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wellsreportcontext.com - pats declares WAR against wells/NFL


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i read the whole thing.   it's brilliant.


1. Wells is doomed. He will get fired and you will see him explaining himself more on various news media.  he is done


2. brady will win the appeal


3. brady will then sue the NFL for defamation


4. pats will then sue the NFL for defamation


5, brady never texted to those 2, so brady has no reason to give his phone to wells. 


6. Mr. McNally to Mr. Jastremski: “deflate and give somebody that jacket.” (p. 87).    texted IN MAY 2014.  IN MAY.  maybe he really was trying to lose weight


7. brilliant analysis on 'bathroom break'. - nobody was in hurry to deflate the ball so quickly when the game was delayed.  nobody was in hurry. 





pats legal team threw down the gauntlet.  they declared war against injustice against a great organization.  IMO, pats will bring down wells for sure.  and possibly goddell too. 


2 cents

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The speculation about what the texts all refer to is also based on unsupported speculation that, because Mr. Brady preferred footballs at 12.5, he really wanted them to have even less psi. There is no evidence that Mr. Brady wanted footballs below 12.5 psi. To assume that wanting footballs set at the low end of the permissible range really reflects a desire they be even lower is mere speculation. No evidence exists that Mr. Brady wanted footballs below 12.5 psi — and the investigators were told quite clearly that footballs that are too soft do not roll off his hands as desired. Nonetheless, they assumed Mr. Brady actually wanted footballs to be below 12.5, that Mr. Jastremski and Mr. McNally knew that, and that they went through an elaborate plan all designed to remove about .5 psi beyond what weather would do naturally.






anyway regarding deflator - context, my friend. context.


pats trolling the league.   it really is brilliant if you ask me.   they could've simply just suck it up and move on.  but they know this was injustice.  they know brady didn't do anything.   they looked brady in the eye and asked him if he did it or not.


no way pats would risk tarnishing their brand even more.  they know what they are doing.   pats/BB playing with the league.

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i read the whole thing.   it's brilliant.


1. Wells is doomed. He will get fired and you will see him explaining himself more on various news media.  he is done


2. brady will win the appeal


3. brady will then sue the NFL for defamation


4. pats will then sue the NFL for defamation


5, brady never texted to those 2, so brady has no reason to give his phone to wells. 


6. Mr. McNally to Mr. Jastremski: “deflate and give somebody that jacket.” (p. 87).    texted IN MAY 2014.  IN MAY.  maybe he really was trying to lose weight


7. brilliant analysis on 'bathroom break'. - nobody was in hurry to deflate the ball so quickly when the game was delayed.  nobody was in hurry. 





pats legal team threw down the gauntlet.  they declared war against injustice against a great organization.  IMO, pats will bring down wells for sure.  and possibly goddell too. 


2 cents

2 cents. That is all the appeal is worth. There is a possibility of reduction but it will not be thrown out or over turned. If it needs explaining to you at this point it would be a waist of time and effort. Oh by the way, did you make a totally new name up just for this? If so I hate to inform you but it's really pretty lame.

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If the League were concerned about this issue, and wanted to be sure that footballs met the 12.5 to 13.5 psi requirement, one would think they would have put protocols in place for recording pre-game psi levels and for checking psi once footballs were on the field. It would have been easy enough to adopt such protocols that ensured all footballs throughout the game were within regulation psi.



it was a witchhunt.   somebody wanted to embarrass pats.  somebody.

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i read the whole thing. it's brilliant.

1. Wells is doomed. He will get fired and you will see him explaining himself more on various news media. he is done

2. brady will win the appeal

3. brady will then sue the NFL for defamation

4. pats will then sue the NFL for defamation

5, brady never texted to those 2, so brady has no reason to give his phone to wells.

6. Mr. McNally to Mr. Jastremski: “deflate and give somebody that jacket.” (p. 87). texted IN MAY 2014. IN MAY. maybe he really was trying to lose weight

7. brilliant analysis on 'bathroom break'. - nobody was in hurry to deflate the ball so quickly when the game was delayed. nobody was in hurry.

pats legal team threw down the gauntlet. they declared war against injustice against a great organization. IMO, pats will bring down wells for sure. and possibly goddell too.

2 cents

You're joking right? The patriots reply was that the context was weight loss. That is the stupidest crap I've ever heard. The Patriots organization has been uncooperative and this reply is completely incoherent. The punishment should no doubt stand. And in reply to taking down goodell, not a chance in hell that happens.
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1) The Pats got caught deflating footballs

2) They have a guy on equipment staff who handles the footballs

3) The guy is called the "deflator"


Are you telling me based on these three facts that you actually buy that the guy was trying to lose weight and that was what the use of the word "deflation" was all about? Talk about a coincidence!

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Congratulations Patriots. You have outdone the Saints when they freaked over Bounty Gate. 


Can you honestly believe this stuff? Yes thats one of the Pats supporters who started this thread.


OMG just wow...........


It's better then conspiracy sites.

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anyway regarding deflator - context, my friend. context.


pats trolling the league.   it really is brilliant if you ask me.   they could've simply just suck it up and move on.  but they know this was injustice.  they know brady didn't do anything.   they looked brady in the eye and asked him if he did it or not.


no way pats would risk tarnishing their brand even more.  they know what they are doing.   pats/BB playing with the league.








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Can you honestly believe this stuff? Yes thats one of the Pats supporters who started this thread.


OMG just wow...........


It's better then conspiracy sites.

I have laughed so hard today, I may need one of those straight jackets myself.   :P

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it was a witchhunt.   somebody wanted to embarrass pats.  somebody.


