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Status of Colts CBs for Pats game


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It doesn't matter what their status is, we are likely getting destroyed that game. So focus on the game of the week each week until then. Do not hurt yourself by thinking about the massacre that is soon to come, just enjoy what you can while you can. 

This is the truth unfortunately

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Yeah I'm real scared of that Rush linebacker that has 0 sacks on his career.


Watt is scary. . . Wilfork will plug up the run.  Clowney is a bust I was saying it before he was drafted.  He's played 3 games this year with 8 combined tackles and zero sacks.  


Even freaking Bjorn Werner has an NFL sack on his career.  

Clowney has played in 7 games in his whole NFL career.  Werner has played in 31.  You can't compare sack stats between the two

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Clowney has played in 7 games in his whole NFL career.  Werner has played in 31.  You can't compare sack stats between the two


If Clowney was the scary sack monster people where making him out to be, he'd have at least 3 by now.  He's got freaking JJ Watt on the field that's probably commanding double and triple teams, it shouldn't be that freaking hard for him to get a couple.  


I was happy when the Texans took him first overall.


Because it kept them from doing smart thing like drafting a good QB that didn't play his college football in Texas.  


Could have had Bridgewater, could have had Carr.  And you would be competing for a SB right now and the Colts would probably be down by at least a game if not 2 in the division.  


 Instead they got the guy that like really hit that Michigan RB really hard.


This is Clowney's entire draft resume.  Without this play he's like a 2nd round maybe 3rd round pick.


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I hate to think it, but you are probably right. Unless something miraculous happens to the D.


I said it in another thread, but I see Davis shadowing Edelman, and Geathers sticking with Gronk wherever he lines up, with over the top safety help. Probably won't shut them down by any means, but if executed well, it could somewhat minimize their impact which is about all we can hope for.

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I'd say that the Pats are owning space in people's heads but frankly if people's heads were as big as Mars that's not enough space for the amount of space the Pats currently own in posters here heads.


I really hope the Pats are not in our players thoughts as much as they are in our fans thoughts. I really want to see how we stack up vs the champs. After so many embarrassing losses, it would feel good to hang with them.


Yeah, this Pats obsession is honestly at times getting a little embarrassing.


We are not even a given yet to beat the Jags or Texans.



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If Clowney was the scary sack monster people where making him out to be, he'd have at least 3 by now.  He's got freaking JJ Watt on the field that's probably commanding double and triple teams, it shouldn't be that freaking hard for him to get a couple.  


I was happy when the Texans took him first overall.


Because it kept them from doing smart thing like drafting a good QB that didn't play his college football in Texas.  


Could have had Bridgewater, could have had Carr.  And you would be competing for a SB right now and the Colts would probably be down by at least a game if not 2 in the division.  


 Instead they got the guy that like really hit that Michigan RB really hard.


This is Clowney's entire draft resume.  Without this play he's like a 2nd round maybe 3rd round pick.


I have to admit I was glad the Texans didn't draft a QB, especially Teddy or Carr. If they had Teddy they would be a 10 win team. My point earlier was more of me fearing Watt + the Texans do blitz a lot too. Adding Wilfork was a nice plus for them too.

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If Clowney was the scary sack monster people where making him out to be, he'd have at least 3 by now.  He's got freaking JJ Watt on the field that's probably commanding double and triple teams, it shouldn't be that freaking hard for him to get a couple.  


I was happy when the Texans took him first overall.


Because it kept them from doing smart thing like drafting a good QB that didn't play his college football in Texas.  


Could have had Bridgewater, could have had Carr.  And you would be competing for a SB right now and the Colts would probably be down by at least a game if not 2 in the division.  


 Instead they got the guy that like really hit that Michigan RB really hard.


This is Clowney's entire draft resume.  Without this play he's like a 2nd round maybe 3rd round pick.




If you're operating under the impression that Clowney is 100%, then I think you're mistaken.    I don't think he's close.


He may be able to play,  but this is in essence, his rookie year.    He's still trying to figure things out.   Plus,  he's learning a new position,  OLB instead of DE.


I'm not predicting eventual greatness,  I'm only saying not to judge the guy by what we're seeing this year.   I think he's another year away from showing what he can do....


Just my view of things....

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Our biggest chance to win against NE is to match them score for score and hope that the D can make some timely stops. We aren't going to stop their short passing attack. I think our rush D has improved and we can contain them there...but who knows?? I think Venturi said it best when he said that NE makes you play with one hand tied behind your back. He also said that film on them is pretty useless bc they can be a different team any given sunday. They can go big rush all game like they did against us last year....and the next week Brady throws for 5 TDs and 350 yards. BB and his staff have that team rolling, and they're chameleons. That's the toughest part of trying to prepare for them.


Hopefully, we pick up a few wins before that, get the offense rolling, keep Tom off the field, and keep it close. It is at home which is better than playing in Gillette, but that didn't really matter last regular season. I hope this season is different. But, that said, we have two games to think about before them. I wish Romo hadn't gotten injured bc that would have been a heck of a game between them and Dallas. Now, as always, things are breaking (no pun intended) perfectly for them. Dallas without Romo, us having issues, Baltimore losing Suggs and being 0-3...ugh

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As if they need to try.



Which is really stupid, btw.....All we did was report that something shady may have been going down. The NFL/Goodell is who they should be mad at....they're the ones that went way too far with their attempt at suspending Brady. We were just the messenger. That said, our boys should be pretty jacked after two butt whippings last year at their hands. So if this team has any heart at all, they will come out on fire, and throw Gronk "out of the club", knock little Julian on his a** every time he gets a little 5 yard screen, and punish them with every hit.

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