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AJ Feeley Claims Brady Was Cheating In 2004


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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Respnse to hidden post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Respnse to hidden post

i guess if I'm AJ feeley, i have a reason to hate brady.  i mean just think about it.  i'm AJ feeley.  that dude is tom brady.   bring me a shot gun

I think that is totally uncalled for. The guy was an NFL QB that while maybe doesn't have as an accomplished career as Tom Brady he made it to the pinnacle of the sport and played for many years. I see no reason to attack a guy like that. Totally uncalled for attack on the guy.

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That was the worst claim I've ever heard. Guy wasn't even playing and didn't provide anything as proof whatsoever. Old game footage something....this piling on is just insane. I get that Brady broke the rules but some of this I heard one time Brady didn't wash his hands after leaving the restroom stuff and stuff like this....just pathetic. That article isn't even worthy of posting.


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For the love of Pete, I wish people would stop trying to marginalize cheating behavior based on others doing it. Many, many kids have stole something in their life...a piece of candy, a candy bar...whatever. But if you get caught in a grocery store stealing a candy bar, saying that everyone else does it is trying to marginalize a behavior that has consequences for a reason. 


Fact 1 - Air pressure is monitored to help keep an even advantage for both teams. The competition committee does not add a rule on a whim and carefully considers each addition. It is more than "no big deal"


Fact 2 - Tom Shady was found "more probable than not" that he was involved in the illegal removal of air in footballs to be used in a game, and it appears this was not the first time. The use of the language "more probable than not" is the NFL's threshold for being responsible and liable for punishment regarding the rules. Tom crossed that threshold. 


Fact 3 - If it did not give Tom any advantage in winning football games, there is no way on this green earth that he would have communicated with his equip guy to have this done in a short window before a game, violating a role that the team knows about....just like his statement after they used odd formations to beat the Ravens and then stated that teams should know the rules. 


Fact 4 - We were beat in that game fair and square, and his violation was not needed to accomplish that. But the outcome was not known beforehand, and this behavior still occurred. 


Opinion - The stance taken by the owner, the lie stated by Shady, and the embarrassing tirade by his agent towards the league...are far more damaging to the NFL's image than the infraction itself. 

This is 100% correct!!

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Thank you. That is relevent information and yes does change my opinion of Mr. Feeley's quote with some reference. That said it still would carry a great deal more weight with me if they spoke up at the time about it instead of waiting 9 yrs to make these kinds of claims. I'm not saying it couldn't have happened but its awful easy to make unsubstatiated claims years and years later with no evidence or way to go back and find out.

Would you have believed Feeley then? Had Feeley said something when he first suspected cheating, Pats fans and others would find some other reason to dismiss his claims (sour grapes, etc.). If memory serves me correctly, I believe Rams players had made similar claims after they lost the Super Bowl to the Pats. No one took them seriously. In addition, despite what the Wells report revealed, many people still dismiss the most recent allegations of cheating, saying the Colts got blown out anyway and cheating did not influence the outcome of the game.

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Would you have believed Feeley then? Had Feeley said something when he first suspected cheating, Pats fans and others would find some other reason to dismiss his claims (sour grapes, etc.). If memory serves me correctly, I believe Rams players had made similar claims after they lost the Super Bowl to the Pats. No one took them seriously. In addition, despite what the Wells report revealed, many people still dismiss the most recent allegations of cheating, saying the Colts got blown out anyway and cheating did not influence the outcome of the game.

They very well may not have been believed but it would have given the quotes some sort of context and reference. Now its just like anything you think they may have done...just throw it at the wall and see if it sticks. In my opinion it was either strong enough to make a claim at the time then or it wasn't. Unless he has some sort of new information relevent to his claim it just seems like he is piling on. I don't know...at this point I'm so done with this whole thing I just want to get back to watching football. It makes my head hurt...the aligations, the report, the appeal, the suspension, the cheating. I don't want to hear sorry excuses why the Pats beat us or any other team. I don't like cheating...but I also don't use it as an excuse why I didn't win whether that was in sports or the business world. I work hard or play harder and use it as motivation to do even better to make myself or my results better to the point where there is no doubt I will get the outcome I desire. I'll let that those in charge sort it all out with the cheating/taking advantage of the rules etc. For now....I'm just ready for week 1! Life isn't fair....gotta overcome the adversity and I am ready to see the Colts do that this year...and then be proud we did it the right way (hopefully)>

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