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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Thanks for this. Will put it right into the trash bin next between Kraft's statement and Papa Brady's statement.

I found my new Etsy store product. I'm going to print Yee's comments on toilet paper.

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I agree but to your last sentence, where is it that Brady exactly lied? The report does not prove that he ordered any type of deflation below 12.5. The text messages were from the NY game where the balls were inflated by the refs to 16 psi and it was after that game that Brady told his ball boys to make sure the refs don't inflate past 12.5. I don't see anywhere in the report where Brady lied even if you believe the balls were tampered with in the Colts game.


1 example


Q: Are you comfortable that nobody on the Patriots side did anything wrong?

TB: I have no knowledge of anything. I have no knowledge of any wrongdoing –

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1 example


Q: Are you comfortable that nobody on the Patriots side did anything wrong?

TB: I have no knowledge of anything. I have no knowledge of any wrongdoing –

How is that a lie? The report does not prove otherwise. No where does it say he ordered anyone to deflate below 12.5. Just to ensure the balls were not at above it at 16 psi.

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Thanks for this. Will put it right into the trash bin next between Kraft's statement and Papa Brady's statement.


Someone should ask his agent who he thinks was going to have to foot the bill for Wells? The Patriots? The fans of both the Patriots or other teams? or the NFL....

I'll use it to wipe my butt with, bout all its worth.  Busted is Busted

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Just sharing ... lots out there debunking this report ... read Peter King ...

The same Peter King who throws Goodell softball questions every time he has to have a damage control presser? Question: Do you honestly believe there is no wrongdoing?

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Overall, I find this all rather amusing. A bit like Gramz and a few others. They'll get punished, and will have to live with the consequences for some considerable time.

I'm also a little embarrassed by the heat the Pats fans on here are taking. They are mostly uncomfortable with what has happened, but tend to support their team nonetheless. Pour your scorn on the team, not the posters.

It's getting just a little too edgy for my liking.

Brady? Give him a hefty suspension and I will be more than happy.



Theres a difference between saying you still support your team and trying to find excuses to excuse blantant cheating and paying people off.  The latter is what I've seen NE fans doing for the most part

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Fan of racing, period.  I loved day 1 qualifications in Indy as much as any race, too, especially the older format.  Probably have been to 20 or so of them, off and on since I was 12 y/o.  Good for Jr!  deserves some W's here and there.  But his dad was legend to me, along with the King (Richard Petty),David Pearson, Cale Yarborough, Buddy Baker, Bobby Allison, and Darrell Waltrip.   I like the newer NASCAR drivers, but no standout fav.


And also rans never get scrutinized like the front running leaders, even committing the same infraction.  Fact of life.

All _Great_ drivers! Yeah, kinda the same way ... Except for Jr. That's great you've gone to 20 races or so. Only been to 2 myself. But man, did I love it. Been a gear-head all my life. Grew up in the muscle car era 1955-72.

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Just sharing ... lots out there debunking this report ... read Peter King ...



And there's tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists who try to debunk the Warren report or the 9/11 report.....still doesn't make them right

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How is that a lie? The report does not prove otherwise. No where does it say he ordered anyone to deflate below 12.5. Just to ensure the balls were not at above it at 16 psi.



Just sharing ... lots out there debunking this report ... read Peter King ...


C'mon.....you are better than this. 







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The same Peter King who throws Goodell softball questions every time he has to have a damage control presser? Question: Do you honestly believe there is no wrongdoing?

If you want to shoot down everyone that does fit your narrative, go right ahead.


No, I think there was wrong doing but it is hard to pin point anything based on the report itself. The balls were not gauged before the game so we have no way of knowing what their psi was. The Colts balls also were below limit too - 4 of them. The science part was not discounted but deemed inconclusive while Wells admitted that it was hard to be certain about science given NFL footballs have never been gauged before at half time. Then you have the text messages which were clearly about the NY game when the balls were inflated to 16 psi which is also illegal and no one has mentioned so just how well is this rule about ball pressure even followed by the refs?  My point is I think this report is unbelievably inconclusive and based largely on conjecture and assumption and written in a way to justify the investigation.

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Overall, I find this all rather amusing. A bit like Gramz and a few others. They'll get punished, and will have to live with the consequences for some considerable time.

I'm also a little embarrassed by the heat the Pats fans on here are taking. They are mostly uncomfortable with what has happened, but tend to support their team nonetheless. Pour your scorn on the team, not the posters.

