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AJ Feeley Claims Brady Was Cheating In 2004


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Honestly....I hope it DOES go all the way to a courtroom.


I'd be delighted to see what his team mates and Patriots staff and personnel have to say when their choice is to tell the truth or to lie under oath in a court of law.


In fact.....shouldn't Brady now sue Merriman and Feeley for defamation?


After all.....if he's clean as a whistle on their claims, and they're lying through their teeth and helping destroy his legacy, he should sue them down to their jockstraps, right?


If he drags these two guys....and anyone else who surfaces....into court, that will speak for itself.


If he doesn't....so will that.

Exactly. If Jim McNally & John Jastremsky engage perjury in a court of law, they won't have to worry about keeping jerseys, signed footballs, autographs, et.al as a small price to pay. These guys will have far more to worry about than that.

Big iron steel doors might be the order of the day. Is that worth not telling the truth about a QB that could care less about them?

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Also, everyone is to say that Peyton doesn't do the same thing because there is no evidence of Peyton doing the same thing.

Are you saying Peyton doesn't cheat or are you saying maybe Peyton does cheat but hasn't been caught?

I can usually decipher for myself but you've stumped me.

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ok, but whos to say peyton doesnt do the same thing, but hasnt been caught . seems weird he would bring peyton's name up


If Peyton Manning cheated, he would win a lot more playoff games than he does.


I totally disagree with you. i do not think Manning is a cheater whatsoever. We can all make fun of his playoff losses, but I don't see him as a cheater, no way. 

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"Prior to Tommy and Peyton Manning going to the league and saying, ‘Let us doctor our balls’ we used to all play with the same balls. […] Somehow this beat-up ball from the ball boy was getting thrown in on offense for New England, yet when we were on offense this orange brand new ball was getting thrown in.”



Sounds like he is lumping Peyton in with Brady?


I believe that Brady is not likely the only QB to do this however, He was the one that just happened to get caught.

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If Peyton Manning cheated, he would win a lot more playoff games than he does.


I totally disagree with you. i do not think Manning is a cheater whatsoever. We can all make fun of his playoff losses, but I don't see him as a cheater, no way. 

An under inflated or even over inflated football in no way shape or form will cost a team a win or a loss, Not happening

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An under inflated or even over inflated football in no way shape or form will cost a team a win or a loss, Not happening

teams win or lose based on turnovers every single week of the season. An under inflated ball is certainly easier to hold onto and not fumble. So your claim it couldn't effect an outcome is just not correct

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"Prior to Tommy and Peyton Manning going to the league and saying, ‘Let us doctor our balls’ we used to all play with the same balls. […] Somehow this beat-up ball from the ball boy was getting thrown in on offense for New England, yet when we were on offense this orange brand new ball was getting thrown in.”

Sounds like he is lumping Peyton in with Brady?

I believe that Brady is not likely the only QB to do this however, He was the one that just happened to get caught.

Peyton and Brady petitioned the league to allow the teams to prep their own balls rather than having to play with balls right out of the box

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Peyton and Brady petitioned the league to allow the teams to prep their own balls rather than having to play with balls right out of the box

Right which is why I think more QB's have played with under/overinflated footballs then Brady, He happened to get caught

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teams win or lose based on turnovers every single week of the season. An under inflated ball is certainly easier to hold onto and not fumble. So your claim it couldn't effect an outcome is just not correct

I took this same stance as you regarding the size of a football regarding another topic, Which makes more sense. Depends on the players hand size and his ability to keep the ball close to his body, I also think a regulation sized football is to big but I am a short dude who don't have big hands

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Right which is why I think more QB's have played with under/overinflated footballs then Brady, He happened to get caught

that is an opinion based on no facts or evidence. There is evidence against Brady and the patriots. If it were a widely used tactic former qbs would be voicing that in the media.

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that is an opinion based on no facts or evidence. There is evidence against Brady and the patriots. If it were a widely used tactic former qbs would be voicing that in the media.

 "If it were a widely used tactic former qbs would be voicing that in the media."



