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wellsreportcontext.com - pats declares WAR against wells/NFL


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If you never attended an Ivy league, then why brag about them? Does it feel good to suck up to them when you know you'll never become bourgeoisie level elite?

Preposterous! He is a part of that team of extraordinary gentlemen that are slamming the NFL and then eventually going to work on harnessing the newly discovered state of matter in which he and his brilliant team will have in no time!

Who needs Ivy?

Apologies... the nonstop delusion of these Patriots fans has driven me to a point of insanity.

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Idk how you guys are even laughing these explanations are getting to stupid for me to laugh at I actually feel bad for these people

Gloss over the _plants_. They're so easy to figure out, it's down right pathetic. I answer to one or two (I think we all know who those are)

for kicks. Let the rest slide down the avalanche into the pit of oblivion. They're not worth the time.

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Please don't imply that the refs had anything to do with this. Most of the Patriots' balls were in the 10 PSI range.



10 psi range? oh really?


1 11.50 11.80

2 10.85 11.20

3 11.15 11.50

4 10.70 11.00

5 11.10 11.45

6 11.60 11.95

7 11.85 12.30

8 11.10 11.55

9 10.95 11.35

10 10.50 10.90

11 10.90 11.35

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If Bones Jones gets under your skin it's definitely best to refrain from telling him that his tactic is working because that's what he wants. This is just another relentless troll-job on the heels of AM's weak attempt.

Obviously there's only one set of facts, meaning Bill, Robert, Tom, Daddy Brady, Yee sp?, Patriot fans etc... are not entitled to their own set.

This ethos of cheating, lying and overall lack of decency starts at the very top and tragically filters down to a good portion of their fan base.

Non ironically they have the gall to claim that they are nothing more than mere victims in a corrupt system when in fact the opposite is happening.

I wonder how they'll cope if/when Goodell is fired. Without question vacating a couple of New England's titles is extremely warranted and it wouldn't surprise me if this topic were to arise at some point in the future, after the current commissioner is gone.

The punishment itself is a joke. Who wouldn't trade a 1st, 4th, $1m, and 1/4 of Brady for a Super Bowl?

Think about it. Brady is essentially washed up, so regardless of his punishment, this is probably a good strategical move anyway. Also, the Patriots are well equipped to lose draft picks. Basically, this punishment doesn't faze them in the least. Let's face it, both Bill and Bob should've been suspended from all league activities for at least the upcoming season.

In reality it was a cheap/t Super Bowl title, unless of course you value your rep.

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10 psi range? oh really?

1 11.50 11.80

2 10.85 11.20

3 11.15 11.50

4 10.70 11.00

5 11.10 11.45

6 11.60 11.95

7 11.85 12.30

8 11.10 11.55

9 10.95 11.35

10 10.50 10.90

11 10.90 11.35

Those weights were taken inside.

So if "the gas law" applies, then those balls were probably around the 9 1/2 pound range while in the elements. See, now I'm an expert too. Anybody can do it.

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If Bones Jones gets under your skin it's definitely best to refrain from telling him that his tactic is working because that's what he wants. This is just another relentless troll-job on the heels of AM's weak attempt.

Obviously there's only one set of facts, meaning Bill, Robert, Tom, Daddy Brady, Yee sp?, Patriot fans etc... are not entitled to their own set.

This ethos of cheating, lying and overall lack of decency starts at the very top and tragically filters down to a good portion of their fan base.

Non ironically they have the gall to claim that they are nothing more than mere victims in a corrupt system when in fact the opposite is happening.

I wonder how they'll cope if/when Goodell is fired. Without question vacating a couple of New England's titles is extremely warranted and it wouldn't surprise me if this topic were to arise at some point in the future, after the current commissioner is gone.

The punishment itself is a joke. Who wouldn't trade a 1st, 4th, $1m, and 1/4 of Brady for a Super Bowl?

Think about it. Brady is essentially washed up, so regardless of his punishment, this is probably a good strategical move anyway. Also, the Patriots are well equipped to lose draft picks. Basically, this punishment doesn't faze them in the least. Let's face it, both Bill and Bob should've been suspended from all league activities for at least the upcoming season.

