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Cam Newton - Sexist


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30 minutes ago, Nadine said:


And your defense of stereotyping people is showing :)


I wasn't defending anything. I made a general statement that is 100% correct. I said it had zero to do with Cam Newton specifically. The issue of political correctness has gotten way out of hand to the point people are laying in waiting just to be offended by taking things out of context when something is said by turning it into their own agenda.

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18 hours ago, Nadine said:


Or, I could agree with Dannon and call him out for 'sexist behavior'


Although, in my experience, sexist behavior tends to suggest someone is a sexist.


Well I guess you would call me a sexist because on occasion I have made sexist comments.  Even though I have never discriminated against women, believe that women should have equal opportunities to men, believe my wife is an equal partner in our marriage with veto power if she is really against something and believe my daughters can be almost anything they want to be.  Again there is a difference between making a sexist comment and actually being a sexist.


You said you have brothers, I bet they have made sexist comments in their lives.  I bet they have made comments that could be construed as treating a woman like an object, quacking like a duck so to say, are they sexists?


So all in all yes, you would have to know Cam Newton much better than you or I before you could call him a sexist.  He could very well be, I am just not willing to label him as a sexist without that knowledge.


I heard he made an apology, I am willing to bet there will be a fair amount of people out there that will criticize his apology, it wasn't sincere enough, he didn't make it soon enough, etc.  People need to stop being so quick to label others, look to make sure you (that's the generic you) are making yourself a better person first.  I know I am far from being perfect.

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2 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I wasn't defending anything. I made a general statement that is 100% correct. I said it had zero to do with Cam Newton specifically. The issue of political correctness has gotten way out of hand to the point people are laying in waiting just to be offended by taking things out of context when something is said by turning it into their own agenda.

I think people dismissing anything they disagree with and/or don't want to hear as political correctness is the problem


This thread was about a sexist comment.  then the comment was made that she was just 'lying in wait' and you agreed.


Gender stereotype and dismissive.



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Just now, Nadine said:

I think people dismissing anything they disagree with and/or don't want to hear as political correctness is the problem


This thread was about a sexist comment.  then the comment was made that she was just 'lying in wait' and you agreed.


Gender stereotype and dismissive.



How many times must I say it was said not about this??  One more time- Political correctness has gotten to the point it has become an epidemic.

I didn't dismiss anything and for you to read something into something I said is exactly what I was talking about.

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1 minute ago, Cynjin said:


Well I guess you would call me a sexist because on occasion I have made sexist comments.  Even though I have never discriminated against women, believe that women should have equal opportunities to men, believe my wife is an equal partner in our marriage with veto power if she is really against something and believe my daughters can be almost anything they want to be.  Again there is a difference between making a sexist comment and actually being a sexist.


You said you have brothers, I bet they have made sexist comments in their lives.  I bet they have made comments that could be construed as treating a woman like an object, quacking like a duck so to say, are they sexists?


So all in all yes, you would have to know Cam Newton much better than you or I before you could call him a sexist.  He could very well be, I am just not willing to label him as a sexist without that knowledge.


I heard he made an apology, I am willing to bet there will be a fair amount of people out there that will criticize his apology, it wasn't sincere enough, he didn't make it soon enough, etc.  People need to stop being so quick to label others, look to make sure you (that's the generic you) are making yourself a better person first.  I know I am far from being perfect.


I thought the apology was good.


My brothers are routinely and outrageously inappropriate but just to their sisters (as far as I know), they are professionals.  It's as though they revert to adolescence when we are together.  I suppose all families do that.  I don't fault them for that.


But yes, varying degrees of sexism among them.  In fact, a couple of years ago I commented to one of them after he made an outrageously offensive and mean comment about women 'boy, you really are a sexist' to which he replied, 'that's right and everything I say is true.'


My dad was a sexist too.  Loved him, but he was.


So, bottom line, I don't think all men are sexist because they say sexist things. I thought so in this case because it was so out of the blue and uncalled for.  You have to admit, it was not something that most men would say.

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2 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

How many times must I say it was said not about this??  One more time- Political correctness has gotten to the point it has become an epidemic.

I didn't dismiss anything and for you to read something into something I said is exactly what I was talking about.

I understand that you'll never hear what I'm saying so, I'll just say one more time.


People disparaging other people and then claiming 'political correctness' to any negative reaction is the real problem.........it is an epidemic 



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2 hours ago, Nadine said:

Got it, she should just have shut up and said nothing

Women do that all the time. 


