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Thoughts on Pep Hamilton's Play Calling?


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Pep Hamilton throughout the first two outings called IMO some terrible games. Now granted Luck goes to the huddle with a few plays to choose from there was little to none that were effective. For Pep to want to adopt this Mantra of a power Offense i noticed that within the first two games we kinda shy away from the run i would think that we would run the ball at-least 20-30 times a game at minimum to keep defenses true. Not only that but there were no adjustments made. Both the Bills and the Jets blitzed ALOT. I saw very little draw or screen plays to combat the blitz. 


I would like to see Pep actually use Gore more we saw what he was capable of against the Titans. We brought him in for a reason use him. I would like to see more short intermediate plays. we have guys with speed a quick slant or drag can turn into a big play, we must take what the defense is giving us especially if they are blitzing every other down. I would love to see more use of the TE's, personally i think TE's should be every QB's safety blanket. we should utilize more block and release routes with them. it will help the OL out and give Luck a check down option if all else fails. These are just a few things that i thought of i could go on lol. 

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Pep Hamilton throughout the first two outings called IMO some terrible games. Now granted Luck goes to the huddle with a few plays to choose from there was little to none that were effective. For Pep to want to adopt this Mantra of a power Offense i noticed that within the first two games we kinda shy away from the run i would think that we would run the ball at-least 20-30 times a game at minimum to keep defenses true. Not only that but there were no adjustments made. Both the Bills and the Jets blitzed ALOT. I saw very little draw or screen plays to combat the blitz. 


I would like to see Pep actually use Gore more we saw what he was capable of against the Titans. We brought him in for a reason use him. I would like to see more short intermediate plays. we have guys with speed a quick slant or drag can turn into a big play, we must take what the defense is giving us especially if they are blitzing every other down. I would love to see more use of the TE's, personally i think TE's should be every QB's safety blanket. we should utilize more block and release routes with them. it will help the OL out and give Luck a check down option if all else fails. These are just a few things that i thought of i could go on lol. 

I am still not sold on what is being called "Pep's" play calling.  It is not him that keeps looking at number 13 for every pass.  Double...triple coverage?  Pep did not do it.  He did not throw it.


That said, the offense does need to be more uptempo utilizing ALL weapons at his disposal.


Tired of hearing how bad the OL is too.  The same players got us to the AFC Championship game last year other than Herremans......

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If the offense actually executed the plays that are called, sans all the penalties, turnovers, and fumbles, I'd honestly have nothing to complain about as far as playcalling goes. With all the new faces, it's taken Pep a few games to really figure out the strengths and weaknesses of this new look offense. If we had the same cast of characters as last year coming into this season, I seriously believe that the offense wouldn't have missed a beat. Playcalling and execution, in my opinion, will be much more crisp moving forward, but maybe I'm just overly optimistic.

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Pep Hamilton throughout the first two outings called IMO some terrible games. Now granted Luck goes to the huddle with a few plays to choose from there was little to none that were effective. For Pep to want to adopt this Mantra of a power Offense i noticed that within the first two games we kinda shy away from the run i would think that we would run the ball at-least 20-30 times a game at minimum to keep defenses true. Not only that but there were no adjustments made. Both the Bills and the Jets blitzed ALOT. I saw very little draw or screen plays to combat the blitz. 


I would like to see Pep actually use Gore more we saw what he was capable of against the Titans. We brought him in for a reason use him. I would like to see more short intermediate plays. we have guys with speed a quick slant or drag can turn into a big play, we must take what the defense is giving us especially if they are blitzing every other down. I would love to see more use of the TE's, personally i think TE's should be every QB's safety blanket. we should utilize more block and release routes with them. it will help the OL out and give Luck a check down option if all else fails. These are just a few things that i thought of i could go on lol. 


Running a screen against a blitz is generally not a good idea.  Free defenders are going to knock the ball down or destroy your QB.


Running the ball 20-30 times a game is not what this offense is.  20 I can get, but 30 is typically excessive, and we don't want to wear out a 32 year old back before we reach the post season.  I personally would like to see them stick to 15-20 times a game, and get some reps to the young guys so if we do lose Gore for any period of time, our guys behind him are a bit more ready.  We've not been able to get them reps because we're not ahead in games for very long.


My biggest issue right now is that we try to run the ball too often and too early.  2-3 or more times in a row, and an eventual 3rd and long leads to a predictable pass play that the defense is planning for.  We need a good mix of pass and run throughout so that we aren't coming up from a deficit in pass/pass/pass mode.  We're putting Luck in predictable 3rd and longs far too often which then leads to defenses gunning for the pass either on pressure or in coverage.


