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Poor route running was a big issue


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As I was there watching the game one big item really stood out...


KC had numerous bubble and receiver screens as Smith/Foles got rid of the ball much faster than Luck


We on the other ran poor and lazy routes and many times we had all three in the pattern 20+ yards downfield forcing Luck to hold and hold the ball. I saw way to many rounded off routes instead of sharp cuts and it was like watching a video game where we had players you never heard of playing the Patriots.


The biggest blame goes on the receivers and tight ends in this one. I am embarrassed on how the played and it costs us the game. Sure Luck played poorly and missed open passes but to see this team playing disconnected was just sad

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5 minutes ago, deedub75 said:

We have speed demons who get open by outrunning defenders. They are not crisp route runners. Moncrief is probably the best route runner and that's not saying much. 

Hilton is a way better route runner than Moncreif,  what have u been watching? 


I blame Moncreif for that int.  Thay was a horrible route. 

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Hilton runs past defenders to get open.  I wouldn't really call that great route running.  Hilton gets tons of yards one game and next nothing in the next game. He's easily taken out of games by goo to elite defenders. Elite route runners aren't that inconsistent.  

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1 hour ago, indyagent17 said:

As I was there watching the game one big item really stood out...


KC had numerous bubble and receiver screens as Smith/Foles got rid of the ball much faster than Luck


We on the other ran poor and lazy routes and many times we had all three in the pattern 20+ yards downfield forcing Luck to hold and hold the ball. I saw way to many rounded off routes instead of sharp cuts and it was like watching a video game where we had players you never heard of playing the Patriots.


The biggest blame goes on the receivers and tight ends in this one. I am embarrassed on how the played and it costs us the game. Sure Luck played poorly and missed open passes but to see this team playing disconnected was just sad

Agree with most   But the blame is on Chud for not designing and calling better shorter plays

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someone just hit it on the head most routes the colts play are designed for 10 to 20 yards down the field, they are not interested in the short game and for that reason the short game does not work, the colts do not work on it and also sub a player package for such plays any team that see a different player package from the colts usually knows the colts are not running the traditional 10 to 20 yard routes, and are on top of the play before it even starts.

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5 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

Dorsett is not used very well in this offense.  They should be using him as a deep threat on about  every play

Clearing out a CB and a safety to open up the underneath stuff for Hilton and Moncreif and Doyle

When he does that he gets hurt

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Rick Venturi has been pointing this out for a while now.  Not the route running but long developing routes.  The offensive line is improving, but there is a reason the vast majority of the league relies on the quick rhythmic passing game....it's efficient and protects your QB.


Chuckles hasnt got the memo.  Too busy watching Tom & Jerry I reckon.

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So now we are going to blame the loss on the WR/TE route running? SO to wrap it all up, its the route running? are you cereal? more like cereal without milk. Its sad.

So not the pass rush, not the LBs not covering KC TE Kelce, not the Oline, not downing special Teams punts on the 2 yardline for the 2nd week in a row? None of that. the WR/TE route running? You have alot to complain about and you chose this? How about the Coaching/ Game plane.


How about this, If Andy Reid were our coach, Who would have won that game? I guarantee that he gets in the grill of his players if they suck. Andy Reid = Well respected. And he kicked our butts with a backup QB midway through the first quarter, and 0 RB by the End Of The GAME!!! DAMNIT You're ALL FIRED!!

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40 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

Hilton is a way better route runner than Moncreif,  what have u been watching? 


I blame Moncreif for that int.  Thay was a horrible route. 

When running an out pattern to the sidelines Luck needs to put the ball to the outside where only the WR can make the play or it's incomplete, not thrown to the inside shoulder where the DB has an easy play.  Sure Moncrief could've tried harder, but that was a craptastic throw from Luck.


Make no mistake I don't want any other QB, he just needs to make better throws at times.  I would say this INT is about 90% Luck's fault and 10% Moncrief's.

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11 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:

Dorsett is not used very well in this offense.  They should be using him as a deep threat on about  every play

Clearing out a CB and a safety to open up the underneath stuff for Hilton and Moncreif and Doyle

Send Dorsett on Hailmarrys every play, The Defense will get tired of it. Then make his shift down, and stop in the whole, come back to the ball. 50yrd play OC Chud. That will be $20k.

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13 minutes ago, Archangel said:

someone just hit it on the head most routes the colts play are designed for 10 to 20 yards down the field, they are not interested in the short game and for that reason the short game does not work, the colts do not work on it and also sub a player package for such plays any team that see a different player package from the colts usually knows the colts are not running the traditional 10 to 20 yard routes, and are on top of the play before it even starts.


We don't really have a possession receiver.  Hilton and Dorsett are only good at 20 yards plus down the field. Moncrief looked a bit fun why yesterday. 

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1 hour ago, indyagent17 said:

As I was there watching the game one big item really stood out...


KC had numerous bubble and receiver screens as Smith/Foles got rid of the ball much faster than Luck


We on the other ran poor and lazy routes and many times we had all three in the pattern 20+ yards downfield forcing Luck to hold and hold the ball. I saw way to many rounded off routes instead of sharp cuts and it was like watching a video game where we had players you never heard of playing the Patriots.


The biggest blame goes on the receivers and tight ends in this one. I am embarrassed on how the played and it costs us the game. Sure Luck played poorly and missed open passes but to see this team playing disconnected was just sad

Quite honestly, a great as this offense looked last week, and I felt like we finally figured out how to use the offense to our players skill set and the oline deficiencies, this week was the 180 view of what we are not. What happened to 1,2,3 throw? It worked sooooooo dang well last week but we went back to that deep pattern process. Angers me how dumb this coaching group is. We should have won this game as KC wasn't playing well either and credit the D for early play. This loss was on a poor offense today. 


I concur with tour assessment 100%

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56 minutes ago, deedub75 said:

We have speed demons who get open by outrunning defenders. They are not crisp route runners. Moncrief is probably the best route runner and that's not saying much. 

Did it feel like Luck was pressing to get Moncreif into this game with his passes though? It sure did to me. 

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19 minutes ago, BOTT said:

Rick Venturi has been pointing this out for a while now.  Not the route running but long developing routes.  The offensive line is improving, but there is a reason the vast majority of the league relies on the quick rhythmic passing game....it's efficient and protects your QB.


Chuckles hasnt got the memo.  Too busy watching Tom & Jerry I reckon.

Exactly.  Pep got the blame last year, and that's fine, but I was always cautious about embracing Chud, because he is old school offense, running game and verticle passes, which is less effective in the NFL these days.


Its why our oline looks worse than it is, Luck looks worse than he is, and the opponents quick hitting offense makes our pass rush look worse by comparison.  Not that the oline and pass rush are fine, but they look worse than they have to because our o philosophy is just outdated, IMO.

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15 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

Did it feel like Luck was pressing to get Moncreif into this game with his passes though? It sure did to me. 


I think so because not much was opening up downfield and Luck was looking to dump the ball off to him. I think Moncrief is gun shy now after breaking his scapula. He didn't want to take another hit. 

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