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AJ Feeley Claims Brady Was Cheating In 2004


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That was the worst claim I've ever heard. Guy wasn't even playing and didn't provide anything as proof whatsoever. Old game footage something....this piling on is just insane. I get that Brady broke the rules but some of this I heard one time Brady didn't wash his hands after leaving the restroom stuff and stuff like this....just pathetic. That article isn't even worthy of posting.

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This is going to happen more and more

The only thing I think will be interesting is if one of these attendants comes out and tells all.....otherwise I don't really care from hearing from anyone else about subjective speculation etc. Just some truth and candor would be refreshing.

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That was the worst claim I've ever heard. Guy wasn't even playing and didn't provide anything as proof whatsoever. Old game footage something....this piling on is just insane. I get that Brady broke the rules but some of this I heard one time Brady didn't wash his hands after leaving the restroom stuff and stuff like this....just pathetic. That article isn't even worthy of posting.

Maybe...maybe not.


Don't pretend you know....because you don't.

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The only thing I think will be interesting is if one of these attendants comes out and tells all.....otherwise I don't really care from hearing from anyone else about subjective speculation etc. Just some truth and candor would be refreshing.

Ex Players are good witnesses
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Maybe...maybe not.


Don't pretend you know....because you don't.

No...but lets not go passing around everything on the internet without putting it through the nonsense meter. Come on...if a player posted the same claim about another qb with that little proof....just making a claim 9 years ago it looked like Bradys ball wasn't as "shiney" as our ball with no evidence or anything to back up their claim...it shouldn't and wouldn't get posted on here....say someone said this about Luck...it wouldn't pass the mustard sorry...just because its someone most people don't like...there is a burden of proof I expect from a claim....and this doesn't even come CLOSE to passing it.

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No...but lets not go passing around everything on the internet without putting it through the nonsense meter. Come on...if a player posted the same claim about another qb with that little proof....just making a claim 9 years ago it looked like Bradys ball wasn't as "shiney" as our ball with no evidence or anything to back up their claim...it shouldn't and wouldn't get posted on here....say someone said this about Luck...it wouldn't pass the mustard sorry...just because its someone most people don't like...there is a burden of proof I expect from a claim....and this doesn't even come CLOSE to passing it.

These kind of claims have been made by several players

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he also said peyton does the same thing unless I misread what he said 

He didn't say that Manning did the same thing. He said that Manning and Brady lobbied the league to use their own balls. I think it was also mentioned somewhere that Brady and Manning were lobbying to allow scuffing the balls. 

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Ex Players are good witnesses

Ehhh....honestly I don't consider Feeley any better than anyone else. Why 9 yrs later? Maybe a guy on Brady's team saying this maybe...but this just doesn't have much supporting evidence to make such a claim. I take it worth a grain of salt.

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he also said peyton does the same thing unless I misread what he said 

His quote....


“Prior to Tommy and Peyton Manning going to the league and saying, ‘Let us doctor our balls’ we used to all play with the same balls. […] Somehow this beat-up ball from the ball boy was getting thrown in on offense for New England, yet when we were on offense this orange brand new ball was getting thrown in.”


No...but lets not go passing around everything on the internet without putting it through the nonsense meter. Come on...if a player posted the same claim about another qb with that little proof....just making a claim 9 years ago it looked like Bradys ball wasn't as "shiney" as our ball with no evidence or anything to back up their claim...it shouldn't and wouldn't get posted on here....say someone said this about Luck...it wouldn't pass the mustard sorry...just because its someone most people don't like...there is a burden of proof I expect from a claim....and this doesn't even come CLOSE to passing it.

The latter part of his comment above addresses what Feeley claims he saw.


And keep in mind....this is a former NFL player arguably putting himself at legal risk.


Sorry....Tom Brady and the Patriots organization have lost the benefit of the doubt.

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He didn't say that Manning did the same thing. He said that Manning and Brady lobbied the league to use their own balls. I think it was also mentioned somewhere that Brady and Manning were lobbying to allow scuffing the balls. 


ok, but whos to say peyton doesnt do the same thing, but hasnt been caught . seems weird he would bring peyton's name up

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Ehhh....honestly I don't consider Feeley any better than anyone else. Why 9 yrs later? Maybe a guy on Brady's team saying this maybe...but this just doesn't have much supporting evidence to make such a claim. I take it worth a grain of salt.

