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Bears (+8.5) @ Green Bay (11-26-15)


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Tracy Porter is the Packer/Favre killer. This, 2009, and uuuuhhhhhhhhh 4th and 26.



Brian Dawkins got the pick from the 4th and 26 game.



And a week later, the Eagles get destroyed by that fluke Panthers team.



God I hated those Eagles. The biggest choke artists of the NFC. 

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For Green Bay to lay down like this and lose on the night of retiring Brett Favre's number is the most ultimate disrespect and shame of the week. Especially when the game closing INT comes from TRACY PORTER of all corners. Tracy Porter hasn't done jack crap since the Manning INT in the SB, but he got his name called tonight. 



Favre>Rodgers, always. 

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If there's a Packers board that's anything like this one, a few people are on there right now angrily typing out how their QB is "overrated". 



There's a lot of people on this forum that think Aaron Rodgers is above criticism and is the best quarterback ever, so I'm sure it won't hurt much for the media's golden boy. 

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For Green Bay to lay down like this and lose on the night of retiring Brett Favre's number is the most ultimate disrespect and shame of the week. Especially when the game closing INT comes from TRACY PORTER of all corners. Tracy Porter hasn't done jack crap since the Manning INT in the SB, but he got his name called tonight. 



Favre>Rodgers, always. 


I can't believe this loss for them. I saw the halftime Favre thing and it was well done. And the Packers looked BAD. Bad bad bad.

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But Porter is who for some reason decided to run the other way on the 4th and 26 play. We toss the word rigged around alot, but if there was ever a rigged play, that was it and Porter was in on it lol!

I don't think the Packers laid down. I just think they're overrated and that the Bears are decent. And if they did lay down, Favre is secretly laughing at Aaron which isn't as disrespectful as it sounds because Aaron probably thought he was going to get another free 5 TD Bears game and steal the show.

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But Porter is who for some reason decided to run the other way on the 4th and 26 play. We toss the word rigged around alot, but if there was ever a rigged play, that was it and Porter was in on it lol!

I don't think the Packers laid down. I just think they're overrated and that the Bears are decent. And if they did lay down, Favre is secretly laughing at Aaron which isn't as disrespectful as it sounds because Aaron probably thought he was going to get another free 5 TD Bears game and steal the show.



Tracy Porter was drafted by the Saints in 2008. He was not in the league at the time of the 4th and 26 game. I believe you're confused with someone else, probably with the same last name. 

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I can't count out the Giants if they win the East lol.


The Giants didn't play today. lmao You almost sound mad at them. lmao



I wish they could play the Saints again, so we could put 40 more points on that pathetic defense, and then everyone can remind us how "they're going to the SB and will win it all!"  lmao

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I wish they could play the Saints again, so we could put 40 more points on that pathetic defense, and then everyone can remind us how "they're going to the SB and will win it all!"  lmao


Oh they won't win it all. The Giants I mean.


Neither will the Packers.


Although if the Giants and Packers played in the playoffs I might not even be very confident on Green Bay......

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TRACY PORTER of all people picked off Rodgers tonight. 

I thought it was very considerate of Aaron to honor Brett with a game ending pick.  haha Ah, it takes be back to all to familiar or should I say 4miliar territory....


All kidding aside Bogie, it was a nice night for Favre: It rained, he hugged Bart Starr, & he got to reminisce with Al Michaels in the booth. 


Brett's jersey retirement tonight was well deserved & I like this new mellow, low key grandpa named Favre now. 

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For Green Bay to lay down like this and lose on the night of retiring Brett Favre's number is the most ultimate disrespect and shame of the week. Especially when the game closing INT comes from TRACY PORTER of all corners. Tracy Porter hasn't done jack crap since the Manning INT in the SB, but he got his name called tonight. 



Favre>Rodgers, always. 


It was still a good night for Favre though. I know you how much you love him. They did a very good presentation for him. And he spoke well.


And look on the bright side......it made Favre look better then Rodgers tonight.


I still wished for a better showing by the Pack though. This team gives me a headache this season. Oh wait it started last year in the playoffs........

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It was still a good night for Favre though. I know you how much you love him. They did a very good presentation for him. And he spoke well.


And look on the bright side......it made Favre look better then Rodgers tonight.


I still wished for a better showing by the Pack though. This team gives me a headache this season. Oh wait it started last year in the playoffs........