That's also an opinion.I also stated......I think more QB's have played with under/overinflated footballs then Brady, He happened to get caught.......Meaning an opinion

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An under inflated or even over inflated football in no way shape or form will cost a team a win or a loss, Not happening

Yes. There are pros and cons to both. Aaron Rodgers said this during the GB/Pats game. He said half the QBs in the league like the ball overinflated while the rest like underinflated. With an overinflated ball you get more velocity and distance on the throws with underinflated you get a better grip.

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The sorriest part of all the Pats cheating stuff is we are going to have to listen to this subject from when the punishment came out all of this year and it just may never stop. I am sick of it already.   

I agree.  It's really pathetic on so many levels.

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The sorriest part of all the Pats cheating stuff is we are going to have to listen to this subject from when the punishment came out all of this year and it just may never stop. I am sick of it already.   

Simple solution is to just change the channel, I turn it on the NFL Network channel or ESPN just long enough to keep up but after that I watch things like the wildlife channel or national geographic, much more interesting and beats listening to ESPN or NFL Network go on and on any day, They only talk about it because those that complain about will still watch it, Don't watch it if you get sick of it, I dont

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Simple solution is to just change the channel, I turn it on the NFL Network channel or ESPN just long enough to keep up but after that I watch things like the wildlife channel or national geographic, much more interesting and beats listening to ESPN or NFL Network go on and on any day, They only talk about it because those that complain about will still watch it, Don't watch it if you get sick of it, I dont

The problem Gavin, is that it is also on local channels, on National Evening News,  most newspapers, all over the internet, and the list goes on.  


It is right now one of the biggest stories being reported on, even though it is not the most important thing going on in the Country or the world. 

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The problem Gavin, is that it is also on local channels, on National Evening News,  most newspapers, all over the internet, and the list goes on.  


It is right now one of the biggest stories being reported on, even though it is not the most important thing going on in the Country or the world. 

I don't get the newspaper here and I watch channels like Animal Planet, Nat Geo Wild, Smithsonian Channel along with a few other select shows, None of which are football or news related, Really I only listen to or hear or read about deflate gate when I come on here or I turn it on NFL Network but real NFL news is slow this time of year pretty much right up to OTA's or really TC. Even then really the only news that comes out of those worth anything is injury related or somebody not showing up for TC

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Are you saying Peyton doesn't cheat or are you saying maybe Peyton does cheat but hasn't been caught?

I can usually decipher for myself but you've stumped me.

I am saying that since there is currently zero evidence that Peyton cheats, then there is no reason to suggest otherwise. I can't definitively say that Peyton doesn't cheat, but I can certainly say that I don't think he cheats since he's given us no reason to think otherwise. 

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You may very well be right, and Feeley's comments may be disingenuous, at best. Unfortunately, as I said in the main Wells report thread, something about this whole mess has me feeling like we are seeing the tip of an enormous iceberg, and that the Pats have been finding all kinds of ways to edge past rules wherever they think they can. It's just a feeling, but it kinda creeps me out.

Yep...or this could be a really overblown situation that could have been cleared up by Brady showing his texts etc if they said. "Guys....I want my balls at 12.5!!!! Get it right!! No more 16!! I don't want excuses!!! Do your job and I'll do mine winning SBs!! If he had those type of texts etc he could clear his name as he maybe wasn't telling them to break in and steal the balls but rather get them right before the game...and maybe they decided to go on their own and do it after the officials. Fact is Brady lied about not knowing them etc or anything about the situation...then we get the texts that look really really bad. There could be an iceberg for sure...or there could be just a case of someone throwing some ice cubes overboard. IMO this is more likely a case of where you put a soda in the freezer...you know its a bad idea but your intention was to get the soda cold faster...then you forget and it blows up and you got a mess. Thats how it looks to me...something fairly harmless but still not a good idea to do...and its blowing up in their face. If they just owned up and cleaned up their mess right away this wouldn't even be an issue imo.

