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Jim Harbaugh ... Colts Head Coach?


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Ugh, as a lifelong UM fan living in Indy with the Colts as my #2 team, there is SO much incorrect stuff in this thread. This is one example of that.

Jim Harbaugh turned down Oakland(who allegedly offered upwards of $8m per year), a franchise where he wouldn't have to relocate and a team that has a good, young QB. Why? Because he loves Michigan. Harbaugh was their A,B, and C choice because he's a top 3-5 coach in all of football. They did not, however, "throw a lot of money at him." They paid up very well(I believe around $5M a year) and allowed him to assemble the best staff possible(which he did). This nonsense that he chased the money and Michigan was begging is absolutely ridiculous.

What's even more ridiculous is the notion that "he leaves everywhere after 4-5 years and wears out his welcome." He left San Diego for a job promotion. He left Stanford for a job promotion(a NFL gig). The only place in his career that "didn't want him," were the 49ers whom had many, many players coming to JH's defense; Kaepernick, Anthony Davis, Iupati, etc.

With that all said -- he won't be coaching the Colts next season or in the near future for a couple of reasons.

1) He loves Michigan. He turned down a huge offer from Oakland just shows that.

2) He relocated his entire family to AA(where he grew up) and his parents even relocated to AA to see his games.

3) Did I mention he loves UM? If you watched his introductory conference and how much more personable he was, you can see that.

4) He has repeatedly said many times, "I can't fail Michigan," because he reveres the program and Bo Schembechler. A lot of people close to the job search and coach himself think he could see himself as a lifer at UM.

5) His coaching style is better in the college game. He knows that after his time in SF.

6) The interim AD has given full control. Jim is even going to have a huge say-so on whom is hired as the permanent AD.

Bottom line, people greatly underestimate the love he has for UM. He didn't just go to school there, he grew up in AA and as a young kid was hanging around the football program and Bo Schembechler all the time. I think the posters in this thread have a better chance at being the next HC moreso than Jim.

Oooh I missed this one... Incorrect? haha

For one, I wasn't talking about Harbaugh's perspective on being the coach, I was clearly talking about Michigan's move to hire him. Michigan was going to make him the highest paid coach in college football, but Harbaugh said he wasn't worried about that. Actually, Michigan's offer to Harbaugh was said to be initially at -8M/year. He still got paid what the top coaches in college football are getting paid. By the way he has 10% escalators after years 3 and 5.

Michigan was desperate, and was willing to offer ~4x more to Harbaugh than they did to Hoke and RichRod. They "desperately" needed someone to come in and help restore the program back to what it used to be. Which in turn helps the Big Ten tremendously. As much as I hate Michigan - fan perspective - Harbaugh will at least help give a boost to the Big Ten. However, he will have to get used to looking up at the Buckeyes haha

I love the OSU/UM trash talk... I look forward to the rivalry regaining it's notoriety from years past.

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Who cares if he reacts to bad calls? Good lord, guys like Magic Johnson * and moaned if a call ever went against them and nobody cared. I'm not really focusing on you.....I'm just amazed at how many colts fans bring this up. Not like he is coaching high school.


It's embarrassing to watch.


His players could tear the opposing player's helmet off and he can't believe you called the face mask penalty and wants to you to "Let them play" but if the other team gives his QB a pat on the back he want's a roughing the passer call.


Flipping out over every call and protesting the even the most obvious penalties doesn't in any way help your team win.  Honestly just makes you look like a lunatic.  


I'd rather have John Harbaugh but he's not leaving Baltimore.  Johns a good coach, does what it takes to win and doesn't embarrass himself by losing his mind every time a flag is thrown against his team.  

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Ugh, as a lifelong UM fan living in Indy with the Colts as my #2 team, there is SO much incorrect stuff in this thread.  This is one example of that.

Jim Harbaugh turned down Oakland(who allegedly offered upwards of $8m per year), a franchise where he wouldn't have to relocate and a team that has a good, young QB.  Why?  Because he loves Michigan. Harbaugh was their A,B, and C choice because he's a top 3-5 coach in all of football.  They did not, however, "throw a lot of money at him."  They paid up very well(I believe around $5M a year) and allowed him to assemble the best staff possible(which he did).  This nonsense that he chased the money and Michigan was begging is absolutely ridiculous. 


