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Roger Goodell On Mike And Mike


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Agree Gramz why return to the Patriots when they could make more money from Sports Illustrated ESPN or TMZ for a great story of what really happened.

I wasn't thinking money as much as self respect. But yeah, I'm sure there are paychecks coming their way from somewhere.

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I may be in a minority here, but I support Roger.  There, I've said it.  And I'm not afraid to say it.


I think he's been put in some impossible situations, by those that have done the unthinkable.  I support him in trying to clean up the NFL, and I believe most of the Owners do too.

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I may be in a minority here, but I support Roger.  There, I've said it.  And I'm not afraid to say it.


I think he's been put in some impossible situations, by those that have done the unthinkable.  I support him in trying to clean up the NFL, and I believe most of the Owners do too.

too bad "some" owners are better connected than others

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I may be in a minority here, but I support Roger.  There, I've said it.  And I'm not afraid to say it.


I think he's been put in some impossible situations, by those that have done the unthinkable.  I support him in trying to clean up the NFL, and I believe most of the Owners do too.

I feel the same. I like Roger. I like that he's kept the NFL from becoming like the NBA.
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Jonathan Kraft said last week that the Patriots will be talking to the league about both JJ and McNally.


I like the post because it validates what I have believed all along about deflategate. It was the owners all along and Goodell is just their puppet. This is why he needs to get removed from disciplinary issues or my even bigger hope is that he is fired. Don't think that will happen though.


Well...   he's already doing interviews saying he's very open to not being involved in discipline in the future.   Still,  the NFL needs new in house counsel to advise them how to proceed in the future on discipline.    They've been getting killed by the lawyers for the NFLPA,  so something is very wrong at the NFL headquarters.    It's not just Goodell.

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Well...   he's already doing interviews saying he's very open to not being involved in discipline in the future.   Still,  the NFL needs new in house counsel to advise them how to proceed in the future on discipline.    They've been getting killed by the lawyers for the NFLPA,  so something is very wrong at the NFL headquarters.    It's not just Goodell.

I agree. There have been stories that the new COO they hired is going to be doing some house cleaning. Goodell definitely needs better advisors for sure.

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I agree. There have been stories that the new COO they hired is going to be doing some house cleaning. Goodell definitely needs better advisors for sure.


I agree. There have been stories that the new COO they hired is going to be doing some house cleaning. Goodell definitely needs better advisors for sure.


If the NFL had simply sent New England a nasty letter warning that there are claims of them under-inflating footballs and that this will not be tolerated.    That to be caught doing it in the AFCCG would end up with them facing a severe fine, loss of draft picks, etc,  plus the possible suspension of anyone involved....


If they had just done that.....  (even if you're right and none of it was true....)   then we would've ALL BEEN spared the last 8 months of nonsense.

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I honestly see no reason why either one of them would want to return.

The patriots used them as fall guys, and it's the general consensus across the country that they're both foolish and dishonest. Even the Pats fans on here have said as much throughout this whole ordeal.

Why subject yourself to more humiliation by returning to the team that turned on you?

because more free Brady swag!!!

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If the NFL had simply sent New England a nasty letter warning that there are claims of them under-inflating footballs and that this will not be tolerated.    That to be caught doing it in the AFCCG would end up with them facing a severe fine, loss of draft picks, etc,  plus the possible suspension of anyone involved....


If they had just done that.....  (even if you're right and none of it was true....)   then we would've ALL BEEN spared the last 8 months of nonsense.

I agree. I have no idea really how it got as far as it did. Something has always reeked about the way it was handled from the league perspective. I have always felt they should have just put it to bed after the NFL investigation instead of bringing in Wells. It was clear then as Vincent said that they were not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and did not have the proper ball handling procedures in place either which they have since implemented for this season. I think the whole thing has been horrible for the game and I would feel the exact same way if it happened to any other team.

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I think back seat driving is far easier than actual driving.


I'm far more concerned about what teams and players have done than assessing whether the consequences were exactly right.


