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Do you suppose McNally and Jastremski are the only two ball attendants in the league who received gifts from the team's QB?



No . of coarse not....but it's just one more thing that could point to his guilt. The issue with you all is that you want direct , tangible proof. Sometimes people spend 50 years in jail without anything more than circumstantial evidence against them. There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing. 

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Do you suppose McNally and Jastremski are the only two ball attendants in the league who received gifts from the team's QB?


The only two texting about getting at least some of those items and signed articles for activities that are associated with 'deflating' game balls in deflategate.  As depicted on pages 122 - 123 of the Wells report.

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It was in the memo submitted to the court yesterday.

It's in the NFL link here:m

"He found that Brady “knew about, approved of, consented to, and provided inducements” in support of a scheme to tamper with the game balls used in the AFC Championship Game."


Goodell is lying left and right.



So what you're saying is Brady did not give any gifts to either bellboy ? Are you yet again embellishing a bit ?

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No . of coarse not....but it's just one more thing that could point to his guilt. The issue with you all is that you want direct , tangible proof. Sometimes people spend 50 years in jail without anything more than circumstantial evidence against them. There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing. 


He thinks he's stumbled on to something Kessler overlooked...   ;-)

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No . of coarse not....but it's just one more thing that could point to his guilt. The issue with you all is that you want direct , tangible proof. Sometimes people spend 50 years in jail without anything more than circumstantial evidence against them. There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing. 

It is irresponsible to draw a line from "gifts to ball boys" to "bribing ballboys to deflate footballs"....

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There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing. 


and by the way, that's not all that Goodell came up with according to the briefs filed by the NFL...Goodell is now saying far more than "he was generally aware of what was going on"...he came out today and said Brady masterminded this "scheme" and was bribing McNally and Jastremski to carry it out.

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and by the way, that's not all that Goodell came up with according to the briefs filed by the NFL...Goodell is now saying far more than "he was generally aware of what was going on"...he came out today and said Brady masterminded this "scheme" and was bribing McNally and Jastremski to carry it out.



Could very well be true.

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and by the way, that's not all that Goodell came up with according to the briefs filed by the NFL...Goodell is now saying far more than "he was generally aware of what was going on"...he came out today and said Brady masterminded this "scheme" and was bribing McNally and Jastremski to carry it out.

He spoke about this today?

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As could the theory that the Colts pumped in crowd noise and the Colts tanked to get Luck....



Hey maybe they did...... but at least Manning wasn't accused of being involved.  


Tanked to get Luck ? Smart if they did but we were pretty stinky without tanking.

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There's the deflection again.


No comment on Brady's blatant lie about not knowing who the ballboys were?



You have no "direct proof" that Tom Brady didn't bump his head just before he was asked that question and that caused a lapse of memory. 


BTW... did he really say he didn't know who the bellboys were ? Never knew that one . LOL

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You have no "direct proof" that Tom Brady didn't bump his head just before he was asked that question and that caused a lapse of memory. 


BTW... did he really say he didn't know who the bellboys were ? Never knew that one . LOL

Partially. He claimed he knew Jastremski, but not McNally.



McNally has/had been there for 10 years. Almost as long as Brady himself.

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Partially. He claimed he knew Jastremski, but not McNally.



McNally has/had been there for 10 years. Almost as long as Brady himself.

He only knew McNally by a nick name. Not really that big a stretch since McNally was a game day only employee who never worked directly with Brady. Does Bill Gates know the name of the fill in guy who drops the mail off to his office?

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He only knew McNally by a nick name. Not really that big a stretch since McNally was a game day only employee who never worked directly with Brady. Does Bill Gates know the name of the fill in guy who drops the mail off to his office?



Apples to oranges.  Bill Gates did not direct employees to stab footballs.

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Goodell lied in saying that Brady provided compensation for McNally and Jastremski. There is ZERO proof of that.

How is that not fraud?

So what do you call signed footballs, game day jersey, $2,000.00, gift cards and Laker tickets? Not bad for a guy that Brady claimed he didn't have much contact with and didn't know well.

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No . of coarse not....but it's just one more thing that could point to his guilt. The issue with you all is that you want direct , tangible proof. Sometimes people spend 50 years in jail without anything more than circumstantial evidence against them. There is no "proof" as you want it ... just a chain of events that point to exactly what Wells and the Goodall came up with. Tom Brady more likely than not knew about what Jastremski was doing. 

