a murderer for instance.


Why, though?  That's what I keep wondering...  why even ask this stuff in the first place?  The only thing you're going to get from a face-to-face interaction is how they react to what you throw at them.


Bottom line:  Can a player keep their cool when the $#!+ hits the fan?


Isn't that easily found by looking at the players' history?  It's not like the NFL is the first time a player will experience an opponent trying to get in their head.  Does the player have a history of 15-yd personal fouls?  Getting tossed from games?  Fighting opponents?  Criminal history?  That seems more concrete than their reaction to one off-the-wall question in an interview they were probably coached for...



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8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Why is it a stupid question?


The question was.....       "What was the strangest thing teams asked you during the interviews?"


Why is that a stupid question?


Media have been asking this question for years and typically gets more amusing answers.....


I was referring to the interviewers who asked "do you like girls" or whatever dumb questions they asked.

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14 minutes ago, BOTT said:

This story is red meat to mike Florio and PFT.  A thousand interviews and a couple meatheads asked some stupid questions.  I be crying myself to sleep tonight.


That's the worst part of this whole fiasco.


Jackals like Florio LIVE for this stuff.


Florio hates the Colts so much, he'll probably lobby to have the combine moved or cancelled just to stick it to Indy.

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1 minute ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


That's the worst part of this whole fiasco.


Jackals like Florio LIVE for this stuff.


Florio hates the Colts so much, he'll probably lobby to have the combine moved or cancelled just to stick it to Indy.

He already wrote a piece saying it seemed inevitable that the combine moved from Indy to LA lol

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8 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Why, though?  That's what I keep wondering...  why even ask this stuff in the first place?  The only thing you're going to get from a face-to-face interaction is how they react to what you throw at them.


Bottom line:  Can a player keep their cool when the $#!+ hits the fan?


Isn't that easily found by looking at the players' history?  It's not like the NFL is the first time a player will experience an opponent trying to get in their head.  Does the player have a history of 15-yd personal fouls?  Getting tossed from games?  Fighting opponents?  Criminal history?  That seems more concrete than their reaction to one off-the-wall question in an interview they were probably coached for...



Im confused, or maybe you are. But La'el Collins investigated as a suspect for murder. Its why he went from 1st round projection to undrafted. Would that not be more concrete than some off the wall question?

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3 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Im confused, or maybe you are. But La'el Collins investigated as a suspect for murder. Its why he went from 1st round projection to undrafted. Would that not be more concrete than some off the wall question?


That's exactly what I'm saying.  Why ask that when the investigation speaks for itself?


These off-the-wall questions are pointless.


It seems like it's more for the entertainment of the interviewer than getting real, tangible results.  You learn more from a persons' history than their reaction to one question...



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38 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

I just thought it was a ban on questions re: sexual orientation. But I dont have a problem with them asking questions if theres a basis in fact behind them. Asking La'el Collins if he was a murderer for instance.


I don't see a problem with that question.


That is not the same as asking if one's mother is a prostitute or if one's father has committed incest, or what do the player and his significant other like to engage in, etc...

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1 minute ago, NFLfan said:


I don't see a problem with that question. That is not the same as asking if one's mother is a prostitute or if one's father has committed incest, or what do the player and his significant other like to engage in, etc...

Should have asked AH or RC the murder question 

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2 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Should have asked AH or RC the murder question 


If they are accused of a crime, I don't see anything wrong with asking questions. The player could always say that he has been advised not to answer specific questions but that he did not do anything. 

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1 minute ago, NFLfan said:

I don't see a problem with that question. That is not the same as asking if one's mother is a prostitute or if one's father has committed incest, or what do the player and his significant other like to engage in, etc...


Timeout.  If my current/ex girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/fiance was murdered, and I was accused (but obviously innocent)... I would take HUGE offense to ANYONE suggesting/asking if I MURDERED her/him.


ESPECIALLY just to gauge my reaction...



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7 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


If they are accused of a crime, I don't see anything wrong with asking questions. The player could always say that he has been advised not to answer specific questions but that he did not do anything. 

Agreed but there might be better ways to ask that question too

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32 minutes ago, BOTT said:

He already wrote a piece saying it seemed inevitable that the combine moved from Indy to LA lol





I think that's because of the NFL now moving the location of the draft every year....


From New York,  to Chicago,   to Philly,   to Dallas and who knows where else.


I think Florio is trying to connect those dots and, all things considered,  it doesn't seem unreasonable.


Especially since the NFL is trying to monitize everything and gete cities into a bidding war for these events....


P.S. -- I hate defending Florio.     I am NOT a fan....


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4 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:





I think that's because of the NFL now moving the location of the draft every year....


From New York,  to Chicago,   to Philly,   to Dallas and who knows where else.


P.S. -- I hate defending Florida.     I am NOT a fan....


Why the hate for a whole state



   Have relatives who retired there


    Just Joshing You

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