Feeley and Merriman are going to be the first of many
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Feeley and Merriman are going to be the first of many

Ok...two guys that couldn't beat the Pats...and one is a steroid abuser. Great witness on that one. No offense. I'd take a game day worker or sideline worker's word if they had something to back it up.....but just saying their ball look doctored etc....that isn't going to cut it. The Wells report...that cuts it for me...but if you had knowledge or thought this before....come out and say something...but 10 yrs later with no evidence....sorry that isn't enough for me....I don't care if it was the Pope. Maybe they thought something was up...maybe it was...but show me some evidence. Just going off your word and your opinion because of something you saw or even "thought you saw" or perceived...well sorry that won't work for me. I've got enough evidence from Wells report and the attendants etc to know he was guilty...but I don't need all these day late dollar short quotes from jilted ex players.



If that is all it takes it will only be a matter of time before Manning and others get dragged into this. I don't think this Well's report justifies piling on with WHATEVER claim you want to make. They need to have some evidence to substantiate the claim or leave it alone imo.

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Ok...two guys that couldn't beat the Pats...and one is a steroid abuser. Great witness on that one. No offense. I'd take a game day worker or sideline worker's word if they had something to back it up.....but just saying their ball look doctored etc....that isn't going to cut it. The Wells report...that cuts it for me...but if you had knowledge or thought this before....come out and say something...but 10 yrs later with no evidence....sorry that isn't enough for me....I don't care if it was the Pope. Maybe they thought something was up...maybe it was...but show me some evidence. Just going off your word and your opinion because of something you saw or even "thought you saw" or perceived...well sorry that won't work for me. I've got enough evidence from Wells report and the attendants etc to know he was guilty...but I don't need all these day late dollar short quotes from jilted ex players.

Honestly....I hope it DOES go all the way to a courtroom.


I'd be delighted to see what his team mates and Patriots staff and personnel have to say when their choice is to tell the truth or to lie under oath in a court of law.


In fact.....shouldn't Brady now sue Merriman and Feeley for defamation?


After all.....if he's clean as a whistle on their claims, and they're lying through their teeth and helping destroy his legacy, he should sue them down to their jockstraps, right?


If he drags these two guys....and anyone else who surfaces....into court, that will speak for itself.


If he doesn't....so will that.

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Honestly....I hope it DOES go all the way to a courtroom.


I'd be delighted to see what his team mates and Patriots staff and personnel have to say when their choice is to tell the truth or to lie under oath in a court of law.


In fact.....shouldn't Brady now sue Merriman and Feeley for defamation?


After all.....if he's clean as a whistle on their claims, and they're lying through their teeth and helping destroy his legacy, he should sue them down to their jockstraps, right?


If he drags these two guys....and anyone else who surfaces....into court, that will speak for itself.


If he doesn't....so will that.

I'm not going to argue about Brady's guilt in the Wells report...but saying he has cheated his whole career essentially etc...without evdience that seems really bad to say. I also don't expect someone to have to go around suing everyone all the time....that doesn't say anything to me. I wouldn't go around suing people just because they lied about me...and I have my integrity...but I don't do that and don't expect Brady to do that either. I'm not trying to say I don't believe Brady is innocent of everything...but I also don't just assume he is guilty of EVERY accusation without some evidence.

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Ehhh....honestly I don't consider Feeley any better than anyone else. Why 9 yrs later? Maybe a guy on Brady's team saying this maybe...but this just doesn't have much supporting evidence to make such a claim. I take it worth a grain of salt.

Just addressing the portion in bold as I heard this line of reasoning elsewhere today.


Obviously, it's come up now because of deflategate. To begin with, deflated footballs are not much of a story. Neither are roughed up footballs. But adding the roughed up footballs to the context of deflategate and Brady's involvement gives enough reason to bring this story out now. It just adds color to the picture that Brady and the Patriots will do little things to gain a competitive advantage.

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Ok...two guys that couldn't beat the Pats...and one is a steroid abuser. Great witness on that one. No offense. I'd take a game day worker or sideline worker's word if they had something to back it up.....but just saying their ball look doctored etc....that isn't going to cut it. The Wells report...that cuts it for me...but if you had knowledge or thought this before....come out and say something...but 10 yrs later with no evidence....sorry that isn't enough for me....I don't care if it was the Pope. Maybe they thought something was up...maybe it was...but show me some evidence. Just going off your word and your opinion because of something you saw or even "thought you saw" or perceived...well sorry that won't work for me. I've got enough evidence from Wells report and the attendants etc to know he was guilty...but I don't need all these day late dollar short quotes from jilted ex players.



