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Deflategate Central (one thread, merged, moderated)


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No . of coarse not....but it's just one more thing that could point to his guilt. The issue with you all is that you want direct , tangible proof. Sometimes people spend 50 years in jail without anything more than circumstantial evidence against them. There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing.

I'll go you one further, dw49. Anyone who values logic and common sense that states, "Tom Brady did not know Jastremski & McNally or what they were doing in the "grand scheme" of things regarding DeFlateGate", needs a large dose of comprehension & reality served intravenously until they're well enough to function again.

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Right, so where is the definitive proof goodell lied about that? As usual you are wrong

when I have time and I'm on a computer I will go through and multi quote EVERYTIME you spouted something completely false in this thread and someone quoted you pointing out how you were 100 percent wrong and you didn't say a word...

That is until your next post full of garbage, claiming how you are seemingly above everyone else in this thread and are the only one using "facts". I would honestly be embarrassed. You go around making wild claims or distorting or skewing facts and when it's blatent lay pointted out for the whole forum you shut up for a little, then rinse and repeat. Throw in a tangent here and there bout how everyone else is wrong and only you are right and that sums up your posting history.

You're either a troll or a complete joke. How old are u?

I have not posted anything wrong except for the Minnesota statement, although the NFLPA did try to file there .


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I think he will be gone for good once Brady losses the appeal. As for whether he's a troll or complete joke , why would it have to be one or the other ?

Fact: the Jaguars reported that Colts' equipment people had needles in their sleeves during a game. Clear NFL violation.

Fact: the Colts' equipment people measured a game ball during a game. . Another clear NFL violation.

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Notice that he came back and posted after reading this posts and just disregarded it. 


Bottom line is he wanted to say Goodall committed fraud by saying Brady gave him compensation. It fit his embellishing lying nonsense that he is always spouting off. When he get's caught and called out , he just pretends he didn't read it.

I thought I addressed this...every ball boy and equipment person in the league is taken care of by their QB...it's standard practice.

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Common sense would make it hard to believe that an equipment man that Brady just knew by his nickname (Deflator) would receive "gifts" such as that. Not to mention why would Brady ask how is he holding up in the known text messages. The 'going to ESPN" comment alone shows smoke. There old saying where there is smoke there is fire always holds true.



So when you can't explain , you (they)  evade and deflect.

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Fact: the Jaguars reported that Colts' equipment people had needles in their sleeves during a game. Clear NFL violation.

Fact: the Colts' equipment people measured a game ball during a game. . Another clear NFL violation.

Mr.ViriLudant , Good day !


For the sake of this conversation, we shall assume Colts and other teams which are considered violators are indeed violators and NFL failed to punish them.


Does this make Patriots innocent?.

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I thought I addressed this...every ball boy and equipment person in the league is taken care of by their QB...it's standard practice.

So what were your "gifts" to your ball boy when you were a NFL QB? You make a blind statement of opinion and then try to pass it off as fact. Are you AM posting under another name?

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So when you can't explain , you evade and deflect.

That is the standard procedure of lawyers who represent guilty parties. Happens daily in court rooms. Especially when jurors are present. Well in this case there were no jurors, just Goodell and his staff.

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Uh Oh...




From what I’ve learned in conversations this past week with league sources, it appears that, while some team owners still may want Tom Brady and the Patriots punished as severely as possible, a significant number of owners are “uncomfortable” with the way things are going.

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Every team's QBs give things like that out to team employees.

Show us how Brady gave those out for deflated footballs.

Hint: you can't .



Goodall pointed out that Brady gave gifts to the two ball "men."You call that "fraud." A normal person would take that to mean it didn't happen. Goodall uses that in addition to the other issues which are a lot tougher to explain. If he used this as a stand alone fact to find him guilty , you would have a point. In the context Goodall used this , to say it is "fraud" is wrong and *ic. As usual , you are defecting and trying to skate around another ridiculous , misleading statement you made. 


* if he answers this , watch him shake and bake around saying Goodall committed fraud.