Direct proof how about any proof of this scheme? I mean think about what the NFL is accusing of here. It is not just the AFCCG that they are saying ball tampering occurred but that this has been an ONGOING scheme with Brady yet when they went through their investigation all they found was Brady telling his guys to set the footballs to 12.5 psi according to the rulebook so the refs would not add air and screw with the air pressure. Surely, if this was some scheme going on back to 2006, there would be some piece of electronic evidence from JJ or Dorito Dink or the other dozens and dozens employees at Gillette that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.


I mean you do realize that the reason why the "investigation" took so long is because Wells was trying to prove that this happened outside of the AFCCG and he came up with nada. That is the part that is so frustrating for Pats fans on top of the fact that the league handled the actual measurement of the AFCCG balls is such a slipshod manner that it was impossible to prove tampering even occurred with those balls.


You said yourself that the punishment was harsh and yet it is based on anything but any actual proof. IMO that is ridiculous and why this has been a witch hunt from the start and also why the league has been taking the beating it has since Brady's appeal transcript went public. They started down a rabbit hole with this whole thing and had to work backwards to try to prove tampering given Vincent admitted during the appeal that the NFL was not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and therefore had to do an investigation into the science. And of course they made sure to get the bright bulbs at Exponent to verify the conclusion they needed.

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Direct proof how about any proof of this scheme? I mean think about what the NFL is accusing of here. It is not just the AFCCG that they are saying ball tampering occurred but that this has been an ONGOING scheme with Brady yet when they went through their investigation all they found was Brady telling his guys to set the footballs to 12.5 psi according to the rulebook so the refs would not add air and screw with the air pressure. Surely, if this was some scheme going on back to 2006, there would be some piece of electronic evidence from JJ or Dorito Dink or the other dozens and dozens employees at Gillette that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.


I mean you do realize that the reason why the "investigation" took so long is because Wells was trying to prove that this happened outside of the AFCCG and he came up with nada. That is the part that is so frustrating for Pats fans on top of the fact that the league handled the actual measurement of the AFCCG balls is such a slipshod manner that it was impossible to prove tampering even occurred with those balls.


You said yourself that the punishment was harsh and yet it is based on anything but any actual proof. IMO that is ridiculous and why this has been a witch hunt from the start and also why the league has been taking the beating it has since Brady's appeal transcript went public. They started down a rabbit hole with this whole thing and had to work backwards to try to prove tampering given Vincent admitted during the appeal that the NFL was not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and therefore had to do an investigation into the science. And of course they made sure to get the bright bulbs at Exponent to verify the conclusion they needed.

Slipshot manner? The refs didn't know they had to be aware that the Patriots were going to let air out of them. They trusted the integrity and just measured them as they normally did. This was no witch hunt. If this had been a witch hunt you can bet those footballs psi.s would have been written down.  The fact is the Patriots footballs were not the psi that were measured when given to them. What part of that do you not get? Brady refused to fully cooperate. Period! End of story. All this crap that Patriot fans come up with is nothing but deflection and the absolute refusal to accept the truth. You have ranted and raved non stop with everything you and anyone else could come up with to discredit the truth. You have absolutely taken over this thread even after you said you would wait till it was over. That was a lie. It is apparent no matter how this turns out we will never hear anything from you but all this nonsense you have been sprouting. You have turned this forum into a place that is no longer a good place to come and talk football.

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Slipshot manner? The refs didn't know they had to be aware that the Patriots were going to let air out of them. They trusted the integrity and just measured them as they normally did. This was no witch hunt. If this had been a witch hunt you can bet those footballs psi.s would have been written down.  The fact is the Patriots footballs were not the psi that were measured when given to them. What part of that do you not get? Brady refused to fully cooperate. Period! End of story. All this crap that Patriot fans come up with is nothing but deflection and the absolute refusal to accept the truth. You have ranted and raved non stop with everything you and anyone else could come up with to discredit the truth. You have absolutely taken over this thread even after you said you would wait till it was over. That was a lie. It is apparent no matter how this turns out we will never hear anything from you but all this nonsense you have been sprouting. You have turned this forum into a place that is no longer a good place to come and talk football.

^^^  Agree  100%

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Direct proof how about any proof of this scheme? I mean think about what the NFL is accusing of here. It is not just the AFCCG that they are saying ball tampering occurred but that this has been an ONGOING scheme with Brady yet when they went through their investigation all they found was Brady telling his guys to set the footballs to 12.5 psi according to the rulebook so the refs would not add air and screw with the air pressure. Surely, if this was some scheme going on back to 2006, there would be some piece of electronic evidence from JJ or Dorito Dink or the other dozens and dozens employees at Gillette that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.


I mean you do realize that the reason why the "investigation" took so long is because Wells was trying to prove that this happened outside of the AFCCG and he came up with nada. That is the part that is so frustrating for Pats fans on top of the fact that the league handled the actual measurement of the AFCCG balls is such a slipshod manner that it was impossible to prove tampering even occurred with those balls.


