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Report: Irsay, Grigson had “heated conversation” in locker room

chad hugo

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Do you think that's a surprise?

Do you think you have to know someone who knows Jim Irsay to know this?

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. This was very predictable.

Of course its not a surprise. But I know bits and pieces of a conversation they had (obviously can't be told everything) but Irsay is definitely not a happy man.

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Of course its not a surprise. But I know bits and pieces of a conversation they had (obviously can't be told everything) but Irsay is definitely not a happy man.

Nor should he be, not that you said he should be.  I am sure Grigson told him these moves he made this off-season were what were needed to beat the Pats and win the Super Bowl, well they didn't beat the Pats and they sure as heck don't look like a Super Bowl team.  I think Irsay I going to clean house when the season is over and start over.  I am sure Irsay is asking Grigson some really hard questions right now that Grigson is struggling to answer.  Like I said in another thread you can't go into the off-season needing to fix the defense and the o-line and draft a WR in the first round and spend a lot of money on another WR and have the defense and o-line still be an issue the following season. 

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Of course its not a surprise. But I know bits and pieces of a conversation they had (obviously can't be told everything) but Irsay is definitely not a happy man.


Sorry,  I didn't mean to be a jerk about it....  


And I'm sure you do indeed know more.....


There's just no way Irsay could be happy now.    Prior to the season the talk was trying to reach the Super Bowl.    Now, it's hoping to win the division so we make the playoffs.      Those worlds are light years apart.


Irsay has got to be going crazy.....  I'm expecting something in the next two weeks.    I don't think he can hold his powder dry until the end of the season.

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Sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk about it....

And I'm sure you do indeed know more.....

There's just no way Irsay could be happy now. Prior to the season the talk was trying to reach the Super Bowl. Now, it's hoping to win the division so we make the playoffs. Those worlds are light years apart.

Irsay has got to be going crazy..... I'm expecting something in the next two weeks. I don't think he can hold his powder dry until the end of the season.

and Irsay isn't dumb he knows the only reason they are really still in the division drivers seat is that they could probably go 6-10 and win the South. That's clearly not good enough.

I think in some ways the Colts style of winning is catching up to them. How many great comebacks have the Colts had with Luck? You can't win that way forever. Sooner or later. The breaks you needed to win those games go against you and you are seeing that more and more this year.

I also think it's worth noting coming into this year the Colts had lost back-to-back games under Pagano once since he was here. They have now done it twice this year and are in major danger of losing three, four, or maybe five in a row.

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I understand Irsay is the boss and the boss doesn't get fired but he's played a roll in this too with the talk about the Super Bowl or bust season and saying he wants at least two rings with Luck. He's putting a lot of pressure on people. I liked it more when he was just quiet behind the scenes.

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Well if it was an argument then that means Irsay is putting some part of the blame on Grigson. Doubt they would be arguing if they both believed it was coaching issues.

In my opinion, there's gonna be a real need to evaluate Grigsons role in the game day decisions (Pep over Chud). The fact that Chud is Pags' guy and hasn't (to our knowledge) had any significant role makes me think it's Grigson who is a fan of Pep. This could be what is causing the friction.

If I'm the Colts management, here are the 3 steps if you're removing coaches:

1 - Pep goes

2 - Chuck goes.

3 - Grigs goes

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Well if it was an argument then that means Irsay is putting some part of the blame on Grigson. Doubt they would be arguing if they both believed it was coaching issues.

In my opinion, there's gonna be a real need to evaluate Grigsons role in the game day decisions (Pep over Chud). The fact that Chud is Pags' guy and hasn't (to our knowledge) had any significant role makes me think it's Grigson who is a fan of Pep. This could be what is causing the friction.

If I'm the Colts management, here are the 3 steps if you're removing coaches:

1 - Pep goes

2 - Chuck goes.