What's even more ridiculous is the notion that "he leaves everywhere after 4-5 years and wears out his welcome."  He left San Diego for a job promotion.  He left Stanford for a job promotion(a NFL gig).  The only place in his career that "didn't want him," were the 49ers whom had many, many players coming to JH's defense; Kaepernick, Anthony Davis, Iupati, etc.

With that all said -- he won't be coaching the Colts next season or in the near future for a couple of reasons.


1) He loves Michigan.  He turned down a huge offer from Oakland just shows that.

2) He relocated his entire family to AA(where he grew up) and his parents even relocated to AA to see his games.

3) Did I mention he loves UM?  If you watched his introductory conference and how much more personable he was, you can see that. 

4) He has repeatedly said many times, "I can't fail Michigan," because he reveres the program and Bo Schembechler.  A lot of people close to the job search and coach himself think he could see himself as a lifer at UM. 

5) His coaching style is better in the college game.  He knows that after his time in SF.

6) The interim AD has given full control.  Jim is even going to have a huge say-so on whom is hired as the permanent AD.


Bottom line, people greatly underestimate the love he has for UM.  He didn't just go to school there, he grew up in AA and as a young kid was hanging around the football program and Bo Schembechler all the time.  I think the posters in this thread have a better chance at being the next HC moreso than Jim.  


First of all ultimately I think you are right, I don't think he's leaving Mich after only one year. . . He would just look terrible for doing that.  It would be a bad career move because he would be known as a guy who likes to jump between jobs.


However I'd like to challenge you on a couple of your points.


1. Turning down Oakland's offer for Michigan.  I couldn't give a crap about Michigan I'm an Iowa fan, but I would take the job at Michigan over a job with the Raiders.  Shoot I'd take the job at Michigan for half the pay of Oakland.  Oakland is where coaches go to die.  Oakland never gets the top coaching prospects because it's been a very very long time since Oakland actually fielded a good team.  On top of that they have a long history of giving their coaches absolutely terrible teams and expecting those coaches to work a miracle and make them into winners in a year or 2 at max.  Bill Belichek couldn't win in Oakland, no can.    


Maybe this is their year, they did beat the Ravens but for right now their reputation is a place where coaches go to die.  


2. Head coaching a major college team like Stanford and moving to an NFL head coach sounds like a promotion but it's really not.  Major college teams have comparable fan bases and stadiums to NFL teams and their coaches make comparable money to NFL coaches.  It's a lateral move.  The main reason why some college coaches make it is because they want to try and prove they can do it at any level.  So moving from Stanford to San Fransisco wasn't really a promotion and moving from there to Michigan wasn't a demotion.  


HOWEVER. . . because his experience in the NFL it is highly possible that Harbaugh is burnt out on NFL coaching.  Jim Harbaugh has the #5 highest winning percentage in NFL history with a minimum of 50 games and he still got canned because some owner and GM (who made all the personnel calls anyways) didn't like his style.  So he may not want to return to the NFL anyways.  And I think that if any NFL team was going to lure him back they would have to give him personnel control as well.  

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First of all ultimately I think you are right, I don't think he's leaving Mich after only one year. . . He would just look terrible for doing that.  It would be a bad career move because he would be known as a guy who likes to jump between jobs.


However I'd like to challenge you on a couple of your points.


1. Turning down Oakland's offer for Michigan.  I couldn't give a crap about Michigan I'm an Iowa fan, but I would take the job at Michigan over a job with the Raiders.  Shoot I'd take the job at Michigan for half the pay of Oakland.  Oakland is where coaches go to die.  Oakland never gets the top coaching prospects because it's been a very very long time since Oakland actually fielded a good team.  On top of that they have a long history of giving their coaches absolutely terrible teams and expecting those coaches to work a miracle and make them into winners in a year or 2 at max.  Bill Belichek couldn't win in Oakland, no can.    


Maybe this is their year, they did beat the Ravens but for right now their reputation is a place where coaches go to die.  