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Simple solution is to just change the channel, I turn it on the NFL Network channel or ESPN just long enough to keep up but after that I watch things like the wildlife channel or national geographic, much more interesting and beats listening to ESPN or NFL Network go on and on any day, They only talk about it because those that complain about will still watch it, Don't watch it if you get sick of it, I dont

Indeed....I do post on here so I read about it...but football is like such a minor part of my everyday life....not a big deal. I do say though that I hope it doesn't take over the whole forum. So far its been pretty good being just limited to a couple threads and hopefully it won't creep up into others as the season goes along.

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Don't be fooled folks...this is a PRO-Brady propaganda article. It says nothing. Notice the tricky writing.

It equates "doctoring" with cheating. Feely does not say Brady cheated..he said he doctored.

It says that all QBs are allowed to doctor balls. So when it equates doctoring with cheating, it leads the reader into thinking that all QBs cheat.

Journalists and other professional propagandists are experts at leading the reader into conclusions he/she thinks are objective.

And look at the discussions here on the thread that follows....eluding to the idea that all QBs cheat.

NO...the NFL allows QBs to doctor balls...WITHIN PREDETERMINED PARAMETERS.

Doctoring balls to conditions OUTSIDE OF THS PARAMETERS is cheating. Brady is the ONLY QB to have gone outside of the parameters.

So, Brady is the ONLY QB who has cheated.

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You may very well be right, and Feeley's comments may be disingenuous, at best. Unfortunately, as I said in the main Wells report thread, something about this whole mess has me feeling like we are seeing the tip of an enormous iceberg, and that the Pats have been finding all kinds of ways to edge past rules wherever they think they can. It's just a feeling, but it kinda creeps me out.

Rick Venturi and Ross Tucker who coached/played for Belichick said there is a culture of skirting the rules with the guy. But hey, it's all jealousy lol

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I think if this would have been the Dallas Cowboys it would be the only thing on my satellite despite 100 channels!!

If this were the Dallas Cowboys the NFL wouldn't have done anything about it and just said the past 10 years of mediocrity is your punishment.  

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For the love of Pete, I wish people would stop trying to marginalize cheating behavior based on others doing it. Many, many kids have stole something in their life...a piece of candy, a candy bar...whatever. But if you get caught in a grocery store stealing a candy bar, saying that everyone else does it is trying to marginalize a behavior that has consequences for a reason. 


Fact 1 - Air pressure is monitored to help keep an even advantage for both teams. The competition committee does not add a rule on a whim and carefully considers each addition. It is more than "no big deal"


Fact 2 - Tom Shady was found "more probable than not" that he was involved in the illegal removal of air in footballs to be used in a game, and it appears this was not the first time. The use of the language "more probable than not" is the NFL's threshold for being responsible and liable for punishment regarding the rules. Tom crossed that threshold. 


Fact 3 - If it did not give Tom any advantage in winning football games, there is no way on this green earth that he would have communicated with his equip guy to have this done in a short window before a game, violating a role that the team knows about....just like his statement after they used odd formations to beat the Ravens and then stated that teams should know the rules. 


Fact 4 - We were beat in that game fair and square, and his violation was not needed to accomplish that. But the outcome was not known beforehand, and this behavior still occurred. 


Opinion - The stance taken by the owner, the lie stated by Shady, and the embarrassing tirade by his agent towards the league...are far more damaging to the NFL's image than the infraction itself. 

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I am saying that since there is currently zero evidence that Peyton cheats, then there is no reason to suggest otherwise. I can't definitively say that Peyton doesn't cheat, but I can certainly say that I don't think he cheats since he's given us no reason to think otherwise.

Maybe Peyton should be banned from studying game tape because it's almost criminal how he dissects and undresses defenses.

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If Peyton Manning cheated, he would win a lot more playoff games than he does.


I totally disagree with you. i do not think Manning is a cheater whatsoever. We can all make fun of his playoff losses, but I don't see him as a cheater, no way. 



peyton manning lost alot of games because his teams lost.

