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Brady Mad at White House...? Thoughts?


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Posted · Hidden by Superman, April 29, 2015 - inappropriate
Hidden by Superman, April 29, 2015 - inappropriate

What in the world are the two of you talking about?


You know what, never mind... I don't want to do this.

I will, African- americans have been dealing with racist violence and remarks for hundreds of years....how does it feel...Amen S. Smith for calling it as he sees it #GUTS

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You can say no to whoever you want, for whatever reason you want. It's not an obligation. To say he should have been there is kind of bold. If he didn't want to go, then he didn't have to. He doesn't have to provide any excuse or reason, he doesn't need a doctor's note or an alibi, doesn't matter if ht was grueling or time consuming or even a perceived honor by others. If he wanted to stay at home and watch Adventure Time, that's up to him. 


Edit: Also, if the Queen of England offered to knight me (which is a great deal bigger than shaking the hand of the president, by the way), I might not go if I had already been knighted by the previous queen three times. That might already be enough knighting for me...


It's not really a matter of which accolade from which authority figure a queen or a President is more significant in my estimation. It's more like the prestige specific individuals embody on a symbolical level for an entire nation just on the scope of the position they currently occupy either by birthright, appointment, or general election. Also, you are only knighted once as an esteemed honor not 3 times by the way. It's a 1 shot deal. 


True, Brady is under no obligation to attend this event yes. However, the platform Tommy has as the face of that franchise dictates he put in an appearance. JMO. 

In your opinion.

In mine , and many others , family always comes first.

You will recall that I did give Brady 2 pardons from the event: A death in the family or a severe illness VL. If this last trophy was so elusive to win since 2004 & you managed to visit the Commander-In-Chief for the last 3 ceremonies, missing this last one sends the wrong message. Hades, even thanking the President via Skype would have been more acceptable than just not showing up at all. 


I probably care more about this than most people do given my expertise in American History & my fascination with the origin of United States & the men who became President over time. I take this very seriously & you never disrespect a President ever even if you did not vote for them. Brady did that by refusing to show up & not contacting him via Skype, e-mail, or a simple call. 


This minor photo op as you call it is seen in every corner of the world from DC to India & beyond. If Brady wants a global brand, this is not something you skip unless you're on your deathbed. 

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It's not really a matter of which accolade from which authority figure a queen or a President is more significant in my estimation. It's more like specific individuals embody on a symbolical level an entire nation just on the scope of the position they currently occupy either by birthright, appointment, or general election. Also, you are only knighted once as an esteemed honor not 3 times by the way. It's a 1 shot deal. 


True, Brady is under no obligation to attend this event yes. However, the platform Tommy has as the face of that franchise dictates he put in an appearance. JMO.


To the bolded, that's kind of my point. Brady has been to the White House in this capacity three previous times. 


Also, it's not like the president called and invited Tom Brady for a meeting at the White House. The president invited the New England Patriots. They went. No one individual was obligated to go in order to show respect for the office. That Tom Brady wasn't there doesn't really matter. 

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Mass has a new Republican Governor, Charlie Baker. 


Believe it or not Massachusetts has had Republican governors for all but 8 years (Deval Patrick from 2007-2015) going back to the late 80s.


Despite that, the Governor/Lt. Governor are basically the only statewide offices the Rs hold here.

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lol. I knew about Brady but did not realize the venue for SB 50 was San Fran. I am still reveling in SB 49. :thmup:

You'll like this - my coworker was at the friends/family premiere of the Avengers 2 last night in NYC. Only famous person he noticed there (that wasn't an actor/actress in the movie) was Robert Kraft and his gf.

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You'll like this - my coworker was at the friends/family premiere of the Avengers 2 last night in NYC. Only famous person he noticed there (that wasn't an actor/actress in the movie) was Robert Kraft and his gf.

lol. That's funny. The Pats certainly are making the rounds this off-season at premier events.

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To the bolded, that's kind of my point. Brady has been to the White House in this capacity three previous times. 


Also, it's not like the president called and invited Tom Brady for a meeting at the White House. The president invited the New England Patriots. They went. No one individual was obligated to go in order to show respect for the office. That Tom Brady wasn't there doesn't really matter. 