It's getting just a little too edgy for my liking.

Brady? Give him a hefty suspension and I will be more than happy.

We've seen a few Patriots fans add lengthy statements about how they are disappointed by Brady. What we are mainly getting are head in the sand low IQ explanations and excuses that there is no proof of any wrongdoing. In our forum.

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That's fine...what I'm saying is that there is a lot that you guys can actually reference and respond to without having to make up some nonsense that we defend murderers. It's just so disingenuous and doesnt do much for your credibility.


I feel your pain buddy .


However many Patriot fans over the years have spewed lots of garbage especially directed towards Peyton Manning Patriot fans and there love of the team of the decade there words not mine .


Have created this mud fight in the future maybe humility should be a word that Patriot fans learn .


Respect is a 2 way street ..

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I get what Patriots fans are wanting to say here. The report didn't flat out say Brady/the ball boys/aliens did it but it essentially went like this:


Let's say you are trying to prove there is a fire in a room. Ted Wells is giving you the following hints that there might be one by saying the following:


-There is a strong amount of heat coming from this room.

-There is the sound of crackling wood coming from this room.

-There is smoke coming from under the door of this room.


Now, a Patriots fans would try and tell you that there is no proof that there is an actual fire in that room but everyone else will tell you what's really in that room.

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I agree but to your last sentence, where is it that Brady exactly lied? The report does not prove that he ordered any type of deflation below 12.5. The text messages were from the NY game where the balls were inflated by the refs to 16 psi and it was after that game that Brady told his ball boys to make sure the refs don't inflate past 12.5. I don't see anywhere in the report where Brady lied even if you believe the balls were tampered with in the Colts game.

Brady lied to the media and the press, investigators/fans when he said he had no idea who they even were.  the rest is not proven, but very good educated guess due to the enormity of the evidence that he knew the balls were deflated and that he had nothing to do with it (when those guys were obviously doing it because brady told them he wanted them that way).


As for the NFL..yes, there should be reprimands for not handling this very well either.  

#1 Media, (nfl employee media as well)they blew this up and made the SB more about deflategate than the game itself, and that was disconcerting to me.

#2 if Grigson pointed the problem out to the nfl officials before the game even started, they should have had a guard with the balls the entire time.

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If you want to shoot down everyone that does fit your narrative, go right ahead.


No, I think there was wrong doing but it is hard to pin point anything based on the report itself. The balls were not gauged before the game so we have no way of knowing what their psi was. The Colts balls also were below limit too - 4 of them. The science part was not discounted but deemed inconclusive while Wells admitted that it was hard to be certain about science given NFL footballs have never been gauged before at half time. Then you have the text messages which were clearly about the NY game when the balls were inflated to 16 psi which is also illegal and no one has mentioned so just how well is this rule about ball pressure even followed by the refs?  My point is I think this report is unbelievably inconclusive and based largely on conjecture and assumption and written in a way to justify the investigation.

Someone please tell me how to ignore someone so I can stop getting notifications of this garbage on my own team's forum.

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You asked me.

Honestly your explanations and clinging onto this for over a hundred days without budging even a single inch in the face of THE report, the evidence listed in the report, and the scientific testing results in the appendix is so pathetic it's comical and tragic at the same time. Look at yourself. Look at your posts. My god you have children go do something productive instead of defend your team on another team's website with garbage biased article after garbage biased statement.

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I feel your pain buddy .


However many Patriot fans over the years have spewed lots of garbage especially directed towards Peyton Manning Patriot fans and there love of the team of the decade there words not mine .


Have created this mud fight in the future maybe humility should be a word that Patriot fans learn .


Respect is a 2 way street ..


It certainly is...but as the self proclaimed 'classiest fans in the league'...I'm a little surprised to see that many are so quick to 'stoop to our level' and essentially be no better than the fans you have spent years condemning. 


I know that's not really a fair thing for my to say and I apologize...I'm just frustrated with this whole thing and how many are responding with such vitriol to what quite frankly is a natural reaction of trying to consider all possibilities as a defense mechanism.

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It certainly is...but as the self proclaimed 'classiest fans in the league'...I'm a little surprised to see that many are so quick to 'stoop to our level' and essentially be no better than the fans you have spent years condemning. 


I know that's not really a fair thing for my to say and I apologize...I'm just frustrated with this whole thing and how many are responding with such vitriol to what quite frankly is a natural reaction of trying to consider all possibilities as a defense mechanism.