You said yourself that the punishment was harsh and yet it is based on anything but any actual proof. IMO that is ridiculous and why this has been a witch hunt from the start and also why the league has been taking the beating it has since Brady's appeal transcript went public. They started down a rabbit hole with this whole thing and had to work backwards to try to prove tampering given Vincent admitted during the appeal that the NFL was not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and therefore had to do an investigation into the science. And of course they made sure to get the bright bulbs at Exponent to verify the conclusion they needed.



I agree with the statement that I think the punishment is harsh. The rest ... no.

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So what do you call signed footballs, game day jersey, $2,000.00, gift cards and Laker tickets? Not bad for a guy that Brady claimed he didn't have much contact with and didn't know well.


Notice that he came back and posted after reading this posts and just disregarded it. 


Bottom line is he wanted to say Goodall committed fraud by saying Brady gave him compensation. It fit his embellishing lying nonsense that he is always spouting off. When he get's caught and called out , he just pretends he didn't read it.

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I agree with the statement that I think the punishment is harsh. The rest ... no.

Too harsh. Are you kidding? I understand others cheat, but Tom got caught. The Pats got caught again. When someone is caught manipulating the most popular sport in the nation, the hammer should come down.

I personally devote allot of time to the NFL. Not just the Colts, I watch every game I can. I love it. I don't watch for the offense. I don't watch for the defense. I don't watch for the cool helmets. I watch for all of it. One thing I do want is the teams playing on an level playing field. The difference in the players talents and the coaches preparation is the only difference I want to see.

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Direct proof how about any proof of this scheme? I mean think about what the NFL is accusing of here. It is not just the AFCCG that they are saying ball tampering occurred but that this has been an ONGOING scheme with Brady yet when they went through their investigation all they found was Brady telling his guys to set the footballs to 12.5 psi according to the rulebook so the refs would not add air and screw with the air pressure. Surely, if this was some scheme going on back to 2006, there would be some piece of electronic evidence from JJ or Dorito Dink or the other dozens and dozens employees at Gillette that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.


I mean you do realize that the reason why the "investigation" took so long is because Wells was trying to prove that this happened outside of the AFCCG and he came up with nada. That is the part that is so frustrating for Pats fans on top of the fact that the league handled the actual measurement of the AFCCG balls is such a slipshod manner that it was impossible to prove tampering even occurred with those balls.


You said yourself that the punishment was harsh and yet it is based on anything but any actual proof. IMO that is ridiculous and why this has been a witch hunt from the start and also why the league has been taking the beating it has since Brady's appeal transcript went public. They started down a rabbit hole with this whole thing and had to work backwards to try to prove tampering given Vincent admitted during the appeal that the NFL was not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and therefore had to do an investigation into the science. And of course they made sure to get the bright bulbs at Exponent to verify the conclusion they needed.


Patriot fans remind me of chicken little , After years of bending rules the Patriots received more than a slap on the wrist from the league " woe is me "  months & months & its the same old dog & pony show .. :D


No the sky is not falling poor Tommy has only poor tommy to blame his lack of co operation & lying are & continue to be the issue blown outta proportion by the QB owner & Lawyer  the chickens have come home to roost .


A stupid soap opera created by stupid people . :scratch:     It defies logic ..

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Too harsh. Are you kidding? I understand others cheat, but Tom got caught. The Pats got caught again. When someone is caught manipulating the most popular sport in the nation, the hammer should come down.

I personally devote allot of time to the NFL. Not just the Colts, I watch every game I can. I love it. I don't watch for the offense. I don't watch for the defense. I don't watch for the cool helmets. I watch for all of it. One thing I do want is the teams playing on an level playing field. The difference in the players talents and the coaches preparation is the only difference I want to see.



I understand your point and I really do see both sides. I just happen to think it was somewhat stiff.

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It is irresponsible to draw a line from "gifts to ball boys" to "bribing ballboys to deflate footballs"....

no, its not.  it's naive, or blind homerism to think nothing shady has been going on.  once again, the nfl does not have the burden of proof that the legal system does.    its also naive to think the deflator was trying to lose weight. 


if the investigation funded by the nfl says something was going on, then that is as good as guilty

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Direct proof how about any proof of this scheme? I mean think about what the NFL is accusing of here. It is not just the AFCCG that they are saying ball tampering occurred but that this has been an ONGOING scheme with Brady yet when they went through their investigation all they found was Brady telling his guys to set the footballs to 12.5 psi according to the rulebook so the refs would not add air and screw with the air pressure. Surely, if this was some scheme going on back to 2006, there would be some piece of electronic evidence from JJ or Dorito Dink or the other dozens and dozens employees at Gillette that Wells interviewed and obtained their phones.