The situation with Tom is strange.  There is no way that he didn't realize that his absence would be noted and questioned.  Yet, he didn't really give any concrete answer as to why he was absent.  (and I Know, I know...... he didn't owe anyone an explanation)
Personally, I think the reason was one of two things: 
1.   He's been there, done that, and doesn't really care to go again.  That's his right and I really don't care, but I do think it is a bit selfish and arrogant on his part.  
2.  He just doesn't like Obama and/or the democrats.  Here's a bit of something I read that makes me think this may be the case:
Tom Brady’s political affiliation has actually been the subject of significant controversy. In 2004, Massachusetts was in the national spotlight with Brady leading the New England Patriots to the Super Bowl while Massachusetts Senator John Kerry was attempting to unseat George W. Bush as president. Naturally, Massachusetts was rooting for Kerry for president, but Tom Brady was attending George W. Bush’s State of the Union address.
That's all I'm gonna say, so we don't turn this Political. 
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To the bolded, that's kind of my point. Brady has been to the White House in this capacity three previous times. 


Also, it's not like the president called and invited Tom Brady for a meeting at the White House. The president invited the New England Patriots. They went. No one individual was obligated to go in order to show respect for the office. That Tom Brady wasn't there doesn't really matter. 

Let's just agree to disagree here because I'm not moving off my position. Brady as the leader of that team needs to show up or make a phone to the President to me. The fact that Tom showed up for the same ceremony 3 times & said I don't think so on the last DC appearance is actually worse because it creates the false narrative of personal animus toward the current commander in chief. Brady is so media savvy usually that I'm surprised that he would allow others to twist his absence into  unfounded political speculation. 


I don't believe that Brady would intentionally attempt to tarnish the reputation of the President, but bypassing this event didn't do him any favors IMO. 

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You'll like this - my coworker was at the friends/family premiere of the Avengers 2 last night in NYC. Only famous person he noticed there (that wasn't an actor/actress in the movie) was Robert Kraft and his gf.


I hope they all enjoyed it.  I want to see it, I hear it's great!

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Let's just agree to disagree here because I'm not moving off my position. Brady as the leader of that team needs to show up or make a phone to the President to me. The fact that Tom showed up for the same ceremony 3 times & said I don't think so on the last DC appearance is actually worse because it creates the false narrative of personal animus toward the current commander in chief. Brady is so media savvy usually that I'm surprised that he would allow others to twist his absence into  unfounded political speculation. 


I don't believe that Brady would intentionally attempt to tarnish the reputation of the President, but bypassing this event didn't do him any favors IMO. 


Bolded 1) I disagree. The team was invited, not just Brady. If the president had personally invited Tom Brady, then I'd agree. But even taking your opinion as gospel, you don't know that he didn't call the president. (I doubt that he did, but again, I don't think he needed to.) 


Bolded 2) That may not be a false narrative. He might not like the president. That's his right, as is declining to participate in the event. That's a constitutional right. Let's not try to argue that away from him.


And my bigger reaction to all of this is a hearty and full-throated "WHO CARES, REALLY?" I don't mean to offend anyone, but it really doesn't matter -- really, it's about as inconsequential as anything could possibly be -- that Tom Brady didn't go to the White House. That we're even talking about it sort of offends my sensibilities. It just doesn't matter.

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Bolded 1) I disagree. The team was invited, not just Brady. If the president had personally invited Tom Brady, then I'd agree. But even taking your opinion as gospel, you don't know that he didn't call the president. (I doubt that he did, but again, I don't think he needed to.) 


Bolded 2) That may not be a false narrative. He might not like the president. That's his right, as is declining to participate in the event. That's a constitutional right. Let's not try to argue that away from him.


And my bigger reaction to all of this is a hearty and full-throated "WHO CARES, REALLY?" I don't mean to offend anyone, but it really doesn't matter -- really, it's about as inconsequential as anything could possibly be -- that Tom Brady didn't go to the White House. That we're even talking about it sort of offends my sensibilities. It just doesn't matter.

I agree , if you want to talk consequential , talk Camden Yard empty for a MLB  game because of rioting and looting !

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He didn't pull the race card.


If anything,  he pulled the politics card.



It's not my fault he ran his mouth, accusing an NFL head coach of using race as a determinant factor when setting his roster. 


You may be willing to let this race baiting loudmouth slide because he's black, but I am not. Turn the tables, make that a white man saying such a thing, that white man would NEVER work in TV again. Ever. Never again. 