2. Head coaching a major college team like Stanford and moving to an NFL head coach sounds like a promotion but it's really not.  Major college teams have comparable fan bases and stadiums to NFL teams and their coaches make comparable money to NFL coaches.  It's a lateral move.  The main reason why some college coaches make it is because they want to try and prove they can do it at any level.  So moving from Stanford to San Fransisco wasn't really a promotion and moving from there to Michigan wasn't a demotion.  


HOWEVER. . . because his experience in the NFL it is highly possible that Harbaugh is burnt out on NFL coaching.  Jim Harbaugh has the #5 highest winning percentage in NFL history with a minimum of 50 games and he still got canned because some owner and GM (who made all the personnel calls anyways) didn't like his style.  So he may not want to return to the NFL anyways.  And I think that if any NFL team was going to lure him back they would have to give him personnel control as well.  


Okay, but Stanford isn't a major college program.  They had one win prior to JH getting there.  They are similar to MSU is nowadays . A good coach can have success there, but they will never be considered a blue-blood or a destination job(unless you're an alumni) - it's just the way it is.  Moving to San Francisco was a promotion in every sense, that's not debatable.


As for the post two posts above me -- again, that's completely factually incorrect.  I am in Insider on many UM boards.  He was going to get upwards of $6M but, was never going to be the highest paid college football coach. Ever.  Jim actually told them to pay him less so he could assemble the best staff possible.  But, there's nothing "desperate" about paying an elite coach like an elite coach.  In fact going beyond that, specific dollar figures had never even been discussed until after Jim gave a verbal that he wanted to be the next coach.  


To further clarify how insanely unlikely it is Jim coaches in Indy next year; the point person between A.D. Hackett and Jim was his father, that's why his entire family(save John obviously) relocated to AA to be with Jim during his time as coach.  He isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. 

Edited by 21isSuperman
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YOU brought up what Harbaugh did as a QB at Michigan. However, my point still stands, it took a missed FG in 86' for Michigan to win. Much like then, Harbaugh might squeak out a win here and there like Hoke and Carr did, but in the end he'll be sent off like the rest of them.

We'll see about his recruiting. Like I said, I can't wait for the excuses at the end of the year.

Yes I did.  And I did not say anything about your response... other than you were wrong about Harbaugh's record against the Buckeyes.

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I'm liking this fire out of you :-) all it take is college football Huh? lol  Please don't say you have any begrudging against Texas or else it is indeed a fight to the death!

I used to talk with forum members this way about the Colts but I kept getting warnings from the Mods and my posts deleted so I quit.


It's kind of funny you mentioned Texas... my wife's family are all KU fans, so when it comes to basketball they are all KU but when it comes to football... as long as they are not playing KU they root for any Big 12 school.

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Ugh, as a lifelong UM fan living in Indy with the Colts as my #2 team, there is SO much incorrect stuff in this thread.  This is one example of that.

Jim Harbaugh turned down Oakland(who allegedly offered upwards of $8m per year), a franchise where he wouldn't have to relocate and a team that has a good, young QB.  Why?  Because he loves Michigan. Harbaugh was their A,B, and C choice because he's a top 3-5 coach in all of football.  They did not, however, "throw a lot of money at him."  They paid up very well(I believe around $5M a year) and allowed him to assemble the best staff possible(which he did).  This nonsense that he chased the money and Michigan was begging is absolutely ridiculous. 


What's even more ridiculous is the notion that "he leaves everywhere after 4-5 years and wears out his welcome."  He left San Diego for a job promotion.  He left Stanford for a job promotion(a NFL gig).  The only place in his career that "didn't want him," were the 49ers whom had many, many players coming to JH's defense; Kaepernick, Anthony Davis, Iupati, etc.

With that all said -- he won't be coaching the Colts next season or in the near future for a couple of reasons.


1) He loves Michigan.  He turned down a huge offer from Oakland just shows that.

2) He relocated his entire family to AA(where he grew up) and his parents even relocated to AA to see his games.

3) Did I mention he loves UM?  If you watched his introductory conference and how much more personable he was, you can see that. 

4) He has repeatedly said many times, "I can't fail Michigan," because he reveres the program and Bo Schembechler.  A lot of people close to the job search and coach himself think he could see himself as a lifer at UM. 

