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This Is Ridiculous When You Think About It


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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.


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Thank Polian more than anybody for the #1 pick. He built the team and had zero plans in the case of Manning going down. JMV used to say a long time ago if Manning goes down it won't matter who is QB because we are >>>ed. How right he was.

Ray Lewis also said something to this effect in his top players video, although he put it a little more elegantly, saying we'd been an average ball-club, or something. Yea, I think he gave us too much credit, lol...

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

If we keep manning whats he gonna do?

Warm the bench again? Heck, I could do that for ALOT less $.

I'm sure he isn't sleeping well at night. But its not because he doen't want Manning.

You do realize Peyton can't play, right?

Sheesh, I can't believe people seem to IGNORE this pivotal fact.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt I guess.

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To assume makes a "butt" out of... well, in this case, you.

I just ignore that kind of pseudo-subtle insult because I am a big fan of Jules Winnfield.

I really don't have a clue who this JMV is. Must be an important person because he is referenced quite often here. Would you be so kind to decode JMV for me?

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I just ignore that kind of pseudo-subtle insult because I am a big fan of Jules Winnfield.

I really don't have a clue who this JMV is. Must be an important person because he is referenced quite often here. Would you be so kind to decode JMV for me?

JMV is a local radio guy in Indy. Been on the air for about 10 years and was the one who broke the Manning nneding/had another surgery story back in September.

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Peyton or no Peyton folks this team has been showing cracks for years whether we all wanted to admit it or not. Whether it was bad coaching, bad o lineman, bad drafting, bad run game, bad special teams or a defense that was inconsistent at best. It just all came together crashing down last year with a big red bow on it.

If there was a year to really suck though then Luck is a good prize in return. We will all learn this later on.

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I have stayed away from the forum for the last week because I was really hoping people would start to come to grips with Manning not being here, but No, it seems like there are still 20 different threads a day whining and crying about how the Colts are doing him wrong, Boo Hoo "Peyton Manning is my bestest most favoritest player in the whole wide world and im not sure I can continue through life unless he's playing for the Colts". Whaaaaah!

Will it ever end? God, I hope so because this forum is becoming unbearable to read.

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Ok a NON Colt fan here to say this is what caused last year:

1. GM/President who drafted poorly on D

2. No decent Back-Up QB

3. A HC who was incapable of coaching up the players he was given. (A great HC can cover up bad personnel moves see BB lol)

As for Manning, this is a business and a team has do whats best for them and given a 28 million dollar bonus to a QB who may not be able to play the hole year is just BAD BUSINESS.

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I have stayed away from the forum for the last week because I was really hoping people would start to come to grips with Manning not being here, but No, it seems like there are still 20 different threads a day whining and crying about how the Colts are doing him wrong, Boo Hoo "Peyton Manning is my bestest most favoritest player in the whole wide world and im not sure I can continue through life unless he's playing for the Colts". Whaaaaah!

Will it ever end? God, I hope so because this forum is becoming unbearable to read.

I couldn't agree more!

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Ok a NON Colt fan here to say this is what caused last year:

1. GM/President who drafted poorly on D

2. No decent Back-Up QB

3. A HC who was incapable of coaching up the players he was given. (A great HC can cover up bad personnel moves see BB lol)

As for Manning, this is a business and a team has do whats best for them and given a 28 million dollar bonus to a QB who may not be able to play the hole year is just BAD BUSINESS.

Thank you for your un-biased opinion! :)

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

It is a turn of events that nobody could have foreseen. It is bizarre and absolutely NOT the way I ever imagined this happening

However, the reason we were so horrible last year is that our team was built around PM and hence, without him......we were ...at a significant disadvantage (massive understatement)

We had no back up plan. The team as it was could not compete effectively without him.

I know that PM was responsible for many of our wins and honestly there were times when I wondered how he managed to win the way he did.

He is amazing

However, the fact that we wound up with the #1 draft pick, to me is sufficient evidence that we need to NOT build the team around one player any longer.

