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If only tweedle dee and tweedle dum would have been given an opportunity to give this explaination to Ted Wells. Like, perhaps in the form of an interview. Maybe even a... Second interview...

If only that could have somehow happened


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did some of the colts ball measured at below 12.5?   yes or no?

Yes.  The difference is, science explains the Colts drop in pressure.  The science says that the Patriots probably took air out of it.  Only one of those is a deliberate attempt to take air out of the footballs.  We've been ove rthis a million times.

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I assume when he talked about giving Tom "watermelons" he meant actual watermelons as part of "bring a random player a random piece of fruit" Friday. Quite the pranksters those equipment guys.



obvioiusly refs cheated and made brady to play with 16psi ball.   good explanation. 




The evidence was that the Jets game on Oct. 17, 2014 was the first and only time that Mr. Brady ever complained about how “heavy” or “fat” the footballs felt. That testimony came from several witnesses, and the report identifies no witness who identified any prior focus by Mr. Brady on football psi, including during his involvement in the 2006 Rule change. Footballs measured after the Jets game showed that they had been inflated to almost 16 psi. (pg. 5). They were, in short, almost 3 psi above their psi level when Mr. Brady had selected them before the game. It appears that game officials must have overinflated the footballs during the pre-game inspections. Mr. Brady’s sideline outbursts about the footballs (he readily acknowledged he was a bit “over the top” in his remarks) at the Jets game led both Mr. Jastremski and Mr. McNally to be quite upset. There was nothing they had done to overinflate footballs and nothing they could do in response to Mr. Brady’s complaints. Each felt he was being attacked unfairly by Mr. Brady. Their texting is a reflection of their distress over Mr. Brady’s strong reactions and feeling unfairly attacked. The content of texts obviously are jokes, exaggerations and sarcasm. One thing they are not are statements of reality. For example, Mr. McNally states he would make the next football a “balloon.” Even the investigators do not conclude (or even speculate) that Mr. McNally could or would do so — or even that he actually somehow planned to do so or had the means to do so. So: when Mr. McNally talks about overinflating footballs, no rational interpretation would be that he was really going to do so. Yet the report concludes he actually was engaging in deflating footballs – and doing so after the referee’s inspection – although he never states that even in jest. Further, if the game officials statements are right that they always either carried the footballs to the field themselves or accompanied Mr. McNally when he did, there would be no opportunity to inflate (or deflate) footballs. In short, the report ascribes [CORRECTED FOR TYPO 5/14/15 1:23PM] an unstated meaning to these texts which disregards their content and obvious hyperbole.


The problems with relying on text messages to derive meaning are well known. They do not convey tone of voice. They are not well-suited for humor or sarcasm. Shorthand expressions or terms routinely used by those sending texts to each other may not be understood or appreciated. How many people have sent a joking text which could be misinterpreted if read cold by a third person? The report shows none of the caution that should exist in concluding what a text means or refers to. Although the report recognized the texts between Mr. Jastremski and Mr. McNally were filled with hyperbole and attempts at humor, it arbitrarily decided where the joking ended and what the jokes referred to. Texts and e-mails can be important to any investigation, but relying on texts subject to various meanings without other corroborating evidence is a questionable approach. Here, the other evidence does not corroborate the report’s interpretation of the texts — it actually contradicts it.

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I'm still just laughing that Tom Brady texted the ball boy 7 times about his weight...

same here.  They say laughter is the best medicine so I guess  I'm good to go for a while.    


You guys have made my night tonight.

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regarding brady's phone, this is a great explanation




there is no reason for brady to turn over his phone records when those 2 already turned over theirs.

Actually I'd say there is a fairly compelling reason to turn over his phone.

-His boss gave a press conference backing him up as not guilty and said they would fully comply with the investigation.

-The investigation asked for his phone.

Now unless you believe that "fully comply" actually includes "unless we don't think it's necessary" then it's a fairly compelling reason to turn over the phone.

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If McNally calls Jastremski "Dorito Dink" why is so ridiculous to think McNally's nickname is "Deflator" because he is losing weight. Now is either more ridiculous than the other?

Mostly because human beings don't talk like that.

Which again leads us back to aliens.

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Actually I'd say there is a fairly compelling reason to turn over his phone.

-His boss gave a press conference backing him up as not guilty and said they would fully comply with the investigation.

-The investigation asked for his phone.

Now unless you believe that "fully comply" actually includes "unless we don't think it's necessary" then it's a fairly compelling reason to turn over the phone.