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Maybe Peyton should be banned from studying game tape because it's almost criminal how he dissects and undresses defenses.


in the regular season.   but legends are made in the playoffs.  i have a lot of respect for peyton, but at the end of the day, you gotta do it in the playoffs.    2nd greatest QB of all time. 

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Inappropriate remarks
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Inappropriate remarks

i guess if I'm AJ feeley, i have a reason to hate brady.  i mean just think about it.  i'm AJ feeley.  that dude is tom brady.   bring me a shot gun

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Posted · Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Respnse to hidden post
Hidden by ColtsBlueFL, May 16, 2015 - Respnse to hidden post

in the regular season.   but legends are made in the playoffs.  i have a lot of respect for peyton, but at the end of the day, you gotta do it in the playoffs.    2nd greatest QB of all time. 

Classic Pats fan response. We already have a professional Pats fan doing this here. Your efforts unfortunately are ineffectual.

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I'm not going to argue about Brady's guilt in the Wells report...but saying he has cheated his whole career essentially etc...without evdience that seems really bad to say. I also don't expect someone to have to go around suing everyone all the time....that doesn't say anything to me. I wouldn't go around suing people just because they lied about me...and I have my integrity...but I don't do that and don't expect Brady to do that either. I'm not trying to say I don't believe Brady is innocent of everything...but I also don't just assume he is guilty of EVERY accusation without some evidence.


Not that it applies to this case on appeal now, A.J. Feely complains His memory of violation happened in 2004, yes?  Well, it just so happens that in the current Wells report for deflategate is a reference to McNally substituting illegal practice balls into the Jets game on October 24, 2004.  Here's the clips from the report-


"McNally‟s responsibilities with the Patriots previously came under review by the NFL in connection with an incident involving game balls in 2004. According to a letter dated November 2, 2004, from then-NFL Director of Game Operations Peter Hadhazy and a memorandum dated October 25, 2004, from Richard Farley, the NFL Security Representative assigned to New England, that incident involved Patriots ball boys relaying supposed “approved” game balls that actually were non-approved practice balls to a game official during an October 24, 2004 regular season game.

In an obvious reference to McNally, the Farley memorandum and the Hadhazy letter describe “Jim McNulty” as the individual “in charge of game day footballs” for the Patriots. In relevant part, the Farley memorandum states:

James McNulty [sic], who is in charge of game day footballs and oversees ball boys for the Patriots, was interviewed concerning instant matter. Mr McNulty advised that he had no idea how Patriot‟s practice balls could have gotten into the hands of the game day sideline ball boys and or how they could have been handed to the referee by a ball boy for insertion into the game. He did note that there are approximately a dozen practice balls on the sideline at any given time during the game and it is probable that one of the ball boys accidentally picked up the practice balls during the game. He also noted that it was raining during the entire second half and “we were trying to keep a dry ball in the game at all times.” He concluded that during that process, practice ball could have accidentally found their way to the ball boy, and subsequently the paying [sic] field. The then-Equipment Manager of the Patriots described the incident as “just an honest mistake.” The Hadhazy letter stated, however, that “the Patriots have not provided a reasonable explanation for this incident,” and warned that disciplinary action against the Patriots could result if a similar incident occurred in the future because it could be interpreted as a competitive violation."


The NFL found McNally and the Pats were illegally substituting practice balls into the Jets Game 10/24/2004.  It's not a stretch to believe that he didn't also do it against the Dolphins two weeks earlier, IMO


I know one thing, no organization takes gamesmanship and competitive violation advantages to as consistently as high a level as the New England Patriots.


Yes, I am re-reading the Wells report and finding new things I missed first time through.