My take is that we need to be balanced and give Gore about 5 carries a quarter and throw the ball at least as much, and preferably on more than just 3rd down.  If we're expecting a blitz, have someone five yards up field dead center so that Luck has a relief option if no one else comes open.  A crossing route or something that he can dump off to and move the chains against the blitz, where predictably the defense will have fewer defenders in coverage, and usually that space right behind the blitz is clear.


This idea that our offensive line sucks... it isn't good, but we're running plays that take way too long to develop.  I just got done watching a Peyton Manning 'Just snap the darned ball' and there were numerous times where they called it great blocking by the offensive line and he simply threw the ball immediately after the snap with 2 defenders bearing down on him.  We need some quick pass options on every pass play.  If the defense gets through the line, we need those options to save Luck.  We can't possibly keep him free and clear for 5 seconds on every snap.

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My thoughts are he sucks. 1st down run. If it's 2nd and short, run. If it's 2nd and long, pass. Get a holding penalty. 2nd and 20. Pass. Pass. Punt/Interception with Luck eating dirt. I can guess 75% of the time whether it's a run or a pass from my own television. If his plays are telegraphed that much, defensive coordinators can probably guess whether he's running or passing 90% of the time.

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In an interview with Dave Calabro on WTHR, the topic of the O's success was asked.


Luck said something to this effect "Then in the 4th quarter we started going with our backup plays more"


What are these "backup" plays?  Are these the plays that are run when they need to  move the chains and absolutely need to score...as opposed to longer passes that have a higher risk of failure and that they want to run in the first 3 quarters?


Is this the OC and QBs mentality?


Maybe Pep wants a HC job and Luck wants a nice contract so they both want to call plays that put them in position to have gawdy passing yards and point totals?


I think the play callers need to call plays that move the chains more consistently and stop trying to gain big chunks of yards with longer passes.

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If the offense actually executed the plays that are called, sans all the penalties, turnovers, and fumbles, I'd honestly have nothing to complain about as far as playcalling goes. With all the new faces, it's taken Pep a few games to really figure out the strengths and weaknesses of this new look offense. If we had the same cast of characters as last year coming into this season, I seriously believe that the offense wouldn't have missed a beat. Playcalling and execution, in my opinion, will be much more crisp moving forward, but maybe I'm just overly optimistic.


i do not think you are being overly optimistic lol, for wat its worth...in fact....you might be the most "realist" person so far... people claiming to be a "realist" but spouting nothing but negativity are not "real"...they are (use whatever adjective youd like). Being a "realist" is to flirt more in the probable than the plausable...


to me, the most probable reason for the slow start this season is exactly what I have bolded from your above posting...


but dont forget Shaun....its waaaaaay cooler to be doom and gloom negative, and just say that Pep stinks and the Colts offense is garbage...lol

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i do not think you are being overly optimistic lol, for wat its worth...in fact....you might be the most "realist" person so far... people claiming to be a "realist" but spouting nothing but negativity are not "real"...they are (use whatever adjective youd like). Being a "realist" is to flirt more in the probable than the plausable...


to me, the most probable reason for the slow start this season is exactly what I have bolded from your above posting...


but dont forget Shaun....its waaaaaay cooler to be doom and gloom negative, and just say that Pep stinks and the Colts offense is garbage...lol


Anyone that actually thought the offense was just gonna come out and start dropping 40+ every game from the get go had some really lofty expectations. Those first 2 games vs Bills and Jets were an absolute trial by fire, and if I had to guess, if they were to play either of those teams 6 weeks from now, we'd see VERY different results.

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Anyone that actually thought the offense was just gonna come out and start dropping 40+ every game from the get go had some really lofty expectations. Those first 2 games vs Bills and Jets were an absolute trial by fire, and if I had to guess, if they were to play either of those teams 6 weeks from now, we'd see VERY different results.



no doubt...you figure week 1 was the first time the entire starting unit had any actual game reps against a live defense (other than their teammates)...week 1 and 2 were basically extensions of the Camp/PS for the starting unit...


for those whom would argue that reg season games being called "trial games" for the offense is bad strategy and getting behind 0-2 means that we are horrible and the front office needs gone now...why?


building to win NOW and Later....winning NOW does NOT mean 16-0, then super bowl champs...it ONLY means the end. Bringing in players like Johnson, Gore, Herremans, drafting Dorsett....these are win NOW factors...knowing it is only the ends that matter and not the means...sure you may drop to 0-2 against top 5 NFL defenses...BUT, you figure out the plays that work, the combos that work, the personnel package that work...


you can now take all the positives and negatives...and truly map out a plan for the ends goal being reached. Its a chess game. Sometimes you sacrifice a pawn to get in to position for the mate.


Any "fan" whom expected 40+ points out the gate, against the teams we played...these are "fans" whom only know the spectacle of football, and NOT the actual game. Its a 16 (19) week season...1 game at a time, but its still about the long haul.