In reality it was a cheap/t Super Bowl title, unless of course you value your rep.



super bowl was totally worth it.  greatest game ever.   ratings prove it too.   brady in the playoff


1. down by 14pts twice and comes back

2. destroys a rival

3. destroys the best D


took 10 years.  what a great feeling.  and don't care what people say, brady is the greatest QB i've ever seen.   and stop hating.   peyton is the 2nd greatest.  and luck will eventually be a top 5 all time.  i come in peace!

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Those weights were taken inside.

So if "the gas law" applies, then those balls were probably around the 9 1/2 pound range while in the elements. See, now I'm an expert too. Anybody can do it.


what?  lol  are you serious?    never heard of this.  this is kinda eh....  not smart.   seriously.    please read what you just wrote...  it's not smart...   honestly...   i mean... it's embarrasingly not smart...

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super bowl was totally worth it.  greatest game ever.   ratings prove it too.   brady in the playoff


1. down by 14pts twice and comes back

2. destroys a rival

3. destroys the best D


took 10 years.  what a great feeling.  and don't care what people say, brady is the greatest QB i've ever seen.   and stop hating.   peyton is the 2nd greatest.  and luck will eventually be a top 5 all time.  i come in peace!

Please, for all that is holy buy this

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what? lol are you serious? never heard of this. this is kinda eh.... not smart. seriously. please read what you just wrote... it's not smart... honestly... i mean... it's embarrasingly not smart...

I'm stand by my post. You can't handle the truth.

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What is this "Deflate" that you speak of?




Anyone that has read the Wells Report has realized that it isn't always clear what Jim McNally, nicknamed "Bird", and John Jastremski are texting about.  Despite the explanations the two men gave for the texts, Ted Wells chose to believe there was some nefarious hidden meaning.

Take this text from Bird (Jim McNally) to John Jastremski at 18:01:08 (6:01:08 PM) EST on 11/30/2014:

Deflate and give somebody that jkt.

Is that some secret message to deflate footballs, and what actually is a jkt?

On that exact date, on that exact time, the New England Patriots were playing the Green Bay Packers in Green Bay.  In fact, Aaron Rodgers had just thrown a TD pass to Jordy Nelson over Darrelle Revis' with 14 seconds left in the first half.  Darrelle Revis wasn't too happy about the situation.

Since McNally only works home games, he was at home watching Jastremski on TV when he sent the text.  What was John Jastremski doing at that moment?



He was standing on the sidelines holding a jacket.  Could that be the mysterious jkt from the text?

Since this was an away game, and Green Bay staff or officials would be transporting the balls from the field at the half, it is highly improbable Jastremski would be able to deflate any balls at all.  After all there was 14 seconds left in the half, and Wells pointed out that you need closer to 70 seconds to blindly deflate footballs.  Besides Jastremski looks like he has his hands full.  Also, since New England lost the game, doing almost nothing offensively in the second half, the results of any deflation certainly didn't give them any advantage.

Is there another explanation?

Could it be that Bird saw his buddy looking overinflated on the sidelines and as a joke told him to deflate himself?

Unless I was Ted Wells, I'd say, "More likely than not."

Special thanks to 16ghostly for seeing Jastremski in the video and synching it to the text.

Also thanks to groud9 for the video capture and Johnny Appleseed putting the picture together.





you read what you want to read.  


 "deflate" could also reasonably be a response to Rodgers preference for having balls 16+ PSI, and is obviously in jest. Want to stop Rodgers, deflate those balls, and the picture is all the explanation you need for the jkt comment.



we will never the real context.    verdict NOT GUILTY

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Is this for real?


Are we part of a sociology experiment?


America is the fattest country or whatever in the world. And never once have I heard "deflate" used with losing weight with day to day people here let alone in text messages.


Maybe if you were part of the upper crust from England or what not I might buy it. "I say old chap......been deflating my waist line lately and it's working out splendidly."

I can confirm as an England expert that this term is not used... Does that mean I'm getting called into court to testify?

Must be a "New" England term :P

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What is this "Deflate" that you speak of?







you read what you want to read.  


 "deflate" could also reasonably be a response to Rodgers preference for having balls 16+ PSI, and is obviously in jest. Want to stop Rodgers, deflate those balls, and the picture is all the explanation you need for the jkt comment.



we will never the real context.    verdict NOT GUILTY


There are already threads with this subject matter.

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Just give it up already !!! Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE outside of NE knows that shady brady and the pats cheated !!!  And you continuing to post thread after thread after thread of absolute NONSENSE will not change our minds one bit !!!

