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"the Decision," Or, "peyton's Fate"


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I only wonder how further divided the Colts fans on here will become after we know for certain the destination of Peyton Manning.

Will the folks who wanted or expected him gone come here and shout "neener neener!" to those who were pulling for him to stay?

Will the posters who wanted or expected him to stay throw an "I told you so!" at those who wanted him out?

As messy as this is right now, I think it's going to get far worse once we actually know. Add to that the fact he may get released and re-signed, which will create a window of hysteria in between. Whatever happens, I don't believe for one second that his current contract will be the obstacle. The talking heads have made this the focus, despite Irsay and Manning suggesting that the money will NOT be a factor. For some reason, the majority of fans trust the people who don't know instead of the only two people who do. They (Irsay and Manning) will restructure it, Peyton will simply not be able to play anymore, or Irsay will eat it and pay.

Will you choose the better part of valor when it's done? Will you mourn his departure? Would you celebrate his continued presence here? I hope we can all go forward in a mature manner, whether we agree with the outcome or oppose it.

Carry on.

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If PM goes somewhere else I only hope he goes to a team I do not hate. I could cheer for him easily if in SF or Miami my favorite teams as a kid. If he were to go to A team I hate or that we plAy a lot that could be tough.

I think PM wants to move on and I cannot blame him. I just hope he and Irsay can do this amicably.

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I only wonder how further divided the Colts fans on here will become after we know for certain the destination of Peyton Manning.

Will the folks who wanted or expected him gone come here and shout "neener neener!" to those who were pulling for him to stay?

Will the posters who wanted or expected him to stay throw an "I told you so!" at those who wanted him out?

As messy as this is right now, I think it's going to get far worse once we actually know. Add to that the fact he may get released and re-signed, which will create a window of hysteria in between. Whatever happens, I don't believe for one second that his current contract will be the obstacle. The talking heads have made this the focus, despite Irsay and Manning suggesting that the money will NOT be a factor. For some reason, the majority of fans trust the people who don't know instead of the only two people who do. They (Irsay and Manning) will restructure it, Peyton will simply not be able to play anymore, or Irsay will eat it and pay.

Will you choose the better part of valor when it's done? Will you mourn his departure? Would you celebrate his continued presence here? I hope we can all go forward in a mature manner, whether we agree with the outcome or oppose it.

Carry on.

I find it hard to believe any Colts fan is really out right rooting for Peyton to leave. Speaking only for myself though, although I would understand the business aspects of such a decision and accept it if it came to pass, it would hardly be an occasion for celebrations or "I told you so's". I respect what Peyton has meant to this franchise. Personally, I would be sad but it wouldn't change my opinion that the Colts made what they felt was the best business decision given the cards they were dealt and with what limited information they had available. I would wish Peyton the best and pull for him so long as he was not facing the Colts. If he went to the Ravens (my birth city's team) or Cardinals (my twin sister's favorite team) I'd really be pulling for him.

If they kept Peyton, I admit that I'd be shocked. If it came with Manning restructuring his deal in some way to alleviate the cap strain on the Colts, I'd be ecstatic. I really wouldn't mind at all about having been proven wrong and I would be hoping for Peyton to return to health and set the league on fire with a vengence. Now I still don't think this scenario is likely, but if it happened it would be great. And for what it's worth, I'd still be pulling for the Colts to use the first pick on Andrew Luck. Manning for now; Luck for the future. That is my pipe dream.

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If he ends up playing somewhere else that means to me, since this is not about money, Irsay does not believe Peyton could do it. Or at least do it at the level Peyton was before. If Peyton proves him wrong then I would loose faith in Irsay's faith, and word.

I see this as black or white, he plays or retires as a Colt.

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I am not the type that would say I told you so. I would be ecstatic if Peyton returned. If not, I will remember the good times. If the Colts and Peyton part ways and they play against each other, I would hope for a shoot out with the Colts edging Peyton's team. It's hard to believe that we are at such a crossroads just two years removed from a Super Bowl appearance.