If that is all it takes it will only be a matter of time before Manning and others get dragged into this. I don't think this Well's report justifies piling on with WHATEVER claim you want to make. They need to have some evidence to substantiate the claim or leave it alone imo.

You are not going to get active NFL employees/players or hard evidence because of contract clauses and/or fear of being blackballed
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Honestly....I hope it DOES go all the way to a courtroom.


I'd be delighted to see what his team mates and Patriots staff and personnel have to say when their choice is to tell the truth or to lie under oath in a court of law.


In fact.....shouldn't Brady now sue Merriman and Feeley for defamation?


After all.....if he's clean as a whistle on their claims, and they're lying through their teeth and helping destroy his legacy, he should sue them down to their jockstraps, right?


If he drags these two guys....and anyone else who surfaces....into court, that will speak for itself.


If he doesn't....so will that.

That's the 1 thing that peaked my interest too PAC56. A lawsuit may give Tom Brady & Robert Kraft the opportunity to question the findings of the Wells Report that's true, but #12 would definitely compelled to turn over his text messages then in federal court. Are you sure you want that Tommy? Be careful what you wish for. You might just open a whole new can of worms that you might not want op

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Honestly....I hope it DOES go all the way to a courtroom.


I'd be delighted to see what his team mates and Patriots staff and personnel have to say when their choice is to tell the truth or to lie under oath in a court of law.


In fact.....shouldn't Brady now sue Merriman and Feeley for defamation?


After all.....if he's clean as a whistle on their claims, and they're lying through their teeth and helping destroy his legacy, he should sue them down to their jockstraps, right?


If he drags these two guys....and anyone else who surfaces....into court, that will speak for itself.


If he doesn't....so will that.

That's the 1 thing that peaked my interest too PAC56. A lawsuit may give Tom Brady & Robert Kraft the opportunity to question the findings of the Wells Report that's true, but #12 would definitely compelled to turn over his text messages then in federal court. Are you sure you want that Tommy? Be careful what you wish for. You might just open a whole new can of worms that you might not want open to public scrutiny on discovery Brady. I'm just saying. 


Also, the judge is going to ask you point blank why you didn't take up Ted Wells on his original offer to turn over your text messages to your attorney & when a judge asks you that you can't duck & dodge that question in a courtroom either Tom. They expect an answer & they will get one too. Don't irritate a federal judge man. They can make your life a living hades if you antagonize them. Trust me. 

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You are not going to get active NFL employees/players or hard evidence because of contract clauses and/or fear of being blackballed

whatever the case. Everyone is free to believe what they want....but unless I have at least an ounce of evidence or proof I'm going to just have to say this remark or claim just doesn't carry much weight. I can choose to believe Brady was involved in the patriot equipment guys altering footballs this past season but that doesn't mean I have to believe every story some upset former player tosses out there. This one I'm saying no...I don't believe. If I choose to accept such types of claims in this instance I would have to accept any similar type claim about other players without substantiated facts...be it manning or luck or Rodgers or anyone. I'm not ready to give credence to every players claim that the patriots upset without some shred of evidence. To each their own...but this on just sounds a little opportunistic to me.
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The only thing I think will be interesting is if one of these attendants comes out and tells all.....otherwise I don't really care from hearing from anyone else about subjective speculation etc. Just some truth and candor would be refreshing.

I agree.  I expect there will be many more stories surfacing,  that is usually how things go.  Once someone speaks up others seem to come out of the woodwork.  Take the Bill Cosby scandal..   


And yes,  wouldn't some truth and candor be refreshing?  I expect before it's all said and done, we will hear stories from one or both of the attendants.  

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I agree.  I expect there will be many more stories surfacing,  that is usually how things go.  Once someone speaks up others seem to come out of the woodwork.  Take the Bill Cosby scandal..   


And yes,  wouldn't some truth and candor be refreshing?  I expect before it's all said and done, we will hear stories from one or both of the attendants.  


I am sure one of the big networks would give them more than just sneakers and jerseys.  :D

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You are not going to get active NFL employees/players or hard evidence because of contract clauses and/or fear of being blackballed

While I will admit AJ Feeley has never impressed me as a QB & I therefore don't put much stock in his doctoring claims in reference to Brady, PT does make an excellent point about contract language pertaining to being sued or forbidden from working in the NFL again if you air "dirty laundry" of a franchise even if the information you reveal is 100% accurate on it's merits. 


