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Ok Something I Just Read On Espn Idk The Truth So Asking Around Here


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I dont know what the truth is so i came on here to ask, maybe one of you may know. I just read that a FB player at the Duke Univ. tweeted this week he was stretching with peyton manning at the university, and the story was about manning being with todd helton and both of them were working out at the university with david cutcliffe who was the QB Coach for both of them at the univ of tennessee. if this is the case and manning is working out there what is that saying? i thought the whole reason manning wasnt cut is so he can use the trainers at the colts facilities. now ill attatch the link, you guys read it and if i missed something let me know. but i just find it alittle weird that as i said if they were not going to cut him so he can work out and do his rehab in indy why is he in north carolina? and wasnt he suppose to be in indy this week for a meeting with Jim Irsay? well heres the link.... any feedback could be helpful. thanks. GO COLTS!


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one small problem with your OP it comes from espn. ive seen alot of negativity come from espn towards the colts and now its all how peyton is leaving the colts. this all coming from the same station that had brett farve playing last year not once not twice but 3 or more times for different teams.

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I'd look at it this way.

If this is a short term event, then it is no big deal.

If it continues, then it's not good news for those that want Manning to remain a Colt and outstanding news for those that wish for him to go elsewhere.

He has in the past worked out at Duke, UT, and even USC when traveling to LA to shoot commercials, so this isn't that odd unless it becomes something that extends over a week. Then one has to question why he isn't working out with Arians.

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The reports are that he's also worked with a baseball pitcher. All it says to ne is that he's working extremely harr, and wants as many eyes on bin as possible. Particularly those were of eyes who are familiar with him.

No one is being more critical of Manning's progress than Manning himself, so he will do everything to get back to a standard he finds acceptable. He trusts these people and values their opinions. It doesn't mean he's looking to join some team on the east coast, or that Irsay asked him to stop working in Indy.

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one small problem with your OP it comes from espn. ive seen alot of negativity come from espn towards the colts and now its all how peyton is leaving the colts. this all coming from the same station that had brett farve playing last year not once not twice but 3 or more times for different teams.

its so if he does leave they can say they reported it the entire time, or if he stays its makes me seem like even bigger news, and even bigger shock.

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