It's super easy to criticize.  And people love to do it.  

This 100%. It's like Goodell is the dope because Adrian Peterson decided to beat his kid with a stick and the Vikings lost a sponsor in the backlash. It's Goodell's fault for going too lenient on Rice at first but then when everyone saw the video all of a sudden he's the jerk for keeping him off the field longer. It's his fault Greg Hardy did what he did and his fault for trying to make the NFL safer by coming down hard on players for deliberately attempting to injure. Goodell is the loser in this situation because the Patriots were dishonest both in what they did and the following investigation.


He is 0-5 in federal court yet he's the one making money for the owners, not the one messing with the game or purposely injuring people.


Although I hope based on the OTL report from yesterday that Congress steps in. Looks absolutely horrible for Goodell and N.E. Ironic they may need each other now to weather this.

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I think back seat driving is far easier than actual driving.

I'm far more concerned about what teams and players have done than assessing whether the consequences were exactly right.

It's super easy to criticize. And people love to do it.

I believe we are in agreement here. I just felt the need to show support for Roger without getting into the whole deflategate discussion, since that has been deemed off limits. I wish others would abide.
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I don't expect them to be reinstated. All that mattered for Pats fans was Brady coming back after Kraft conceded the picks. I am totally stoked for the season now and the drive for five that starts tomorrow night ...


I said YESTERDAY that the Pats should apply to the NFL to have the two guys re-instated.


And TODAY they've done it.    (I doubt one led to the other!  Just sayin...)


The NFL is reviewing the request.       I hope this is NOT a long, drawn-out process.  


Get.    It.     Done.     NFL!!


(I hate when little guys gets screwed because two giants were fighting...)

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They probably use the Hillary Clinton method of saving emails. 

You have to give the former Sec. Of State credit though Lollygagger. Today, she admitted in retrospect that she made a mistake & would have done things differently if she could go back change things.


When high profile people in the limelight admit that screwed up & take responsibility like the Sec. Of State did this morning, that carries considerable weight with me. Getting the Patriots organization to acknowledge that mistakes took place & assume any role in the situation they find themselves in is like pulling teeth. It will never happen & I'm more sad than angry at this point.


I heard Willie McGinest say on NFL Network's "Total Access" program last night that if an opposing team leaves a call sheet lying around in a locker room it's fair game to anybody now who wants it. Excuse me? Ah, no it's not. It's like if somebody drops money in front of you out of their pocket. I don't keep it for myself. I run after that person & give them their $20 bucks back because I'm an honest person & I wanna win games on my own team's merits, hardwork, & execution on the field.   

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I think back seat driving is far easier than actual driving.


I'm far more concerned about what teams and players have done than assessing whether the consequences were exactly right.


It's super easy to criticize.  And people love to do it.  

Bingo! Thank you Nadine for this poignant statement that desperately needed to be said. 

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I may be in a minority here, but I support Roger.  There, I've said it.  And I'm not afraid to say it.


I think he's been put in some impossible situations, by those that have done the unthinkable.  I support him in trying to clean up the NFL, and I believe most of the Owners do too.

Yes, I completely concur Gramz. Did Roger make some mistakes? Yes, he did. Did Brady make mistakes? Yes, he did. Will Goodell be reigned in a little bit disciple wise by the men who sign his checks? Yes, absolutely. 


Like you so eloquently said Gramz, no other commissioner had to deal with the heinous nature of violations that Goodell did especially that piece of garbage named Greg Hardy. I applaud that Roger doesn't kid around when he drops the discipline hammer personally. Goodell's not getting fired over deflate gate. I agree 100% Gramz. Roger's job is 3 fold: Make the owners money, increase the shield's global appeal, & make the sport something families enjoy & find trustworthy & above board 24/7. Roger's achieved all 3 objectives in my humble estimation. 

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I may be in a minority here, but I support Roger.  There, I've said it.  And I'm not afraid to say it.


