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Interesting Article From Indy Star On Polian


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If everything about polian in the article is true then I think him being fired does a lot for our team. Let's the players know that Irsay has their back. Who wants to play for a guy like polian if he really acts like that.

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I would like to know who the former player was who was asked to leave. If it were a guy like Ed Johnson, he would not be welcome. It's pretty standard that people who don't leave a place on good terms aren't welcomed guests. Showing up out of the blue to hang out in the complex is just stupidity.

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I would like to know who the former player was who was asked to leave. If it were a guy like Ed Johnson, he would not be welcome. It's pretty standard that people who don't leave a place on good terms aren't welcomed guests. Showing up out of the blue to hang out in the complex is just stupidity.

So you'd assume its someone in good standing, still being kicked out, which would make it something to write about, which he just did....A former unpopular player beings asked to leave isn't article worthy, so I doubt that was the case.

I smell a tell all book. That friend of Phil B downtown seems to have some pretty good stuff.

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So you'd assume its someone in good standing, still being kicked out, which would make it something to write about, which he just did....A former unpopular player beings asked to leave isn't article worthy, so I doubt that was the case.

I smell a tell all book. That friend of Phil B downtown seems to have some pretty good stuff.

For some reason I thought Harrison when I read that line.

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So you'd assume its someone in good standing, still being kicked out, which would make it something to write about, which he just did....A former unpopular player beings asked to leave isn't article worthy, so I doubt that was the case.

I smell a tell all book. That friend of Phil B downtown seems to have some pretty good stuff.

I am not sure that I fully understand this, but the bottom-line is that the facility is not public. People not being welcome is a none story especially if it isn't a ring of honor type of player.

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So you'd assume its someone in good standing, still being kicked out, which would make it something to write about, which he just did....A former unpopular player beings asked to leave isn't article worthy, so I doubt that was the case.

I smell a tell all book. That friend of Phil B downtown seems to have some pretty good stuff.

I agree. Polian was many things, to include apparently being vindictive.

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As soon as I saw the topic title I thought here we go . . . Indy Star bashing Polian again. But it was actually a well written article.

I have no idea if what Phil said was true or not, but I do keep in mind that he is very biased against Bill and had the chance to explain why, but bearing in mind that Polian also had no way to refute what he said.

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As soon as I saw the topic title I thought here we go . . . Indy Star bashing Polian again. But it was actually a well written article.

I have no idea if what Phil said was true or not, but I do keep in mind that he is very biased against Bill and had the chance to explain why, but bearing in mind that Polian also had no way to refute what he said.

Why would Phil B lie?

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Well written, informative, and thoughtful piece.

Normally Phil leans more towards sarcasm and whining about his access problems. "You wouldn't believe how difficult my life is" isn't compelling reading - particularly when most of us have far more serious issues to deal with than that. But this one was pretty good. Maybe he should "sleep on it" a little bit more often before writing.

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I'm not saying he's lying, but he is biased against Polian. We all know that. Naturally it influences the way you look at a person.

You're right, and I agree with your earlier comment as well, but I appreciate the fact that he put some thought into it, acknowleded recognizing an underlying personal insecurity issue with Polian (which I've kind of assumed myself), and then talked about the issue gently while referrencing his own personal demons. It was a far cry from the usual "wah wah wah" nonsense. I wouldn't have been surprised at all to read "ding dong, the witch is dead" articles coming from the Star, but the guy was clearly trying to rise above that.

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I'm not saying he's lying, but he is biased against Polian. We all know that. Naturally it influences the way you look at a person.

In my opinion, things that seeem like sound policies for basically any business are being construed as a "Reign of Terror." These articles seem so obviously flawed that it makes the writers seem novice.

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I'm still dancing a couple days later that Polian is out! I heard somewhere before that everybody in the organization had to walk on glass. Now is there any doubt that the man had too much control and that he ran our position coaches out of town? Polian is a BIG part of why the Colts have fallen so far.

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Interesting blog. I remember the days two to three years ago when anything posted on the old Colts board that wasn't fawning over Polian was met with derision by the Pro Polian zealots, too. Of course a lot of us posted under different names (a lot was lost in the migration from the old board to this one including loss of many posts and usernames). I hope a lot of the zealots now see Polian for what he is and not some unquestioned genius. I am willing to take some so so seasons going forward in exchange for a realistic chance to win multiple Super Bowl with a new GM, coaching staff and new, bigger, more athletic players. It will be nice to see some new talent that aren't injury prone midgets. I won't lie, it was one of the happiest days ever for me as a 40+ years Colts fan to see the Polians get fired.

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No tears will be shed over Bill Polian being gone...

He wasnt a deeply loved individual in Colts-land

No he was not. I never liked his "me against the world" attitude. He always seemed self-righteous and condescending. However, I will always respect his football knowledge. He was very successful for a long time. And if I were an owner, I'd still hire him as long as he and Chris didn't come as a package deal.

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The fact that Bill thinks Peyton Manning not playing this season was what got him fired shows that he didn't learn his lesson. I guess it's true what they say, at least in Bill Polian's case; You can't teach an old dog new tricks. It's so sad that he's oblivious to the fact that Irsay caught on to what was going on. Bill allowed the team be run into the ground because he was so busy trying to set his son up with a career down the same path as himself. Plus he needs to understand the "Golden Rule"; Treat people how you want to be treated. I'm glad to be moving on from this.

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