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Bolded 1) I disagree. The team was invited, not just Brady. If the president had personally invited Tom Brady, then I'd agree. But even taking your opinion as gospel, you don't know that he didn't call the president. (I doubt that he did, but again, I don't think he needed to.) 


Bolded 2) That may not be a false narrative. He might not like the president. That's his right, as is declining to participate in the event. That's a constitutional right. Let's not try to argue that away from him.


And my bigger reaction to all of this is a hearty and full-throated "WHO CARES, REALLY?" I don't mean to offend anyone, but it really doesn't matter -- really, it's about as inconsequential as anything could possibly be -- that Tom Brady didn't go to the White House. That we're even talking about it sort of offends my sensibilities. It just doesn't matter.

I will agree that I have no knowledge of whether Brady acknowledged the President privately via a phone call & yes, it is possible that Tom did indeed do that & if so, he is not required to disclose that fact publicly. 


Regarding your second bolded point. The Presidency is bigger than 1 individual who currently sits in the Oval Office. Disliking 1 particular person says more about the pettiness of the person who is absent than the current Commander-In-Chief. Let me phrase it this way, I can't stand Dick Cheney's guts, former VP of the United States, but if George W. Bush invited a team I was on that won a SB I'm going to the White House because of the honor, my teammates, & the leader of the free world extended the invitation. Despite my extreme animosity toward Mr. Cheney, I'm a big enough man to set that aside for the sake of my coaches & comrades that pulled off a remarkable feat: Winning a 4th Championship for my city, my owner, & my fanbase. 


It does matter Superman showing up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or 1 call at least because of the magnitude of who invited you to tag along. Frankly, it bothers me that some are treating this absence like deciding not to go to a Jr. Prom. It's the President Of The United States. You arrive in a suit, smile, stand still for the picture, shake his hand, & leave. I could care less if a person likes the President or not; You bury your contempt & you appreciate the gravity of the situation in our nation's house. I truly believe that. 


I'm not upset with you Superman. I just have a different perspective than you do regarding this matter which is perfectly fine. 

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Honestly it's nobodiies business but his. The media would be out of line questioning his personal life. It's personal....and just the same its none of our business. Whatever the reason even if it is political is no ones business nor do I think he should be judged on it....less we be judged for all our decisions we make everyday. These people deserve their privacy and not be constantly raked over the coals for every little thing they do. Current environment today just amazes me...media and people tweeting, digging, commenting on these people outside their job to me is just not appropriate. We need to let these people have room to live their lives and drop the 24-7 spotlight...it just isn't fair.

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It's not my fault he ran his mouth, accusing an NFL head coach of using race as a determinant factor when setting his roster. 


You may be willing to let this race baiting loudmouth slide because he's black, but I am not. Turn the tables, make that a white man saying such a thing, that white man would NEVER work in TV again. Ever. Never again. 



Hey,  I didn't like what Smith said about Chip Kelly.    I thought it was cheap and I thought he was cowardly to not own up to it.


All I'm saying is that I don't think Smith used race in THIS case.....      That's all.


Honestly,  I'm sorry I responded to your post.    I came late and didn't read all the way through the very long thread when I decided to jump in.     My post -- late as it was -- must have felt like I was piling on.    I think the point had been made by plenty of others by the time I posted....

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I will agree that I have no knowledge of whether Brady acknowledged the President privately via a phone call & yes, it is possible that Tom did indeed do that & if so, he is not required to disclose that fact publicly.

Regarding your second bolded point. The Presidency is bigger than 1 individual who currently sits in the Oval Office. Disliking 1 particular person says more about the pettiness of the person who is absent than the current Commander-In-Chief. Let me phrase it this way, I can't stand Dick Cheney's guts, former VP of the United States, but if George W. Bush invited a team I was on that won a SB I'm going to the White House because of the honor, my teammates, & the leader of the free world extended the invitation. Despite my extreme animosity toward Mr. Cheney, I'm a big enough man to set that aside for the sake of my coaches & comrades that pulled off a remarkable feat: Winning a 4th Championship for my city, my owner, & my fanbase.

It does matter Superman showing up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or 1 call at least because of the magnitude of who invited you to tag along. Frankly, it bothers me that some are treating this absence like deciding not to go to a Jr. Prom. It's the President Of The United States. You arrive in a suit, smile, stand still for the picture, shake his hand, & leave. I could care less if a person likes the President or not; You bury your contempt & you appreciate the gravity of the situation in our nation's house. I truly believe that.

