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Pep Hamilton - "Blame Me"


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Yes I'm paraphrasing in the title, but here is the article.





"We have not done our job," Hamilton said of the offense. "I have not put our guys in position to be successful and to put our guys in position to produce."


Great for pep to come out and say he's the problem, can't say I don't agree.

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Sounded like a bunch of excuses to me. We need an experienced O-coordinator that knows what he is doing so Luck and co. can grow and reach their max potential. Pep sure isn't getting it out of this unit. Cant throw the ball deep down the field on every play Pep! I agree withe the general consensus on here that we need to run more screens,roll outs,5 yard dink and dunk passes and ALOT more Gore to be successful!

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Pep needs to goooooo

No one needs to go right now because we are in the midst of playing the season.  All this talk of fire so & so is doing nothing but causing distractions for the team.  Distractions that they don't need.


Our coaches including Pep need to have the chance to figure it out and get this mess cleaned up.  If they fail to do it this season then it will be house cleaning time during the off season.  Griggs shouldn't be immune to that either.


Right now we are 0-2.  Not cool but we were in this position just last season and got back on track to another 11-5 season and a deep playoff run.  Let's just hold tight and see what our coaching staff does going forward.  It's not a lost season yet by any stretch.

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No one needs to go right now because we are in the midst of playing the season.  All this talk of fire so & so is doing nothing but causing distractions for the team.  Distractions that they don't need.


Our coaches including Pep need to have the chance to figure it out and get this mess cleaned up.  If they fail to do it this season then it will be house cleaning time during the off season.  Griggs shouldn't be immune to that either.


Right now we are 0-2.  Not cool but we were in this position just last season and got back on track to another 11-5 season and a deep playoff run.  Let's just hold tight and see what our coaching staff does going forward.  It's not a lost season yet by any stretch.


They had all last season to figure it out, why immunity now?

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Glad Pep is owning up to his role in our struggles.  He has faults but has been known to eventually admitting them and trying to make efforts to correct.  I remember when many complained about him forcing the run game too much.  He later seemed to realize this as well himself and went with a more pass focused approach.  Problem is we are too pass focused right now...and worst the passes seem to be mostly downfield.  We don't dink and dunk enough in my opinion.  We have the horses to do it.


I expect to see more of a committment to running the football and more yards from Gore.  I also expect a more balanced selection of pass plays utilizing short, intermediate and deep routes as well as screens.  We need to diversify our plays and attack all of the field.  More dinking and dunking, firmer committment to running the football and pick our spots to go deep when available.  Mixing in more play action will help guys get open if we can establish a legitimate run threat with Gore.

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They had all last season to figure it out, why immunity now?

No immunity but it's not the right time unless you want to risk sabataging the season now.  That's foolish only 2 weeks in.  Play it out and then make moves if necessary after the season. 


I'm not a big fan of Grigs and the current coaching staff either but I'm not going to feed into the frenzy and distractions that the media is trying to whip up around this team.  It's almost like they have an agenda to derail our Colts.  The Colts need the fans behind them right now.  If things don't work out...then I say bring out the pitch forks in the offseason.   I'll be amongst those leading the charge if this regime fails to deliver this season...I promise you that.

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No kidding. I'd be pretty embarrassed if I were him. What a terrible play caller. Its so obvious. Mix things up a bit. Lets do some screen passes, short passes, and get the TE's more involved. And dump it off to a RB a few times per game. Hell the defense knows exactly what we're gonna do every play. Lucks gonna hope to have enough time to launch it down field. We just gotta mix things up a bit, And PEP HAS TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS DURING GAMES!!!

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No immunity but it's not the right time unless you want to risk sabataging the season now. That's foolish only 2 weeks in. Play it out and then make moves if necessary after the season.

I'm not a big fan of Grigs and the current coaching staff either but I'm not going to feed into the frenzy and distractions that the media is trying to whip up around this team. It's almost like they have an agenda to derail our Colts. The Colts need the fans behind them right now. If things don't work out...then I say bring out the pitch forks in the offseason. I'll be amongst those leading the charge if this regime fails to deliver this season...I promise you that.

If they want fan support, then maybe the offense should play like it knows what it's doing rather than the tire fire we've seen the past 2 weeks. Put Pep in the backseat and let Chud call plays as OC for a couple weeks and I bet we'd see a world of difference. There is just no excuses left for it to be this bad, it's Hamilton's 3rd year on the job and the offense still looks unprepared and dysfunctional. He either shapes up in the next few weeks, or its time for him to go and let Chud step in as interim.
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No immunity but it's not the right time unless you want to risk sabataging the season now.  That's foolish only 2 weeks in.  Play it out and then make moves if necessary after the season. 


I'm not a big fan of Grigs and the current coaching staff either but I'm not going to feed into the frenzy and distractions that the media is trying to whip up around this team.  It's almost like they have an agenda to derail our Colts.  The Colts need the fans behind them right now.  If things don't work out...then I say bring out the pitch forks in the offseason.   I'll be amongst those leading the charge if this regime fails to deliver this season...I promise you that.


I really doubt changing the play caller at this point would sabotage the season, you are not going to  change the playbook.