The Organization is not doing him wrong. It was glorious and amazing while it lasted. The organization paid him and gave credit where due............throughout

Even to the point of giving him a pretty sweet contract last year while his neck status was a big unknown

That's how much respect they have for him as a competitor and for his contributions to the franchises success.

Sadly, Manning is not super human. Even though it always seemed that way.

It is sad to see it possibly ending this way. But I don't fault either party in this.

It's just reality, which sometimes bites.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

I think the very thought of doing so is completely ridiculous. Manning has carried this wreck of a football team to an average of 12 wins for half a decade and the thought of casually casting him aside for the latest media mirage who is only available because the true state of the team was exposed when Manning was missing is laughable.

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I have stayed away from the forum for the last week because I was really hoping people would start to come to grips with Manning not being here, but No, it seems like there are still 20 different threads a day whining and crying about how the Colts are doing him wrong, Boo Hoo "Peyton Manning is my bestest most favoritest player in the whole wide world and im not sure I can continue through life unless he's playing for the Colts". Whaaaaah!

Will it ever end? God, I hope so because this forum is becoming unbearable to read.

You can always click the little "X" in the top right of the window if it makes you so miserable.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

So that only goes to show you the extremely flawed logic of building an entire team around Manning. The special teams has always been treated as a red headed step-child, the run D has been neglected for years, and the run game has been poor for the last several years. Manning truly showed how great he was by overcoming those flaws with this team. The FO and coaching staff got lazy and failed to do their job. Then you have this past season, and now you're in rebuilding mode. Isay (realizing that this team isn't built as a team) comments that he wants some balance brought to this team. A balance he's started to make by hiring a defensive minded HC. A balance that is nearly impossible to achieve when you have 1 player taking up almost 1/6 of the salary cap going all the way until the 2015 season. Manning is welcomed back to this team IF HE TAKES A PAY CUT. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG for Irsay to want this. Manning can't prove that he has the arm strength, conditioning, and abilities of old so why should Irsay continue to pay him like the Manning of old? It would be in Manning's best interest (to either get the most money from the Colts or another team in FA) to put on a throwing exhibition for the media. If he can prove that he has returned to form then wonderful for him, he can laugh all the way to the bank. IMO he hasn't done that, because he can't do that...and therein lies the problem.

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That is assuming that Andrew Luck will be of Dan Orlovsky/Kerry Collins/Curtis Painter standard.

We relied so heavily on Manning that is has shown up deficiencies in our offensive line. If anything, this has proven that we need to get better as a team as opposed to relying on one player.

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do you think there would be any doubt that we would keep manning if he was like 30?

hes 35-36 now and got surgery 3-4 times, imagine if we dont draft the best quaterback prospect in a long time,

and manning gets injured first time he get hit.

IMO we can still be competitive if our 1st draft pick sit on the bench.. its not the first time

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May I add that we had A LOT of other players injured for the entire season, half a season or for games here and there. It was going to be hard enough to not have PM all season, but when you add several more starters to the IR list, it gets even more difficult. I think if Peyton had played all year and we still had all those other injuries, we'd have been lucky to finish 8-8 IMHO.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

Your assumption that pre-2 win Manning is equal to post-2 win Manning, both in terms of longevity and single season productivity, is lacking support.

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I have stayed away from the forum for the last week because I was really hoping people would start to come to grips with Manning not being here, but No, it seems like there are still 20 different threads a day whining and crying about how the Colts are doing him wrong, Boo Hoo "Peyton Manning is my bestest most favoritest player in the whole wide world and im not sure I can continue through life unless he's playing for the Colts". Whaaaaah!

Will it ever end? God, I hope so because this forum is becoming unbearable to read.

You may have to stay away a lot longer for that to occur. Unfortunatly there is plenty of blame on both sides of this situation.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

What would you have Irsay do? Other than keeping this in house, which I think both sides should have done a long time ago. Irsay cannot pay Manning the 28 mil., that would be a terrible business decision. Given the situation he also cannot pass on Luck if they believe that Luck is as good as most analysts say he is. So exactly what is Irsay supposed to do?