Because Favre deserves to be honored tonight, I will let that statement slide. But, let's just say that opinions vary greatly on that statement. Enough said. 

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Cutler actually played a good game tonight. Shocking I know. John Fox & his coaching staff are making the Bears respectable again. 


A relative of mine named Emma loves Da Bears. She'll be over the moon about this Lambeau smackdown. 


I must admit though that the Packers look off on offense this year. Minnesota will win the NFC North. Mike Zimmer is doing brilliant work on that squad's D & Norv Turner is making Bridgewater into a contender. 


Off topic: Way to pulverize the Eagles Detroit & give a huge assist to the NY Giants in the NFC East. Alright, alright, alright! 

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But Porter is who for some reason decided to run the other way on the 4th and 26 play. We toss the word rigged around alot, but if there was ever a rigged play, that was it and Porter was in on it lol!

I don't think the Packers laid down. I just think they're overrated and that the Bears are decent. And if they did lay down, Favre is secretly laughing at Aaron which isn't as disrespectful as it sounds because Aaron probably thought he was going to get another free 5 TD Bears game and steal the show.

You mean like Favre has never thrown a pick before right BC? Only 336, but who's counting.. But you're right, Rogers has thrown 4 interceptions this year GB needs to cut him now. Sarcasm. 


Man, I love these Brett apologists who find any excuse to slam Aaron & canonize #4 to sainthood. You're revisionist GB history is fascinating. Wrong, but fascinating. 


Brett & Brett alone pushed himself out of WI with all his I don't wanna practice rhetoric. Will I retire/won't I retire nonsense. And gunslinger is just code for "bad decision maker" in critical moments. 

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I' like Brett Favre, and was glad to see him honored. I don't know what he was doing when he kept changing his mind about retirement, but I won't go there. At least all seems forgiven between Favre and the Packers.


I think it's overreacting to say that it was disrespectful or shameful for the Packers to lose last night. This was a divison rivalry, so it was bound to be a  competitive game. I doubt that Favre felt dishonored by the loss. I picked Green Bay to win this game, but it didn't take away from the halftime events. To imply that it did, is far fetched IMO. A win would have been good, but things happen.


I would laugh if Washington ended up winning the NFC East. The way it's going, this coudl happen.

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Never saw this loss coming. GB losing at home to the Bears just does not happen. Credit to the Bears for not giving the game away like they usually do. Not sure what is going on with the Pack offense but Rodgers said he and his receivers are not on the same page. Better get that fixed and fast. This was a killer loss for their chances at taking the division.

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Adam Gase and John Fox have turned Cutler back around.  Gase came in with a whole new offense everyone was going to have to committ to memory, and Cutler was way ahead of everyone else in camp.  That prompted Gase to say-

Jay Cutler - "His intelligence is way better than what I thought,"

So Cutler now has an OC that will install plays in the game plan that he can use to keep the D off balance and also put Jay in a better position to succeed.  And minimize the Albatross plays that trip Cutler up.  Now just past halfway point, it appears to be working, and much better than folks thought it would.  Gase also seems to be relying on the run game more (like the Colts are attempting, and the Broncos need to do) to reduce blitzes and get friendlier coverage schemes. He also seems to get Jay out of the pocket more often than previous OC's.  Cutler has a cannon and can make plays on the run. This is something I see our fans asking for, move the pocket around for Luck once in a while; change the launch points.  Adam Gase seems to not only have Cutler 'comfortable' in his system, but actually having some fun.  Cutler?  Fun?  I know... does not compute.  But there it is, after the Chargers game and last night, I'm certain Jay is feeling a bit giddy on a rebuilding team.


With the work he did with Peyton, and now Cutler, I'm am getting more convinced he could be a HC candidate, if the the Colts ever become in the position of needing to look at some.

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You mean like Favre has never thrown a pick before right BC? Only 336, but who's counting.. But you're right, Rogers has thrown 4 interceptions this year GB needs to cut him now. Sarcasm.

Man, I love these Brett apologists who find any excuse to slam Aaron & canonize #4 to sainthood. You're revisionist GB history is fascinating. Wrong, but fascinating.

Brett & Brett alone pushed himself out of WI with all his I don't wanna practice rhetoric. Will I retire/won't I retire nonsense. And gunslinger is just code for "bad decision maker" in critical moments.