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Pep is the problem with this team entirely. He hasn't adjusted anything well into a game, doesn't come out with good game plans against opposing teams, doesn't use the personnel he has to maximize their talent or even tap the mid level from them and does the opposite of what his online has in terms of talent and time to give the Qb. If he had the Dallas oline, I could understand drawing up these deeper routes because you will have time for a 5-7 step drop consistently but our line gives barely time for 3 step drops with any consistency. I don't 100% blame this online either. When teams know your not throwing short, in the flats, screens or quick slants/bubble screens, it allows those defenses to just rush the qb with the kitchen sink and get into the face of the qb before he can get to a 7 step drop and make his 25 yard toss for an int or incomplete pass. You put in those shorter pass catch plays and that defense doesn't get to the qb and disrupt not only his timing but his psyche. After you get that offense on a few sustained drives and scores, this effects the defense and allows them to play looser and with more aggression. Peps poor play calling and Lucks inability to make his gameplay successful, this makes the whole team suffer.

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If they want fan support, then maybe the offense should play like it knows what it's doing rather than the tire fire we've seen the past 2 weeks. Put Pep in the backseat and let Chud call plays as OC for a couple weeks and I bet we'd see a world of difference. There is just no excuses left for it to be this bad, it's Hamilton's 3rd year on the job and the offense still looks unprepared and dysfunctional. He either shapes up in the next few weeks, or its time for him to go and let Chud step in as interim.

You'll get no argument from me regarding how bad our offense has been. It would be interesting to see what Chud can do but there are no guarantees that the offense will perform better. Wouldn't mind finding out though if Pep can't correct this in the next few weeks.

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If they want fan support, then maybe the offense should play like it knows what it's doing rather than the tire fire we've seen the past 2 weeks. Put Pep in the backseat and let Chud call plays as OC for a couple weeks and I bet we'd see a world of difference. There is just no excuses left for it to be this bad, it's Hamilton's 3rd year on the job and the offense still looks unprepared and dysfunctional. He either shapes up in the next few weeks, or its time for him to go and let Chud step in as interim.


I'm still not sold on the fact that this is "all" Pep's fault. There have definitely been some times where he clearly tried to get too cute with the playcalling these past 2 weeks, I won't deny that. But, he was the OC last year and they were the top offense in the league, and it's hard to imagine that swapping OCs 2 weeks in is a good idea (that whole "changing horses mid-stream" theory).


Fact of the matter is, none of these RBs were on the team last year, 2 receivers are still learning the playbook and getting used to playing with Luck, and the O-line is completely reshuffled. And, on top of all that, they played 2 of the best defenses in the league to start the season, while Gore/Jonson/Luck were very limited in preseason action. The type of chemistry we're all expecting to see doesn't happen overnight unfortunately. 

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Honestly we don't need long developing plays downfield..moncrief Hilton dorsett fleener even Allen (runs slow as hell on tv yet always had a long td catch lol) all can take a short pass and make a person miss for yac.. In my opinion I think all we need to do this season is dink and dunk and run the ball and if we are running it good during a game randomly hit a playaction pass for a deep ball..but waiting for these long developing plays isn't worth it our guys have shown to make defenders miss on slants easily or crossing routes..hmm but yeah what do I know I don't study like Pep

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I'm still not sold on the fact that this is "all" Pep's fault. There have definitely been some times where he clearly tried to get too cute with the playcalling these past 2 weeks, I won't deny that. But, he was the OC last year and they were the top offense in the league, and it's hard to imagine that swapping OCs 2 weeks in is a good idea (that whole "changing horses mid-stream" theory).

Fact of the matter is, none of these RBs were on the team last year, 2 receivers are still learning the playbook and getting used to playing with Luck, and the O-line is completely reshuffled. And, on top of all that, they played 2 of the best defenses in the league to start the season, while Gore/Jonson/Luck were very limited in preseason action. The type of chemistry we're all expecting to see doesn't happen overnight unfortunately.

pep has issues though gore is great at pass blocking yet he puts Robinson and Varga in almost every 3rd down..his play calling and personnel changes are downright degrading this year..last year it was pagano who didn't want to take Reggie off the field now it's peps scheming
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Meh. Talk is cheap. Let's see what changes this weekend.

Screens, slants, more Gore...let's see more of these and I'd be happy.

The bad thing about it MB is that we play the Titans. Like winning against our division opponents mean nothing now. That stat they showed on that Monday Night debacle says it all. Winning in the division means nothing, it's when we play out the division that's the issue

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I just wonder how much leeway Luck has to change plays at the line when he feels something better should be ran by what formation the Defense has. You would think by season 4 and with what he has proved he should have full leeway by now. It doesn't seem he does it much. Peyton changed plays constantly at the line and had the OK do so throughout most of his career when he didn't see something he liked. I think Luck should have the same go ahead considering it's his Offense and he has went 11-5 3 straight seasons.

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The bad thing about it MB is that we play the Titans. Like winning against our division opponents mean nothing now. That stat they showed on that Monday Night debacle says it all. Winning in the division means nothing, it's when we play out the division that's the issue

This game means a lot, The Titans are obviously no NE Patriots or Steelers but that don't matter at all right now, Why? Because while the Titans are NOT a pushover they do give the Colts the chance to get back on track and get some confidence and execution going. This game means plenty. Is beating the Titans like the Patriots or Steelers? Of course not BUT that's not what the team needs right now. They need to execute and gain confidence


Also while like I said..While the Titans are not the Steelers or Patriots they are still very capable of beating us. They do have a mobile QB who has been very efficient the last 2 weeks...Not to mention they have Jurrell Casey


They will be a challenge

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