5) His coaching style is better in the college game.  He knows that after his time in SF.

6) The interim AD has given full control.  Jim is even going to have a huge say-so on whom is hired as the permanent AD.


Bottom line, people greatly underestimate the love he has for UM.  He didn't just go to school there, he grew up in AA and as a young kid was hanging around the football program and Bo Schembechler all the time.  I think the posters in this thread have a better chance at being the next HC moreso than Jim.  


Well said.  He's not leaving UM anytime soon. Money has nothing to do with it.  He's where he wants to be.

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I used to talk with forum members this way about the Colts but I kept getting warnings from the Mods and my posts deleted so I quit.

It's kind of funny you mentioned Texas... my wife's family are all KU fans, so when it comes to basketball they are all KU but when it comes to football... as long as they are not playing KU they root for any Big 12 school.

I'll take it! The longhorns need all the help they can get lol.... if we could just get talent for the football team like our volleyball team lol... don't even get me started on their soccer team...tears...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, but Stanford isn't a major college program.  They had one win prior to JH getting there.  They are similar to MSU is nowadays . A good coach can have success there, but they will never be considered a blue-blood or a destination job(unless you're an alumni) - it's just the way it is.  Moving to San Francisco was a promotion in every sense, that's not debatable.


As for the post two posts above me -- again, that's completely factually incorrect.  I am in Insider on many UM boards.  He was going to get upwards of $6M but, was never going to be the highest paid college football coach. Ever.  Jim actually told them to pay him less so he could assemble the best staff possible.  But, there's nothing "desperate" about paying an elite coach like an elite coach.  In fact going beyond that, specific dollar figures had never even been discussed until after Jim gave a verbal that he wanted to be the next coach.  


To further clarify how insanely unlikely it is Jim coaches in Indy next year; the point person between A.D. Hackett and Jim was his father, that's why his entire family(save John obviously) relocated to AA to be with Jim during his time as coach.  He isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. 


Feel free to define what a "major college program" is?


Who cares that Stanford had one win in the one season prior to Harbaugh?     It's one season.     Harbaugh not only turned the program around,  but he left the blueprint for Stanford to keep winning,   which is what Stanford has done since Harbaugh left.


If Harbaugh hadn't turned Stanford into a "major college program" he wouldn't have gotten the job with San Francisco and he wouldn't have gotten the job with Michigan.


It was his work at Stanford that put him on the map as a coach.     You can't have it both ways.

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2. Head coaching a major college team like Stanford and moving to an NFL head coach sounds like a promotion but it's really not.  Major college teams have comparable fan bases and stadiums to NFL teams and their coaches make comparable money to NFL coaches.  It's a lateral move.  The main reason why some college coaches make it is because they want to try and prove they can do it at any level.  So moving from Stanford to San Fransisco wasn't really a promotion and moving from there to Michigan wasn't a demotion.  


HOWEVER. . . because his experience in the NFL it is highly possible that Harbaugh is burnt out on NFL coaching.  Jim Harbaugh has the #5 highest winning percentage in NFL history with a minimum of 50 games and he still got canned because some owner and GM (who made all the personnel calls anyways) didn't like his style.  So he may not want to return to the NFL anyways.  And I think that if any NFL team was going to lure him back they would have to give him personnel control as well.  

I would bet if you ask any HC at any level they would consider coaching in the NFL as a promotion or step above being a HC of a Div I team.

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I would love it, if we gave him full control I think he would leave Michigan but Irsay would have to pay big bucks. Harbaugh turned the 49ers around with just QB's that are game managers. He Coached Andrew in College and Andrew is a Star, not a game manager. JIm took us 1 play away from the SB too. Always been a fan of his.

I couldn't agree more. Harbaugh is exactly what this team needs.
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I would be surprised if Jim left Michigan after one year. I also don't think he wants to be in college for long though. There are only 32 head coaching jobs in the NFL and only a handful or so of those have QBs with the talent of Luck. If there was a situation to make Jim leave Michigan after just one year then the Colts just might be it. BUT Irsay will have to cough up some serious cash and Grigson would be losing control assuming Irsay keeps him.