Yes . . . in the end she is a reporter not a women, the very point of our discussion, we need to view her as the capacity as a reporter not a women, lest we be the ones separating her gender from her job. 


You are a beat reporter for the team and you get in a private spat with a player and the reporter goes public with the fact that the player was not contrite and/or basically the content of a private conversation.  For me, that is not cool. 


I am sure a lot of times reporters and players do not get along, but for me that kind of stuff should be kept private, especially if it might escalate a situation.  Reporters need to work with the team whom they cover as a beat reporter.  My two cents. 

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4 minutes ago, Nadine said:

I understand that you'll never hear what I'm saying so, I'll just say one more time.


People disparaging other people and then claiming 'political correctness' to any negative reaction is the real problem.........it is an epidemic 



I am not stupid. I know exactly what your meaning was. You took a general comment I made and took it personal.

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16 hours ago, Nadine said:

It'll move forward like this never happened would be my guess.



Sadly. I know some players and others came out to condemn the remarks which is good. I also saw many many more twist themselves into a pretzel trying to defend it too....I won't defend what he said...but I also am not going to judge the man himself either. Its up to him to decide what kind of man he wants to be..if he wants to take some deeper look inside and maybe wrestle with what led him to use the words he did (unconsciously or consciously). Thank you for giving your views. I value hearing them. It also helps me realize that even though I try to be a good man how it is possible for me to hurt and offend others and to be more thoughtful of the words I choose. I've never so blatently said or done what Cam did but that doesn't mean I couldn't say the wrong thing. Being reminded of that keeps us on our toes and also keeps us mindful to stand up and say something when we hear something wrong...which I didn't see anyone else in the room do either.

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2 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I am not stupid. I know exactly what your meaning was. You took a general comment I made and took it personal.


I don't think you're stupid, I just disagree with what you said.  It wasn't personal.


Let me give you and example, we have rules on this forum about taking shots at people, name calling, demeaning, etc etc etc.


I cannot tell you how often people comment that we are just being PC.  

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25 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


You don't know who follows the draft. I probably have been following the draft before you were old enough to know what a football looks like (since 1992). 


When I first signed up here, no one knew I was a woman. I would chat with many folks here and they thought I was a man. Right, @dgambill ? haha No one questioned my "football knowledge". 

Using yourself as an example can't be compared to the general population. It is fact that most female football fans are casuals, that's why there are less of them on the forum, and that's why it's a lot harder to have a sports conversation with a women in general. You are the top 1% in knowledge for a female football fan, but in reality, the top 25% of male football fans probably know as much as you. That's what this whole thing was about, Cam thought it was disrespectful that a women was trying to tell him about football when she never played football before. Women and Men are equals and deserve to be treated as such, but they are not equal on average in football knowledge and especially in football experience. If a women is genuinely interested in football, I love to talk to her about it, but most just watch the games, and you, and other women on football forums are exceptions, not the norm, and Cam got insulted when she tried to use the "terminology" and tell him what for.

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1 minute ago, dgambill said:

Sadly. I know some players and others came out to condemn the remarks which is good. I also saw many many more twist themselves into a pretzel trying to defend it too....I won't defend what he said...but I also am not going to judge the man himself either. Its up to him to decide what kind of man he wants to be..if he wants to take some deeper look inside and maybe wrestle with what led him to use the words he did (unconsciously or consciously). Thank you for giving your views. I value hearing them. It also helps me realize that even though I try to be a good man how it is possible for me to hurt and offend others and to be more thoughtful of the words I choose. I've never so blatently said or done what Cam did but that doesn't mean I couldn't say the wrong thing. Being reminded of that keeps us on our toes and also keeps us mindful to stand up and say something when we hear something wrong...which I didn't see anyone else in the room do either.


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 



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10 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I don't think you're stupid, I just disagree with what you said.  It wasn't personal.


Let me give you and example, we have rules on this forum about taking shots at people, name calling, demeaning, etc etc etc.


I cannot tell you how often people comment that we are just being PC.  

Fair enough.

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9 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Using yourself as an example can't be compared to the general population. It is fact that most female football fans are casuals, that's why there are less of them on the forum, and that's why it's a lot harder to have a sports conversation with a women in general. You are the top 1% in knowledge for a female football fan, but in reality, the top 25% of male football fans probably know as much as you. That's what this whole thing was about, Cam thought it was disrespectful that a women was trying to tell him about football when she never played football before. Women and Men are equals and deserve to be treated as such, but they are not equal on average in football knowledge and especially in football experience. If a women is genuinely interested in football, I love to talk to her about it, but most just watch the games, and you, and other women on football forums are exceptions, not the norm, and Cam got insulted when she tried to use the "terminology" and tell him what for.