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i'll probably go to his new team's message board and leave this one, so I won't be around to argue ;)

(I know, I know - not a big loss )

Well I for one would miss seeing your post but would respect whatever you decide to do. Everyone has a right to his or her opinion and should be able to post their opinions and not get bashed. Things will get better I hope so anyway.

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I honestly don't think I would be shocked either way now. If Peyton leaves or he goes. We have been prepared as fans for anything. And to me there is an argument to support any direction Irsay may choose to take in the end.

In terms of the fanbase and especially these forums.....I am not sure much can compare to the reaction of "week 16". The decision. Regardless of who is the QB of this team I don't want us be disgraced on a national level like that ever again by our own head coach and GM.

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I only wonder how further divided the Colts fans on here will become after we know for certain the destination of Peyton Manning.

Will the folks who wanted or expected him gone come here and shout "neener neener!" to those who were pulling for him to stay?

Will the posters who wanted or expected him to stay throw an "I told you so!" at those who wanted him out?

As messy as this is right now, I think it's going to get far worse once we actually know. Add to that the fact he may get released and re-signed, which will create a window of hysteria in between. Whatever happens, I don't believe for one second that his current contract will be the obstacle. The talking heads have made this the focus, despite Irsay and Manning suggesting that the money will NOT be a factor. For some reason, the majority of fans trust the people who don't know instead of the only two people who do. They (Irsay and Manning) will restructure it, Peyton will simply not be able to play anymore, or Irsay will eat it and pay.

Will you choose the better part of valor when it's done? Will you mourn his departure? Would you celebrate his continued presence here? I hope we can all go forward in a mature manner, whether we agree with the outcome or oppose it.

Carry on.

You can get a bit dramatic lol.

If he is cut or retires I will celebrate his career here. I won't mourn anything. He is not dying. He is a wealthy HOF QB with a beautiful wife and twins. Good gracious.

If he stays I will support him as always and keep my fingers crossed that Irsay knows more then everyone else and that he will indeed stay healthy/play at a strong level and is worth the money. I also would be prepared for the headache of Manning/Luck if we end up with both. I am still not sold you can pay Manning (unless he restructures) and also spend the first pick in the entire draft on Luck and have him sit on the bench. I still think Irsay may have to likely choose....Favre/Rodgers is a tempting route. But, Rodgers was also a value pick as he fell in the first and Favre would rather they had used the pick on a player to help them win asap.

And as we all know this is a TEAM sport. It's not to me just about Peyton. Peyton is the best player we ever had but look all the arguments we have all made at times to support him when the team falls short in the playoffs.

Peyton or no Peyton, this team has a lot of work to do and a lot of questions to be answered from top to bottom.

So overall, it will be a confusing offseason I think regardless. A lot of uncertainty going into next year with new coaches and possibly some veterans let go.

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I find it hard to believe any Colts fan is really out right rooting for Peyton to leave. Speaking only for myself though, although I would understand the business aspects of such a decision and accept it if it came to pass, it would hardly be an occasion for celebrations or "I told you so's". I respect what Peyton has meant to this franchise. Personally, I would be sad but it wouldn't change my opinion that the Colts made what they felt was the best business decision given the cards they were dealt and with what limited information they had available. I would wish Peyton the best and pull for him so long as he was not facing the Colts. If he went to the Ravens (my birth city's team) or Cardinals (my twin sister's favorite team) I'd really be pulling for him.

If they kept Peyton, I admit that I'd be shocked. If it came with Manning restructuring his deal in some way to alleviate the cap strain on the Colts, I'd be ecstatic. I really wouldn't mind at all about having been proven wrong and I would be hoping for Peyton to return to health and set the league on fire with a vengence. Now I still don't think this scenario is likely, but if it happened it would be great. And for what it's worth, I'd still be pulling for the Colts to use the first pick on Andrew Luck. Manning for now; Luck for the future. That is my pipe dream.

