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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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In my mind ? No. To be honest I don't like Tom Brady. It's not because the Pats always beat the Colts either. It's because he's a Jerk , sulks and he really does annoy me. I don't dislike BB or any other players . I also do very much dislike Kraft. So .. here I've qualified my aster a bit. I'm glad they caught Brady and no I don't think it really puts an asterisk on the game. But the majority of people will not be so kind. I just saw a poll a while ago that had 85% of the people thinking the win is now tainted.

With the other 15% being hardcore Pats fans.

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In my mind ? No. To be honest I don't like Tom Brady. It's not because the Pats always beat the Colts either. It's because he's a Jerk , sulks and he really does annoy me. I don't dislike BB or any other players . I also do very much dislike Kraft. So .. here I've qualified my aster a bit. I'm glad they caught Brady and no I don't think it really puts an asterisk on the game. But the majority of people will not be so kind. I just saw a poll a while ago that had 85% of the people thinking the win is now tainted.

Yeah, I can see how Brady can make people's skin crawl at times. I am not really a fan of BB and his persona but they are my team so I have to roll with it.


Only 85%? lol. I think most thought it was tainted before the report just like the other 3 championships for spygate. What can you do. It is what it is. I am still watching the Super Bowl and Butler's pick. Best play in Pats history ... although at times I do feel really bad for Pete Carroll.

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The sad thing is, even without cheating the Patriots have had some of the best teams in football every year. (Or, in some cases, THE best team like they were this season.)


Even without cheating, they still could have pulled it off. They just couldn't resist...they had to go the extra mile and get that fourth *.

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So if you're outraged over one, you have to be outraged over all, or else your outrage is null and void? Like she said, that's a deflection, and it's weak.


Also, the Browns and Falcons didn't hold press conferences defending their innocence. Their owners didn't demand apologies from the league. Neither team was defiant about their violations. 


But everybody does it and Grigson blew the Pats in. So who's the biggest jerk ? It would be Grigson because his team does it and he blew the whistle on the Pats. You follow or need more explanation ?

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Ok, then was the outrage from her over the Browns texting or the Falcons air pumping noise?  I have no issue with people not liking this. I don't either. BUT to play the "integrity of the game" is at stake card irks me when there have been plenty of teams and players cheating just this past season ...

I'll give you this, you're persistent in your defection of issues you don't like or don't serve your personal idolisation of Tom Brady.

You had a prime opportunity today to show a little humility, take the report on the chin and you'd have been applauded for it. Instead it's the usual 3 D's of dodgeball.

Do you accept the fact that the weight of evidence points to wrong doing on the part of people employed by the Patriots? Do you accept by extension it's logical to conclude one Tom Brady was complicit in this?

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So if you're outraged over one, you have to be outraged over all, or else your outrage is null and void? Like she said, that's a deflection, and it's weak.


Also, the Browns and Falcons didn't hold press conferences defending their innocence. Their owners didn't demand apologies from the league. Neither team was defiant about their violations. 

No, just consistent.


To your last sentence, not sure the report really invalidates all that. It was faaar from conclusive ... but still I agree a bad look none the less.

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So if you're outraged over one, you have to be outraged over all, or else your outrage is null and void? Like she said, that's a deflection, and it's weak.


Also, the Browns and Falcons didn't hold press conferences defending their innocence. Their owners didn't demand apologies from the league. Neither team was defiant about their violations. 

Best response of the day!!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, May 6, 2015 - quoting edited post
Hidden by Nadine, May 6, 2015 - quoting edited post

You are a sad, pitiful creature.  Let me try to explain in simple, easy to understand terms...


EVEN if Rivers was cursing (which every person in his life will tell you he NEVER does, EVER) and EVEN if Rivers flipped the bird to the fans which there are no photos of and is entirely, completely out of character for him in every single area of his life over a dozen years as a player... 


It is not a violation of the rule book.  

It doesn't change the outcome of a game.

It isn't cheating.


