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Luck to Arizona rumor -- no kidding!


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I think his daughter Carlie took his phone away. He's only allowed to post game day inactives.


I suspect we'll get a tweet if they play like garbage again this week. I kind of miss his riddles

Ha, right.

Yeah he used to over do the twitter stuff, but a tweet or two in times of trouble could actually be helpful, for the fanbase, and even the team, assuming that stuff like the strife between Grigs & Pags is affecting the team...

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Let's say Luck play 15 years and yet somehow some folks here believe he is a statue in Indy. The coaches will change, the GM will change, the players will change yet Luck remains....way too much pathos and very little logos. Luck is not the Colts, he is only a player that throws too many INTs.

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"Under contract" is meaningless now days and when he decides to pack his bags is anyone's guess assuming he will and he may not but the idea he will never leave no matter how bad things may get is just plain dumb.


A couple of questions.


1) Is the quote button a challenge for you?


2) If he is under contract but still decides to pack his bags, please detail where he is going or where he will be playing.  

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Someone mentioned being the highest paid QB as a deterrent. Who thinks we are the only one who can offer him that deal? I don't think he will leave, but if a better offer came by from a contending team with a solid young O line, say Dallas, he would be crazy not to listen. I would imagine JJ would move heaven and earth to have Luck calling plays behind his top flight young line.

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This will never happen. Luck is under contract through next season for 1, secondly we could even franchise tag him after that. Irsay will sign him shortly IMO so this wont be an issue. Luck is a class act and just isn't going to want to leave when the going gets tough. Irsay will get rid of Pagano if it means keeping Luck as well.

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Under Arians (2012) Luck had 4374 yards, 54.1%, 23 TD, 18 INT, 7.0 avg.

Under Hamilton (2014) Luck had 4761 yards, 61.7%, 40 TD, 16 INT, 7.7 avg.

So Hamilton knows a thing or two about football.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this season Pagano is trying to protect Luck (and his job) to much. Luck can escape pressure with his athletic ability and pocket awareness, but he can't throw to himself. To much pass blocking from TE&RB, no roll-outs at all.

I know, the Colts have to protect franchise, but they don't protect Luck by hand cuffing him. Fleener is not a good blocker, why keep him there? Why not sent him on shallow cross with Luck rolling out the same side?

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"Under contract" is meaningless now days and when he decides to pack his bags is anyone's guess assuming he will and he may not but the idea he will never leave no matter how bad things may get is just plain dumb.



"Under contract" is meaningless?     Try telling that to the NFL.


Tell that to Kam Chancellor who is coming back to Seattle this week.


Let's assume for discussion sake that Luck hates Irsay and Pagano and Grigson.    His choices are these.    To play for the Colts for the remainder of his rookie deal and then the Colts can Franchise Tag him for three more years.      That would keep Luck with Indy through the 2019 season.


After that,  he's an unrestricted free agent.




He could hold out at some point and try to force Indy's hand.




He could retire.


Those are his options.

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Too many fans think Luck will stay regardless of the teams success or a soap opera battle between coach andthe GM. Maybe they still think Manning is the QB. Luck owes the Colts northing and that is the same amount of help he is getting. Dollars are dollars but Luck is young but more important he is smart so we will see how this pans out but when a team fails most players seek greener grass elsewhere and think what the Colts could ask for in a trade. You never know. Like Yogi Berra said, "when you come to a fork in the road take it".

Very good points, also how much money can the Colts really offer Luck beyond anyone else?  If a good Broncos team can find a way to fit Manning's massive contract in their budget, I don't see why the Cardinals or other teams couldn't do the same.  The reason Manning was so loyal to the Colts did have to do a little bit with money, but also the fact that Polian did a great job of building an offense around him.  By time Manning's rookie contract was up, he had a very good o-line in front of him, good receiving targets and a good young running back.  Manning had a better offense with the Colts, than he would have at most teams, and a GM who would listen to him and respected him.


 We really don't know what Luck and Grigson's relationship is, but he has continually failed to put an acceptably o-line in front of him.  Supposedly from what I have heard on sports radio(so I guess we can take it with a grain of salt) is that Grigson like his players and coaches on edge, as he believes they perform better.  This was the polar opposite of the Polian/Manning relationship where Polian would do whatever it took to make Manning comfortable.  Despite some of Polian's insanity and control freak issues in the last few years, he always had a good relationship with Manning. 


What it comes down to, with Luck being a free agent in two years, is Irsay will have some huge decisions to make for the GM position and the Head Coach.  It really doesn't look like Pagano will survive, even though I don't think he's a bad head coach.  But I don't think Grigson should either and whoever he chooses could impact whether Luck resigns or looks to make a move. 

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I think he is referring to the Colts trading away John Elway. How horribly that went for the Colts.


Believe me - I know exactly what he was talking about but the circumstances are not close to the same.  I was hopeful to hear him tie to two of those together.  

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I think his daughter Carlie took his phone away. He's only allowed to post game day inactives.

I suspect we'll get a tweet if they play like garbage again this week. I kind of miss his riddles

Sorry the game didn't go better, but how great were your seats?

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Sorry the game didn't go better, but how great were your seats?

 The seats were great! Unfortunately, due to the short notice on winning the tickets, we couldn't make arrangements to go so we/she donated them to a friend. We'll be there for the remainder of the season though.

