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If you were Andrew Luck...


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If I were Andrew Luck right now, I'd be concentrating on my play, mental toughness, awareness, and overall NFL experience to get myself out of this funk ASAP regardless if I can play with injury or not. And thank my "lucky stars" PH is gone.

Eye of the tiger, man. Eye of the tiger.

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If I were Luck, I'd take the $120m with $70m guaranteed contract that the Colts are going to offer next year. I wouldn't play two years in a row on one year contracts for a total of ~$38m, hoping that a) I wouldn't get injured and totally destroy my value, and b) I wouldn't be tagged and kept from free agency for a third straight year.


Long story short, Luck isn't going anywhere.


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No, I would play out my final two years (5th year option + tag) and sign with Arizona or Denver.

this would never happen but could you imagine that Denver Defense with Luck playing the way he has prior to this season....my gawd, that team would stomp anyone and everyone

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Dallas or Denver. Peyton isn't go to play much longer and Denver has a great young D, a solid GM who just happens to be a number one QB pick out of Stanford and SB winner, a winning tradition and ownership willing to spend to build the team. Dallas has a good O line, an owner with a big wallet who is willing to spend his money, a great tradition and an oft injured QB who is probably not long for the league. Anybody will pay him the money, the question is who will give him the best chance to be successful and stay healthy. As we are presently configured it doesn't seem to be us. Everyone talks about our great success over the last decade+, how many of the architects of that success are still in the building? Can we make changes and get back to that organizational level, sure, but right now we are a train wreck. I think everyone agrees that our 11-5 records may be somewhat misleading given our divisional rivals and our record against the best the NFL has to offer. Could we build a great winning program around Luck and some of his young compatriots, sure. Will we, we'll see. It's going to take a change in philosophy in my opinion which gets us to Mr. Grigson.


I think Grigson needs to go. He comes from the Philly school of management which has always been big on FA as opposed to the draft. It hasn't worked well there and for the most part it isn't working well here. Draft well and dabble in FA on rare occasions to fill a need would be my formula for building a winning team for the long term. What we are doing now is like colleges who load up on JC players rather than recruiting solid 3-4 year guys. Recruiting and drafting well is what builds long term success and a team identity. What we are doing now is bringing in a bunch disparate parts, some good, some not so good and then trying to create a team from those parts. When you draft well you build the team identity from the inside out. You come in as a rookie and become a Colt, you don't come in as a former fill in the blank and get a paycheck from the Colts to ply your trade. Big difference in my humble opinion when it comes to chemistry, identity and cohesiveness. That is what made us great before. Not this must win now let's stock the cupboard with every aging superstar we can sign mentality that Grigson has.    

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All this turmoil? It is amazing what losing will have ppl saying. Ppl are acting like this team has been in disarray since Luck got here. This year everything is magnified because we aren't play well. Will Pagano be fired? Maybe. Will Grigson? Likely. However, people need to stop exaggerating like it's so awful here and Luck needs to get out while he can. NONE of this was going on last year when we were playing better or the year before that. 


John Fox was fired, Gase left, should Manning want out too?


Luck needs to take the boatload of money he will be given. Play better, continue to master his craft. Eventually, he will be able to add his own input into the situation if he doesn't already


This isn't about losing this year in my mind.  If I were Luck my concern would be about my future health.  This team has not done what it takes to protect him.  If it were me I would be very concerned about that and might not sign a deal until I could see something was really being done.


This also has nothing to do with being a fan or not.  I am just curious if Luck might/could refuse to make a long term commitment to the Colts and what his options would be.

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No, I would play out my final two years (5th year option + tag) and sign with Arizona or Denver.



Except players can get tagged three times.


So,  2016 is his 5th year extension.


And '17,  '18 and '19 are Luck's franchise tag years.


THEN,  in 2020 he can go anywhere he wants......

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Except players can get tagged three times.

So, 2016 is his 5th year extension.