I think he's been put in some impossible situations, by those that have done the unthinkable.  I support him in trying to clean up the NFL, and I believe most of the Owners do too.


I support him trying to clean up the NFL, but I can't support him being consistently guilty of the same things he accuses others of: lying.


In all of the 'discussions' here over the months, it became increasingly clear that many were more upset at the alleged lying that took place than the action itself. The Integrity of the Game and Integrity of the Person...we heard a lot about that. Goodell wants to punish players for lying to him, yet he goes right ahead and lies about far more important issues. Between the Ray Rice video, the new information about what he knew about Spygate, the circus that became Deflategate....the guy is just as guilty of lying than anyone he takes offense to. 


If he has any hope of winning back support from the masses...he's going to have to start being a little more transparent.

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I support him trying to clean up the NFL, but I can't support him being consistently guilty of the same things he accuses others of: lying.

If he has any hope of winning back support from the masses...he's going to have to start being a little more transparent.

Agree. I believe he will right the wrong.
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You have to give the former Sec. Of State credit though Lollygagger. Today, she admitted in retrospect that she made a mistake & would have done things differently if she could go back change things.


When high profile people in the limelight admit that screwed up & take responsibility like the Sec. Of State did this morning, that carries considerable weight with me. Getting the Patriots organization to acknowledge that mistakes took place & assume any role in the situation they find themselves in is like pulling teeth. It will never happen & I'm more sad than angry at this point.


I heard Willie McGinest say on NFL Network's "Total Access" program last night that if an opposing team leaves a call sheet lying around in a locker room it's fair game to anybody now who wants it. Excuse me? Ah, no it's not. It's like if somebody drops money in front of you out of their pocket. I don't keep it for myself. I run after that person & give them their $20 bucks back because I'm an honest person & I wanna win games on my own team's merits, hardwork, & execution on the field.   


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I said YESTERDAY that the Pats should apply to the NFL to have the two guys re-instated.


And TODAY they've done it.    (I doubt one led to the other!  Just sayin...)


The NFL is reviewing the request.       I hope this is NOT a long, drawn-out process.  


Get.    It.     Done.     NFL!!


(I hate when little guys gets screwed because two giants were fighting...)

If the NFL DOES approve then what in the world does that mean? Is that a concession that nothing happened? This decision is pretty big IMO. I am sure there will be another PR war over it ... unfortunately. :(

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If the NFL DOES approve then what in the world does that mean? Is that a concession that nothing happened? This decision is pretty big IMO. I am sure there will be another PR war over it ... unfortunately. :(


If the NFL didn't tell the Patriots to suspend them, then why are they the one's who need to approve their reinstatement?

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If the NFL DOES approve then what in the world does that mean? Is that a concession that nothing happened? This decision is pretty big IMO. I am sure there will be another PR war over it ... unfortunately. :(


What it means is that these guys have been punished enough.    They're so low on the totem pole that they're not in a position to say no if someone higher tells them what to do.     They've been punished.   Now it's time to bring them back.    If the NFL doesn't want them doing their same jobs -- fine.    There are other jobs for them to do.


But I don't see this as a concession that nothing happened.   Only that they've been punished enough.

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What it means is that these guys have been punished enough.    They're so low on the totem pole that they're not in a position to say no if someone higher tells them what to do.     They've been punished.   Now it's time to bring them back.    If the NFL doesn't want them doing their same jobs -- fine.    There are other jobs for them to do.


But I don't see this as a concession that nothing happened.   Only that they've been punished enough.

I will be completely honest with you. IF McNally did tamper with those balls, he should NEVER come back. Not to the Pats or any other football team. IF the NFL truly believes he did something with those balls even though it was not proven, then there is no reason to allow them to come back in any capacity. If the NFL allows them back then IMO it is an indication to me anyways that they do not believe anything happened OR even worse, they believe what McNally did was no big deal after all.

