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Frank Reich Expected to Interview


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9 minutes ago, esmort said:


I don't think Meyer wants to come to the NFL. He already took a break from college coaching because of health issues, I just don't see him wanting the grind of an NFL workload, and there have been rumors here and there that he might even hang it up from college coaching sooner rather than later. Just don't see it happening.


I suppose Swinney is technically an option, you might be able to lure him with a big enough contract.  Although, I think his ultimate goal (even above the NFL) is to take over at Alabama after Saban and I think that would always be where his loyalty would be.  I have read his personality is very well suited for dealing with college players I don't know how he would do with millionaire players.  Plus no NFL experience at all as a player or coach. He's an option to consider I guess, but I don't know that I like him that much more than some of the other options. He would be a splash, but maybe not the right hire.

I'm not disagreeing. ..Reich will be there though regardless. At least look around all I'm saying..I think Reich coukd very well be next Pederson or he could suck..

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9 minutes ago, lance_m8 said:

How about this us having an good QB or above average makes everything okay 

No it doesn’t.  Again they had Luck for 7 games in 2015 and was only 2-5.  They had him for 15 in 2016 and were 8-7.  The Colts problem has been lack of talent beyond the QB.  

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

No it doesn’t.  Again they had Luck for 7 games in 2015 and was only 2-5.  They had him for 15 in 2016 and were 8-7.  The Colts problem has been lack of talent beyond the QB.  

Don't feel like arguing I'm one of the few optimistic people on here so kudos to ur points they are valid we all know Luck makes a bad team good and can make a good team great can not argue that yes his record doesn't show that the 2 years he was hurt and fighting through to stay on the field I mean I'm pretty sure the game that was brought up that Luck knew his shoulder was messed up was in Tennessee and he led a comeback that game if I am not mistaken but I feel very strongly that this is the best roster since he has been here they just need to keep improving. Please correct me if I am wrong been a long day brain is scattered have a good one my friend Go Colts!

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4 minutes ago, lance_m8 said:

Don't feel like arguing I'm one of the few optimistic people on here so kudos to ur points they are valid we all know Luck makes a bad team good and can make a good team great can not argue that yes his record doesn't show that the 2 years he was hurt and fighting through to stay on the field I mean I'm pretty sure the game that was brought up that Luck knew his shoulder was messed up was in Tennessee and he led a comeback that game if I am not mistaken but I feel very strongly that this is the best roster since he has been here they just need to keep improving. Please correct me if I am wrong been a long day brain is scattered have a good one my friend Go Colts!

So lets play him game 16 vs Jax..Brilliant

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24 minutes ago, lance_m8 said:

Don't feel like arguing I'm one of the few optimistic people on here so kudos to ur points they are valid we all know Luck makes a bad team good and can make a good team great can not argue that yes his record doesn't show that the 2 years he was hurt and fighting through to stay on the field I mean I'm pretty sure the game that was brought up that Luck knew his shoulder was messed up was in Tennessee and he led a comeback that game if I am not mistaken but I feel very strongly that this is the best roster since he has been here they just need to keep improving. Please correct me if I am wrong been a long day brain is scattered have a good one my friend Go Colts!

I just gave you two examples of how he doesn’t.  Yes he makes a bad team better but him alone does not make them good unless your happy going 8-8 which still results in what the Colts were this year, out of the playoffs, but with a worse draft pick to improve the roster.  


The Colts need better players around Luck.  That’s the problem.  Outside of TY, Doyle, and Mack they have no play makers on offense and Doyle isn’t really a playmaker just a really good guy who moves the chains.  Then on defense they have Hooker but that’s about it.  Their next best player is probably Anderson.  This team just doesn’t have the talent they need to be good even with Luck.  

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1 hour ago, esmort said:


I think our options now are just about the same now as they were at the beginning. I didn't like Vrabel or Nagy. Wasn't anymore sold on Wilks than I am on some other young guy we could get. My top choices were McDaniels then Shurmur. I think Shurmur was a lock for NYG and we lost McDaniels. So I think our choices minus those 2 are as equally appealing now as we had in the beginning. 


Frankly I think Reich would have been my second choice behind McDaniels. I'm. Indifferent on shurmur

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10 minutes ago, J@son said:


Frankly I think Reich would have been my second choice behind McDaniels. I'm. Indifferent on shurmur


Given the information we have Reich is my first choice as well. I can't honestly say he was really on my list the first time, he didn't seem to be a serious candidate so I didn't give him a lot of thought ... and admittedly I was "all in" on McDaniels.  I thought Shurmur was a good and safe back up plan.