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I have not posted anything wrong except for the Minnesota statement, although the NFLPA did try to file there .


Yes you have, people have refuted your wild claims numerous times throughout this thread and you never respond to them


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That does not explain how Goodall committed fraud

Goodell leveled a completely unproven claim that Brady bribed people to deflate balls. That's libel. You just can't make claims like that unless you have hard evidence of it. He doesn't. Hard to believe this is even a discussion.

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Goodell leveled a completely unproven claim that Brady bribed people to deflate balls. That's libel. You just can't make claims like that unless you have hard evidence of it. He doesn't. Hard to believe this is even a discussion.



First of all liable is a whole lot different than fraud. One you can go to jail , the other is pretty much someone trying to sue you. Secondly , I don't think the way it was worded (by Goodall) quite the way you are inferring. Its's comparable to saying someone bought life ins. on his wife two weeks before she was murdered. By itself that act is no problem. But if the husband is being tried for murder , it factors into the decision on his guilt or innocence .

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Fact: the Jaguars reported that Colts' equipment people had needles in their sleeves during a game. Clear NFL violation.

Fact: the Colts' equipment people measured a game ball during a game. . Another clear NFL violation.

Can you link to the rule that states you can't measure the opposing teams ?

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Fact: the Jaguars reported that Colts' equipment people had needles in their sleeves during a game. Clear NFL violation.

Fact: the Colts' equipment people measured a game ball during a game. . Another clear NFL violation.

Fact- the football the Colts measured was no longer a game football. It was an intercepted football and became a trophy at that point. Quit leaving out details, it makes you look silly.

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BTW... besides sweeping all the circumstantial evidence under the rug. Do you have a theory or perhaps does one of your media articles go to explain why Jastremski was called the deflator ? Or what he meant by threatening to blow "this thing " (something to that effect) open to ESPN. Is that also a league "frame job ?" 

Without the raw transcripts of the interviews or the full complement of text messages exchanged between McNally and Jastremski, it’s difficult to answer your questions. What we do know is Wells and the NFL purposely crafted their report to paint the Pats/Brady guilt. But I don't think it is a stretch that a guy who takes care of game day footballs for the Pats would have a nickname related to air pressure. I mean this is also the guy that refers to himself as Dorito Dink and also cussed Brady out in his text messages as well. There was a text message where McNally sees JJ on TV during a GB game and tells him to deflate and give him his jacket so this deflate term was used by them outside the context of footballs. My point being text messages can have other inferences than what Wells wanted them to convey which is some scheme to deflate footballs after inspection which is a HUGE stretch. Just like Brady giving them gifts for helping with game day preparations was also construed by Wells to be bribes to have them illegally deflate footballs when it is common practice for QBs to bestow gifts to their equipment guys.


Again, if the NFL is going to charge the Pats with an ONGOING scheme and penalize them as if they rigged the scoreboard, then there is a little more required than some text messages and a bathroom break. Like I said, if there was truly something going on, I can't believe something would not have turned up from Brady to these guys on their phones or the other Pats employees that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.

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Without the raw transcripts of the interviews or the full complement of text messages exchanged between McNally and Jastremski, it’s difficult to answer your questions. What we do know is Wells and the NFL purposely crafted their report to paint the Pats/Brady guilt. But I don't think it is a stretch that a guy who takes care of game day footballs for the Pats would have a nickname related to air pressure. I mean this is also the guy that refers to himself as Dorito Dink and also cussed Brady out in his text messages as well. There was a text message where McNally sees JJ on TV during a GB game and tells him to deflate and give him his jacket so this deflate term was used by them outside the context of footballs. My point being text messages can have other inferences than what Wells wanted them to convey which is some scheme to deflate footballs after inspection which is a HUGE stretch. Just like Brady giving them gifts for helping with game day preparations was also construed by Wells to be bribes to have them illegally deflate footballs when it is common practice for QBs to bestow gifts to their equipment guys.