Probably responding with vitriol because you come into our forums after cheating against us flaunting your tainted titles in your signature every time I have to read something you write.

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Yep...I indeed read you wrong. Seemed a bit out of character .. that's why I asked


Did some reading last night... I was 100% wrong! 


The texts and other evidence Wells compiled was far more compelling than I had anticipated, mainly because of the summary judgment, Kraft's response, and other factors we've heard over the past 100+ days. If anything, "more probable than not" was an understatement. I would have pegged it as "highly probable." 


So, mea culpa. Objectively speaking, Brady has to be suspended at least for the opener. I would not even protest to something in the range of 4 games. Beyond that, might be a bit excessive... the $25K team fine that's the "on the books" guideline for punishment for improper footballs has to be considered (as it's pretty mild, relatively speaking), but Brady's real mistake here was not owning it. The league will likely come down on him for that more than the actual footballs.


It sucks for us Pats fans, but it is what it is. To ignore things like one of the guys referring to himself as "the deflator" would be asinine. I'm a lot of things but unreasonable usually isn't one of them. (Though the missus may disagree there...)


The crazy part, which is almost exactly like Spygate, is the "why?" He clearly didn't need an advantage, however minor anyone may think it is, against you guys. He played lights-out against an extremely good defense in the Super Bowl with the cleanest footballs in the history of the sport. A softer ball gives you slightly better grip, resulting in improved accuracy for some throwers, but it takes velocity off the ball. With the give-and-take nature of it, and the possible consequences, and the team's history/reputation fallout from Spygate, it was very foolish of Brady to push the envelope. 


There are still some holes in the story for me, but I don't think they would change the end result. It's my hope that the Patriots or Brady will come out with something here to try to get final closure on it. The best cure, of course, will be to go out next year and tear it up, and to try to show the world that "yeah, we pushed the rules for an advantage, but we're still the Patriots and we're still going to beat you up." Maybe in the end, this serves as motivation for them to go out there and try to destroy every team in their way. We'll see, I guess. 


One of the hardest things to do at times is to admit when you're wrong. I'm doing it here, and Brady should too. 

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, May 7, 2015 - dupe
Hidden by Superman, May 7, 2015 - dupe

Yep...I indeed read you wrong. Seemed a bit out of character .. that's why I asked


Did some reading last night... I was 100% wrong! 


The texts and other evidence Wells compiled was far more compelling than I had anticipated, mainly because of the summary judgment, Kraft's response, and other factors we've heard over the past 100+ days. If anything, "more probable than not" was an understatement. I would have pegged it as "highly probable." 


So, mea culpa. Objectively speaking, Brady has to be suspended at least for the opener. I would not even protest to something in the range of 4 games. Beyond that, might be a bit excessive... the $25K team fine that's the "on the books" guideline for punishment for improper footballs has to be considered (as it's pretty mild, relatively speaking), but Brady's real mistake here was not owning it. The league will likely come down on him for that more than the actual footballs.


It sucks for us Pats fans, but it is what it is. To ignore things like one of the guys referring to himself as "the deflator" would be asinine. I'm a lot of things but unreasonable usually isn't one of them. (Though the missus may disagree there...)


The crazy part, which is almost exactly like Spygate, is the "why?" He clearly didn't need an advantage, however minor anyone may think it is, against you guys. He played lights-out against an extremely good defense in the Super Bowl with the cleanest footballs in the history of the sport. A softer ball gives you slightly better grip, resulting in improved accuracy for some throwers, but it takes velocity off the ball. With the give-and-take nature of it, and the possible consequences, and the team's history/reputation fallout from Spygate, it was very foolish of Brady to push the envelope. 


There are still some holes in the story for me, but I don't think they would change the end result. It's my hope that the Patriots or Brady will come out with something here to try to get final closure on it. The best cure, of course, will be to go out next year and tear it up, and to try to show the world that "yeah, we pushed the rules for an advantage, but we're still the Patriots and we're still going to beat you up." Maybe in the end, this serves as motivation for them to go out there and try to destroy every team in their way. We'll see, I guess. 


One of the hardest things to do at times is to admit when you're wrong. I'm doing it here, and Brady should too. 

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Someone please tell me how to ignore someone so I can stop getting notifications of this garbage on my own team's forum.



Yeah...but it is entertaining to watch this clueless person, bury their head in the sand to try to ignore the fact that once again, the Pats cheated.