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57 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

No it doesn’t.  Again they had Luck for 7 games in 2015 and was only 2-5.  They had him for 15 in 2016 and were 8-7.  The Colts problem has been lack of talent beyond the QB.  

They had a lack of talent the first 3 seasons too.

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9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

All this is true but ignoring things like his inability to get along with people over him and treating grown men like college kids can't be overlooked.  JIm just doesn't play well with others unless he is in control.

i don't see you two disagreeing.  i think the point is that SF was on the cusp of greatness when JH arrived.  They had the best LBs in football.  they had one of the best offensive lines in football.  They had two great TEs.  They had great down linemen on D.  They had Gore.  They were just missing decent coaching.  JH brought that with Roman and Fangio, but the collapse was equal parts JH not getting along with people, and the roster falling apart.  Iupati played injured. Davis went out injured.  Interior line had injuries and no consistency.  Walker was gone.  Vance McDonald sucked as a replacement.  aldon smith was deep into his troubles.  Justin Smith was retiring.  carlos rogers left. Bowman was out.  Willis played injured for only 6 games.  Worse of all...the league started figuring out Kaepernick's weaknesses and prevented him from exploiting his strengths. With less than a stellar roster, the 49ers were just pedestrian under JH, which under strong leadership would have held things together.   But, it instead revealed their fundamental lack of character.  They started infighting and had constant locker room leaks of discontent, etc..  All of this magnified JH's poor relationship with management.  It was a mess.    

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41 minutes ago, A8bil said:

i don't see you two disagreeing.  i think the point is that SF was on the cusp of greatness when JH arrived.  They had the best LBs in football.  they had one of the best offensive lines in football.  They had two great TEs.  They had great down linemen on D.  They had Gore.  They were just missing decent coaching.  JH brought that with Roman and Fangio, but the collapse was equal parts JH not getting along with people, and the roster falling apart.  Iupati played injured. Davis went out injured.  Interior line had injuries and no consistency.  Walker was gone.  Vance McDonald sucked as a replacement.  aldon smith was deep into his troubles.  Justin Smith was retiring.  carlos rogers left. Bowman was out.  Willis played injured for only 6 games.  Worse of all...the league started figuring out Kaepernick's weaknesses and prevented him from exploiting his strengths. With less than a stellar roster, the 49ers were just pedestrian under JH, which under strong leadership would have held things together.   But, it instead revealed their fundamental lack of character.  They started infighting and had constant locker room leaks of discontent, etc..  All of this magnified JH's poor relationship with management.  It was a mess.    

You are correct about us disagreeing. He was bringing out Harbaugh's good points and I was bringing out his bad. We both like Harbaugh because of what he brought as a player for the Colts just differ on if it would work as a head coach for the Colts. Respect on both sides.

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22 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

The first two aren't going to happen

Not sure Urban would be good for this team anyway. Unless he plans on letting an OC run his own style cause Urbans offense the last decade or so has been centered around a QB who's legs are incorporated into game plans. Not sure we'd want Luck or Jacoby getting hit anymore then they already are lol

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Bummed that we got screwed out of a HC this late in the game and we now have slim pickin's. I think Reich is a good overall man. He's the type of guy Irsay likes (obviously he's been here before back in the Manning days). I think this is a major wake up call for the Colts organization. Another mini set back and an eye opener for Irsay. We have to get this right with who is available. If Luck is able to play this season we may be okay. If not, I'm not sure any HC is going to save us right away.

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I posted this in the “Ballard’s Vision” thread, but somehow I think it might be more relevant to post here ...


I still lean toward a HC that is VERY involved with the offence.  The problem with having a defensive oriented coach is that he will have to heavily rely on the OC for offensive game planning and the offensive system.  The bad thing about that is, if the team does really well and the offence thrives, then you can kiss your OC goodbye, as he’ll be the next hot HC candidate.  If the offence sucks, then bye bye, as a new OC is brought in.  Just too much continuing flux.


That is why I want a HC that also primarily serves as the architect of the offence.  Continuity just seems so much more important on the offensive side of the ball.  We can’t have Luck and the offence having to continuously press the reset button every 2-3 Years.  With an offensive HC guru, that reset doesn’t keep happening because as long as the team is successful, the HC and offensive system remains the same.


Hence, given my aforementioned feelings on the matter, along with the glowing recommendation of Bill Polian and Pat Kirwin, I am now hoping that Frank Reich is the HC hire.


Just my two cents. 