Again, if the NFL is going to charge the Pats with an ONGOING scheme and penalize them as if they rigged the scoreboard, then there is a little more required than some text messages and a bathroom break. Like I said, if there was truly something going on, I can't believe something would not have turned up from Brady to these guys on their phones or the other Pats employees that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.



nothing is a "stretch" to you people. what was he going to espn about ? 

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Uh Oh...




From what I’ve learned in conversations this past week with league sources, it appears that, while some team owners still may want Tom Brady and the Patriots punished as severely as possible, a significant number of owners are “uncomfortable” with the way things are going.

I have been reading this in a few places now that some of the owners are not happy since the Brady transcript went public. There is an owners meeting Tuesday so it will be interesting what gets discussed there. We will know when Wed comes and if there is a settlement from the league.

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Fact- the football the Colts measured was no longer a game football. It was an intercepted football and became a trophy at that point. Quit leaving out details, it makes you look silly.


So, in other words , a ball can be doctored on the sideline, is that what you're saying ?

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Uh Oh...




From what I’ve learned in conversations this past week with league sources, it appears that, while some team owners still may want Tom Brady and the Patriots punished as severely as possible, a significant number of owners are “uncomfortable” with the way things are going.


His propsed settlement is a lesser detailed version of mine from 4 days ago...



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nothing is a "stretch" to you people. what was he going to espn about ? 

Who knows. We didn't get the rest of the texts. He said that after telling JJ that he wanted size 11 kicks meaning sneakers for making sure Brady's footballs were not as big as balloons the next time the refs check them and add air up to 16 psi. He could have been talking about the lousy gifts Brady gives his equipment folks. Remember JJ was the one getting all the stuff from Brady not McNally and that irked him which is why he was cussing about Brady.


Also, answer me this. Why would Brady tell his ball boys to make sure to set the balls at 12.5 after the Jets game fiasco if he was just going to have them deflate them anyways after inspection?  And why on earth didn't McNally deflate the balls at the Jets game when the ref blew them up to 16 psi if there was this scheme going on??

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Pressure is mounting from national media,


Wetzel: Goodell’s Egregious Mischaracterization Of Brady’s Testimony Worse Than Any Deflated Footballs


The turning of the national media was the best outcome I was hoping for, as this is really (for me) more about what Brady's legacy will be to those that matter. Whether the 4 games stand or don't stand, we finally have objective people saying "wait a second". Fans of other teams are always going to hate irrationally, but as long as the opinion shapers see this for the bungled, way out of proportion hatchet job by the NFL that it is, Brady's legacy will be fine.

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The turning of the national media was the best outcome I was hoping for, as this is really (for me) more about what Brady's legacy will be to those that matter. Whether the 4 games stand or don't stand, we finally have objective people saying "wait a second". Fans of other teams are always going to hate irrationally, but as long as the opinion shapers see this for the bungled, way out of proportion hatchet job by the NFL that it is, Brady's legacy will be fine.

I agree. I am glad everything got put out there for everyone to see.


Also, not sure if you saw but Kraft resigned from Viacom's board of directors this week citing "other obligations" he needed to take care of, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-07/new-england-patriots-owner-kraft-resigns-from-viacom-s-board

While the company doesn't have a direct tie with the NFL, its sibling company is CBS, who has broadcasting rights to Thursday Night Football and local broadcast of Pats games. And we know there was the partnership to bring the first CBS scene restaurant to Gillette.


I wonder if this is the first domino to fall in Kraft walking away from the broadcast stuff for the NFL, if so that is huge for the other owners.


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I agree. I am glad everything got put out there for everyone to see.


Also, not sure if you saw but Kraft resigned from Viacom's board of directors this week citing "other obligations" he needed to take care of, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-07/new-england-patriots-owner-kraft-resigns-from-viacom-s-board

While the company doesn't have a direct tie with the NFL, its sibling company is CBS, who has broadcasting rights to Thursday Night Football and local broadcast of Pats games. And we know there was the partnership to bring the first CBS scene restaurant to Gillette.


I wonder if this is the first domino to fall in Kraft walking away from the broadcast stuff for the NFL, if so that is huge for the other owners.