I'm not upset with you Superman. I just have a different perspective than you do regarding this matter which is perfectly fine.

You have seriously overestimated the gravitas of the POTUS.

That, and you seem to forget our country's greatest right, freedom.

To demand that a guy go visit the POTUS is a concept that flies in the face of freedom.

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I cannot understand why a white house press secretary is issuing a statement on a football players press conference? That's inappropriate.


I can certainly understand it if Brady took exception to that.  However I see him not going as a generational thing.  "I'm not in the mood" I don't feel like it"


For me it lacks dignity and is a sad statement on how things are now.


But I also think it's ridiculous that reporters followed him around, took pictures and wrote and broadcast stories insinuating one thing or another.


And distasteful to me when fans weigh in agreeing with Tom because they like the political statement.


It all lacks dignity and respect

Thats why the world is the way it is...people canʻt see eye to eye even when they know things need to get better, but fame and money always seems to cloud peoples minds and they tend to use ignorance as a shield #WISEUP #EYE2EYE #1WORLD1LOVE

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Hey,  I didn't like what Smith said about Chip Kelly.    I thought it was cheap and I thought he was cowardly to not own up to it.



He caught a ton of flack for the Kelly remarks, which is why he used innuendo this time. 


 It's not like I'm the only one thinking this; 










When smith tried to dodge accusations, he totally goofed up;


"Where the hell was Tom Brady?" Smith asked. “I mean, is he a Republican and don’t want anybody to know?... Why do I think like if George W. Bush or Bill Clinton… why do I feel like Tom Brady would have been there then? Is it just me?”



....He tries to use the political excuse, but.....Clinton is a democrat. Smith is squirming like the race-baiting snake he is. 

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You have seriously overestimated the gravitas of the POTUS.

That, and you seem to forget our country's greatest right, freedom.

To demand that a guy go visit the POTUS is a concept that flies in the face of freedom.

Did you misunderstand my post VL? I thought I was clear. I did say a phone call to the President would be sufficient did I not? The reason for that being I understand people have other obligations planned months in advance & by taking a few moments to thank the man for acknowledging what NE achieved isn't really that difficult or time consuming in my estimation. 


So, you have former Presidents living in neighborhood? It's not an insignificant honor to be elected President Of The United States or as commonplace as you are inferring it is. And how is 1 phone call to the Oval Office compromising Tom Brady's liberty & freedom exactly? 

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Did you misunderstand my post VL? I thought I was clear. I did say a phone call to the President would be sufficient did I not? The reason for that being I understand people have other obligations planned months in advance & by taking a few moments to thank the man for acknowledging what NE achieved isn't really that difficult or time consuming in my estimation. 


So, you have former Presidents living in neighborhood? It's not an insignificant honor to be elected President Of The United States or as commonplace as you are inferring it is. And how is 1 phone call to the Oval Office compromising Tom Brady's liberty & freedom exactly?

honestly do u think the president takes phone calls from Tom Brady? I hope to god he doesn't. I'm very sure brady told the patriots organization and they relayed who was coming to the White House. I think people just disagree about the honor of meeting the president.....the same one that makes it an honor to interview with the lady that bathes in cereal....lets get real.....the jokes at these things are bad...it's old...and more importantly it's a dumb photo op for the president with no real benefit to the players...maybe they get a nice meal but Michelle probably had all the tasty food removed from the White House lol just a joke.
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Look, I realize I'm in the minority here regarding this subject. I accept that. If I was in Brady's shoes, I'm going, but if I can't make it due to a prior commitment even if it's a fib, a brief phone conversation is fine as a last resort. 


If people have had the luxury of working in or doing scholarly research in a presidential library, they wouldn't be so inclined to downplay various events or achievements during specific administrations. Trust me. 


I'd go to the White House as often as I was invited myself. Yes, I know; I didn't win a 4th Lombardi trophy. Tom Brady & his teammates/coaches did. I accept that.  

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honestly do u think the president takes phone calls from Tom Brady? I hope to god he doesn't. I'm very sure brady told the patriots organization and they relayed who was coming to the White House. I think people just disagree about the honor of meeting the president.....the same one that makes it an honor to interview with the lady that bathes in cereal....lets get real.....the jokes at these things are bad...it's old...and more importantly it's a dumb photo op for the president with no real benefit to the players...maybe they get a nice meal but Michelle probably had all the tasty food removed from the White House lol just a joke.