Ditto well minus the twin sister and birth city part but you get the idea.
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I find it hard to believe any Colts fan is really out right rooting for Peyton to leave. Speaking only for myself though, although I would understand the business aspects of such a decision and accept it if it came to pass, it would hardly be an occasion for celebrations or "I told you so's". I respect what Peyton has meant to this franchise. Personally, I would be sad but it wouldn't change my opinion that the Colts made what they felt was the best business decision given the cards they were dealt and with what limited information they had available. I would wish Peyton the best and pull for him so long as he was not facing the Colts. If he went to the Ravens (my birth city's team) or Cardinals (my twin sister's favorite team) I'd really be pulling for him.

If they kept Peyton, I admit that I'd be shocked. If it came with Manning restructuring his deal in some way to alleviate the cap strain on the Colts, I'd be ecstatic. I really wouldn't mind at all about having been proven wrong and I would be hoping for Peyton to return to health and set the league on fire with a vengence. Now I still don't think this scenario is likely, but if it happened it would be great. And for what it's worth, I'd still be pulling for the Colts to use the first pick on Andrew Luck. Manning for now; Luck for the future. That is my pipe dream.

Well said saved me typing.

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If he stays, it's going to be a fairly sureal experience having the outcome I'm hoping for rubbed in my face by other Colt fans who were also hoping for the same outcome I was.

And yes, I fully expect there to be gloating one way or the other. Which is sad but that's the world we live in.

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Bottom line is that we all say we are Colts fans, so ultimately we want what is best for the team. While we might have our opinions on what that us, there is only one person with the stroke to make the decision of what that will be. Either way, Manning or no Manning, I'll be cheering every week for another Colts victory. Whatever decision Irsay makes I will stand behind him and put my energy into positive things instead of some childish "I told you so". There's no doubt that if Manning leaves it will crack the fan base, those that are just Manning fans will leave to follow him, and those that are Colts fans will still be here proudly supporting the horseshoe! GO COLTS!!!!!

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Bottom line is that we all say we are Colts fans, so ultimately we want what is best for the team. While we might have our opinions on what that us, there is only one person with the stroke to make the decision of what that will be. Either way, Manning or no Manning, I'll be cheering every week for another Colts victory. Whatever decision Irsay makes I will stand behind him and put my energy into positive things instead of some childish "I told you so". There's no doubt that if Manning leaves it will crack the fan base, those that are just Manning fans will leave to follow him, and those that are Colts fans will still be here proudly supporting the horseshoe! GO COLTS!!!!!

Agree 100%! I am a Colts fan first. I read the boards to cheer my team, not to splinter the fan base.

We all have our opinions and the is the place to express them. That being said, HOW we choose to express them can divide us. Let us all respect each other's opinons without the "rub it in their faces" attitude andsupport our team!!

okay, group hug as we sing Kumbaya...

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I will leave the management decisions up to Grigs and Irsay. I will cheer for the Colts. If Peyton leaves, I hope he has success, but his new team plays Indy, I will be cheering 100% for Indy to win

I couldnt agree more with you. and although i believe he will not be on the colts next season, i will not be coming on here to say told you so. hopefully everyone will be an adult about the decision, what ever that may be and when ever that may be. whether he stays or goes im a colts fan for life. he goes, and gets signed by another team ill be happy for hiim and wish him luck, he stays again ill wish him luck and hope he can stay healthy in the remainding years of his career. until then it kinda gets old talking about what is going to happen with peyton. because none of know for sure, the only ones who do are peyton and Irsay.