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Going 2-14 is what prompted Irsay to fire everyone, because it became pretty clear that they weren't doing their jobs. Otherwise we don't go 2-14. This new direction we're going in seems to be in response to how dependent we were on Manning.

Even if he's 100% healthy right now and all this uncertainty about him coming back, you'd likely still see the same changes and would likely still see Andrew Luck get drafted because we do have to think about the future.

The reason Manning might not be a Colt next season is because he might not be healthy enough to play which would kill our salary cap.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

their not kicking him out yet, and even if they do the guys has had 4 surgeries, 36 yrs old, still can barely throw and is a 28 million dollar risk. as you said they cant win with out manning....because they have holesin other areas where that 28 million dollars could try to fill. and even if they were keeping manning they were drafting luck anyway. and its not like they expected manning to be out all year and finish 2-14. but now his health is in question and he may not be the same anymore. so best situation is release him, use his money to fill in holes or some holes draft luck and start the rebuild process

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he is not tossing the balance of 90 million dollars to an injured and aging QB, future HOF notwithstanding.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he will not cripple his franchise for a half decade of astronomical cap hits in hopes of some semblance of a return to Peyton's former self.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he has put in place the staff to assemble a team and coach them up to a level of excellence we have had, but with an eye toward more balance.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing Peyton could renegotiate and return, if he really wants, but risk is addressed and team cap/salary friendly and incentive laden.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he has another chance at acquiring a potentially elite franchise QB (ranked best prospect ever by Mel Kiper since he began grading in 1979) that may lead his team over the next 10-15 years.

He may lose sleep over the fact Peyton may not get to go out his own way like Elway and Strahan did. However, he also realizes very, very few ever do.

He may lose sleep realizing emotion and business decisions do not necessarily mix. And that it is on his shoulders to take emotional ties out of it, and take all things into consideration and make the best decision for his franchise, short and long term.

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Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he is not tossing the balance of 90 million dollars to an injured and aging QB, future HOF notwithstanding.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he will not cripple his franchise for a half decade of astronomical cap hits in hopes of some semblance of a return to Peyton's former self.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he has put in place the staff to assemble a team and coach them up to a level of excellence we have had, but with an eye toward more balance.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing Peyton could renegotiate and return, if he really wants, but risk is addressed and team cap/salary friendly and incentive laden.

Irsay will sleep better at night knowing he has another chance at acquiring a potentially elite franchise QB (ranked best prospect ever by Mel Kiper since he began grading in 1979) that may lead his team over the next 10-15 years.

He may lose sleep over the fact Peyton may not get to go out his own way like Elway and Strahan did. However, he also realizes very, very few ever do.

He may lose sleep realizing emotion and business decisions do not necessarily mix. And that it is on his shoulders to take emotional ties out of it, and take all things into consideration and make the best decision for his franchise, short and long term.

Great Post -- I think this pretty much sums it up.

Perhaps you should save this post and just re-post it everyday when this topic is restarted in a new thread.....over and over and ove again.

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If we keep manning whats he gonna do?

Warm the bench again? Heck, I could do that for ALOT less $.

I'm sure he isn't sleeping well at night. But its not because he doen't want Manning.

You do realize Peyton can't play, right?

Sheesh, I can't believe people seem to IGNORE this pivotal fact.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt I guess.

Heres whats ridiculous.. day after day, thread after thread the constant bickering, name calling, ect has made this website so incredibly depressing its untollerable. Your not a real fan, Mannings done, river of Denial, love Luck and accept it, take my position cause I know everything, I have sources that say splat, ect. Seriuosly! Just stop! None of you know anything. Think about it. Ya dont. Neither do I. So why do most posters insist they 'know'! No you dont. Give it a rest already.

Has it become impossible to post something remotley positive and not about Manning?

Ya, ya.. click X and ignore.. kinda hard when every single post or thread is neagtive, members fighting, and about Manning/Irsay drama saga. Ok, off my soap box.