Sorry about my post entry on #24. I have no idea what glitch transpired there. Anyway, that's the best explanation I've seen for why certain alleged accusations are not current ones from former players. 

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whatever the case. Everyone is free to believe what they want....but unless I have at least an ounce of evidence or proof I'm going to just have to say this remark or claim just doesn't carry much weight. I can choose to believe Brady was involved in the patriot equipment guys altering footballs this past season but that doesn't mean I have to believe every story some upset former player tosses out there. This one I'm saying no...I don't believe. If I choose to accept such types of claims in this instance I would have to accept any similar type claim about other players without substantiated facts...be it manning or luck or Rodgers or anyone. I'm not ready to give credence to every players claim that the patriots upset without some shred of evidence. To each their own...but this on just sounds a little opportunistic to me.

You may very well be right, and Feeley's comments may be disingenuous, at best. Unfortunately, as I said in the main Wells report thread, something about this whole mess has me feeling like we are seeing the tip of an enormous iceberg, and that the Pats have been finding all kinds of ways to edge past rules wherever they think they can. It's just a feeling, but it kinda creeps me out.
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You may very well be right, and Feeley's comments may be disingenuous, at best. Unfortunately, as I said in the main Wells report thread, something about this whole mess has me feeling like we are seeing the tip of an enormous iceberg, and that the Pats have been finding all kinds of ways to edge past rules wherever they think they can. It's just a feeling, but it kinda creeps me out.

To the bolded.....  I agree.

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I agree.  I expect there will be many more stories surfacing,  that is usually how things go.  Once someone speaks up others seem to come out of the woodwork.  Take the Bill Cosby scandal..   


And yes,  wouldn't some truth and candor be refreshing?  I expect before it's all said and done, we will hear stories from one or both of the attendants.  

Exactly Gramz, how hard is it to step in front of a microphone & just tell the truth? Even if Brady lied, if you take responsibility for your role in something, people tend to forgive & move on. Notice I said forgive not forget. That's a significant distinction in my estimation. Brady's silence is deafening speaking volumes to me.  


As each day passes saying nothing, Brady is sealing his own fate in a tomb of his own making...He lied about his awareness of preferred psi air pressure manipulation & the longer he remains silent the more he seals his own destiny forever. 

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  I expect before it's all said and done, we will hear stories from one or both of the attendants.  

Oh great, I can envision the headline now: "The Urinal Cake Diaries: A Figment Of Mr. McNally's Imagination or Not?" Sorry, my bad. :P  Just what were you doing in the john Jim? 


Okay, Okay. I'll stop before I get myself in trouble. My apologies to anyone I offended with my joke. 

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Exactly Gramz, how hard is it to step in front of a microphone & just tell the truth? Even if Brady lied, if you take responsibility for your role in something, people tend to forgive & move on. Notice I said forgive not forget. That's a significant distinction in my estimation. Brady's silence is deafening speaking volumes to me.  


As each day passes saying nothing, Brady is sealing his own fate in a tomb of his own making...He lied about his awareness of preferred psi air pressure manipulation & the longer he remains silent the more he seals his own destiny forever. 

SW1...that's why I'd love to see Don Yee, Brady's agent (and a lawyer) back up all his bluster by taking it to court if the full measure of punishment stands.


But my hunch is that the prospect of everyone in Patriotland from Robert Kraft down to the guy who cleans the :censored: -house at Gillette Stadium possibly being called to testify under oath is a road Tom Brady doesn't wanna go down.

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Ehhh....honestly I don't consider Feeley any better than anyone else. Why 9 yrs later? Maybe a guy on Brady's team saying this maybe...but this just doesn't have much supporting evidence to make such a claim. I take it worth a grain of salt.

Just because your opinion of this is low does not mean Feeley's comment is automatically wrong. He is just entitled to his opinion as much as anyone else. He was a QB and more than likely knows more than you want to give him credit for.

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ok, but whos to say peyton doesnt do the same thing, but hasnt been caught . seems weird he would bring peyton's name up

He brought up Peyton's name because they are the two most powerful players in the game and they were both lobbying for ball control...which presumably led to this whole mess.


Also, everyone is to say that Peyton doesn't do the same thing because there is no evidence of Peyton doing the same thing.

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