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The QBs grip on the football absolutely matters (accurate throwing and less interceptions).  The RBs grip on the ball matters (prevent fumbles).  The WR grip on the ball matters (not dropping the ball).  A RB fumbles and he sits.  A WR uses Stickum because he isn't taking any chances on dropping a ball in a big game.  And last but not least, a QB touches the ball more than anyone.  In bad weather, QBs use gloves for gripping, methods to keep hands warm, etc.....How can anyone say that it is not important that a QBs grip on the ball isn't important.  Football is mostly played outside in cold weather, except for the Super Bowl.  A QB with smaller hands (Brady as mentioned by almost everyone) would surely go to great lengths to make sure he gets a good grip on the ball.  Apparently, he has been doing it since he came into the league.  Brady knew that this could be his last shot at a Super Bowl, because of his age, and he made sure that those footballs were perfect for him even if it meant "doctoring" with them after the refs okayed them.  AFter all, this is a team who's coach has proven he is willing to do the same kind of stuff to ensure success.  Anyone who says the air pressure doesn't matter, go grab a football next time it's cold and rainy outside and toss the ball with a friend.  That ball will slide right out of your hand.   Take some air out of it and it doesn't go as far, but you can definitely get a better grip on it.  The only reason Aaron Rodgers likes it over inflated, is because of his large hands which would negate the effects.  Brady, by all accounts, doesn't have large hands and he plays in a cold weather situation. 

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Not that it applies to this case on appeal now, A.J. Feely complains His memory of violation happened in 2004, yes?  Well, it just so happens that in the current Wells report for deflategate is a reference to McNally substituting illegal practice balls into the Jets game on October 24, 2004.  Here's the clips from the report-


"McNally‟s responsibilities with the Patriots previously came under review by the NFL in connection with an incident involving game balls in 2004. According to a letter dated November 2, 2004, from then-NFL Director of Game Operations Peter Hadhazy and a memorandum dated October 25, 2004, from Richard Farley, the NFL Security Representative assigned to New England, that incident involved Patriots ball boys relaying supposed “approved” game balls that actually were non-approved practice balls to a game official during an October 24, 2004 regular season game.

In an obvious reference to McNally, the Farley memorandum and the Hadhazy letter describe “Jim McNulty” as the individual “in charge of game day footballs” for the Patriots. In relevant part, the Farley memorandum states:

James McNulty [sic], who is in charge of game day footballs and oversees ball boys for the Patriots, was interviewed concerning instant matter. Mr McNulty advised that he had no idea how Patriot‟s practice balls could have gotten into the hands of the game day sideline ball boys and or how they could have been handed to the referee by a ball boy for insertion into the game. He did note that there are approximately a dozen practice balls on the sideline at any given time during the game and it is probable that one of the ball boys accidentally picked up the practice balls during the game. He also noted that it was raining during the entire second half and “we were trying to keep a dry ball in the game at all times.” He concluded that during that process, practice ball could have accidentally found their way to the ball boy, and subsequently the paying [sic] field. The then-Equipment Manager of the Patriots described the incident as “just an honest mistake.” The Hadhazy letter stated, however, that “the Patriots have not provided a reasonable explanation for this incident,” and warned that disciplinary action against the Patriots could result if a similar incident occurred in the future because it could be interpreted as a competitive violation."


The NFL found McNally and the Pats were illegally substituting practice balls into the Jets Game 10/24/2004.  It's not a stretch to believe that he didn't also do it against the Dolphins two weeks earlier, IMO


I know one thing, no organization takes gamesmanship and competitive violation advantages to as consistently as high a level as the New England Patriots.


Yes, I am re-reading the Wells report and finding new things I missed first time through.


Thank you. That is relevent information and yes does change my opinion of Mr. Feeley's quote with some reference. That said it still would carry a great deal more weight with me if they spoke up at the time about it instead of waiting 9 yrs to make these kinds of claims. I'm not saying it couldn't have happened but its awful easy to make unsubstatiated claims years and years later with no evidence or way to go back and find out.

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Thank you. That is relevent information and yes does change my opinion of Mr. Feeley's quote with some reference. That said it still would carry a great deal more weight with me if they spoke up at the time about it instead of waiting 9 yrs to make these kinds of claims. I'm not saying it couldn't have happened but its awful easy to make unsubstatiated claims years and years later with no evidence or way to go back and find out.


Yes, good points. However, maybe Feeley and such are saying "Folks, it's more than just deflategate going on" and they got away with it before, don't let it happen again.

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