Oh please don't be like Cam :sarcasm:. Yeah NFLfan knows her stuff so does Jules and Gramz. We have some real knowledgeable women here.

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4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Oh please don't be like Cam :sarcasm:. Yeah NFLfan knows her stuff so does Jules and Gramz. We have some real knowledgeable women here.

I agree 100%. I acknowledged that as well, but they are the 1% of women. I wish every women knew as much as they did that watched football. If that were true, I'd be in heaven! :) Unfortunately, it isn't, that's why you have to appreciate the ones who do. :thmup:

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15 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 



I think we all say things we regret unfortunately. I have as well, it's just part of being human. We just need to strive to get better as people as a whole.

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2 hours ago, Nadine said:


I'm not sure who you're taking a shot at but, if you don't want to be part of the discussion, then don't

Thanks, and sorry. But, It wasn't a "shot" at anyone.  Just a comment on the level of interest in the topic.  One has but to consider the original source (Newton).  Of course, he's a misogynist. He - for a host of reasons - doesn't merit a moment's concern.

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53 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


You don't know who follows the draft. I probably have been following the draft before you were old enough to know what a football looks like (since 1992). 


When I first signed up here, no one knew I was a woman. I would chat with many folks here and they thought I was a man. Right, @dgambill ? haha No one questioned my "football knowledge". 

Indeed indeed. My sister also can name every single Cubs player...era of all their pitchers and any other stats you wish to know probably for the last 10 years. Friend of the families daughter wears KD shoes to school wears his number on her basketball team and even emulates his shot. I'm not even going to go there with all the other things non-sports related as there are so many examples everyday of women running organizations, congress etc for me to even give it a second thought whether its funny, refreshing, or surprised in any conversation I have about anything anymore. That said I work and live in the "real world" lol...and am not kinda surrounded in a bubble like many of these athletes and stars who aren't used to interacting socially sometimes outside their closed circle of people or being handled or told what to say or do in any situation. I will give Cam that...he probably hasn't been exposed to a world outside of football or his close handlers and associates. That can definitely shape your views and words obviously. Does that means he has malice or ill intent in his actions or statements...not at all...but that doesn't mean he didn't say something totally inappropriate and really step on it this time. Glad he apologized and even happier if he took a deeper look at his actions and words going forward to realize he can improve on himself from this encounter.

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13 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 



Well if you have no problem labeling him a sexist, how can you not label her a racist? Both people, like everyone makes mistakes, but she went through the trouble to post on twitter on several occasions. Cam was answering off the cuff. If he didnt use the word female there would no controversy. She used a racial slur and bragged about her dad mocking native americans while driving through Navajo country. IMO she is a poor choice of person to use when talking about stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. There obviously is sexism out there but women are just as sexist as men in my experience. 

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39 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I thought the apology was good.


My brothers are routinely and outrageously inappropriate but just to their sisters (as far as I know), they are professionals.  It's as though they revert to adolescence when we are together.  I suppose all families do that.  I don't fault them for that.


But yes, varying degrees of sexism among them.  In fact, a couple of years ago I commented to one of them after he made an outrageously offensive and mean comment about women 'boy, you really are a sexist' to which he replied, 'that's right and everything I say is true.'


My dad was a sexist too.  Loved him, but he was.


So, bottom line, I don't think all men are sexist because they say sexist things. I thought so in this case because it was so out of the blue and uncalled for.  You have to admit, it was not something that most men would say.


I definitely agree most men wouldn't say what Cam said in that situation, that's why he needed to apologize.  My point was what you stated, that just because he made a sexist comment does not mean he is a sexist.


As far as reverting to adolescence, my lovely wife constantly tells me that I stopped maturing at 12.

