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According to NBC, Grigson more likely to stay


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1 minute ago, bap1331 said:

Not allowed to post links but NBC sports did an article stating that grigson would most likely come back next year. We need to do something asap!!


1) You are allowed to post links.


2) NBC is picking up on Holder's article from yesterday, not reporting anything new. 

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I think grigson has brought in some really good players like freeman jackson walden vontae adams langford redding anderson parry hilton moncrief mewhort. course hes had some bad players like richardson, werner, a trio of wrs every year(I actually thought avery was pretty good). grigs knows how to bring talent and while everyone will complain he hasnt fix the oline, its not like he hasnt tried. players like GC satale mcgylnn holmes harrison louis thornton thomas shipley nixon justin anderson either didnt pan out or were injuried too much

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Another "news" cycle where somebody writes something, then 2000 websites cut and paste the "source"


Can we just get a centralized single news service like they had in the old USSR and just cut out everybody in the middle?  Its evolving into the same thing and it would save me a lot of clicks.

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4 minutes ago, bap1331 said:


Well history shows that irsay kept Polian even with Tony dungy when he came in. Hopefully not the same situation with grigson.


The Polian/Dungy situation has nothing to do with the Grigson/Pagano situation.

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unlike a lot of people, I don't think Grigson has been the total cluster**** that he's being portrayed as. Now I'm not totally defending him, but he's brought in a lot of good players, especially on the DL this year. Therer have been some well publicized misses, and free agent misses. But the thing about the the free agent misses is that the Colts had a lot of money they had to spend and he spent it. But those contracts given out were also team friendly and easy to get out of if those players didn't pan out. Now if he struck out on this past draft I'd say he'd be gone, but this past draft looks really good...Dosett has lots of potential, Parry is a keeper, Anderson is a stud in the making, Geathers has show flashers as a major thumper (just needs to work on coverage more). Goode still needs some work though. So I really don't have much against keeping Grigson around for a couple years.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Another "news" cycle where somebody writes something, then 2000 websites cut and paste the "source"




You just summed up today's journalism 101 class in one sentence!  The only thing I might add is that this "somebody" could very well be the proverbial "16 year old in his parent's basement" and if passed around enough, will eventually feed the major news sources.


I have a background in journalism and I just can't believe what it's evolved into today.  Sickening and LAZY.

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Not a fan of this. Too many draft choices given away on players either no longer with the team (Richardson, Montori Hughes, etc) or not hardly playing (Moore) and his drafts have been spotty at best, and even that is being generous particularly when it comes to the top half of the draft. In four years of drafts- Thumbs up on Luck, Hilton, Mewhort, Moncrief, Anderson, but little else of great value to show for it (Werner, Thornton, and every other OL he has drafted)


Too many misses on FA. We were frustrated for years because Polian wouldn't spend $$ on Free Agents, now we have a GM who hardly sees a FA he won't throw money at, without a lot of impact.  Will give him props for Langford, Jackson (kind of), Vontae & Gore, but little else- Landry, Cherilus, Cole, Herramans, Johnson, etc


Don't really know if Pagano should stay. Kind of hard to tell after the crappy roster he was given and the revolving door at QB this year, but he probably will be portrayed as the villain here at cast aside. Not sure he deserves it based only on this year, but this year has been awful on a lot of levels. Such is the NFL though, no mercy, very few second chances.




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30 minutes ago, PeterBowman said:

unlike a lot of people, I don't think Grigson has been the total cluster**** that he's being portrayed as. Now I'm not totally defending him, but he's brought in a lot of good players, especially on the DL this year. Therer have been some well publicized misses, and free agent misses. But the thing about the the free agent misses is that the Colts had a lot of money they had to spend and he spent it. But those contracts given out were also team friendly and easy to get out of if those players didn't pan out. Now if he struck out on this past draft I'd say he'd be gone, but this past draft looks really good...Dosett has lots of potential, Parry is a keeper, Anderson is a stud in the making, Geathers has show flashers as a major thumper (just needs to work on coverage more). Goode still needs some work though. So I really don't have much against keeping Grigson around for a couple years.


His control over the lineup has killed the team. Sure he can bring players but when he makes the decisions over the coach, it kills the team. He killed the team this season. Why is jonathoon Harrison still on the team? Why is he arranging the oline? Why didn't Shipley stay? Why was sio on the bench when all the linebackers were hurt? It's little things that made the big difference this season.

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5 minutes ago, cbear said:


You just summed up today's journalism 101 class in one sentence!  The only thing I might add is that this "somebody" could very well be the proverbial "16 year old in his parent's basement" and if passed around enough, will eventually feed the major news sources.


I have a background in journalism and I just can't believe what it's evolved into today.  Sickening and LAZY.

It does make me wonder about a generation of news journalists evolving on the internet.  Do the same journalistic standard apply in the age of internet news?


Say what you want about the old newspapers...but the clubbish attitude of those organizations did tend to police themselves by ratting out any of them for breaching the two reliable sources standard.  If the internet is so free, it makes me wonder if those types of standards even exist.