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Actually I'd say there is a fairly compelling reason to turn over his phone.

-His boss gave a press conference backing him up as not guilty and said they would fully comply with the investigation.

-The investigation asked for his phone.

Now unless you believe that "fully comply" actually includes "unless we don't think it's necessary" then it's a fairly compelling reason to turn over the phone.



kraft said that, not brady.


texts are already open to public


this is what brady texted to them


"If you get a sec give me a call"



and why would brady give up his phone and reveal the phon conversation. the phone conversation between brady and those 2?  are you kidding me?  we are talking about tom friggin brady here.    why would brady do that?  what if brady said something really stupid?   for ex. 'i'm in love with peyton manning.  i really am a closet gay. no joke'


brady has no legal obligation to turn over his phone, period.

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TB "HEEeeeeeeeeeey Micky how's that diet coming along?"


McNally: "Man I lost five pounds in one week!"

TB "SHUT. UP. I'm so jelly!"

MC: "It's true! Thanks for those work out tips, it really helped a lot!"

TB: "No problem! We'll have you in FAB-U-LOOOOOOOUS shape in no time! What do we say, big guy?


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I'm actually beginning to buy the aliens explanation more than the Pats explanation.

Why? More plausible.

We just drafted a guy from Mars. As much play as the NFL gets its not too far fetched to think sentient life on other planets picked up the broadcasts and become interested.
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Okay  my turn.....   (compliments of my friend Shecolt  ~  I am sharing her theory )


While some of you are mocking the Patriots for saying that McNally was known as the Deflator due to his weight loss efforts, I find it totally believable.  All one needs to do is put on a tricorn and think.


Then, you only need to connect the dots and fill in the blanks.


McNally was known as the Deflator due to an amazing weight loss device he has invented.  It just hasn't hit the market yet as it is in the early stages of development.


You may ask why a reference was made to McNally going to ESPN.  Simple.  Due to the support he has received from the Patriots, he wants to start promoting this device on ESPN in tribute to the Patriots.


You may ask why a reference was made to "Tom" giving goodies to McNally.  Again, simple.  As a Patriot fan once told me, "Tom Brady is selfless in every aspect of the word."  Tom cares so much about helping all the overweight people in the world that he has been merely donating a few things to McNally to help him through the developmental stages of this miraculous device.  


When the Patriots said that it could be any "Tom", that was just per request from Brady.  Being the selfless soul that he is, he didn't want to take any credit away from McNally and wants to play the role of the anonymous donor to this worthy cause.


You may ask why the Patriots refused to let Wells talk to McNally a second time.  Once again, simple.  Just like Brady, the Patriot organization is selfless.  While they knew it would look bad, they were more concerned in protecting McNally as his weight loss device is patent pending.


You may ask why the Patriots fired McNally prior to anyone of us knowing that he was the Deflator. Again, another selfless act by the Patriots.  They wanted McNally relieved of his job duties so that he could go into seclusion far away from any nosy reporters while perfecting his weight loss method.  Please don't worry about McNally.  The Patriots are taking good care of him.


Now you may ask . . . what is this weight loss device that McNally has invented?  It's so simple and so ingenious that I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.


McNally has invented a user-friendly home liposuction kit.  All one needs to do is insert the needle into any desired portion of his/her body and release some fat.  Poof!  It's gone within a few seconds.  Your BMI goes down just like the PSI would in a football.  


You may mock the Patriots now, but you will soon be thanking them for helping McNally solve the obesity problem with this deflator needle which will sell for a mere $12.12 for not one, but two deflator needles (separate shipping & handling will apply).


Now, that I have cleared all this up with any of you doubting Colt fans; I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing an authentic Brady jersey that was signed by Abraham Lincoln on one of the occasions when Tom was able to visit the White House.  I expect this jersey to fly off the shelves rapidly and just wanted my Colt's peeps to have first dibs.  

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kraft said that, not brady.


texts are already open to public


this is what brady texted to them


"If you get a sec give me a call"



and why would brady give up his phone and reveal the phon conversation. the phone conversation between brady and those 2?  are you kidding me?  we are talking about tom friggin brady here.    why would brady do that?  what if brady said something really stupid?   for ex. 'i'm in love with peyton manning.  i really am a closet gay. no joke'


brady has no legal obligation to turn over his phone, period.