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2 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Indeed indeed. My sister also can name every single Cubs player...era of all their pitchers and any other stats you wish to know probably for the last 10 years. Friend of the families daughter wears KD shoes to school wears his number on her basketball team and even emulates his shot. I'm not even going to go there with all the other things non-sports related as there are so many examples everyday of women running organizations, congress etc for me to even give it a second thought whether its funny, refreshing, or surprised in any conversation I have about anything anymore. That said I work and live in the "real world" lol...and am not kinda surrounded in a bubble like many of these athletes and stars who aren't used to interacting socially sometimes outside their closed circle of people or being handled or told what to say or do in any situation. I will give Cam that...he probably hasn't been exposed to a world outside of football or his close handlers and associates. That can definitely shape your views and words obviously. Does that means he has malice or ill intent in his actions or statements...not at all...but that doesn't mean he didn't say something totally inappropriate and really step on it this time. Glad he apologized and even happier if he took a deeper look at his actions and words going forward to realize he can improve on himself from this encounter.

Your sister is a good woman being a Cubs fan :thmup:

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4 minutes ago, life long said:

Well if you have no problem labeling him a sexist, how can you not label her a racist? Both people, like everyone makes mistakes, but she went through the trouble to post on twitter on several occasions. Cam was answering off the cuff. If he didnt use the word female there would no controversy. She used a racial slur and bragged about her dad mocking native americans while driving through Navajo country. IMO she is a poor choice of person to use when talking about stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination. There obviously is sexism out there but women are just as sexist as men in my experience. 

got it, I'm a hypocrite

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1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


Well I guess you would call me a sexist because on occasion I have made sexist comments.  Even though I have never discriminated against women, believe that women should have equal opportunities to men, believe my wife is an equal partner in our marriage with veto power if she is really against something and believe my daughters can be almost anything they want to be.  Again there is a difference between making a sexist comment and actually being a sexist.


You said you have brothers, I bet they have made sexist comments in their lives.  I bet they have made comments that could be construed as treating a woman like an object, quacking like a duck so to say, are they sexists?


So all in all yes, you would have to know Cam Newton much better than you or I before you could call him a sexist.  He could very well be, I am just not willing to label him as a sexist without that knowledge.


I heard he made an apology, I am willing to bet there will be a fair amount of people out there that will criticize his apology, it wasn't sincere enough, he didn't make it soon enough, etc.  People need to stop being so quick to label others, look to make sure you (that's the generic you) are making yourself a better person first.  I know I am far from being perfect.

Great Post

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:


I thought the apology was good.


My brothers are routinely and outrageously inappropriate but just to their sisters (as far as I know), they are professionals.  It's as though they revert to adolescence when we are together.  I suppose all families do that.  I don't fault them for that.


But yes, varying degrees of sexism among them.  In fact, a couple of years ago I commented to one of them after he made an outrageously offensive and mean comment about women 'boy, you really are a sexist' to which he replied, 'that's right and everything I say is true.'


My dad was a sexist too.  Loved him, but he was.


So, bottom line, I don't think all men are sexist because they say sexist things. I thought so in this case because it was so out of the blue and uncalled for.  You have to admit, it was not something that most men would say.


I did so too, he did not seem to read it or seem memorized, which i thought made it more real.


Given the dynamics of the situation, I hope something positive will come out of it.  Although we are a "civilized" society, we still need improvements.  Among one of them is sexism, and if some, or even a handful of folks can reevaluate their views on women, and man, then if that happens, will a movement in a positive direction.  


Hopefully more will take heed. :)



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31 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Friend of the families daughter wears KD shoes to school wears his number on her basketball team and even emulates his shot.


haha That is definitely not me. I don't wear jerseys or sneakers/tennis shoes with player names. Looks too masculine. I may wear a cap or t-shirt to a game but that's it.

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 




This is the first I have heard about any comments by the reporter, so apparently people are tearing into her life and anything that she may have said that was off color/discriminatory?   This just needs to stop, Cam isn't perfect, the reporter isn't perfect, I'm not, and neither is anyone else on this planet.



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36 minutes ago, Nadine said:


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 



Thanks Nadine! I think that goes a long way. I agree....and I think that it probably does hit a nerve with people when labels get thrown around like sexist, racist, homophobic etc etc...because it is thrown around so casually today and a way for people to discredit others and it can really shut down dialogue because of how offensive it can be. I think many feel that yes they get lumped in if they have ever made an off color remark or even possibly agree with some of what is said (maybe not all) and so they get very defensive of themselves really more so than of the person that actually said it in this case. Which is why I go to the intent and heart of the person. If I can't reasonable know I will just call out the action or words but I won't go as far as to say the person themselves are that. Of course it is by our fruits we will be known...Cam's may not be easily visable...at least the good fruits...but I don't know him well enough to say I can judge him....but I applaud you coming out against his comments. Stand up quickly and firmly is the best way...give prejudice no place to hide or grow.