If he really did what he was thought to have done I would have condemned it.  As it was, at the time I condemned his actions as immature and unnecessary. Still say so today.  He brought trouble to himself by not constraining his emotions.  He no longer does so.  Over the course of time his CHARACTER (you may not know this word as you're a Brady fan) has proven to be outstanding.  Even those he plays against will tell you he doesn't curse.


Which brings us full circle back to your deflecting from Brady's cheating.   


Whoa Bro your stepping over the line give the lady a break . Please

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I'll give you this, you're persistent in your defection of issues you don't like or don't serve your personal idolisation of Tom Brady.

You had a prime opportunity today to show a little humility, take the report on the chin and you'd have been applauded for it. Instead it's the usual 3 D's of dodgeball.

Do you accept the fact that the weight of evidence points to wrong doing on the part of people employed by the Patriots? Do you accept by extension it's logical to conclude one Tom Brady was complicit in this?

Huh? I already said that I thought the Pats did it and specifically Brady. My comments on the report were more about potential punishment given it was not conclusive with hard proof.

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So if you're outraged over one, you have to be outraged over all, or else your outrage is null and void? Like she said, that's a deflection, and it's weak.


Also, the Browns and Falcons didn't hold press conferences defending their innocence. Their owners didn't demand apologies from the league. Neither team was defiant about their violations. 

Thanks, yup, that's what I think.  


When someone admits they're wrong and takes the penalty that's the correct posture.

Not every violation is equal in it's impact - all are violations.

Not commenting on every little violation doesn't mean you don't support them being held accountable.

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Yeah, I can see how Brady can make people's skin crawl at times. I am not really a fan of BB and his persona but they are my team so I have to roll with it.


Only 85%? lol. I think most thought it was tainted before the report just like the other 3 championships for spygate. What can you do. It is what it is. I am still watching the Super Bowl and Butler's pick. Best play in Pats history ... although at times I do feel really bad for Pete Carroll.

So in reality NE has never won a Championship that has NOT been tainted by cheating I think that speaks volumes for the organization. This is why the Pats will never be compared to the Steelers and the 49ers. This is why Brady will never be equal to Montana.

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No I think there should be significant $ fines, suspensions, and loss of draft picks. Make an example of them so no one else will do it. Teams will learn if the league will do it to the Pats they sure would do it to everyone else.

I honestly think they need to come close to what they did to the saints.... there is no way in H-E double hockey sticks that Coach B. had no acknowledgement about any of this. I like Coach B. dont get me wrong, i think he is a very smart coach when it comes to coaching, but he had to have known something was going on with his star QB. he is suppose to be aware of everything that happens with his team on the field and in the locker rooms.  maybe i am just reaching though, who knows. 


Big fines issued to Brady, and the owner. loss of a draft pick or two maybe 2nd or 3rd rounder, Brady suspended 6 games (which will be appealed anyway), Equipment manager and locker room guy suspended without pay, or fired from the NFL all together. 


to harsh?

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You can be that sympathetic shoulder they can cry on . The Patriots have brought this on there selves .

The chickens have come home to roost in New England .

The Patriots fans didn't do anything, though. And that's who I was referring to.
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Yeah, I can see how Brady can make people's skin crawl at times. I am not really a fan of BB and his persona but they are my team so I have to roll with it.


Only 85%? lol. I think most thought it was tainted before the report just like the other 3 championships for spygate. What can you do. It is what it is. I am still watching the Super Bowl and Butler's pick. Best play in Pats history ... although at times I do feel really bad for Pete Carroll.



How about the blank look on poor R Wilson's face ?

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Who knows what type of punishment will be given?

Goodell needs to get this right, that's for sure.

My opinion is that the punishment should fit the crime, and the fact that it is Tom Brady should not matter. He should be given no more, or no less, than anyone else would in this situation, with the implications derived from the investigation.

I am a little bit 'miffed' that this was not reported long before the draft.  The NFL did not want to take draft picks from losers Kraft and Brady.....or and the cheat-meister himself Billy Boy!

