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Boom Herron Waived/injured


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It's a "What have you done lately?" League & none of you can give a legit reason based of production lately why Ballard should be on this roster right now. He's finished. An injury waiting to happen every time he touches the ball

I don't care either way, but i love seeing people argue based on merit and facts against people who just spout illogical feeling based statements.

Keep it up!

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Did you read the article?


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Anabolic steroid side effects

"Typical problems you will find in people who abuse anabolic steroids include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellow skin from liver failure), retention of fluid, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, increases in LDL (dangerous form of cholesterol), kidney cancer, acne and trembling.

Men may find their testes shrink, sperm count falls with increase of infertility, their hair falls out, breasts start to develop, and prostate cancer becomes more likely. More than half of body-builder sterod abusers will typically experience enlarged breasts and shrunken male organs.

Women can start looking like men: growing beards, going bald, voice breaking - while their menstrual cycle changes or stops, and the clitoris enlarges.

Steroid abuse is particularly risky for teenagers, because it forces the body rapidly to adulthood, bones stop growing - permanently - and they reach puberty early.

Adolescents--growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.

And of course, steroid injecting carries all the other risks associated with other injecting drug use, such as infection with HIV, and hepatitis B or hepatitis C."

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from another article



Anabolic steroid side effects

"Typical problems you will find in people who abuse anabolic steroids include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellow skin from liver failure), retention of fluid, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, increases in LDL (dangerous form of cholesterol), kidney cancer, acne and trembling.

Men may find their testes shrink, sperm count falls with increase of infertility, their hair falls out, breasts start to develop, and prostate cancer becomes more likely. More than half of body-builder sterod abusers will typically experience enlarged breasts and shrunken male organs.

Women can start looking like men: growing beards, going bald, voice breaking - while their menstrual cycle changes or stops, and the clitoris enlarges.

Steroid abuse is particularly risky for teenagers, because it forces the body rapidly to adulthood, bones stop growing - permanently - and they reach puberty early.

Adolescents--growth halted prematurely through premature skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes.

And of course, steroid injecting carries all the other risks associated with other injecting drug use, such as infection with HIV, and hepatitis B or hepatitis C."

Here I thought we were talking about adult NFL players. Silly me

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yea because you only abuse steroids when you get to the pros

So you are going to act like we weren't talking about Bob Sanders? Or you implying he was using roids as a kid? Or you just grasping at straws instead of admitting you were mistaken? Hell, breaking bones was even Bob's problem. It was more ligaments and muscles.

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So you are going to act like we weren't talking about Bob Sanders? Or you implying he was using roids as a kid? Or you just grasping at straws instead of admitting you were mistaken? Hell, breaking bones was even Bob's problem. It was more ligaments and muscles.


youre the one that wanted to compare bob and ballard

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Bunch of nonsense. Contraindications for Viagra include risk of going blind and deaf. All prescription medications, including steroids, will have contraindications. Does it mean that most people that take them will experience the side effects  ..... absolutely not! Only a small number will, and only because they have some pre-existing condition that causes complication.

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So, with that logic.... there's no purpose for this forum. Everyone here has their standpoint on what the front office does. Clearly none of our voices matter in a sense but that's the point of this forum

If we're not gonna discuss/voice our opinions, we all might as well logout and let Nadine shut this bad boy down for good

OR have intelligent feedback

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I don't mind the colts keeping Ballard, I have always like him, but you can't really compare Cushing's injury to Ballard's. Cushing had a 320 lb guard dive at his knee. Vick has injured himself twice in drills. Some,guys just don't have the body that can make it through the rigors of the NFL.

True and I get your point, however an injury is still an injury doesn't matter how it was caused. An ACL tear is an ACL tear. People suffer non-contact ACL injuries all the time and it gets fixed the same way as an injury caused by contact. I was just saying that it is more than possible for Ballard to come back from his injuries. Some people don't think so and that is ok, but I just happen to believe that it is more than possible. Although the Achilles rupture will be the hardest one to overcome.

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True and I get your point, however an injury is still an injury doesn't matter how it was caused. An ACL tear is an ACL tear. People suffer non-contact ACL injuries all the time and it gets fixed the same way as an injury caused by contact. I was just saying that it is more than possible for Ballard to come back from his injuries. Some people don't think so and that is ok, but I just happen to believe that it is more than possible.

Yeah, I agree he has the ability to return to form, I just worry about future injuries. Hopefully it was just a flukey situation

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Yeah, I agree he has the ability to return to form, I just worry about future injuries. Hopefully it was just a flukey situation

I completely understand why you worry about that as you never know. Like I said earlier in the thread he may not return to his rookie year form, but looking at the Bengals game the other night he showed some flashes that make you wonder just what he might be able to do for us this year. Plus I think his 3rd down pass blocking is going to be a much needed addition to the team especially if Gore happens to go down. Who knows I may just be looking through rose colored glasses haha.

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@RapSheet: Boom Herron had a sprained AC joint in preseason. Minor setback. Could get claimed. If not, they’ll do an injury settlement & he’ll be free

So they really just decided Ballard was worth a roster spot over Boom. That doesn't make much sense.

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So they really just decided Ballard was worth a roster spot over Boom. That doesn't make much sense.

That is a terrible move if so. Seriously terrible.

Basically if that's why the thought process was... "Ballard is a nice guy and hasn't played a whole football game going on 3 seasons without being injured. He's a nice guy though. He played well 3 seasons ago! We have to keep him. Sorry Boom, we screwed you, good luck."

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That is a terrible move if so. Seriously terrible.

Basically if that's why the thought process was... "Ballard is a nice guy and hasn't played a whole football game going on 3 seasons without being injured. He's a nice guy though. He played well 3 seasons ago! We have to keep him. Sorry Boom, we screwed you, good luck."

I highly doubt that is the process that occurred

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Normally I don't care about Doyle, he's almost the new Brad Wells. But I had the same question - why the heck was Boom returning a kick in the most meaningless of the meaningless games?

I'm not saying he wouldn't have been injured later or maybe he already was injured. Just that I'm perplexed by that call.

I'll miss you Boom, hope you play again soon.

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