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20 minutes ago, OHColtfan said:

Not a fan of this. Too many draft choices given away on players either no longer with the team (Richardson, Montori Hughes, etc) or not hardly playing (Moore) and his drafts have been spotty at best, and even that is being generous particularly when it comes to the top half of the draft. In four years of drafts- Thumbs up on Luck, Hilton, Mewhort, Moncrief, Anderson, but little else of great value to show for it (Werner, Thornton, and every other OL he has drafted)


Too many misses on FA. We were frustrated for years because Polian wouldn't spend $$ on Free Agents, now we have a GM who hardly sees a FA he won't throw money at, without a lot of impact.  Will give him props for Langford, Jackson (kind of), Vontae & Gore, but little else- Landry, Cherilus, Cole, Herramans, Johnson, etc


Don't really know if Pagano should stay. Kind of hard to tell after the crappy roster he was given and the revolving door at QB this year, but he probably will be portrayed as the villain here at cast aside. Not sure he deserves it based only on this year, but this year has been awful on a lot of levels. Such is the NFL though, no mercy, very few second chances.


I completely agree with everyone you said, it's the exact same reason I want Grigson gone.  The only thing I really have to comment on is Pagano, and you were right, it's so hard to tell.  He really got the shaft this year, coaching in a lame duck season is hard for anyone.  Than he has QBs going down left and right.  But I am sure he will get a second chance at another team.  His fate with this team is sealed, but this FO isn't going to sell me on that it was all Pagano.  Anyone that buys that is just buying what the front office is selling you and when we have another season of garbage o-line, injured QBs(most importantly our franchise QB) and not pass rush then those people are really going to look foolish, even though they will never admit it.  Fact is, let's cut our losses now and get rid of Grigson before he has another chance(which he has blown 4 years of chances) to not protect Andrew Luck. 



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39 minutes ago, PeterBowman said:

unlike a lot of people, I don't think Grigson has been the total cluster**** that he's being portrayed as. Now I'm not totally defending him, but he's brought in a lot of good players, especially on the DL this year. Therer have been some well publicized misses, and free agent misses. But the thing about the the free agent misses is that the Colts had a lot of money they had to spend and he spent it. But those contracts given out were also team friendly and easy to get out of if those players didn't pan out. Now if he struck out on this past draft I'd say he'd be gone, but this past draft looks really good...Dosett has lots of potential, Parry is a keeper, Anderson is a stud in the making, Geathers has show flashers as a major thumper (just needs to work on coverage more). Goode still needs some work though. So I really don't have much against keeping Grigson around for a couple years.

That is true!  Didn't ever really think of it that way.  He had money he had to spend so he spent it.  He never really wasted anything...  However, it still doesn't excuse the fact that he's struck out more than he hit (and this isn't baseball lol).  He has always done a pretty good job with the cap though IMO. 


Overall this past draft was acceptable, but I refuse to give him a pass, due to the severity of the OL issue, getting a WR who wasn't going to make a huge impact (and got injured), either way, which in turn, made Luck exposed and injured.  I will still give Smith some time, as CB's usually take time to develop, but not too keen on him either.  Anderson, Parry, Geathers were all GREAT value picks, which kind of saved grace for him.  Ignoring the Luck pick, I just don't understand how you can screw up so many #1 picks and still have a job?


I really don't want to keep him around, but believe it or not there are worse GM's out there.  I look at Grigson as average, but we can do better.  Whatever the case is, if we do keep him, I really hope he isn't involved like he was in the past.  We need a HC that runs the show, who actually knows what he is doing.  Personally, I like Pagano, but he has his downfalls also.  He (nor anybody) can be 100% effective if they're being micro managed, and I feel that's what the last 2 seasons were.


Worse case scenario, we have a new HC and Grigson is here 1 more year, but if that's the case, I hope he is thrown to the wolves.  Fight or Die!!  He either succeeds or is gone, no in between!  It would be very unfortunate though if he screws up another offseason and gets fired after next season, which causes conflict within the organization and the new HC.  Further wasting Luck's prime her in Indy...  But now I'm playing the what if game, so I will just stop lol



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14 minutes ago, ColtStronger said:

That is true!  Didn't ever really think of it that way.  He had money he had to spend so he spent it.  He never really wasted anything...  However, it still doesn't excuse the fact that he's struck out more than he hit (and this isn't baseball lol).  He has always done a pretty good job with the cap though IMO. 


I think it is very difficult to separate the players that he was able to obtain from the lack of cap hit they create.  I think you have to look at both as a single decision, and judge if it was the right thing to do given the alternatives.


The alternative would be to hand out more guaranteed money to the players who were better than the ones that signed with the Colts over the past four years.  I'm not sure, but I don't see any...any...high priced free agent over the past few years that has lit it up for their new team.  I think Gs, Safeties, OTs have all been overpaid and putting a strain on their new teams caps.  I'm sure there are some...but I'd say less than 20% of the available pool of free agents signed with big guaranteed money over the past 4 years have actually earned it.