You are aware that the FBI can personally verify Tom Brady's address in minutes before they hand the President the phone right? You're focusing too much on First Lady trivial stuff as opposed what legislation gets passed, what treaties get signed, watershed events that shape society during certain eras, & how during traumatic disasters Presidents serve as a figure head for the country itself. Granted, not every tragedy is properly handled by specific commander-in-chiefs, but please don't twist minor fashion trends or bathing rituals of the First Lady with the real pressure on Presidents to balance the federal budget, preserve peace abroad, & keep US civilians safe.


I understand your point dgb about tabloid nonsense & you're not wrong, but as a historian I look deep below superficial matters & focus on what really matters in the longrun.   

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Look, I realize I'm in the minority here regarding this subject. I accept that. If I was in Brady's shoes, I'm going, but if I can't make it due to a prior commitment even if it's a fib, a brief phone conversation is fine as a last resort. 


If people have had the luxury of working in or doing scholarly research in a presidential library, they wouldn't be so inclined to downplay various events or achievements during specific administrations. Trust me. 


I'd go to the White House as often as I was invited myself. Yes, I know; I didn't win a 4th Lombardi trophy. Tom Brady & his teammates/coaches did. I accept that.  

I agree with the philosophy underpinning your posts.  The Pats should go as a TEAM.  Its not an individual decision.  The owner, GM, or coach should have commanded that all players go.  In situations like this, an individual..even the HOF QB...should not have the liberty to make an independent decision about his attendance. (Perhaps the CBA prevents things like this from being deemed a mandatory team function so ownership was powerless to enforce it)


Two thoughts:


1. Perhaps Brady staying behind was indeed an orchestrated way for the team to protest the comments made by the WH spokesman.  I don't have a problem with that, because then it was a team decision for him to stay behind.


2. Perhaps Brady stayed home because he doesn't like the President either personally or his politics.  If so, who cares.  Its a free country and he can hate the what the sitting president stands for if he chooses.  But people who have a problem with that....like maybe Stephen A. Smith...seem to be a bit too concerned that a celebrity QB publically expresses a different opinion. 

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I agree with the philosophy underpinning your posts.  The Pats should go as a TEAM.  Its not an individual decision.  The owner, GM, or coach should have commanded that all players go.  In situations like this, an individual..even the HOF QB...should not have the liberty to make an independent decision about his attendance. (Perhaps the CBA prevents things like this from being deemed a mandatory team function so ownership was powerless to enforce it)


Two thoughts:


1. Perhaps Brady staying behind was indeed an orchestrated way for the team to protest the comments made by the WH spokesman.  I don't have a problem with that, because then it was a team decision for him to stay behind.


2. Perhaps Brady stayed home because he doesn't like the President either personally or his politics.  If so, who cares.  Its a free country and he can hate the what the sitting president stands for if he chooses.  But people who have a problem with that....like maybe Stephen A. Smith...seem to be a bit too concerned that a celebrity QB publically expresses a different opinion. 

Well said DD. Thank you. I don't want any player to feel like a prisoner naturally & you're right there's no way the league, the team HC/owner, or CBA could make it mandatory going to the White House I mean. 


Does Brady have every right to decline the customary invitation? Sure, he does. If you asked me to encapsulate my issue with Brady's absence, it's this: The nature of his position on the roster as the NE Patriots QB requires he either a. show up in person or b. make a phone call to the POTUS that will probably last less than 2 minutes. If Tom doesn't know the number, call the White House switchboard & after the FBI pings your cell phone & confirms your identity in seconds you exchange pleasantries with the President & hang up immediately afterward go buy your apple watch Tommy or whatever else you want. 


If Brady had  gone to this ceremony only once, I'd have no problem with him refusing to go to DC this go round because there would be no fallout because Brady would have declined an invitation from both political parties. My point here is that it's vital to come across as universally neutral as a famous person with Brady's fame & clout. In no way, do I believe this absence revolves around race or political leanings. I just think you went before just go again for consistency purposes & the location in question. 

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He caught a ton of flack for the Kelly remarks, which is why he used innuendo this time. 