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Too many people think if you are pro-Luck or anti-Manning you are not a Colts fan or should burn. I've found out pretty quickly over the last couple months or so there are a lot of Manning-first fans that have a complete disregard for the teams future, especially long-term. I was one of those. I was completely against taking Andrew Luck. I wanted the first pick to be traded and I wanted the Colts to be back in the Super Bowl next year with Manning. I completely disregarded logically Mannings health, Manning post-surgery, the teams long term future, the contract, the first overall pick and its implications. I wanted Manning back and that was it. No if's and but's. Manning needs to be back at ALL costs. Then after reading a lot of posts I realized this was ignorant, unhealthy, selfish, to put one player above an entire organization. A player that has brought a lot to this city but at the end of the day is simply a player. A player who is employed. A player who is apart of a business meaning business decisions will be made. Manning is no more than simply a player in the NFL. A great one and maybe one of the best but in no way shape or form is Manning above the Colts organization.

I root for the Colts first and will root for the Colts no matter what their record is. No matter who is at quarterback, no matter who is the coach, the GM or anything. To me, long term success is Andrew Luck. A great prospect who shows a lot of similarity to Manning. He is no guarantee but he is probably the best successor you can get to Manning.

If Manning is back I'll root for the Colts. If Luck is starting Ill root for the Colts. Even if its RG3 or Matt Flynn or whomever. My brain just tells me whats best is long term. . not short term.

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Too many people think if you are pro-Luck or anti-Manning you are not a Colts fan or should burn. I've found out pretty quickly over the last couple months or so there are a lot of Manning-first fans that have a complete disregard for the teams future, especially long-term. I was one of those. I was completely against taking Andrew Luck. I wanted the first pick to be traded and I wanted the Colts to be back in the Super Bowl next year with Manning. I completely disregarded logically Mannings health, Manning post-surgery, the teams long term future, the contract, the first overall pick and its implications. I wanted Manning back and that was it. No if's and but's. Manning needs to be back at ALL costs. Then after reading a lot of posts I realized this was ignorant, unhealthy, selfish, to put one player above an entire organization. A player that has brought a lot to this city but at the end of the day is simply a player. A player who is employed. A player who is apart of a business meaning business decisions will be made. Manning is no more than simply a player in the NFL. A great one and maybe one of the best but in no way shape or form is Manning above the Colts organization.

I root for the Colts first and will root for the Colts no matter what their record is. No matter who is at quarterback, no matter who is the coach, the GM or anything. To me, long term success is Andrew Luck. A great prospect who shows a lot of similarity to Manning. He is no guarantee but he is probably the best successor you can get to Manning.

If Manning is back I'll root for the Colts. If Luck is starting Ill root for the Colts. Even if its RG3 or Matt Flynn or whomever. My brain just tells me whats best is long term. . not short term.

I would add that 13-14 years from now, if Luck was the starting QB that had won XX SBs for the Colts, and had surgery, and has arm strength uncertainty, or has demonstrated diminishing performance over the last couple of seasons, I would support management to go for the next highly-rated QB in the draft if one was not already being developed on the team.

The Colts first.

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I would add that 13-14 years from now, if Luck was the starting QB that had won XX SBs for the Colts, and had surgery, and has arm strength uncertainty, or has demonstrated diminishing performance over the last couple of seasons, I would support management to go for the next highly-rated QB in the draft if one was not already being developed on the team.

The Colts first.

I can hear it now;

"Irsay is not fair to Luck. Look at what Luck did for this team. How can we be treating him like this. We owe Luck. We owe him. He is the GOAT!!!!."

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I can hear it now;

"Irsay is not fair to Luck. Look at what Luck did for this team. How can we be treating him like this. We owe Luck. We owe him. He is the GOAT!!!!."

Yes, unfortunately, I see it too. :sigh:

Here are similar quotes to expect:

This is Andrew's team.

If they cut Andrew, I'm outta here.

If they cut Andrew, I hope Andrew returns with the Texans and take revenge on the Irsays.

Look at what Andrew has done for our city!

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Yes, unfortunately, I see it too. :sigh:

Here are similar quotes to expect:

This is Andrew's team.

