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Football In China in 2018

King Colt

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Anyone think this is not "all about the money"? Germany in 2017 and China in 2018. This is the word all day today and so far all the insights in to this are resounding "NOs" including Bill Polan. 12 hour time difference, a very long flight time and how can our wonderful NFL that is so-o-o concerned about the players rationalize this? Money not only is king here but as we are all painfully aware college athletics are the same breed of money grubbing skunks.  Change is good?! Not in this case. 

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1 hour ago, King Colt said:

Anyone think this is not "all about the money"? Germany in 2017 and China in 2018. This is the word all day today and so far all the insights in to this are resounding "NOs" including Bill Polan. 12 hour time difference, a very long flight time and how can our wonderful NFL that is so-o-o concerned about the players rationalize this? Money not only is king here but as we are all painfully aware college athletics are the same breed of money grubbing skunks.  Change is good?! Not in this case. 


there is interest by teams  but u r right about the reason


UPDATE: Source tells @NFLonFOX that NFL could play regular season game in China as early as 2018.Handful of teams already expressed interest



You ever see how many Houston Rockets fans are in China? If you're an NFL team, you look at China and see a totally untapped 1.3 billion person fanbase.

Be the first team in, generate some love in China and there is a potential revenue firehose waiting to be opened.

The league will harp on "spreading the game worldwide" but it's code for "make lots of money." China is an opportunity for it and as such don't be surprised when this happens.

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11 hours ago, buccolts said:

To stop this, I suppose we're going to have to reproduce at a more vigorous rate. 


I've done my share already.



On a separate note, I find it interesting that the NFL recently stated that Atlanta may lose out on a Super Bowl bid due to impending legislation that the NFL and many others find discrimmatory.  However, they seem to be willing to play a game in China, a country known for their human rights violations.  I am not condemning either position, I am just looking for the logic behind the two seemingly contradictory stances.  Maybe the rationale is just what King Colt said, money, the NFL stands to potentially lose money in Atlanta where they stand to gain money in China.

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2 hours ago, pacolts56 said:

And I know the league will be so thrilled to see all those Chinese NFL fans attending the game and througout China decked out in authentic NFL team jerseys that they paid $300+ for.


<<<<gameshow buzzer>>>> :P


Ha, im sure the jerseys are made in Chinese textile factories anyways, and im also sure theyd be flush with knock-off jerseys taboot...

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4 hours ago, Cynjin said:


I've done my share already.



On a separate note, I find it interesting that the NFL recently stated that Atlanta may lose out on a Super Bowl bid due to impending legislation that the NFL and many others find discrimmatory.  However, they seem to be willing to play a game in China, a country known for their human rights violations.  I am not condemning either position, I am just looking for the logic behind the two seemingly contradictory stances.  Maybe the rationale is just what King Colt said, money, the NFL stands to potentially lose money in Atlanta where they stand to gain money in China.


Yeah, I've done my part. Both of my kids are from China.


The whole Atlanta thing is a rock & a hard place for them.

There's plenty to say about the situation, but this wouldn't be the place for it.


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1 minute ago, buccolts said:


Yeah, I've done my part. Both of my kids are from China.


The whole Atlanta thing is a rock & a hard place for them.

There's plenty to say about the situation, but this wouldn't be the place for it.



None of mine are from China, but I do have 4 kids, so I figure that is plenty.

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 4:27 PM, King Colt said:

Anyone think this is not "all about the money"? Germany in 2017 and China in 2018. This is the word all day today and so far all the insights in to this are resounding "NOs" including Bill Polan. 12 hour time difference, a very long flight time and how can our wonderful NFL that is so-o-o concerned about the players rationalize this? Money not only is king here but as we are all painfully aware college athletics are the same breed of money grubbing skunks.  Change is good?! Not in this case. 

Money is king in the NFL, King...and that's how it should be. Its not college

Dont think NFL players care don't about money...and raising that salary cap

You have to pay the players. You have to make a profit.  Its business and it s all good


I don't have have problems with the cash the players make for their efforts and their risks.

Somebody's got to pay 'em.

China is a very, very big market......just take it as it comes

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On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 10:46 AM, jvan1973 said:

The nfl is going to keep atlanta from hosting a superbowl because of anti gay marriage laws,  but want to have regular season games in China?    I wonder if the powers that be have looked into how China feels about that subject?

Good point in theory......

..but American sponsors aren't going to boycott games because of controversy over anti-gay laws in China..

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Yeah.  The game will be heavily covered in the us.  It's not like it won't be on television here.    

For the sponsors to be 'moved' to lean on the NFL for playing in China, I think Americans would have to target those American companies.....for some type of boycott

I don't believe we're that noble a people, to be honest with you, when it comes to 'abuse' of those not American.

We dont always hold others to our 'standards' if they're willing to give us their money. 