 It's not like I'm the only one thinking this; 










When smith tried to dodge accusations, he totally goofed up;


"Where the hell was Tom Brady?" Smith asked. “I mean, is he a Republican and don’t want anybody to know?... Why do I think like if George W. Bush or Bill Clinton… why do I feel like Tom Brady would have been there then? Is it just me?”



....He tries to use the political excuse, but.....Clinton is a democrat. Smith is squirming like the race-baiting snake he is. 

Interesting links there ruksak especially your last one. 


"Again, Stephen A. implying Brady is a racist for skipping the White House is stupid. Embarrassingly stupid. Brady’s parents’ anniversary celebrating FIFTY YEARS is much more important than going to see President*. Stephen A’s rationale- if one wants to call it that- speculating as to why Brady didn’t go is even more pathetic, so much so that it almost undermines some of the good things Stephen A has said recently.

Come on, man. These comments ‘embarrassingly stupid.’ This rant is ‘pathetic.’
More to the point, the race card is spent." 
Yes, Mr. Smith went off the rails here & way out of bounds. Honestly, I think to Stephen the rareness of seeing an African American president in real life is something to be proud of certainly, but you [smith] can't imply that a failure to show up at the White House is rooted in racism & bigotry. 
My problem with his [brady's] absence is rooted in a lack of consistency, a familiar time honored tradition hosted by the Commander-In-Chief, the location itself, & the minimal stress involved in attending [the owner is paying for the gas in the bus to go there & back], & Brady's not gonna break his wrist or fingers dialing 1 number. 
Smith just got overwhelmed with pride in the President which he outlandishly twisted with blatant prejudice. Nothing could be further from the truth. I go through the same level of frustration myself when I fail to see any disabled people I know in high profile positions too, but I will never call anyone unfairly biased because of a glaring void I see everyday. 
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Look, I realize I'm in the minority here regarding this subject. I accept that. If I was in Brady's shoes, I'm going, but if I can't make it due to a prior commitment even if it's a fib, a brief phone conversation is fine as a last resort. 


If people have had the luxury of working in or doing scholarly research in a presidential library, they wouldn't be so inclined to downplay various events or achievements during specific administrations. Trust me. 


I'd go to the White House as often as I was invited myself. Yes, I know; I didn't win a 4th Lombardi trophy. Tom Brady & his teammates/coaches did. I accept that.

"I didn't win a 4th Lombardi trophy. Tom Brady & his teammates/coaches did."

May I add with a substantial assist by the Seattle Seahawks! :) However, a win is a win is a win!

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Well said DD. Thank you. I don't want any player to feel like a prisoner naturally & you're right there's no way the league, the team HC/owner, or CBA could make it mandatory going to the White House I mean.

The nature of his position on the roster as the NE Patriots QB requires he either a. show up in person or b. make a phone call to the POTUS that will probably last less than 2 minutes..

No, brady's position as qb of the NE patriots simply requires him to fulfill the obligations specified in his contract. If it "required him to go to the white house then he would have gone.

The president is not some deity that we commoners have to bow down to. If brady didn't want to go then that's his prerogative.

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Look, I realize I'm in the minority here regarding this subject. I accept that. If I was in Brady's shoes, I'm going, but if I can't make it due to a prior commitment even if it's a fib, a brief phone conversation is fine as a last resort. 


If people have had the luxury of working in or doing scholarly research in a presidential library, they wouldn't be so inclined to downplay various events or achievements during specific administrations. Trust me. 


I'd go to the White House as often as I was invited myself. Yes, I know; I didn't win a 4th Lombardi trophy. Tom Brady & his teammates/coaches did. I accept that.  

I pretty much agree with you SW but perhaps we are old school on this one. When the president of the US invites you to the White House to congratulate you on a significant achievement, you go. It is pretty simple really. To your point about him messaging the President, he very well might have. He is that kind of guy so I would imagine that he probably did phone or message the White House even though that has not been confirmed.

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He caught a ton of flack for the Kelly remarks, which is why he used innuendo this time. 


 It's not like I'm the only one thinking this; 










When smith tried to dodge accusations, he totally goofed up;


"Where the hell was Tom Brady?" Smith asked. “I mean, is he a Republican and don’t want anybody to know?... Why do I think like if George W. Bush or Bill Clinton… why do I feel like Tom Brady would have been there then? Is it just me?”



