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Goodbye OL Line Coach, Hal Hunter


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Coaching history[edit]

  • He had a great deal of OL coaching experience in College and the Pros


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2 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

Coaching history[edit]


Huh, I didn't think he was made an Oline coach until last offseason.

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10 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Any news on Gilbert?


2 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

No word on Joe Gilbert yet, I think his time here is coming to a quick close


It's interesting that Gilbert has not been let go, maybe they plan on moving him into a different role with the team.

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10 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We are cleaning house. Chuck is having a good time.


Seems the organization is quite serious this go around. Revamping the defense & OL coaching is a great start along with other changes. They've got the ball. Let's see how they run with it.

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1 minute ago, ColtRider said:


Seems the organization is quite serious this go around. Revamping the defense & OL coaching is a great start along with other changes. They've got the ball. Let's see how they run with it.

The Draft has me curious, so does Free Agency. This offseason needs to be a homerun. I think we can still win our Division with ok moves if Andrew stays healthy but in order to win the SB we need a Great offseason.

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13 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The Draft has me curious, so does Free Agency. This offseason needs to be a homerun. I think we can still win our Division with ok moves if Andrew stays healthy but in order to win the SB we need a Great offseason.


Yep. That's the key, 06CBE. The draft & FA. You hit the homers & the entire persona changes with new blood to go with the old. Build by draft. FA to confirm. NFL orgs that do this on a "consistent" basis are the ones that enjoy successful longevity. 

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3 minutes ago, ColtRider said:


Yep. That's the key, 06CBE. The draft & FA. You hit the homers & the entire persona changes with new blood to go with the old. Build by draft. FA to confirm. NFL orgs that do this on a "consistent" basis are the ones that enjoy successful longevity. 

I think Irsay got Grigs and Chuck in a room and laid down the law. I could tell by the Press Conference by the way all 3 were acting but Irsay has a franchise QB and he is not going to blow this opportunity to bring the city another SB Championship.

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I am always pretty optimistic, maybe more than others but I would be very surprised if we didn't win the SB within the next 2 years. It's mainly because we have Andrew but I think after this season it was a wake up call and Chuck and Grigs know they need to get their crap together. I am not saying we will win it next season but I can see it within the 2, maybe 3.

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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I think Irsay got Grigs and Chuck in a room and laid down the law. I could tell by the Press Conference by the way all 3 were acting but Irsay has a franchise QB and he is not going to blow this opportunity to bring the city another SB Championship.


Well, I'm not sure what Andrew was thinking before all of these changes. But, I've got to think he's breathing a sigh of relief. There's no way Luck doesn't sign now. And, he'll get that mega contract everyone's anticipating. Deservedly so, IMO.

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1 minute ago, ColtRider said:


Well, I not sure what Andrew was thinking before all of these changes. But, I've got to think he's breathing a sigh of relief. There's no way Luck doesn't sign now. And, he'll get that mega contract everyone's anticipating. Deservedly so, IMO.

From everything Ive seen and heard from Andrew he wanted Chuck back. I think that could've been why Irsay brought him back. Most of the players wanted Chuck back actually.

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

From everything Ive seen and heard from Andrew he wanted Chuck back. I think that could've been why Irsay brought him back. Most of the players wanted Chuck back actually.


The realism with the team's performance problems, especially the mistakes i.e. penalties & TOs, scheming, etc. are laid at the feet of mostly the HC. However, the former OC, DC, & PCs in this case concerning the Colts are arguably the source of the 2015-16 season finish @ 8-8. The directive of shifting responsibility has now changed. Hopefully, for the better. 

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1 hour ago, Bluefire4 said:

I dont really think a coach would make that much of a difference to the offensive line and people are just looking for scapegoats. We just need talent.


Part of it was bad coaching. There has been so many OL drafted by this team that have flamed out. Hugh Thornton and Khaled Holmes were both thought as 3-4 round guys in that years draft. 

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I'm glad to see that the assistant coaches are being fired instead of the people who run the team, like Grigs and Pags.  Just like the players, the position coaches are more likley to be the cause of the on-field performance problems than are the two people farthest removed from the situation.  Good move by Irsay, Grigson, and Pagano, IMO.

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2 hours ago, Bluefire4 said:

I dont really think a coach would make that much of a difference to the offensive line and people are just looking for scapegoats. We just need talent.

Technique that some players lack can really be important,especially for those lineman that have just gotten by on talent until they get to the NFL.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We are cleaning house. Chuck is having a good time.


I don't know how you meant this comment,  but I can flat-out guarantee you Chuck Pagano is not enjoying this process.  