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Huh? I already said that I thought the Pats did it and specifically Brady. My comments on the report were more about potential punishment given it was not conclusive with hard proof.


Hard proof or not, the punishment is coming.

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But everybody does it and Grigson blew the Pats in. So who's the biggest jerk ? It would be Grigson because his team does it and he blew the whistle on the Pats. You follow or need more explanation ?

Really....wow. there is evidence to prove you wrong. Not a single colts ball ever tested below the limits. Ever.. .the intelligence in your post or lack thereof is just mind numbing.

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I don't think Belichick or Kraft touch many footballs. They're kind of old.


If Grigson said it was common knowledge around the league when he reported it, wouldn't it make sense that a coach and owner of the team in question would have heard about it and could have put a stop to it?  It is their responsibility to know their team and staff.  It is a pretty similar case to Payton knowing and not participating, yet not doing anything.

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How about the blank look on poor R Wilson's face ?

Deer in headlights. I don't know how he recovers from that honestly.  I like him. A lot. Think he is a heady guy. But that is like a mountain sitting on your shoulders every time you step on the field, every time you throw a pick ... mind boggling.

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Really....wow. there is evidence to prove you wrong. Not a single colts ball ever tested below the limits. Ever.. .the intelligence in your post or lack thereof is just mind numbing.


I think everyone needs to turn up their sarcasm detectors by about 20%...

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I didn't say I read it.  You stated you haven't looked at any of it yet and I have, and immediately started to see that there was actual evidence and not just conjecture.  


So apologies I took what you said literal.


Why then be a fan of this game if you think there isn't any integrity to it?  If everything is rigged and just a show what exactly is the point of following?  Might as well watch a movie no? If you call that naive... well I guess I'm naive.


I don't think it's rigged. I think it's entertainment. And sorry, I didn't mean to indirectly call you naive there. 

People watch football and we're passionate about it. We put these guys up on pedestals. We make them our heroes. We worship and praise them. We want them to be perfect examples of humanity. But the fact is, we don't know them.


When I sit down with my kids to watch games, I don't say, "Hey you two, see that guy up there? That's Tom Brady. You should aspire to be like him." They'll get their life lessons elsewhere. It's a sport that's worth billions of dollars and is corrupt at nearly every level. Not exactly a bastion of integrity, is all I'm saying.

And I'm not trying to downplay anything here. If Wells' conclusion is that the preponderance of circumstantial evidence makes it appear that Brady was behind all of it, cool. Punish him accordingly. 


Try to remember, with Pats fans, it was only two years ago that one of our players was arrested for killing a guy, and possibly two others. So to make a huge deal out of the air pressure in a football seems silly. To me anyway. They beat Seattle (a very worthy opponent, which few would argue against) with the most watched and monitored balls since Ron Jeremy. (Bazinga.) And they'll continue to win, I think. That will mean nothing to the masses, just like it did after "Spygate," but we're used to that. No biggie. 



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and most (not all) have been completely insufferable too


A lot are typical Boston fans.  They'll criticize the Yankees for their tactics and rule-bending, then turn right around and applaud the Patriots for downright cheating.

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I honestly think they need to come close to what they did to the saints.... there is no way in H-E double hockey sticks that Coach B. had no acknowledgement about any of this. I like Coach B. dont get me wrong, i think he is a very smart coach when it comes to coaching, but he had to have known something was going on with his star QB. he is suppose to be aware of everything that happens with his team on the field and in the locker rooms.  maybe i am just reaching though, who knows. 


Big fines issued to Brady, and the owner. loss of a draft pick or two maybe 2nd or 3rd rounder, Brady suspended 6 games (which will be appealed anyway), Equipment manager and locker room guy suspended without pay, or fired from the NFL all together. 


to harsh?

I agree the punishment should be similar to what they did to NO. I don't know if Kraft should be fined though as I doubt he had any knowledge of the incident. I do think he should be fined for that terrible demanding press conference he held haha. That was terrible, but I can laugh now because of how stupid it made him look.

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