If they cut Andrew, I'm outta here.

If they cut Andrew, I hope Andrew returns with the Texans and take revenge on the Irsays.

Look at what Andrew has done for our city!


Well done

"QB X will never replace the icon that is Andrew Luck. "

"Luck might have just had 6 surgeries but so what. Odds are he will return to full health by Christmas and then we win the Super Bowl!!!."

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Want him to stay, but expect him to go. So either way, I will be fine with what happens. I will always be a Colt fan, and this decision will not divide me (although should be go, his new team instantly becomes my second favorite team).

Would love to just get one more season out of 18. The ending was sudden, and I don't want our last memory to be of him throwing his hands up in disgust in that Jets playoff game.

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Getting back to the spirit of the OP - if Manning isn't a Colt in 2012 I'll not be at all surprised. And while I wouldn't "gloat" over a situation that I'd have rather never seen come to pass if it comes to that, I'm reserving the right to call-out anyone on here that tries to twist things, have radical 180 degree viewpoint turnarounds, "tell people how it is", take conversations & history out of context, etc. I'm referring to people that have repeatedly promoted/homered for (at great length) for the old Indy ways and team employees which appear to be all but gone. Simply moving on is all I'm suggesting. So if you're (meaning anyone) in this group I'd suggest enjoying what is the present and what lies ahead. These are new times. The portion of folks here that are more comfortable with change and/or were less blind-sided by all of the developments, not just the Manning situation, are just as tired of coming here seeing the type of rants I'm talking about as the uncomfortable ones are seeing "I told you so" messages.

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I don't think anyone should be suprised at any decisions made. As fans we will be more then prepared for anything by March, we already ARE.

NO matter the decision I am a fan of the team.

The winner in all this might be the new fans the Dolphins receive if Peyton is cut from the team.

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I only wonder how further divided the Colts fans on here will become after we know for certain the destination of Peyton Manning.

Will the folks who wanted or expected him gone come here and shout "neener neener!" to those who were pulling for him to stay?

Will the posters who wanted or expected him to stay throw an "I told you so!" at those who wanted him out?

As messy as this is right now, I think it's going to get far worse once we actually know. Add to that the fact he may get released and re-signed, which will create a window of hysteria in between. Whatever happens, I don't believe for one second that his current contract will be the obstacle. The talking heads have made this the focus, despite Irsay and Manning suggesting that the money will NOT be a factor. For some reason, the majority of fans trust the people who don't know instead of the only two people who do. They (Irsay and Manning) will restructure it, Peyton will simply not be able to play anymore, or Irsay will eat it and pay.

Will you choose the better part of valor when it's done? Will you mourn his departure? Would you celebrate his continued presence here? I hope we can all go forward in a mature manner, whether we agree with the outcome or oppose it.

Carry on.

Doogan great post. I for one will welcome either, I tend to be a fence sitter on the issue. I like the opportunity of drafting another potential great QB, but I also would relish the opportunity to have the great QB we already have, finish his career where it started.

However, I love the new direction we are goiing with the front office and coaching staff.

I want my cake and eat it to, I want them both. :) but more than likely this scenerio is not going to happen. I think Andrew brings a lot to the table, and with all the changes that have been set forth it appears that we are headed in that direction. All we can hope for as fans is that, it is another 1998 scenerio and we are not stuck in another 10 years of mediocrity.

"Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the ony sin"

Like Froggie, I will be a Colts fan for life regardless, I am already 38 years vested but ( Painter being QB is somewhat pushing it though) :)

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    • That’s a nearly 20 year old article.  Not exactly relevant right now with the advancements in techniques and rehab.     He’s the youngest QB in the league, with the least experience in college.     This is his tryout year.  Have a little patience.   
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    • Probably still won’t shut people up lol. But that is interesting  We are 3 games in after a shoulder surgery. What are you talking about.
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