Since he was an assistant for roughly 30 years, he knows it's no fun to lose your job and have to up-root your family.     Selling your home.   Moving the family.    Pulling kids out of school.     Getting a new home, finding new schools for the kids.      It's brutal life for assistants.


Nagano doesn't like doing this,  but he's doing it because he hopes it will make the team better.


Team outweighs the individual.


These are not the best of times inside the Colts offices.


And the "good riddance" comment from another poster -- disgusts me.



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A few OL thoughts....     and apologies up front,  this is going to be a rant...


It should not be forgotten, overlooked, or dismissed that whoever our OL coaches have been have not had much to work with.


Our players have either been poor,  or injured,  or both.


IN 2014, the Colts led the NFL in a dubious category -- most different offensive line combinations over a 16 game schedule with 11.       16 games, 11 different OL line combinations.     Think about that.


THAT is a recipe for terrible OL play.    And yet, the Colts went all the way to the AFC championship.    It could be argued that our coaches made chicken salad out of chicken s**t.


None of us knows how much the problem was the players,  the injuries,  the coaching, or the front office who reportedly told the coaches who to start and who provided the coaches with substandard players.


I think comments like "good riddance" are despicable and contemptible.    I think it pollutes the quality of the message boards. 


I never celebrate coaches getting fired.    It's a brutal business and assigning fault and blame is always easier said when it's being done from the cheap sheets here on a message board.


Sorry,   rant over......


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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:
3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


A few OL thoughts....     and apologies up front,  this is going to be a rant...


It should not be forgotten, overlooked, or dismissed that whoever our OL coaches have been have not had much to work with.


Our players have either been poor,  or injured,  or both.


IN 2014, the Colts led the NFL in a dubious category -- most different offensive line combinations over a 16 game schedule with 11.       16 games, 11 different OL line combinations.     Think about that.


THAT is a recipe for terrible OL play.    And yet, the Colts went all the way to the AFC championship.    It could be argued that our coaches made chicken salad out of chicken s**t.


None of us knows how much the problem was the players,  the injuries,  the coaching, or the front office who reportedly told the coaches who to start and who provided the coaches with substandard players.


I think comments like "good riddance" are despicable and contemptible.    I think it pollutes the quality of the message boards. 


I never celebrate coaches getting fired.    It's a brutal business and assigning fault and blame is always easier said when it's being done from the cheap sheets here on a message board.


Sorry,   rant over......


A few OL thoughts....     and apologies up front,  this is going to be a rant...


It should not be forgotten, overlooked, or dismissed that whoever our OL coaches have been have not had much to work with.


Our players have either been poor,  or injured,  or both.


IN 2014, the Colts led the NFL in a dubious category -- most different offensive line combinations over a 16 game schedule with 11.       16 games, 11 different OL line combinations.     Think about that.


THAT is a recipe for terrible OL play.    And yet, the Colts went all the way to the AFC championship.    It could be argued that our coaches made chicken salad out of chicken s**t.


None of us knows how much the problem was the players,  the injuries,  the coaching, or the front office who reportedly told the coaches who to start and who provided the coaches with substandard players.


I think comments like "good riddance" are despicable and contemptible.    I think it pollutes the quality of the message boards. 


I never celebrate coaches getting fired.    It's a brutal business and assigning fault and blame is always easier said when it's being done from the cheap sheets here on a message board.


Sorry,   rant over......

you have to quit being sensible has no place on a discusiion board


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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I don't know how you meant this comment,  but I can flat-out guarantee you Chuck Pagano is not enjoying this process.  


Since he was an assistant for roughly 30 years, he knows it's no fun to lose your job and have to up-root your family.     Selling your home.   Moving the family.    Pulling kids out of school.     Getting a new home, finding new schools for the kids.      It's brutal life for assistants.


Nagano doesn't like doing this,  but he's doing it because he hopes it will make the team better.


Team outweighs the individual.


These are not the best of times inside the Colts offices.


And the "good riddance" comment from another poster -- disgusts me.



What I meant by goodtime is he finally has some power to bring in who he wants to better the team. I don't think he had that in the past. Didn't mean anything negative by my previous Post.

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22 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

What I meant by goodtime is he finally has some power to bring in who he wants to better the team. I don't think he had that in the past. Didn't mean anything negative by my previous Post.


Thanks very much.....   I thought that might be what you meant.  


And I appreciate you not taking offense at my post....     it was intended toward the broader message board community and not just you....


Thanks for being so good about it....         :thmup:

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