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I will be completely honest with you. IF McNally did tamper with those balls, he should NEVER come back. Not to the Pats or any other football team. IF the NFL truly believes he did something with those balls even though it was not proven, then there is no reason to allow them to come back in any capacity. If the NFL allows them back then IMO it is an indication to me anyways that they do not believe anything happened OR even worse, they believe what McNally did was no big deal after all.

Can I ask a question? What made Mr. McNally allegedly lower the air pressure in game balls for Brady if there wasn't an atmosphere of indifference about observing NFL rules within the Patriots organization? 


Equipment personnel in the locker room don't do something like this without signs of what is & what is not acceptable inside a club house. No one just on a whim goes off the reservation without a green light from above in some capacity. 


Brady to me will always be a 4 time SB Champion who executed flawlessly on the field. A lie doesn't bother me so much as the perpetuation of it especially when Brady is so darn skilled at the QB position that he doesn't need to cheat because he's a master at moving the ball & scoring TDs week in; week out. 


Look, if Brady said, "I screwed up. I incorrectly interpreted PSI air pressure regulations. That's on me not Mr. McNally. This will never happen during my QB tenure again." I would go you know eventually Tommy did the right thing in taking full responsibility here & I would forgive & absolve him completely in this case. 


My philosophy has always been if you take ownership of something, the scandal loses it potency & people are very forgiving, but if a person denies the obvious a black cloud will follow them forever symbolically speaking. 

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If the NFL had simply sent New England a nasty letter warning that there are claims of them under-inflating footballs and that this will not be tolerated.    That to be caught doing it in the AFCCG would end up with them facing a severe fine, loss of draft picks, etc,  plus the possible suspension of anyone involved....


If they had just done that.....  (even if you're right and none of it was true....)   then we would've ALL BEEN spared the last 8 months of nonsense.

You see this politically correct crap needs to stop. You think a notice before the deflation was going to deter NE? Have we not learned from Spygate as it was all rehashed yesterday.

Listen every nfl player when signing their player contract signs off on being in notice for conduct detrimental which states fines and punishments based on severity of what was breached. Specifically game integrity things. It's section 14 and 15

nfl will win the appeal on this de facto law. Stuff went on in that bathroom, and people covered it up. Just like spygate.

Cheaters always cheat again because of benefit and high it brings. Burn it all down

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I heard Willie McGinest say on NFL Network's "Total Access" program last night that if an opposing team leaves a call sheet lying around in a locker room it's fair game to anybody now who wants it. Excuse me? Ah, no it's not. It's like if somebody drops money in front of you out of their pocket. I don't keep it for myself. I run after that person & give them their $20 bucks back because I'm an honest person & I wanna win games on my own team's merits, hardwork, & execution on the field.   

Really SW that's the way football has always been. Yeah you and I would give $20 back. The great George Halas (or might have been  Paul Brown)way back in the 40's climbed a tree in the woods and filmed the opponents practice with a 8mm brownie camera. Remember those?  Heck they'll dig thru trash cans. Gillette is like fort knox.

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I will be completely honest with you. IF McNally did tamper with those balls, he should NEVER come back. Not to the Pats or any other football team. IF the NFL truly believes he did something with those balls even though it was not proven, then there is no reason to allow them to come back in any capacity. If the NFL allows them back then IMO it is an indication to me anyways that they do not believe anything happened OR even worse, they believe what McNally did was no big deal after all.


Those guys have a job that's the equivalent to being a private in the Army.


If you're given a job to do,  you do it.    Period.    They don't get to say,  "I'd like to but I can't,  that's illegal."  


So, if they did it,  they did it.   They're way, way too low on the food chain for them to love their jobs forever.


Way back when -- I'm talking January right when this happened -- I said right here that I wasn't offended by what was thought to happen.   It wasn't that big a deal to me.  


But I was offended by what looked like a big cover-up.    In these kind of situations the cover-up is almost always worse than the alleged crime.    So, at this point,  I don't care what the guys did.  They were following orders.   They had no choice.   They've been punished enough.    Let them come back.

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I said YESTERDAY that the Pats should apply to the NFL to have the two guys re-instated.