This may have escaped you, but Tom Brady works for Robert Kraft. So when Robert Kraft says we will comply with the investigation that includes Tom Brady as well.

There is obviously no legal obligation to, this isn't a criminal matter. Which makes that point completely irelevent.

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Well the way the rebuttal sounds, anyone named Tom should be obsessed about another man's weight.





already explained in here.  Jastremski's job is to deflate football at least twice.   every team in the league has them.   they make sure ball isn't watermelon.    brady wants the ball 12.75-12.85.  



First, the report ignores the information the investigators gathered that Mr. Jastremski’s duties in football preparation in fact routinely involve deflating every football at least twice. Every team in the League has developed a standard operating procedure for the preparation of new footballs for game play. The Patriots standard procedures are described in part on pgs. 37-40. Omitted from that description, but as Mr. Jastremski explained, is that the very first thing he routinely does when he opens a new box of Wilson footballs is to take a bit of air out of them. That makes them easier to prepare. The second time he takes air out of footballs is when he sets them for Mr. Brady’s pre-game review and selection. (pgs. 39-40). Prior to the Jets game in 2014, Mr. Jastremski set the footballs at 12.75-12.85 for Mr. Brady’s pre-game inspection and selection, since that is the range that had been used by Mr. Jastremski’s predecessor. Curiously, the report does not credit this statement, although no witness or other evidence contradicted it, and apparently no game official reported that, in any games prior to the Jets 2014 game, footballs from the Patriots did not routinely arrive at the Officials’ Locker Room precisely as Mr. Jastremski described. Nonetheless, the report states disbelief to the statement because it does not support the report’s assumption that Mr. Brady cared about psi levels long before the Jets game over-inflation fiasco. The report discredits this information – about which there was no reason to lie and which could have been checked in all events — solely because of (i) Mr. McNally’s May 2014 text reference to himself as the “deflator” (which had nothing to do with what psi the footballs were set at for Mr. Brady’s inspection); (ii) Mr. Brady’s involvement in the 2006 Rule change (which, as explained elsewhere, dealt with tactile feel and football consistency, not psi levels); and (iii) Mr. Brady’s “apparent longstanding preference for footballs inflated to the low end of the permissible range” (although setting footballs at 12.75-85 is not much different from setting them at 12.6, which is what Mr. Jastremski did following the very first time Mr. Brady focused on actual psi numbers). In short, not “crediting” the evidence that footballs were historically set at 12.75-85 demonstrates mostly how the report lets its interpretation of the texts then control how it views all other evidence. In all events, there is no question that Mr. Jastremski had to deflate footballs a second time just before Mr. Brady’s selection. To get them to the desired (and permissible) level, one adds air and then releases the air to the desired psi. After mid-season in 2014 — i.e., after the Jets game issues with vastly over-inflated footballs — he set them at 12.6 for Mr. Brady’s inspection and selection — again adding air and releasing it to get down to the desired psi. So deflation of footballs cannot be presumed to refer to post-referee inspection conduct. Indeed, Mr. Jastremski does not even have possession of the footballs once they go to the Officials’ Locker Room for pre-game inspection.





everything is explained and dissected.   Wells and Goddell are screwed.  

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already explained in here.  Jastremski's job is to deflate football at least twice.   every team in the league has them.   they make sure ball isn't watermelon.    brady wants the ball 12.75-12.85.  






everything is explained and dissected.   Wells and Goddell are screwed.

Dude.... No.


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brady has no legal obligation to turn over his phone, period.

Misplaced punctuation.

When the IRS investigates someone....someone can't hide behind the possibility the IRS might see a picture of their wife as a basis for not turning over their phone.

If so, tax cheats...like QB cheats...will deliberately use their personal phone to commit tax fraud....cowardly hiding behind the whiny complaint that nobody is allowed to see their messages because they might stumble upon something private.

Face reality. You Pats fans have been duped for years. Brady is a whiny, unathletic QB with small hands and a weak grip deserving every bit of his 6th round selection who has only achieved success by mistreating and berating his plebes into breaking rules on his behalf.

Brady knows who he is...that's why he can't let this go.

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Okay  my turn.....   (compliments of my friend Shecolt  ~  I am sharing her theory )


While some of you are mocking the Patriots for saying that McNally was known as the Deflator due to his weight loss efforts, I find it totally believable.  All one needs to do is put on a tricorn and think.


Then, you only need to connect the dots and fill in the blanks.