"if they were to play either of those teams 6 weeks from now, we'd see VERY different results."

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I am still not sold on what is being called "Pep's" play calling.  It is not him that keeps looking at number 13 for every pass.  Double...triple coverage?  Pep did not do it.  He did not throw it.


That said, the offense does need to be more uptempo utilizing ALL weapons at his disposal.


Tired of hearing how bad the OL is too.  The same players got us to the AFC Championship game last year other than Herremans......


Luck carries a crap team to the AFCC only to get stomped by a far superior team and you're tired of hearing us complain about issues we've had for a few years now? It's no coincidence that he has been playing terrible now, and now we're losing games that we should be winning.


And then Pep calls horrible plays against blitzes and you wonder why we complain? You just said we need to go up tempo and utilize weapons, what's an OC who doesn't use his players to the best of their abilities to score?

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Why do we keep going over this? He is not a good O Coordinator and that's even with our offense being #1 last year, Which I know sounds nuts


Not really, his QB is Luck.


Luck's at fault for our rough patches early this year, but lets not pretend that this isn't also exposing Pep's ability to adjust and strategize as a coordinator. It's just confirming what we've all known before. He is predictable, and sucks at gameplanning. Luck has some tools in the shed, but he fails at using them to the best of their ability. Just look at teams doing more than us with less, and how Arians is putting Larry Fitzgerald in the slot, and reviving his career. Arians, ARIANS of all people throwing in some short passing concepts into that offense... that's just good coaching. When you have good talent underperforming and not getting results... that's on the coaches...


You are telling me you have TY, Moncrief, AJ (albeit old and broken), Fleener, Allen, Doyle, Gore, Varga, and Dorsett and you can't mange to build an efficient offense? I know the O-line is subpar (mainly the interior), but why not adjust to that, for now at least? Build something to aid Luck and the offense AT THIS MOMENT... he is awful. I do sympathize with him when it comes to those penalties though, hard to work around that.


I look forward to seeing this being further demonstrated when NE knows half our plays and has the jump on us. Game is going to be a blood bath and we'll be a laughing stalk. I can see all of the DEFLATE THIS memes now lol.

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Luck carries a crap team to the AFCC only to get stomped by a far superior team and you're tired of hearing us complain about issues we've had for a few years now? It's no coincidence that he has been playing terrible now, and now we're losing games that we should be winning.


And then Pep calls horrible plays against blitzes and you wonder why we complain? You just said we need to go up tempo and utilize weapons, what's an OC who doesn't use his players to the best of their abilities to score?

I will add that Pep did not commit the holding penalties that kept the Colts out of the endzone 3 weeks in a row.  He does not false start.....What I said is absolutely true.  How many more TDs did we leave on the field with the turnovers and penalties?


Pep calls horrible plays on blitzes?  Luck sees the blitz and he checks off if he knows where it is coming from.  Luck needs to not just look to TY...a swing to Gore...quit slants.  Yes this is what I expect out of whom some call an elite QB.


There is a whole lot of You said you said here for someone who does not even seem to be a Colts fan...but that is JMO.  I am ready for Sunday.  2-2 

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After watching the Packers game, I think it comes down to chemisty and confidence with the receivers.  Rodgers was throwing the ball before the receivers made their break.  Perfect timing.  And the receivers were winning their one on one matchups.  It was very unlifting to see Dorsett's and Mocncrief's touch down catches.  Hilton's long pass catch as well.  Luck trusted them, put the ball in a good place, and they went up and got it.  Now, all we need is to mix in the short passes, and our offense will start looking elite again.

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Man I didn't want to bite the bait but I did……

The offensive and defensive play calling has been OK over the 1st 3 games given the circumstances. The DC doesn't trust his CBs so he's going zone heavy and we don't excel in that but oh well.

Pep has called actually three good games. We've gone against 2 great defenses with great secondaries so I don't expect a pass 1st team to do that well vs them. In the TEN game, just like the 1st two it came down to execution. No short passes or quick hitters can account for free blitzers when someone blows an assignment. How many __& 20 downs did we play? Then comes the 4th qtr when guys stop holding, Luck starts passing to his check down some and we get a TO and boom it's a 21 pt qtr!

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Pep has called actually three good games. We've gone against 2 great defenses with great secondaries so I don't expect a pass 1st team to do that well vs them. 


No, he most certainly has not.


If you don't think you can pass against a defense, then run the ball, which we just didn't do against both the Bills and the Jets, despite having some success when we tried. We act like play action or attacking the edge of the defense is forbidden. Against the blitz, we don't send hot receivers to the open areas. Luck can run Y Banana in his sleep, and we've called it twice in three games (both on the same drive last week). 


I could keep going, but the point is that Pep has NOT called three good games. I agree that the execution has sucked, but we're not putting our best players in position to make plays. That falls on Pep.

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