....He tries to use the political excuse, but.....Clinton is a democrat. Smith is squirming like the race-baiting snake he is. 

For what it's worth, Smith did go on our radio show here in Boston earlier this week and tried to explain himself. Basically he back peddled faster than the speed of light. He did shy away from indicating it was anything racial but when they brought up this quote about Clinton he really had no response except to say he meant politics even though Clinton is a democrat. They also asked him why he was not upset at all with Marshawn Lynch when he did not go last year and he said if you can believe this, because we know that is how Marshawn Lynch is. Tom Brady is different. He always does the right thing and is well spoken, etc. Talk about a double standard. The whole thing was ridiculous. But then again he is ridiculous.

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Interesting links there ruksak especially your last one. 


"Again, Stephen A. implying Brady is a racist for skipping the White House is stupid. Embarrassingly stupid. Brady’s parents’ anniversary celebrating FIFTY YEARS is much more important than going to see President*. Stephen A’s rationale- if one wants to call it that- speculating as to why Brady didn’t go is even more pathetic, so much so that it almost undermines some of the good things Stephen A has said recently.

Come on, man. These comments ‘embarrassingly stupid.’ This rant is ‘pathetic.’
More to the point, the race card is spent." 
Yes, Mr. Smith went off the rails here & way out of bounds. Honestly, I think to Stephen the rareness of seeing an African American president in real life is something to be proud of certainly, but you [smith] can't imply that a failure to show up at the White House is rooted in racism & bigotry. 
My problem with his [brady's] absence is rooted in a lack of consistency, a familiar time honored tradition hosted by the Commander-In-Chief, the location itself, & the minimal stress involved in attending [the owner is paying for the gas in the bus to go there & back], & Brady's not gonna break his wrist or fingers dialing 1 number. 
Smith just got overwhelmed with pride in the President which he outlandishly twisted with blatant prejudice. Nothing could be further from the truth. I go through the same level of frustration myself when I fail to see any disabled people I know in high profile positions too, but I will never call anyone unfairly biased because of a glaring void I see everyday. 


As always, SW1, you have a knack for explaining your opinion without getting personal and doing so with accuracy and wit. I'm always impressed how you can passionately disagree without making unnecessary, angry remarks. 


Your comments about the lack of representation from disabled people struck a chord with me, this is something we almost NEVER hear spoken. 



One of the greatest leaders this world has ever known, hid the extent of his disability for some time. What a shame, that we cannot see past such things and value people for what they have to offer from the neck up. 

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If you consider his history of playing through injuries during the regular season and playoffs, no. 


It's a lot of information to look up, and I'm not sure which injuries happened in which years, but he's had a separated shoulder (I think that was 2002), broken ribs, a bad elbow, bad ankle... I'd say conservatively that in better than half of the seasons since 2001, he's finished the year and gone right into rehab.

Well he wasn't elected for the Pro Bowl in 2002, 2003, and 2006 the years his shoulder had issues. Only 2005 is the year he was injured, but every year they say he is injured after a playoff loss.


Like I said earlier too, no QB eligible for the Pro Bowl has been in more playoff games than Brady.


And this is actually untrue.


Tom Brady - 2001 4 games, 2004 3 games, 2005 1 game, 2007 3 games, 2009 1 game, 2010 1 game, 2011 ineligible because of Super Bowl, 2012, 2 games, 2013, 2 games, 2014 ineligible because of Super Bowl.


17 games total


Peyton Manning - 1999 1 game, 2000 1 game, 2002 1 game, 2003 3 games, 2004 2 games, 2005 1 game, 2006 4 games, 2007 1 game, 2008 1 game, 2009 ineligible because of Super Bowl, 2010 1 game, 2012 1 game, 2014 1 game.


18 total games. 


While Peyton has a 12/13 appearance record, and Tom has a 2/8 appearances. 


I understand that not everyone thinks of the Pro Bowl as some big honor like Peyton does. That's fine maybe Tom Brady feels like he has better things to do. But then again unless players move away from that attitude the Pro Bowl will still be what it is.

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Maybe he just thought that his family is more important than the joke that resides in the White House whose jokes & policies are not worthy or like Potus he just wanted to play golf . 


I'm still going with the sorting socks.  It's a ginormous job that nobody wants to do.  Gotta be done......socks don't match themselves, you know.

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