And '17, '18 and '19 are Luck's franchise tag years.

THEN, in 2020 he can go anywhere he wants......

He wouldn't get tagged that many times in a row. Two at most. Definitely wouldn't get the 3rd.
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Except players can get tagged three times.


So,  2016 is his 5th year extension.


And '17,  '18 and '19 are Luck's franchise tag years.


THEN,  in 2020 he can go anywhere he wants......


Don't you have to increase the amount you pay them significantly each time you do it though?  Like I think if you tag them a 2nd time you have to give them 20% more money then you gave them on the first franchise tag and then if you go for 3 times you have to give them 20% more then that.


If Luck was that adamant about not playing here and it was made clear then they wouldn't franchise him more then once.


However I don't think he will do that.  He's just as much to blame for our struggles and he's not likely to take the risk of playing on 1 year deals and risk potentially getting hurt and having his value destroyed on a 1 year contract.  

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Don't you have to increase the amount you pay them significantly each time you do it though?  Like I think if you tag them a 2nd time you have to give them 20% more money then you gave them on the first franchise tag and then if you go for 3 times you have to give them 20% more then that.


If Luck was that adamant about not playing here and it was made clear then they wouldn't franchise him more then once.


However I don't think he will do that.  He's just as much to blame for our struggles and he's not likely to take the risk of playing on 1 year deals and risk potentially getting hurt and having his value destroyed on a 1 year contract.  


Yes,  the payout goes up sharply each year.


That said,   I don't ever see the day where the Colts let Luck walk out the door for nothing.


So,  I think if they were forced to,  they'd pay what they have to pay.


But, honestly,  so far, I think Luck likes the franchise,  I think he likes the city and I think he'd like to stay a very long time -- perhaps his whole career.


I think we're a long, long ways away from trying to figure out when Andrew Luck would leave Indianapolis.......

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Luck gets $16m in 2016. QB tag in 2017 would be approximately $20m, based on today's QB contracts. A second tag in 2018 would be 120% of the 2017 tag, or $24m. A third tag in 2019 would be 144% of the 2018 tag, or $34.6m. Nothing I've seen in the CBA prohibits more than three tags, but at 144%, it's obviously prohibitive from a cost standpoint; would be $50m in 2020. 

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If I was Irsay I wouldn't screw around with this. I would sign him to like a 6 year deal and pay him huge money, that puts him through his prime. I had a terrible dream earlier that he got traded to the Browns haha, true dream and when I woke up I still thought it was real for a second. Almost gave me a heart attack.

No joke i had the same dream....freaky

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Yes,  the payout goes up sharply each year.


That said,   I don't ever see the day where the Colts let Luck walk out the door for nothing.


So,  I think if they were forced to,  they'd pay what they have to pay.


But, honestly,  so far, I think Luck likes the franchise,  I think he likes the city and I think he'd like to stay a very long time -- perhaps his whole career.


I think we're a long, long ways away from trying to figure out when Andrew Luck would leave Indianapolis.......


Has a franchise level QB ever played out his rookie deal and made a serious effort to escape his team?  


The closest thing is Drew Brees but the chargers didn't franchise him or even give him a good contract offer.  They so they let him go.


It almost never happens and I just don't see any reason why it would happen now.  

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The way Luck has played this year he better hope the Colts still want him after this season. I'm only saying this in jest but it's not too far off base.  Irsay has no qualms about jumping ship on injured franchise QB's. Granted Luck's injury concerns are hopefully just short-term so Irsay cutting ties isn't likely  but should his injuries prove more serious...who knows?    Thanks to the way he has played this season,  Luck is leaving money on the table. He won't command as much as he would have before this year.  He needs to return to form fast if he wants anything close to the money he was going to command before.  Right now he is a regressing talent who is one of the most turnover prone QB's in the league.


All that said...I think Luck will eventually figure things out and return to form.  I expect he will ultimately resign with Indy.