I might go so far as to say, considering their production with the Colts, Toler and Walden may be two of the more successful free agent signings in the whole NFL over the past four years.  And that certainly isn't saying the Toler is good, its more of a comment on how bad the competitive contracts needed to land other players have been.

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Grigs has shown to be good in the draft. Not so much in FA.  We're close to not having to rely on FA every year, so I think this is smart.


Question - which GM has shown success in FA?  Most good moves are letting someone go as opposed to signing them. 

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6 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

He has to go before they get rid of Pagano.


This offensive line alone is enough to fire him.


Throw in TRich trade, Werner, etc. and he shouldn't be allowed to draft anymore.


I don't fault him too much for the Richardson trade.  It was assumed to be a mid 20's pick.   Most people just thought that Cleveland was a bad place for him.   He was only one year removed from being the #3 pick in the draft.  He ran for 3.6 YPC and caught 51 balls in his rookie year. 

Maybe I am defending it because at the time I thought it was a great trade. 

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12 minutes ago, Myles said:

I don't fault him too much for the Richardson trade.  It was assumed to be a mid 20's pick.   Most people just thought that Cleveland was a bad place for him.   He was only one year removed from being the #3 pick in the draft.  He ran for 3.6 YPC and caught 51 balls in his rookie year. 

Maybe I am defending it because at the time I thought it was a great trade. 

You are lol

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4 hours ago, CR91 said:

I think grigson has brought in some really good players like freeman jackson walden vontae adams langford redding anderson parry hilton moncrief mewhort. course hes had some bad players like richardson, werner, a trio of wrs every year(I actually thought avery was pretty good). grigs knows how to bring talent and while everyone will complain he hasnt fix the oline, its not like he hasnt tried. players like GC satale mcgylnn holmes harrison louis thornton thomas shipley nixon justin anderson either didnt pan out or were injuried too much


 A lot of mediocrity-decent in your list of Really Good players.

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4 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


 A lot of mediocrity-decent in your list of Really Good players.


please tell me who exactly is medicore. in two years together freeman and jackson have combined for 500 tackles, adams has led us in turnovers the last two years, walden has been one of our best run defenders and pass rushers, vontae is a shut down corner when healthy, ty with three different QBs topped 1000 yards. anderson and parry had really impressive rookie seasons, langford has been an absolute beast 

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6 minutes ago, BOTT said:

I wasn't referencing you entire post, just the last sentence.

Yeah, I was pumped.   Finally we were getting a powerful RB.  A guy one year removed from being the #3 pick in the draft.   Most analysts thought Cleveland did good by drafting him,   He was highly touted.   I was thinking this was good for the future.  Having the 1st and 3rd picks from a year ago.  


Turns out that he would fall down if you breathed heavy.    Even through the TV screen.:thmup:  

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I'm still unsure of Grigson....I will say I want our "capologist" or whomever does the contracts to stay lol. I've been very happy with how flexible we've been able to be. I'd just like us to focus on our OL a bit more and a pass rush. I know we've tried and a lot of teams have issues there too but that's the main thing keeping us from hosting a playoff game.

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3 hours ago, ColtStronger said:


Worse case scenario, we have a new HC and Grigson is here 1 more year, but if that's the case, I hope he is thrown to the wolves.  Fight or Die!!  He either succeeds or is gone, no in between!  It would be very unfortunate though if he screws up another offseason and gets fired after next season, which causes conflict within the organization and the new HC.  Further wasting Luck's prime her in Indy...  But now I'm playing the what if game, so I will just stop lol



Exactly, we can't afford for him to screw up another offseason and leave Luck unprotected.  It would mean several things, one the new HC gets screwed over, two Luck possibly gets injured and three Luck doesn't resign because the front office can't commit to keeping him protected.  

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2 hours ago, Myles said:

I don't fault him too much for the Richardson trade.  It was assumed to be a mid 20's pick.   Most people just thought that Cleveland was a bad place for him.   He was only one year removed from being the #3 pick in the draft.  He ran for 3.6 YPC and caught 51 balls in his rookie year. 

Maybe I am defending it because at the time I thought it was a great trade. 

I thought it was an OK trade. 


I would have been happier giving up a 2nd round pick obviously. 


I did not think he'd fail like he did but Grigson does still deserve blame because it was a failure. 

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3 hours ago, wig said:

Grigs has shown to be good in the draft. Not so much in FA.  We're close to not having to rely on FA every year, so I think this is smart.


Question - which GM has shown success in FA?  Most good moves are letting someone go as opposed to signing them. 


Well....    Grigson had a very good 2012 draft.     And a very good 2015 draft.


His 2013 draft has produced almost nothing.     And his 2014 draft has produced two nice players.    And maybe one more.     But that's not enough over a 2-year period.   


So, I think Grigson's drafting record is.........     mixed.


Combine that with a Free Agency batting average that's also mixed and you have the roster that we have.


IMO,  not nearly good enough after 4-years.


Again,  just my opinion.....



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