Are you kidding me? Now you are correlating Kraft's business moves to being mad at the NFL? LOL

Cable is a sinking ship and well, you know what rats do... :)

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I agree. I am glad everything got put out there for everyone to see.


Also, not sure if you saw but Kraft resigned from Viacom's board of directors this week citing "other obligations" he needed to take care of, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-07/new-england-patriots-owner-kraft-resigns-from-viacom-s-board

While the company doesn't have a direct tie with the NFL, its sibling company is CBS, who has broadcasting rights to Thursday Night Football and local broadcast of Pats games. And we know there was the partnership to bring the first CBS scene restaurant to Gillette.


I wonder if this is the first domino to fall in Kraft walking away from the broadcast stuff for the NFL, if so that is huge for the other owners.


I don't see how this impacts the NFL at all.  He just didn't want to be on their board anymore.  It's not doing well

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Who knows. We didn't get the rest of the texts. He said that after telling JJ that he wanted size 11 kicks meaning sneakers for making sure Brady's footballs were not as big as balloons the next time the refs check them and add air up to 16 psi. He could have been talking about the lousy gifts Brady gives his equipment folks. Remember JJ was the one getting all the stuff from Brady not McNally and that irked him which is why he was cussing about Brady.


Also, answer me this. Why would Brady tell his ball boys to make sure to set the balls at 12.5 after the Jets game fiasco if he was just going to have them deflate them anyways after inspection?  And why on earth didn't McNally deflate the balls at the Jets game when the ref blew them up to 16 psi if there was this scheme going on??



So you use the text that might favor your cause as fact and give "who knows" to those that incriminate him. 

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I agree. I am glad everything got put out there for everyone to see.


Also, not sure if you saw but Kraft resigned from Viacom's board of directors this week citing "other obligations" he needed to take care of, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-08-07/new-england-patriots-owner-kraft-resigns-from-viacom-s-board

While the company doesn't have a direct tie with the NFL, its sibling company is CBS, who has broadcasting rights to Thursday Night Football and local broadcast of Pats games. And we know there was the partnership to bring the first CBS scene restaurant to Gillette.


I wonder if this is the first domino to fall in Kraft walking away from the broadcast stuff for the NFL, if so that is huge for the other owners.




What in God's name are you implying ?

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What in God's name are you implying ?

I believe, she believes, the world revolves around Mr. Kraft.   Most of us don't see it that way.   I've tried to keep quiet, and  I lasted a whole 9 days this time... haha


sometimes you just want to say


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I believe, she believes, the world revolves around Mr. Kraft.   Most of us don't see it that way.   I've tried to keep quiet, and  I lasted a whole 9 days this time... haha


sometimes you just want to say




Like the other 31 owners are shaking in their boots as Kraft might be peeved ?

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So you use the text that might favor your cause as fact and give "who knows" to those that incriminate him. 

Are you saying you know? I gave some reasons but without seeing the entire set of text messages all any of us are doing is speculating and that includes Wells.


Are you going to answer my two questions?

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Are you saying you know? I gave some reasons but without seeing the entire set of text messages all any of us are doing is speculating and that includes Wells.


Are you going to answer my two questions?


1) We don't know everything that was said between Brady and the ball boys. We might have known more if Brady let his attorney give Wells the texts pertaining to the case. 


2) Could be they couldn't steal the balls at the Jet game ? Or maybe they just weren't stabbing balls at that game ?

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1) We don't know everything that was said between Brady and the ball boys. We might have known more if Brady let his attorney give Wells the texts pertaining to the case. 


2) Could be they couldn't steal the balls at the Jet game ? Or maybe they just weren't stabbing balls at that game ?

If they were routinely stabbing balls as Goodell states in his letter -  that this was Brady's scheme for home games then surely McNally would not have let 16 psi balls into Tom's hands, no?


And what about Brady telling them to set the balls to 12.5? Why would he be so adamant about the level being compliant with NFL rules if they were just going to deflate them after inspection anyways?

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