I'd say Irsay cleans house in the offseason.
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Yes Please! But I sincerely doubt he'd leave his alma matter after one year. He'd be looked at as quite the traitor if he did.


Harbaugh is my all-time favorite Colt.  That said, I don't want him as our coach.  He did well at Stanford when he had Luck (the best college player in the nation).  He came to NFL with a college-based system and was figured out in 3-4 years.  He is struggling at Michigan now.


I don't think he is the right fit for our team.

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Harbaugh is my all-time favorite Colt. That said, I don't want him as our coach. He did well at Stanford when he had Luck (the best college player in the nation). He came to NFL with a college-based system and was figured out in 3-4 years. He is struggling at Michigan now.

He's struggling Michigan? Man what are you watching. Not to mention it's his first year, along with using players he didn't recruit.

He was figured out? Or his QB was mediocre and was holding the team back

I don't think he is the right fit for our team.

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It's embarrassing to watch.


His players could tear the opposing player's helmet off and he can't believe you called the face mask penalty and wants to you to "Let them play" but if the other team gives his QB a pat on the back he want's a roughing the passer call.


Flipping out over every call and protesting the even the most obvious penalties doesn't in any way help your team win.  Honestly just makes you look like a lunatic.  


I'd rather have John Harbaugh but he's not leaving Baltimore.  Johns a good coach, does what it takes to win and doesn't embarrass himself by losing his mind every time a flag is thrown against his team.

Exaggerate much?

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Jim Harbaugh, a riddle wrapped up in a conundrum??????????????? Captain Comeback gave me possibly the greatest possible "high" I ever had as a Colts' fan back in in the 1995 season/ 1996 post season? My Father had me watching the Jets vs Colts and Cowboys vs Colts as an infant but the memories fade as I was unable to actually comprehend? Bert Jones rode upon the scene when I could actually comprehend what was going on and he will always be my favorite Colt with Lydell Mitchell a very close second. Then came years and I mean YEARS of disgrace to this once proud franchise that led to Captain Comeback giving us a season to remember.....he has proved to be a very effective coach but also a polarizing individual, as most great leaders do. I don't know if he is the right fit but I wouldn't be upset if somehow, someway, they made it happen....

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Jim Harbaugh, a riddle wrapped up in a conundrum??????????????? Captain Comeback gave me possibly the greatest possible "high" I ever had as a Colts' fan back in in the 1995 season/ 1996 post season? My Father had me watching the Jets vs Colts and Cowboys vs Colts as an infant but the memories fade as I was unable to actually comprehend? Bert Jones rode upon the scene when I could actually comprehend what was going on and he will always be my favorite Colt with Lydell Mitchell a very close second. Then came years and I mean YEARS of disgrace to this once proud franchise that led to Captain Comeback giving us a season to remember.....he has proved to be a very effective coach but also a polarizing individual, as most great leaders do. I don't know if he is the right fit but I wouldn't be upset if somehow, someway, they made it happen....

Yeah I still rank that 1995 Season as my 2nd favorite of all-time only behind 2006 and that is only because we won it all that season. Andrew's Rookie season in 2012 would probably be my 3rd favorite because nobody expected us to do anything and we went from 2-14 to 11-5 with awesome comebacks similar to what Harbaugh did in 1995.

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Give me Josh McDaniels

No thanks...dude wasted a #1 pick on Tebow... and though I like Tebow, he was never worth a #1 nor can he throw.  (I just enjoyed seeing his miraculous and ridiculous last second wins.  He sucked in Denver, and went with his tail between his legs back to Daddy..er... Belichick.  No thanks, no thanks, no thanks.


PS: Plus being a cheating sleaze runs below skin deep with that team... did I mention "No thanks?"  

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No thanks...dude wasted a #1 pick on Tebow... and though I like Tebow, he was never worth a #1 nor can he throw.  (I just enjoyed seeing his miraculous and ridiculous last second wins.  He sucked in Denver, and went with his tail between his legs back to Daddy..er... Belichick.  No thanks, no thanks, no thanks.


PS: Plus being a cheating sleaze runs below skin deep with that team... did I mention "No thanks?"

Just don't let him be GM.

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