3 - Grigs goes

I don't think Grigson or Pagano should go but Grigson should have no power over what Oc or additional staff is added he is not a coach. pep needs to be fired and chud needs to take over as chucks OC what the hell is he to the team he's an assistant coach who has no say so in the playcalling because Pagano himself has to refer to Grigson
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Clean house!!!! Bring in a proven gm to tweak the roster and focus on the o-line because the Colts are NOT that far off talent wise but MORE than anything bring in a championship caliber coaching staff to MAXIMIZE and UTILIZE the talent at hand!!!! Tired of the "nice" but subpar coaches that are mediocre at best.

These coaches are not mediocre thete terrible down rigjt awful.
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I'd be interested to hear the conversation today, I'd be willing to bet there IS Coaching a meeting today... THAT conversation will likely dictate the outcome of the rest of this season :angry:

Pretty sure there are coaching meetings everyday. I'm more curious about the grigson irsay meeting

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Irsay is one of the last people on earth that can carry an argument

He doesn't HAVE to "carry" anything... what he says goes... end of story.   He can't make us win, but he can make any change at any time for any reason he pleases with his team.  So your comment seems pointless, even if it were a fact and I doubt that it is. 

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Yes!!! Fire them all

Love it

If we can go 0-2 these next 2 games heading into the Bye Week, Irsay could clean house before the Bye Week


I see that me and you are both on the "fire them all" train...


I fear that this game was juuuuuust close enough that nothing will happen... However, like you said, if the Colts lose, and lose badly, these next 2 weeks then the winds of change may be a blowin!


*queue a Mighty Wind's a Blowin' song" 

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Chuck gets alot of blame and rightfully so, but Ryan has put this rosetr togerther with his draft picks and FA signings. So, he should be let go too. If the Colts get a smackdown against the Panthers on MNF, then Jimmy tweets may react...or maybe not.

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I see that me and you are both on the "fire them all" train...

I fear that this game was juuuuuust close enough that nothing will happen... However, like you said, if the Colts lose, and lose badly, these next 2 weeks then the winds of change may be a blowin!

*queue a Mighty Wind's a Blowin' song"

I'm hoping for it.

Send Pep packing, promote the RB coach to interim OC or Clyde

Send Chuck packing, promote Chud to interim HC

Send Manusky packing, promote LB or DB coach to interim DC

Send Grigson packing, Irsay can be owner & GM

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I'm hoping for it.

Send Pep packing, promote the RB coach to interim OC or Clyde

Send Chuck packing, promote Chud to interim HC

Send Manusky packing, promote LB or DB coach to interim DC

Send Grigson packing, Irsay can be owner & GM


That would be an interesting shake-up for sure! 


I think the only issue with firing Pagano is that apparently the players love him.  I'd like to see what he can do if he is given full operational control over the team. 


I would say fire Pep and make Chud OC.


Grigson has to go.  No ifs ands or buts.  He has had 4 years to fix the O-line and hasn't done it.  He has missed on every FA WR he has signed.  He is about 1/3 successful on his draft picks.


Manusky isn't horrible.  The offense hasn't helped the D out this year at all and they played well against the Pats.  I think he could be salvageable.


The O-line coach needs to be tarred and feathered and ran out on a rail!

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Even if the report is just a rumor, you have to know in the back of your mind that Irsay is demanding answers to the poor playing. I just don't see Irsay NOT saying anything, especially after yesterday's game at home. We've only won 1 home game this season and it was against the Jaguars. Definitely not good for the coaching staff in my opinion. Yes I know when it rains, things are wet.

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That would be an interesting shake-up for sure!

I think the only issue with firing Pagano is that apparently the players love him. I'd like to see what he can do if he is given full operational control over the team.

I would say fire Pep and make Chud OC.

Grigson has to go. No ifs ands or buts. He has had 4 years to fix the O-line and hasn't done it. He has missed on every FA WR he has signed. He is about 1/3 successful on his draft picks.

Manusky isn't horrible. The offense hasn't helped the D out this year at all and they played well against the Pats. I think he could be salvageable.

The O-line coach needs to be tarred and feathered and ran out on a rail!