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How is that a lie? The report does not prove otherwise. No where does it say he ordered anyone to deflate below 12.5. Just to ensure the balls were not at above it at 16 psi.


He also said he could not tell the difference between the first or second half concerning the balls .


Hogwash he also says he likes his balls a lil under 12.5  so IMO he does know the difference .


I realize you require more if its needed I'll dig further , The point would be the wells report says its probable based on interviews & text messages .


Probable is all that the NFL needed period it is the smoking gun . 12 is a lot of things QB husband Liar & according to his father framed .


When in a hole quit digging to continue the charade only tarnishs Tommy Boy further he should just come clean because what he has done has'nt worked .

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Yeah...but it is entertaining to watch this clueless person, bury their head in the sand to try to ignore the fact that once again, the Pats cheated.

I'll admit it's a guilty pleasure reading what garbage excuse she will post next. Like watching the Kardashians or listening to Howard Stern.

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Probably responding with vitriol because you come into our forums after cheating against us flaunting your tainted titles in your signature every time I have to read something you write.


Then I suggest you put me on ignore as well...because I've been here for 10 years and I tend to stick mainly to the NFL General section and there is nothing in the rules that says anything about my signature being offensive. If you are overly sensitive about it then that's on you. 

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It certainly is...but as the self proclaimed 'classiest fans in the league'...I'm a little surprised to see that many are so quick to 'stoop to our level' and essentially be no better than the fans you have spent years condemning. 


I know that's not really a fair thing for my to say and I apologize...I'm just frustrated with this whole thing and how many are responding with such vitriol to what quite frankly is a natural reaction of trying to consider all possibilities as a defense mechanism.



You realize that NE fans made the same comments about the Hernadez reports when they first came out that they are making here right? Circumstantial....

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Honestly your explanations and clinging onto this for over a hundred days without budging even a single inch in the face of THE report, the evidence listed in the report, and the scientific testing results in the appendix is so pathetic it's comical and tragic at the same time. Look at yourself. Look at your posts. My god you have children go do something productive instead of defend your team on another team's website with garbage biased article after garbage biased statement.


What difference does that make? Stop being so personal.

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Then I suggest you put me on ignore as well...because I've been here for 10 years and I tend to stick mainly to the NFL General section and there is nothing in the rules that says anything about my signature being offensive. If you are overly sensitive about it then that's on you. 

Just giving you an answer as to why you think you are experiencing some vitriol from Colts fans.

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Then I suggest you put me on ignore as well...because I've been here for 10 years and I tend to stick mainly to the NFL General section and there is nothing in the rules that says anything about my signature being offensive. If you are overly sensitive about it then that's on you. 


Just put an asterisk next to last year's SB in your sig tag and you'll be good. 

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He also said he could not tell the difference between the first or second half concerning the balls .


Hogwash he also says he likes his balls a lil under 12.5  so IMO he does know the difference .


I realize you require more if its needed I'll dig further , The point would be the wells report says its probable based on interviews & text messages .


Probable is all that the NFL needed period it is the smoking gun . 12 is a lot of things QB husband Liar & according to his father framed .


When in a hole quit digging to continue the charade only tarnishs Tommy Boy further he should just come clean because what he has done has'nt worked .

He was referring to in game. The balls were changed from first half to second half so I doubt he was paying attention at that point.


He never said under 12.5. He said on the low end of the scale.


Look, I think they tampering with those balls and I think Brady of course knew. But this report has so many holes in it and fails to produce any type of certainty. That is all I am saying and others have to in terms of what the punishment will be. I really have no idea as Goodell is always a wild card he could go heavy like he did with the Saints or light like what he did with Rice. BUT if he is using this report as a reason to go heavy especially with Brady, he will have a dog fight on his hands with the PA.

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Tom Brady's agent released a statement and it is........well.........hilarious!!!!!


Biggest issue seems to be why the NFL didn't tell the Patriots they were being investigated prior to the game. I don't even know why that is an argument!? WHY THE HECK WOULD THE LEAGUE TELL A TEAM THEY ARE GOING TO BE INVESTIGATED BEFORE A GAME!? Just so the Patriots are aware and then stop cheating for that one game so they don't get caught. Redicilous.

NFL and the Colts framed the Pats? Don't think so. NFL gets nothing out of doing that. Ecspecialy when Tom has been the NFL's golden boy.

Patriots.... Just admit your wrong!!!! It will pass over quicker if they just admit that they cheated.

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