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IMO, expansion is inevitable. As to where the NFL goes? That's a BIG deal to me, and most probably many others. I get the money. But, they had better think long & hard before delving into a country that flashes characteristics of the dark ages from time to time. Sponsors & networks will not tolerate or accept multiple segregationist views (no matter what that PCism is) which infuriate most of the world's free thinking democratic societies.

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On 3/27/2016 at 1:00 PM, oldunclemark said:

For the sponsors to be 'moved' to lean on the NFL for playing in China, I think Americans would have to target those American companies.....for some type of boycott

I don't believe we're that noble a people, to be honest with you, when it comes to 'abuse' of those not American.

We dont always hold others to our 'standards' if they're willing to give us their money. 


If you think people actually boycott any product in this country you're crazy.   The fear of losing sponsorships is what get noticed.  

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So I think China is twelve hours off from ours so what time will the games air? I understand the comments about the inevitably of such a move but change is not always the best move, remember Coke changing it's formula or the re-emergence of the Ford T-Bird which almost no one bought? All businesses make mistakes and this is one by the NFL.

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On 3/27/2016 at 11:52 AM, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

So stupid, IMHO. Just make your own leagues if you care about this much. 


It is actually a pretty smart move as China is a huge untapped market for the NFL.  Look at movies for example.  Movies here can tank, but they release in China and they easily make a killing over there.  The NBA loves being in the Chinese market as that is more people to sell their stuff to and that is what the NFL wants a piece of.


Not surprised at all, but I do find it funny that the NFL comes down hard on Georgia, but then is turning around and giving a game to China who is well known for human rights issues.  If Georgia was an untapped market like China NFL would not have said anything about their legislation.  It is all about the money to the NFL.

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On 3/22/2016 at 6:58 AM, Cynjin said:


I've done my share already.



On a separate note, I find it interesting that the NFL recently stated that Atlanta may lose out on a Super Bowl bid due to impending legislation that the NFL and many others find discrimmatory.  However, they seem to be willing to play a game in China, a country known for their human rights violations.  I am not condemning either position, I am just looking for the logic behind the two seemingly contradictory stances.  Maybe the rationale is just what King Colt said, money, the NFL stands to potentially lose money in Atlanta where they stand to gain money in China.



You're comparing oranges to apples. China's country is their country, and no leaders in this country can tell them what to do. The U.S. has absolutely no right to tell other countries what to do, period. Human rights violations happen here all the time, this country is no where near to being a perfect example. The anti-LGBT bill up for grabs in Atlanta can be prevented here, and should be prevented. It's a matter of taking care of business in your own back yard. 


This comes down to expansion and has nothing to do with political stuff at all. The NFL is an always expanding business. They've profited more in the last decade than ever before in their history. This is just capitalism 101; businesses expanding. China is a huge market, it's really no different than playing in London or wanting to play in Mexico or anywhere else.


Anyone remember the European football league the NFL tried to launch in the 90's? It was a complete failure, but it's a fine example of expansion and trying to push your product. 


The NFL is a business. The more money they make, the more they're going to try and push their product and expand. 

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22 hours ago, Bogie said:



You're comparing oranges to apples. China's country is their country, and no leaders in this country can tell them what to do. The U.S. has absolutely no right to tell other countries what to do, period. Human rights violations happen here all the time, this country is no where near to being a perfect example. The anti-LGBT bill up for grabs in Atlanta can be prevented here, and should be prevented. It's a matter of taking care of business in your own back yard. 


This comes down to expansion and has nothing to do with political stuff at all. The NFL is an always expanding business. They've profited more in the last decade than ever before in their history. This is just capitalism 101; businesses expanding. China is a huge market, it's really no different than playing in London or wanting to play in Mexico or anywhere else.


Anyone remember the European football league the NFL tried to launch in the 90's? It was a complete failure, but it's a fine example of expansion and trying to push your product. 


The NFL is a business. The more money they make, the more they're going to try and push their product and expand. 


I am responding knowing full well that it will probably fall on deaf ears.


I am not comparing apples and oranges, other than one has a history of human rights violations and the other is discrimination, both are bad.  The fact that the NFL is will to protest one and not the other is inconsistent.  I am fully aware that the NFL is a business and interested in making money, I made that clear in my post.  However, it looks like the NFL is using making money or not making money as their sole reason for taking a position for or against playing a game at a location.  We might lose money playing in Atlanta so we will protest the laws, we will probably make money in China so we will ignore those arguably worse laws.  If they don't mind playing a game in a country that will put a person in prison for their political beliefs I don't know why they would mind playing in a state that would allow a baker to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex wedding.  Just because you do not live in a country doesn't mean that you have to be okay with how they treat their citizens.  Also, I never said anything about the United States record on human rights, but it is light years ahead of China's record.

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