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

THAT IS EXACTLY CORRECT!! If this season taught us anything it was how important PM is to the colts. He has been overcomming the teams deficientcies his whole career. You can't tell me with him the colts would have only won 2 games! It was the same team that just went 14-2 two years ago! and better than last years with all the injuries that went 10-6! Come on people. PM has never had the luxury of a run game or a D to help out. I am not sure where people are getting that PM is not going to be able to play. He is cleared and will have his arm strength back by training camp.

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Heres whats ridiculous.. day after day, thread after thread the constant bickering, name calling, ect has made this website so incredibly depressing its untollerable. Your not a real fan, Mannings done, river of Denial, love Luck and accept it, take my position cause I know everything, I have sources that say splat, ect. Seriuosly! Just stop! None of you know anything. Think about it. Ya dont. Neither do I. So why do most posters insist they 'know'! No you dont. Give it a rest already.

Has it become impossible to post something remotley positive and not about Manning?

Ya, ya.. click X and ignore.. kinda hard when every single post or thread is neagtive, members fighting, and about Manning/Irsay drama saga. Ok, off my soap box.

The only positive thing this team has had in 13 years IS MANNING!

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Kind of ridiculous.

The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

He'll sleep fine when he has Manning starting and Luck getting ready to succeed him...

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I have stayed away from the forum for the last week because I was really hoping people would start to come to grips with Manning not being here, but No, it seems like there are still 20 different threads a day whining and crying about how the Colts are doing him wrong, Boo Hoo "Peyton Manning is my bestest most favoritest player in the whole wide world and im not sure I can continue through life unless he's playing for the Colts". Whaaaaah!

Will it ever end? God, I hope so because this forum is becoming unbearable to read.

Amen! I totally agree with everything that you said. Fans needs to get over the fact that Manning might not play again or we will draft Luck and when the time comes Luck will succeed him!!!! Life goes on people, with or without Manning, life will go on; You Manning fans will be okay. Sheesh some of you treat Manning like he is God!!!! Life will go on it will be okay, Manning can't last forever. I am a Peyton fan as well. But I am not obsessed over him, that will think my life will end if there is no Manning as QB for the Colts. Manning does not control my life.

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Amen! I totally agree with everything that you said. Fans needs to get over the fact that Manning might not play again or we will draft Luck and when the time comes Luck will succeed him!!!! Life goes on people, with or without Manning, life will go on; You Manning fans will be okay. Sheesh some of you treat Manning like he is God!!!! Life will go on it will be okay, Manning can't last forever. I am a Peyton fan as well. But I am not obsessed over him, that will think my life will end if there is no Manning as QB for the Colts. Manning does not control my life, I won't go all mental when that times comes.

Calm down..

We'll keep Manning and we'll draft Luck....

nothing else really makes sense.

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Peyton or no Peyton folks this team has been showing cracks for years whether we all wanted to admit it or not. Whether it was bad coaching, bad o lineman, bad drafting, bad run game, bad special teams or a defense that was inconsistent at best. It just all came together crashing down last year with a big red bow on it.

If there was a year to really suck though then Luck is a good prize in return. We will all learn this later on.

Agree 100%, Manning goes down 6 years ago I don't think this team falls quite as far. This is why the Polians had to go. There were holes in this team that needed to be addressed for years and poor drafting over 5 years eventually caught up to the Colts. Also it wasn't like the Colts went 14-2 the year before, they barely made the playoffs and were one and done. This team was already in decline. Like you said, it was basically a perfect storm, no Manning, no coach, no o-line, poor running game, no special teams and a defense with no secondary.

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Amen! I totally agree with everything that you said. Fans needs to get over the fact that Manning might not play again or we will draft Luck and when the time comes Luck will succeed him!!!! Life goes on people, with or without Manning, life will go on; You Manning fans will be okay. Sheesh some of you treat Manning like he is God!!!! Life will go on it will be okay, Manning can't last forever. I am a Peyton fan as well. But I am not obsessed over him, that will think my life will end if there is no Manning as QB for the Colts. Manning does not control my life.

haha i basically said this in another thread haha! someone else who sees it the way i do. some of these fans are making him out to be god or super man when in reality hes just another human being who CAN suffer career ending injuries, and to be honest that is what i see this as.

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