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Anyone else gotta work during our 1st game Sunday?


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They put us on a rotating schedule months ago, and this is the first time that it's mattered... And although we have to wear all this crap for the "clean" environment, I'll have my little single earplug radio ready to hear the game. What are y'all's plans (those of ya that have to work) to tune in? I know that I can't be the only one....

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One of the few advantages of living in England is that the early kick off games start at 6pm here so I'm usually home whatever to follow the colts. On the down side the night games and mid week games don't usually get under way until 1.30am and if the colts are playing I only usually end up with a few hours sleep before work Monday!

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I work two weekends a month, and this weekend is one of them. I get off work at 2:00 .p.m. and normally take my lunch break at 1:00, so I won't miss  much of the game. I can watch the game in the employee lounge duriing my break and can check out the score in between.


Calling in sick isn't an option unless I want to miss work several times a month. In that case, I wouldn't have a job.

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For 22 years I was on the rotating schedule or flying out of town on Sundays.  The schedule worked out great this time.  I can see tomorrow's game, then the 21st we are going on vacation for the week.  We will, however get there in time for Monday Night football.


HMMMM, will there be a Mathis siting Tomorrow, or will the LOS 12th man blow the roof off on the 21st?    :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :colts:  :colts: !!!!!

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Curious as to the type of jobs that have so many people working on Sunday. 

There are plenty of people who work on Sunday. When I did work I worked around 65-70 hours per week and 6 days a week for over 17 years. I either worked Saturday or Sunday every week. Most manufacturing jobs function 24-7.

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Curious as to the type of jobs that have so many people working on Sunday. 

There are plenty........  


In addition to the ones already mentioned above:


Law Enforcement

Fire Fighters and First Responders


Medical Profession ~Dr.'s, Nurses

TV and Radio Broadcasting

Entertainment Venues


and these are just a few that come to mind.

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My fulltime weekday job is not getting me, it's my part time job that will conflict tomorrow. I'll be scoring the final round of the Palm Beach Open Championship, so I'll be stuck at the course until 3:30 or so, plus it's an hour drive home. Hopefully I can get something on my phone.  Go COLTS!

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i work every sunday, but i do contract work that varies everyday. the faster i work, the earlier i can go home


more often than not i get done early enough to catch all or most of the game. i make a point to start early & work very efficiently when colt games are concerned

Just dig the grave on Saturday night and you'll be home in time for kickoff....



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