The Pats are witches. They were fortunate not to be burned at the stake from spygate due to Kraft being in cahoots with Goodell. The only thing that got burned was the evidence before public eye could see it unlike THIS time where ESPN got a hold of it.


The league was forced to do something which, in the grand scheme of things, is still just a slap on the wrist. The Pats trampled on the integrity of the sport, again. Even more so they continuously obfuscate and lie about it hoping one of these turds they throw on the wall will stick to non-blind homers.


I, for one, hope the Pats keep throwing down these gauntlets and ripping their reputation to shreds. What little is left of it. At any time they could have come out and told the damn truth but nope......they keep adding  layers of lies and contradicting themselves!

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it was a witchhunt.   somebody wanted to embarrass pats.  somebody.


And so what if it was a witch hunt or a "sting" or whatever you guys want to call it? Had the Patriots played by the rules, none of this would have happened.

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If the whole "deflator/weight loss angle"'is the main argument at the appeal, they should stop the hearing and immediately force Tom to go through the leagues concussion protocol before the appeal can continue.

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word 'deflate' is used alot among fat people actually




I wish journalists and the media would do their damn job already. A simple google search would help to explain how a obscure" reference to weight loss is a lot more common than you think. I mean, for pete's sake, there's a website entirely devoted to couple's weight loss called, www.deflatethemate.com!


Here are just five examples of pre-Deflategate references to "deflation" and "weight loss"


Sep 15, 2010






Oct 4, 2012






Jun 28, 2013






Sep 30, 2014






Nov 3, 2014

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If the League were concerned about this issue, and wanted to be sure that footballs met the 12.5 to 13.5 psi requirement, one would think they would have put protocols in place for recording pre-game psi levels and for checking psi once footballs were on the field. It would have been easy enough to adopt such protocols that ensured all footballs throughout the game were within regulation psi.




it was a witchhunt.   somebody wanted to embarrass pats.  somebody.


If the police were serious about stopping bank robberies you'd think they would have cops at every bank branch.  Since they don't, they must not be serious about it.


They just arrest the robber to embarrass him.  Because they don't like him.  Because he's so good.


Its the cops that are crooked, right?



And don't forget the popular lemming sentiment of 2015...."anarchy rules, dude!

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I was relishing in their pain.  But now I'm generally concerned about the mental health of some of them.


It's gotta be emotionally draining to be a Pats fan.  One minute you're on cloud nine next all that you took pride in is being called into question.  You really have to try to justify and swallow a lot of shady crap to be a Pats fan.  Some have clearly snapped.  LOL

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And so what if it was a witch hunt or a "sting" or whatever you guys want to call it? Had the Patriots played by the rules, none of this would have happened.

you are blindly accusing pats for a wrongdoing. and you are ignoring

What is the consequence of rejecting Anderson’s statement that he used the Logo gauge pre-game? The Ideal Gas Law, according to the League’s consultants, establishes that the psi of the Patriots footballs at halftime would have been 11.32 to 11.52 due solely to the temperature impact on the footballs. (pg. 113). With the Logo gauge, 8 of the 11 Patriots footballs are in the Ideal Gas Law range and the average of all 11 Patriots footballs was 11.49 — fully consistent with the Ideal Gas Law’s prediction of exactly what that psi would be. THAT IS, RELYING ON MR. ANDERSON’S BEST RECOLLECTIONS, BASIC SCIENCE FULLY EXPLAINS THE DROP IN PSI OF THE PATRIOTS FOOTBALLS DURING THE FIRST HALF.

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Can you honestly believe this stuff? Yes thats one of the Pats supporters who started this thread.


OMG just wow...........


It's better then conspiracy sites.



And better than the Saints conspiracies from 2012. 


Soon enough the Pats fans will start treating Goodell the same way people do Obama as a scapegoat to be blamed on everything wrong with the world. 

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If the whole "deflator/weight loss angle"'is the main argument at the appeal, they should stop the hearing and immediately force Tom to go through the leagues concussion protocol before the appeal can continue.

I hope they add games to his suspension. That's a really dumb defense.

If his suspension gets reduced, people are going to flip out.

The NFL has catered to this guy's every want his whole career.

How many rule changes have been inspired to protect him?

How many times has he screamed in a ref's face and not even gotten flagged?

He needs to be suspended not only for this, but because he's ruining the NFL.

The NFL needs to realize most people dislike Tom Brady. He deserved a longer suspension. They gave him a break.

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All joking aside.... because I simply can't laugh anymore.


It is beyond ridiculous the amount of time and resources that has gone into this from day one.  I have gone through so many emotions myself, I can only begin to imagine what the Pats have been feeling.    Right now, I can't imagine anything other than feeling embarrassed and disappointment and disgust.

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Post-game, each of the four Patriots footballs measured were well above the required level of 12.5 psi on both gauges (including one that had been overinflated to 13.65 on the Logo gauge). Three of the four Colts footballs measured below 12.5 psi on the non-Logo gauge (a violation of League rules), one measured below 12.5 psi on both gauges (also a violation), and three Colts footballs measured above 12.5 on the Logo gauge.”


not even sure why colts aren't investigated...

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It is beyond ridiculous the amount of time and resources that has gone into this from day one.  I have gone through so many emotions myself, I can only begin to imagine what the Pats have been feeling.    Right now, I can't imagine anything other than feeling embarrassed and disappointment and disgust.

A few see reason. Most are living in the Brady bubble. He could puppy juggle with Michael Vick on live TV and they'd defend him.


Pretty much all of NE and possibly a small pocket in Miami, FL where New Englanders retire to are the only places actually believing this crap.

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