And TODAY they've done it.    (I doubt one led to the other!  Just sayin...)


The NFL is reviewing the request.       I hope this is NOT a long, drawn-out process.  


Get.    It.     Done.     NFL!!


(I hate when little guys gets screwed because two giants were fighting...)


Like a patriot fan said earlier all they cared about was brady they are still guilty of trying to cheat without the big time lawyers & worthless judge they are still screwed period . The fall guys pay & the player plays thats the Patriot way

Edited by 21isSuperman
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Really SW that's the way football has always been. Yeah you and I would give $20 back. The great George Halas (or might have been  Paul Brown)way back in the 40's climbed a tree in the woods and filmed the opponents practice with a 8mm brownie camera. Remember those?  Heck they'll dig thru trash cans. Gillette is like fort knox.

I was just stunned & almost fell out of my chair when he said it. I was like "Willie come on. I like you man. Seriously, tell me you didn't really mean what you just said." I wanted the host to just go "Willie, that's not what you truly think is it? You don't believe that right?" 


Look, I'm not naive. I realize that NFL jobs are a luxury & no coach or coordinator wants to lose their job, but I don't take another person or team's property that doesn't belong to me or use it against them in our next matchup. I either return it to the rightful organization or burn it & if I get fired next season because we missed the playoffs so be it. There are other jobs outside of football. My stepmother always taught me you are not defined by your occupation or how much money you make; You are defined by your name, your reputation, your character, your personality, & the love & respect of your family & friends.


I lied once in 8th grade about cheating on a math test & once I told the truth to my parents a weight was lifted & I never lied again. I could use the angle that I have a learning disability in math which I do but that's no excuse. My point is this lies are like a runaway train: If you propel the lie, the train gains speed & circumstances get more dire/dangerous, but if you tell the truth, the brakes gradually slow the vehicle & the aftermath/repercussions are often minimized or reduced in scope. 


Willie may subscribe to the notion that 31 other teams skirt the rules, but I don't & at the end of the day, I need to respect the man staring back at me in the mirror. 


Little white lies like do these jeans make my butt look big are different. I'm talking about deliberate deception & intentional acts of stealing or team sabotage here BTW. 


You're a good man JJ & I know that you most definitely would return the dropped $20 bill immediately to the right person. 


The good news now is laptops password protected among all 32 teams should significantly reduce playbook thefts at big NFL games now. 

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Those guys have a job that's the equivalent to being a private in the Army.


If you're given a job to do,  you do it.    Period.    They don't get to say,  "I'd like to but I can't,  that's illegal."  


So, if they did it,  they did it.   They're way, way too low on the food chain for them to love their jobs forever.


Way back when -- I'm talking January right when this happened -- I said right here that I wasn't offended by what was thought to happen.   It wasn't that big a deal to me.  


But I was offended by what looked like a big cover-up.    In these kind of situations the cover-up is almost always worse than the alleged crime.    So, at this point,  I don't care what the guys did.  They were following orders.   They had no choice.   They've been punished enough.    Let them come back.

I don't believe it works that way where you can just blame your superiors for your illegal actions even if they told you to do it. IF the NFL reinstates then they are basically saying it was fine for you to tamper with the balls. I have a problem with that given how much the NFL punished the Patriots for this. But I guess we will see. I don't believe the NFL will reinstate them.

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I will be completely honest with you. IF McNally did tamper with those balls, he should NEVER come back. Not to the Pats or any other football team. IF the NFL truly believes he did something with those balls even though it was not proven, then there is no reason to allow them to come back in any capacity. If the NFL allows them back then IMO it is an indication to me anyways that they do not believe anything happened OR even worse, they believe what McNally did was no big deal after all.



Hmmm.. but you all were saying that letting a little air out of footballs was comparable to a WR using stick-um. Then said even if Brady did know what was going on , 4 games was way to much. Now you're saying if the NFL believes the poor "peons" that did this , they should get a lifetime ban. I'm missing something. 

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