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I can confirm as an England expert that this term is not used... Does that mean I'm getting called into court to testify?

Must be a "New" England term :P

I get the feeling the patriots are telling the rest of the NFL and NFL fans that if they can't have it then no one can. They are willing to burn the whole NFL down by making a mockery out of it. The NFL should not allow the patriots to bully them. It will be interesting to see how the NFL responds to these ridiculous patriots rebuttals.

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You know through all this Brady said one thing I do agree with. This isn't ISIS. I don't agree with how he was trying to use that point as a deflection tactic but his point is correct. This isn't life or death like so many are treating it like. There is a lot of energy on both sides being expended on this topic. I mean four Pats fans got arrested for trying to stage a sit in over this at NFL headquarters. I love my Colts as much as the next person but I'd be darned if I am going to jail for someone I haven't met and who I honestly don't know and who frankly probably really doesn't care about me. On the other side I've seen several Colts fans acting like this is somehow personal. It's not. No one on here had their personal life directly impacted by the Pats cheating. Sure maybe people were bummed the Colts lost but that was going to happen regardless and frankly I think Colts fans are getting joy out of getting to call the Pats cheaters. Still none of that is personal. Tom Brady didn't come to your house and smack you. If he did then yes it would be personal. However I highly doubt anyone on this forum knows Brady or anyone involved in this. So why let them have control over you like that? Just food for thought as people continue arguing over this.

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What is this "Deflate" that you speak of?







you read what you want to read.  


 "deflate" could also reasonably be a response to Rodgers preference for having balls 16+ PSI, and is obviously in jest. Want to stop Rodgers, deflate those balls, and the picture is all the explanation you need for the jkt comment.



we will never the real context.    verdict NOT GUILTY




Verdict: everyone reads in Well's Report, what it wants.  NE: there was no cheat, everyone else: there was cheat


As it had no significance on the Championship game Colts Nation has already moved on deflate-gate.  Only those are crying whose house is burning...

Edited by HungarianColtsFan
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You know through all this Brady said one thing I do agree with. This isn't ISIS. I don't agree with how he was trying to use that point as a deflection tactic but his point is correct. This isn't life or death like so many are treating it like. There is a lot of energy on both sides being expended on this topic. I mean four Pats fans got arrested for trying to stage a sit in over this at NFL headquarters. I love my Colts as much as the next person but I'd be darned if I am going to jail for someone I haven't met and who I honestly don't know and who frankly probably really doesn't care about me. On the other side I've seen several Colts fans acting like this is somehow personal. It's not. No one on here had their personal life directly impacted by the Pats cheating. Sure maybe people were bummed the Colts lost but that was going to happen regardless and frankly I think Colts fans are getting joy out of getting to call the Pats cheaters. Still none of that is personal. Tom Brady didn't come to your house and smack you. If he did then yes it would be personal. However I highly doubt anyone on this forum knows Brady or anyone involved in this. So why let them have control over you like that? Just food for thought as people continue arguing over this.

I agree. And that's what makes it even more sad that kraft and his cronies are using the patriots fans loyalism as pawns. The patriots organization would rather watch its fans go through emotional hell instead of just telling the truth. The truth will be hard for patriots fans to accept, but at least its resolute and has a conclusion.

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Gloss over the _plants_. They're so easy to figure out, it's down right pathetic. I answer to one or two (I think we all know who those are)

for kicks. Let the rest slide down the avalanche into the pit of oblivion. They're not worth the time.

I agree. Responding to their ridiculous posts only reinforces them to write more.

It does make for good comedy. I've never laughed so much.

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"unsupported speculation that, because Mr. Brady preferred footballs at 12.5, he really wanted them to have even less psi. There is no evidence that Mr. Brady wanted footballs below 12.5 psi. To assume that wanting footballs set at the low end of the permissible range really reflects a desire they be even lower is mere speculation. No evidence exists that Mr. Brady wanted footballs below 12.5 psi "


LOL,  WEEI provides that proof!!


"When Gronk scores -- it was like his eighth touchdown of the year -- he spikes the ball and he deflates the ball. I love that, because I like the deflated ball. But I feel bad for that football, because he puts everything he can into those spikes."


Then Gronk's Tweet to follow-




Soooooooo.... you were saying....    ???

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