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The way Luck has played this year he better hope the Colts still want him after this season. I'm only saying this in jest but it's not too far off base.  Irsay has no qualms about jumping ship on injured franchise QB's. Granted Luck's injury concerns are hopefully just short-term so Irsay cutting ties isn't likely  but should his injuries prove more serious...who knows?    Thanks to the way he has played this season,  Luck is leaving money on the table. He won't command as much as he would have before this year.  He needs to return to form fast if he wants anything close to the money he was going to command before.  Right now he is a regressing talent who is one of the most turnover prone QB's in the league.


All that said...I think Luck will eventually figure things out and return to form.  I expect he will ultimately resign with Indy.

Jimbo had no qualms about letting Manning go? I think it's fair to say it tore him up pretty good.

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Yes, good organizational structure.


Well, if the Colts beat the Broncos for a third consecutive time. . . a big if I know. . . Maybe staying or Arizona would be a better option, haha!



Edit: Doh, disregard the consecutive.  I forgot they have won 2 of 3, most likely will split with them in the Luck era tomorrow, er Sunday.  I've been drinking and baking again.  

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Jimbo had no qualms about letting Manning go? I think it's fair to say it tore him up pretty good.

It did but he was still able to do what needed to be done for the good of his franchise.  I think he is dealing with it quite well in retrospect.  Things worked out both for Peyton and for Irsay...I'd bet he's at peace with his decision given the situation at that particular point in time. 

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would you sign a long term deal with the Colts?  I have to say if I was him I wouldn't.  Not until I see what is going to happen here.


So if he doesn't what are his options?  Take the franchise tag for next year or is there some other method for the end of a rookie contract?


I agree with one part of your comment and that is if anyone within the Colts organization disrespected me and my contributions over the past 3.5 years, even with this poor start, I sure wouldn't want to resign with the Colts.  Because those people would be clueless *s who had no business running a team and thus I wouldn't want to stay.  But I doubt that is happening, even if misguided fans and * media who are trying to increase clicks by any means necessary, ARE attacking him.  


The reality of it all is that Luck must play next year as he's under contract.  Then he can be franchise tagged.  Then after that?  Yup, ANOTHER franchise tag.  And beyond that, though I am not altogether sure because that alone would be enough to make just about anyone sign a contract, especially when it will likely be the largest in history and unlikely as lopsidedly bad as Kaepernick's was, I imagine there might STILL be a way of some sort for the Colts to keep him (but I acknowledge I am not sure).  I am sure someone can clear that part up for us.  

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If I were Andrew Luck..........................I think I would have been benched if I were Andrew. Many of you fans would have lynched RG for drafting 45 year old QB that's runs a 8.0 40 yard dash. I could rain some 15 yard "bombs". 35 yard hail Mary. You ain't seen a spiral till you seen 1 of my spirals.

Now back in my heyday, yea I can remember some of the compliments my coaches would give me. Look we all know the story of the tortoise and the hare. My mom told me that story a million times as a little boy. Well my coach always called me the tortoise. I remember his exact words. "Sterling.......You move like a 3 legged drunk turtle"........I'm like.........I know right.

My throwing skills...Remember that spiral I told you about earlier. Let me see if I can remember his exact words.........."Sterling, every time you touch the ball, things spiral outta control". Sometimes I got to hear him say that 2-3 times a game.

I once asked my coach about my talents. He told me my skills were indescribable. Something about me having the brains of a dead turnip and the coordination of a drunk peg legged, one eyed pirate in a tsunami......What ever that's means.

Now that I think about it, you all should petition Irsay to give me the starting job. You guys would be "amazed" at the way I could transform this team.

If not I understand, we are kinda attached to Andrew now......I could give the WR core a shot in the arm though. The Alligator Arms comments and the "Sterling ......you catch like a T-rex" remarks are fresh as ever. However that's a conversations for another thread, this is about me being in Andrew place and what would I do.

I would "amaze" you all, that's all I'm saying.

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