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1 hour ago, Nadine said:


I think we all need to remember this.  Being civil is the foundation for discussions.


I can see that many in this thread took offense to my position that Cam is a sexist.  I felt like I was taking a stand against words like his. Many on this forum took that to mean that I thought they were sexist because they had occasionally said sexist things.


I think we're all guilty of intolerance, myself included.  We can all do better and I think it's imperative that we need to do better.


I love the men in my life, flaws and all.  Love the people on this forum too, no matter how much I disagree with them.


And to the person who messaged me asking that I call the reporter out as a racist: I haven't seen what she said but from what I've heard it was pretty racist and she needs to ask more of herself. 




I have to say that this has been discussed in a more civil manner than on the Vikings site that I follow. There are some really awesome and rational fans there too but the ones who are irrational are "shouting" down the rational ones. Like here the irrational ones use that "PC" argument which is a logical fallacy. 


Thank you for not locking this thread. I think it is good to hear all perspectives. That is how we get to know people better.

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17 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


This is the first I have heard about any comments by the reporter, so apparently people are tearing into her life and anything that she may have said that was off color/discriminatory?   This just needs to stop, Cam isn't perfect, the reporter isn't perfect, I'm not, and neither is anyone else on this planet.



That's what happens.

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4 hours ago, NFLfan said:


That is what I say about my guy, Teddy Bridgewater. :) He would never make that kind of comment. 


Anyway, I don't think Newton meant to disrespect the female reporter when he made his comment, just as she probably did not mean to offend anyone when she made her racist comments. (She apologized yesterday for having posted racist comments on Twitter.)  Sometimes we do and say things that we regret. It has happened to all of us. I disagree with him but I am not going to disparage the guy for making a comment. Now, if he refused to answer her questions or if he answered questions only from male reporters, I would have more of a problem with his comment. 

Well reasoned post my friend.

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On 10/5/2017 at 6:12 AM, DaveA1102 said:



With all the media training and the fact he has previous for being called out for sexism (called a reporter "sweetheart" in a previous press conference), you would think he would learn.....let alone the fact that any normal person would not use such derogatory language.


Concerning to hear that, after the fact, the reporter approached him and, not only did he not apologise, she said "it was worse" per the article.


I did see someone on twitter say something along the lines of "Cam finds it funny to hear women talk about routes, I find it funny a football player doesn't dive on a fumble in the biggest game of their life".  Well put.


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2 hours ago, Nadine said:

I think people dismissing anything they disagree with and/or don't want to hear as political correctness is the problem



This, a thousand times over. I'm tired of hearing people tag anything they disagree with as PC. It's not about being PC. It's about being better, as a society. It's about being respectful to people regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. Just because we're evolving as humans, and as a society, doesn't mean that it's happening because of some conscious effort to avoid offending someone's sensibilities. 


It's happening because it's simply the right thing to do. 


Newton still has a lot of growing up to do. And he is quite possibly the most outwardly narcissistic player in the NFL. It was right for him to apologize, but I would guess that he was advised strongly to do it, and wonder - left on his own - if he would have anyway. 



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1 minute ago, GoPats said:


This, a thousand times over. I'm tired of hearing people tag anything they disagree with as PC. It's not about being PC. It's about being better, as a society. It's about being respectful to people regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. Just because we're evolving as humans, and as a society, doesn't mean that it's happening because of some conscious effort to avoid offending someone's sensibilities. 


It's happening because it's simply the right thing to do. 


Newton still has a lot of growing up to do. And he is quite possibly the most outwardly narcissistic player in the NFL. It was right for him to apologize, but I would guess that he was advised strongly to do it, and wonder - left on his own - if he would have anyway. 



Yep.  I said this same thing early on in the thread.   It boils down to RESPECT, plain and simple.

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1 hour ago, Cynjin said:


This is the first I have heard about any comments by the reporter, so apparently people are tearing into her life and anything that she may have said that was off color/discriminatory?   This just needs to stop, Cam isn't perfect, the reporter isn't perfect, I'm not, and neither is anyone else on this planet.



To be fair she had it posted on her twitter for years. I only bring it up as a point not to rush to judgement. As many like yourself have stated we all are flawed and imperfect. To label someone means you have pretty much made a judgement. If we all start judging one person, we should too be judged. Even juries can have a mistrial without impartial jurors. My juror is the almighty. Peace be with you all.

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