Whose counting is a good question since nobody realizes that some guy named Peyton Manning recently joined Favre (and several other HoFers) in the 10 most int'd list. Throwing the most ints doesn't break a quarterback just as throwing the least doesn't make one. Alex Smith has the least ints this year but he also has WRs with 0 TDs.

As for the divorce, that really only exists in the minds of people who think Aaron vs Brett is still a thing.

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You mean like Favre has never thrown a pick before right BC? Only 336, but who's counting.. But you're right, Rogers has thrown 4 interceptions this year GB needs to cut him now. Sarcasm. 


Man, I love these Brett apologists who find any excuse to slam Aaron & canonize #4 to sainthood. You're revisionist GB history is fascinating. Wrong, but fascinating. 


Brett & Brett alone pushed himself out of WI with all his I don't wanna practice rhetoric. Will I retire/won't I retire nonsense. And gunslinger is just code for "bad decision maker" in critical moments. 



I love that you said "Brett apologists". Makes it sound so political.  lmao



He threw 336 picks, but Manning has thrown over 200, after a 15+ year career. 


Warren Moon threw a lot of picks too, and just about every great QB of the 1970's from Bradshaw to Stabler, have crazy INT numbers despite them being SB winning quarterbacks. 


Any QB that plays for 15 years, they're going to have inflated TD/INT numbers, that's just how it works as stats pile on over time. 



To be fair though, if you want to target Favre's INT numbers, most of them came in comebacks and when the Packers were trailing. That's how a lot of big INT numbers happen to begin with, as the QB is desperately trying to get a comeback going. Kurt Warner used to have this problem bad with the Rams. When the Rams were trailing and playing tough teams (especially Tampa Bay) he would have ugly stat numbers, and would throw a lot of interceptions. 



Compared to Rodgers, I'd rather have Favre with the ball in his hand when I need a game winning drive, even if he throws a pick to end it, he at least tries.


One thing I am positive of; if Favre had that 16-0 lead in the NFCCG, the Packers would have won that game. He would have just ran the ball like he always did with a big lead, and sat on it. Green Bay gave up on the run, and let Seattle come back into that game and ultimately beat them. 



Rodgers, I believe is very aware of his TD/INT ratio. I have wondered for the last few years about this, cause he plays things so safe. The reason his comeback wins are so low is cause he sits there in the pocket and waits around and will either throw out of bounds or even take the sack. He's so scared to try and thread the needle in the tight window, he'll just throw out of bounds. When the Pack are leading by big numbers, he's A-OK. But when they're down and need a big comeback, he can't deliver, as he's too scared he's going to throw an interception.


When someone shuts down the Packers quick slot routes, and starts to play aggressive with them, it all goes down hill from there. Rodgers isn't going to try and needle that ball in a tight window, out of fear of throwing the interception. The Giants of all teams figured this out back in 2011 when they stomped the hell out of them in the playoffs. This year, teams have totally figured it out how to mess with his head and put him in these uncomfortable spots he does not like being in, and that's why GB has now lost 4 games. 



People still nitpick Favre and his interceptions but Drew Brees and Peyton Manning are known to throw picks too. I love Brees to death, and most of his interceptions come when the Saints are trailing big, and he's desperately trying to make something happen. That game with the 5 interceptions vs Atlanta back in 2012, Brees was trying so hard to get a bomb down there to put the Saints back in the game while we were getting slaughtered. 


Same goes for Manning, he at least tries to put the ball up there and make something happen when the chips are down. And especially on this forum, people give Luck a lot of hell when he has a bad game, but when the Colts are down big, he tries to make something happen. That Saints game, Luck brought that team back to life constantly throwing bombs up to TY Hilton, and it got the Colts rallied back into a game. 


I'd rather have a quarterback like Favre, Luck, Brees and even Manning, with the ball in their hand when I'm trailing by 14 points or more, and trust them, rather than put the ball in the hands of Rodgers and his super safe play. Even if they throw the interceptions, at least they're trying to make something happen. 

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If there's a Packers board that's anything like this one, a few people are on there right now angrily typing out how their QB is "overrated".

I hear ya. I thought of this post when I read something posted by a Vikings fan after Matt Ryan threw one of his 2 INTs today. The fan wrote:

If Vikings fans were Falcons fans instead, (they would exclaim)…

"Matt Ryan threw a pick!! Who’s available in the next draft?"


So, all fans say such outrageous things, not just Colts or Vikings fans.

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