I mean you do realize that the reason why the "investigation" took so long is because Wells was trying to prove that this happened outside of the AFCCG and he came up with nada. That is the part that is so frustrating for Pats fans on top of the fact that the league handled the actual measurement of the AFCCG balls is such a slipshod manner that it was impossible to prove tampering even occurred with those balls.


You said yourself that the punishment was harsh and yet it is based on anything but any actual proof. IMO that is ridiculous and why this has been a witch hunt from the start and also why the league has been taking the beating it has since Brady's appeal transcript went public. They started down a rabbit hole with this whole thing and had to work backwards to try to prove tampering given Vincent admitted during the appeal that the NFL was not aware of the Ideal Gas Law and therefore had to do an investigation into the science. And of course they made sure to get the bright bulbs at Exponent to verify the conclusion they needed.



BTW... besides sweeping all the circumstantial evidence under the rug. Do you have a theory or perhaps does one of your media articles go to explain why Jastremski was called the deflator ? Or what he meant by threatening to blow "this thing " (something to that effect) open to ESPN. Is that also a league "frame job ?" 

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From the memo: "He found that Brady “knew about, approved of, consented to, and provided inducements” in support of a scheme to tamper with the game balls used in the AFC Championship Game. "

As usual, you're wrong.

Right, so where is the definitive proof goodell lied about that? As usual you are wrong

when I have time and I'm on a computer I will go through and multi quote EVERYTIME you spouted something completely false in this thread and someone quoted you pointing out how you were 100 percent wrong and you didn't say a word...

That is until your next post full of garbage, claiming how you are seemingly above everyone else in this thread and are the only one using "facts". I would honestly be embarrassed. You go around making wild claims or distorting or skewing facts and when it's blatent lay pointted out for the whole forum you shut up for a little, then rinse and repeat. Throw in a tangent here and there bout how everyone else is wrong and only you are right and that sums up your posting history.

You're either a troll or a complete joke. How old are u?

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He only knew McNally by a nick name. Not really that big a stretch since McNally was a game day only employee who never worked directly with Brady. Does Bill Gates know the name of the fill in guy who drops the mail off to his office?

So if Brady didn't even know the ball boys, why are people acting like their texts exonerate his


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Right, so where is the definitive proof goodell lied about that? As usual you are wrong

when I have time and I'm on a computer I will go through and multi quote EVERYTIME you spouted something completely false in this thread and someone quoted you pointing out how you were 100 percent wrong and you didn't say a word...

That is until your next post full of garbage, claiming how you are seemingly above everyone else in this thread and are the only one using "facts". I would honestly be embarrassed. You go around making wild claims or distorting or skewing facts and when it's blatent lay pointted out for the whole forum you shut up for a little, then rinse and repeat. Throw in a tangent here and there bout how everyone else is wrong and only you are right and that sums up your posting history.

You're either a troll or a complete joke. How old are u?


I think he will be gone for good once Brady losses the appeal. As for whether he's a troll or complete joke , why would it have to be one or the other ?

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Notice that he came back and posted after reading this posts and just disregarded it. 


Bottom line is he wanted to say Goodall committed fraud by saying Brady gave him compensation. It fit his embellishing lying nonsense that he is always spouting off. When he get's caught and called out , he just pretends he didn't read it.

Common sense would make it hard to believe that an equipment man that Brady just knew by his nickname (Deflator) would receive "gifts" such as that. Not to mention why would Brady ask how is he holding up in the known text messages. The 'going to ESPN" comment alone shows smoke. There old saying where there is smoke there is fire always holds true.

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Notice that he came back and posted after reading this posts and just disregarded it.

Bottom line is he wanted to say Goodall committed fraud by saying Brady gave him compensation. It fit his embellishing lying nonsense that he is always spouting off. When he get's caught and called out , he just pretends he didn't read it.

Every team's QBs give things like that out to team employees.

Show us how Brady gave those out for deflated footballs.

Hint: you can't .

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Patriot fans remind me of chicken little , After years of bending rules the Patriots received more than a slap on the wrist from the league " woe is me " months & months & its the same old dog & pony show .. :D

No the sky is not falling poor Tommy has only poor tommy to blame his lack of co operation & lying are & continue to be the issue blown outta proportion by the QB owner & Lawyer the chickens have come home to roost .

A stupid soap opera created by stupid people . :scratch: It defies logic ..

Three Colt balls were under the legal limit .


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