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1 hour ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Reich has his flaws too



All the candidates do. I’d prefer Reich though. It makes more sense then Campbell for me personally. A HC doesn’t have to be a fiery, no nonsense leader to be effective. Look where that got Jim Harbaugh and Greg Schiano in the NFL.


For me I prefer someone with the ability to strategize week to week and adjust mid game to put the team in the best position to win. That’s Reich. You can stoic and still command respect. Dungy wasn’t a “Rah rah” guy. Reich has his flaws, but who doesn’t? As long as his flaws aren’t being a slimy weasel that goes back on his word, he’s my personal preference.

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There hasn't been a candidate through this whole process that I have jumped up and down about. But, if this time next year we are talking about our playoff games and Andrew's joints are still attached, I will love our coaching hire and not care about this ridiculous season we have been in

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19 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

You are correct about us disagreeing. He was bringing out Harbaugh's good points and I was bringing out his bad. We both like Harbaugh because of what he brought as a player for the Colts just differ on if it would work as a head coach for the Colts. Respect on both sides.

Loved Jimmy as a Colt. He has become somewhat of a enigma as head coach. 

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18 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

All the candidates do. I’d prefer Reich though. It makes more sense then Campbell for me personally. A HC doesn’t have to be a fiery, no nonsense leader to be effective. Look where that got Jim Harbaugh and Greg Schiano in the NFL.


For me I prefer someone with the ability to strategize week to week and adjust mid game to put the team in the best position to win. That’s Reich. You can stoic and still command respect. Dungy wasn’t a “Rah rah” guy. Reich has his flaws, but who doesn’t? As long as his flaws aren’t being a slimy weasel that goes back on his word, he’s my personal preference.

Is it Reich??  The last time he called plays he got canned by mike McCoy after two seasons.

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If he's hired, here's Ballard's comments.


"We never had a chance to seriously consider Frank to the point of asking for an interview during our first go at it.  Our minds were sort of focused on the other guy after our interview with him, and since he made a commitment with us, we were moving ahead with assistant coaches at the time.  But now that we had a chance to interview Frank, and frankly him nailing the interview, we realize we got the better candidate now to be the HC of this team going forward.  This entire process was kind of a blessing in disguise.  Frank was committed throughout the playoffs, we had some effort placed in the wrong direction, but after events went down the way they did we feel like we undoubtedly got the best candidate in the NFL."


Or something like that.

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10 hours ago, Four2itus said:

Loved Jimmy as a Colt. He has become somewhat of a enigma as head coach. 


We Loved Captain Comeback that year ending in the AFC Championship game  ending in the failed Hail Mary  was a Magical season we got a taste of what could be that year Indianapolis actually became a Football town IMO . 


As a Head Coach Jim Harbaugh has only proved 1 thing that he is such a poor sport he it was reported could not sit at the same as his brother the Superbowl Winning HC the Dude is so PETTY he is not I repeat for those diehard harbaugh Lovers he does not have what it takes for long term success his EGO is too much to overcome ,


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Harbaugh isnt coming. Michigan is loaded next year, especially if Shea Patterson wins his eligibility appeal. Harbaugh had the youngest team in country last year and had they gotten just average QB play may have won every game except the PSU game. He isn't jumping to the NFL IMO until he feels satisfied with what he's accomplished at his alma mater. 


I was all in on Mcdaniels as well. I figured he had matured since Denver and learned his lessons. Combine that with his offensive brain he has and I was excited. Clearly he hasn't grown up though. Reich may not be a splash hire but I believe he is the right one at this very moment. 

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Hope it’s Reich. Let’s be honest, a lot of us had to be talked into wanting McDaniels. Everyone was saying how great he was at calling plays, there was even an article about how he learned from his time in Denver. Admittedly I was all over it after reading all the articles. 


Frank is is a better man, and he was involved in game planning for the team that won the super bowl via beating the pats. 


This hire requires a whole lot less persuasion and justification. I’m sure looking back on this hire 5 years from now we will all be happy McDaniels didn’t come to Indy. 

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

If he's hired, here's Ballard's comments.


"We never had a chance to seriously consider Frank to the point of asking for an interview during our first go at it.  Our minds were sort of focused on the other guy after our interview with him, and since he made a commitment with us, we were moving ahead with assistant coaches at the time.  But now that we had a chance to interview Frank, and frankly him nailing the interview, we realize we got the better candidate now to be the HC of this team going forward.  This entire process was kind of a blessing in disguise.  Frank was committed throughout the playoffs, we had some effort placed in the wrong direction, but after events went down the way they did we feel like we undoubtedly got the best candidate in the NFL."


Or something like that.

Actually if that happens he wouldn't be wrong.

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