McNally was known as the Deflator due to an amazing weight loss device he has invented.  It just hasn't hit the market yet as it is in the early stages of development.


You may ask why a reference was made to McNally going to ESPN.  Simple.  Due to the support he has received from the Patriots, he wants to start promoting this device on ESPN in tribute to the Patriots.


You may ask why a reference was made to "Tom" giving goodies to McNally.  Again, simple.  As a Patriot fan once told me, "Tom Brady is selfless in every aspect of the word."  Tom cares so much about helping all the overweight people in the world that he has been merely donating a few things to McNally to help him through the developmental stages of this miraculous device.  


When the Patriots said that it could be any "Tom", that was just per request from Brady.  Being the selfless soul that he is, he didn't want to take any credit away from McNally and wants to play the role of the anonymous donor to this worthy cause.


You may ask why the Patriots refused to let Wells talk to McNally a second time.  Once again, simple.  Just like Brady, the Patriot organization is selfless.  While they knew it would look bad, they were more concerned in protecting McNally as his weight loss device is patent pending.


You may ask why the Patriots fired McNally prior to anyone of us knowing that he was the Deflator. Again, another selfless act by the Patriots.  They wanted McNally relieved of his job duties so that he could go into seclusion far away from any nosy reporters while perfecting his weight loss method.  Please don't worry about McNally.  The Patriots are taking good care of him.


Now you may ask . . . what is this weight loss device that McNally has invented?  It's so simple and so ingenious that I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.


McNally has invented a user-friendly home liposuction kit.  All one needs to do is insert the needle into any desired portion of his/her body and release some fat.  Poof!  It's gone within a few seconds.  Your BMI goes down just like the PSI would in a football.  


You may mock the Patriots now, but you will soon be thanking them for helping McNally solve the obesity problem with this deflator needle which will sell for a mere $12.12 for not one, but two deflator needles (separate shipping & handling will apply).


Now, that I have cleared all this up with any of you doubting Colt fans; I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in purchasing an authentic Brady jersey that was signed by Abraham Lincoln on one of the occasions when Tom was able to visit the White House.  I expect this jersey to fly off the shelves rapidly and just wanted my Colt's peeps to have first dibs.  

I know the perfect guy to sell this stuff:


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TB "hey buddy - i'm about to destroy the Colts.  are you ready?"


McNally: "oh hell yeah. i'll make sure i'll get you 12.75-12.85."

TB "this really is important.   remember that Jets game?   i can't put up 50 on Colts if my football is a watermelon."

MC: "i'll make sure it won't be a watermelon this time.  refs really screwed us last time"

TB: "I mean if refs screw us again, i'll have you fired because i can't see myself putting up 35 against the colts and be happy with it.  it's the colts i'm talking about. 

TB/MC: "12.75 it is!   colts gonna feel the pain.  go get em tiger"





that's probably what happened.   it's AFCC people.  Brady made sure it wasn't 'fat' or 'heavy' like it was against the Jets.  

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You're joking right? The patriots reply was that the context was weight loss. That is the stupidest crap I've ever heard. The Patriots organization has been uncooperative and this reply is completely incoherent. The punishment should no doubt stand. And in reply to taking down goodell, not a chance in hell that happens.

LOL. They gave Irsay some time off due to using drugs. The NFL needs to test Kraft. No way that dude is not high after backing something like this. The patriots are going to get slaughtered by the media everywhere outside of Boston for this.

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OK if Mcnally calls himself the deflater because he's losing weight.. what about these messages?


The only thing deflating sun..is his passing rating


Better be surrounded by cash and newkicks....or its a rugby sunday


And also his comments about ESPN.

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OK if Mcnally calls himself the deflater because he's losing weight.. what about these messages?


The only thing deflating sun..is his passing rating


Better be surrounded by cash and newkicks....or its a rugby sunday


And also his comments about ESPN.



this was during the season after brady got mad at them for not deflating the ball to 12.5.  brady played with 16psi against the Jets.


'the deflator' comment happened in May.  2 very different circumstances.

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Obviously Goodell's punishment wasn't harsh enough. You can't have the ruled-class back-talk the rule-makers this vigorously.

Brady needs to be suspended for the season if he protests too much.

The NFL is going to have to add more time. This is getting ridiculously out of hand.

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I seriously did a spit take when I saw the deflator/weight loss defense.

What ideas did that beat out?

I'd be really interested to hear those.

Is thinking the same thing man. LOL. This is becoming better than Desperate Housewives.

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