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The seats were great! Unfortunately, due to the short notice on winning the tickets, we couldn't make arrangements to go so we/she donated them to a friend. We'll be there for the remainder of the season though.

We'll be at the next home game for sure. We're still working on getting tickets for Pats and Broncos games.

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Those Arizona dummy's. Andrew Luck is going to be a Colt for life. He isn't going anywhere.

When my wife yelled at me last night to watch the story on Channel 3 here in Phoenix, I assured her it was nonsense. But it does raise a question about the source of the story and the principal claim: That Luck is sick of the current coaching staff and would welcome the chance to play for Arians again. Who would be feeding such a story to a TV station here and whoever it was obviously had some level of credibility or there would have been no such story. After reading some of the reactions to my original post It appears some of you were offended by my original post. Too bad. Such a story on Indianapolis TV would certainly merit a thread, and if anything, it is more newsworthy that such a story would be aired in Phoenix, not so coincidentally where Arians coaches. I am not suggesting the source was Arians but it seems reasonable to infer it was someone who knows him.
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When my wife yelled at me last night to watch the story on Channel 3 here in Phoenix, I assured her it was nonsense. But it does raise a question about the source of the story and the principal claim: That Luck is sick of the current coaching staff and would welcome the chance to play for Arians again. Who would be feeding such a story to a TV station here and whoever it was obviously had some level of credibility or there would have been no such story. After reading some of the reactions to my original post It appears some of you were offended by my original post. Too bad. Such a story on Indianapolis TV would certainly merit a thread, and if anything, it is more newsworthy that such a story would be aired in Phoenix, not so coincidentally where Arians coaches. I am not suggesting the source was Arians but it seems reasonable to infer it was someone who knows him.

Andrew is under contract through next season and then can be franchised after that. Even if he wanted to leave he cant. I can almost guarantee Irsay wouldn't trade him either so all that would be doing is hurting Andrew at that point if he just sits out like Kam just did. There is NO chance of this happening IMO. Andrew wouldn't leave anyway, if Pagano is the problem than Irsay would fire him and bring someone in that Andrew likes.

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I will say the idea that Luck will be a Colt for life isn't quite feasible.  Manning, Elway, Montana, Favre, and I am sure I am leaving out a number of others.  Those guys were all top talents that were true franchise quarterbacks. All played their twilight years for different franchises.  I'd say it is remotely possible that the Colts enter a down turn and want to start over with a full rebuild in 10-15 years.  It is also possible another team is on the upswing but missing a talented franchise QB, if even for just 1 or 2 years.


That said, in the next 5-10 years?  HIGHLY, HIGHLY,HIGHLY unlikely unless some team gives up a king's ransom to get him.  I'd think a minimum of 3-4 1st round picks for the next 3-4 years.

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I don't see how anyone can say it's a foregone conclusion that Luck re-signs with the Colts. Players can, and do, force trades. Eli Manning comes immediately to mind. The Colts can franchise Luck, and Andrew could refuse to honor it.

I'm sure Luck is acutely aware that Manning was only able to win one Superbowl with the Colts. This organization doesn't always act like it knows what it's doing.

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"Under contract" is meaningless?     Try telling that to the NFL.


Tell that to Kam Chancellor who is coming back to Seattle this week.


Let's assume for discussion sake that Luck hates Irsay and Pagano and Grigson.    His choices are these.    To play for the Colts for the remainder of his rookie deal and then the Colts can Franchise Tag him for three more years.      That would keep Luck with Indy through the 2019 season.


After that,  he's an unrestricted free agent.




He could hold out at some point and try to force Indy's hand.




He could retire.


Those are his options.




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I don't see how anyone can say it's a foregone conclusion that Luck re-signs with the Colts. Players can, and do, force trades. Eli Manning comes immediately to mind. The Colts can franchise Luck, and Andrew could refuse to honor it.

I'm sure Luck is acutely aware that Manning was only able to win one Superbowl with the Colts. This organization doesn't always act like it knows what it's doing.

The Packers have had damn near 30 yrs of future HOF quarterbacks with only 2 SuperBowl wins to show for it.  Aaron Rodgers led the league in hits/sacks for a couple of years...had multiple concussions...I wonder if he was/is planning on ditching town at his first chance.

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I will say the idea that Luck will be a Colt for life isn't quite feasible.  Manning, Elway, Montana, Favre, and I am sure I am leaving out a number of others.  Those guys were all top talents that were true franchise quarterbacks. All played their twilight years for different franchises.  I'd say it is remotely possible that the Colts enter a down turn and want to start over with a full rebuild in 10-15 years.  It is also possible another team is on the upswing but missing a talented franchise QB, if even for just 1 or 2 years.


That said, in the next 5-10 years?  HIGHLY, HIGHLY,HIGHLY unlikely unless some team gives up a king's ransom to get him.  I'd think a minimum of 3-4 1st round picks for the next 3-4 years.

Elway was on track to become one of the best to never win a SuperBowl but then Terrell Davis happened and Elway won two SuperBowls in a row to finish off his career.  Elway only played for the Broncos.

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Luck may be the last of a dying breed. Of all the highly touted QB's to come out of college lately, I dont see the Bradys, Mannings, Roethlisberger out there anymore. I'm not talking talent per se, but emotional maturity combined with talent. Luck may or may not stay with Indy for a career, but him and Wilson may be one of the last true "franchise" QB's.

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