They love Chuck off the field. Cause if they loved him on the field we'd be winning games

Everyone keeps saying this team is "playing for him" yet we have performances like that. They must be playing for him to get fired

Not denying that Chuck is a great person but he's not fit for coaching as a head coach

Defensive coordinator sure maybe, but not a head coach

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They love Chuck off the field. Cause if they loved him on the field we'd be winning games

Everyone keeps saying this team is "playing for him" yet we have performances like that. They must be playing for him to get fired

Not denying that Chuck is a great person but he's not fit for coaching as a head coach

Defensive coordinator sure maybe, but not a head coach


Good point.  Adios Chuckles.

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I understand Irsay is the boss and the boss doesn't get fired but he's played a roll in this too with the talk about the Super Bowl or bust season and saying he wants at least two rings with Luck. He's putting a lot of pressure on people. I liked it more when he was just quiet behind the scenes.

Yep....a risk he ran when he hired a first-time GM and a first-time Head Coach to usher in the "Luck Era". I hate the term "eras", by the way since there are 52 other players involved in the success of a team sport.

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I don't trust ZAK KEEFER.  His previous articles have a slant on them that refers to Grigson being the cause of the problems.  He writes to please a certain constituency.


Now apparently, he witnessed a "heated" exchange between him and Irsay, but can't substantiate that with any facts about what was said.


I don't trust Zak Keefer to be an objective journalist.

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I understand Irsay is the boss and the boss doesn't get fired but he's played a roll in this too with the talk about the Super Bowl or bust season and saying he wants at least two rings with Luck. He's putting a lot of pressure on people. I liked it more when he was just quiet behind the scenes.

IMO that's him just setting expectations!  Nothing wrong with that.  I believe Luck can win 3-4 SB's so 2 isn't asking too much.  SB or bust THIS season.  Considering this was suppose to be the 2012 class contract year, and Castonzo, I would say that as well.  This is where you prove your worth.  Despite his 2 BIG TD's I still don't think TY deserves the money he got (because of the overall team needs).  Castonzo deserved it, but now he is paid and it is probably one of his worst seasons as a Colt.  Add into the mix Trent Cole and Andre Johnson FA signing being a HUGE bust thus far, I do agree that the whole coaching staff and GM should be on the chopping block, waiting to get axed.  Although I like Chuck, he clearly has a difficult time getting this team motivated/prepared out of the gates!  It is far too often they don't come out with tenacity until halftime when they're down by a significant margin.


We need a GM that will bring in the pieces necessary to "get the job done", not just swing for the fences, and have an avg batting percentage, meanwhile being served up an underhand throw to knock out of the park to set his career off in Indy with the #1 pick of Luck!  We need a head coach that lights the fire in PRE GAME, and can make IN GAME adjustments.  Not afraid to stand toe to toe with the best and throw punches!  Taking risks, and have confidence by knowing you can pickup a 4th and short by running the football down peoples throat!


This team SHOULD be the best Indy's had in the last 5 years, but statistically they are the 2nd worst since Peyton's last season playing, and we all know his last season went, when he was sidelined.  This is an embarrassment to Colts football that has had so much regular season success in the past decade and a half.  Something WILL happen before the start of next season, it is a shame Luck had to play 4 seasons and get injured before the incompetent staff made changes.

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This team is nowhere near a championship and never was. It's in need of a complete overhaul. Lotta old dudes on D. Not many long term answers on the O-line. The one guy you did pay is disappointing. No long term answer at RB. You have what appears to be wasted money on Johnson. Still can't find a returner who doesn't hurt your team. Moving forward, you basically have a QB, a few skilled players and a handful of other players. Blow it up..

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I'm hoping for it.

Send Pep packing, promote the RB coach to interim OC or Clyde

Send Chuck packing, promote Chud to interim HC

Send Manusky packing, promote LB or DB coach to interim DC

Send Grigson packing, Irsay can be owner & GM


So in other words, tank for the #1 pick?  Got it. 

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I don't think Grigson or Pagano should go but Grigson should have no power over what Oc or additional staff is added he is not a coach. pep needs to be fired and chud needs to take over as chucks OC what the hell is he to the team he's an assistant coach who has no say so in the playcalling because Pagano himself has to refer to Grigson

Chud is the guy Chuck wanted Griggs brought in pep... so with that being said who's really to blame ?
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