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Kaepernick gets mad at tweet


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honestly if andrew luck said that to me, I would stop being a colts fan. It's a good thing Andrew is a smart humble person. I wonder if batten was a 9ers fan.

If that were the case would that make you just as thin skinned as the tweeter? Anyone who takes tweets serious has a problem with self esteem.

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What's with some of these younger players? They put themselves on social media and then get bent when someone tweets something they don't like. RG3 has had multiple issues with the same thing. When you put yourself out there you get what you ask for. Not everyone is nice and fluffy.

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If that were the case would that make you just as thin skinned as the tweeter? Anyone who takes tweets serious has a problem with self esteem.

That's how I view Twitter too CC1. I understand it's part of social media, but I don't get the draw or mystique of it. It's trivial dialog about nothing most of the time. I didn't grow up with it so maybe that part of it. 


I have more efficient ways of wasting my time I guess. To each their own, I guess. 

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It's the internet, people are going to say mean things to you that's going to tick you off. 


I think we all have this in us, where someone gets rude and we can't help but fire back a comment in defense and anger.

It just happens, and it's going to happen, anyone that has a Youtube account knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes people leave comments that you can't help yourself you get mad and have to fire back at them. 


It's the worst on Youtube. Youtube has the absolute worst community on the internet, period. You want to be insulted, threatened (yep this happens), slandered, Youtube comments are there for you anytime you want to feel bad about yourself.


Normally a drive by comment like that on my blog, I just blocked the person. No need to respond. 


I'm guessing maybe he was having a bad day and it set him off? Little things can get to us that would surprise you. We all have our weaknesses when someone says something to us, certain things to make you fly off the handle, it just happens. 


I don't see where this is a big deal though. A few years ago Nickelback went on a frenzy one day replying to tweets about their music sucking which was actually quite funny what they were posting back to people. 

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It's the internet, people are going to say mean things to you that's going to tick you off. 


I think we all have this in us, where someone gets rude and we can't help but fire back a comment in defense and anger.

It just happens, and it's going to happen, anyone that has a Youtube account knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes people leave comments that you can't help yourself you get mad and have to fire back at them. 


It's the worst on Youtube. Youtube has the absolute worst community on the internet, period. You want to be insulted, threatened (yep this happens), slandered, Youtube comments are there for you anytime you want to feel bad about yourself.


Normally a drive by comment like that on my blog, I just blocked the person. No need to respond. 


I'm guessing maybe he was having a bad day and it set him off? Little things can get to us that would surprise you. We all have our weaknesses when someone says something to us, certain things to make you fly off the handle, it just happens. 


I don't see where this is a big deal though. A few years ago Nickelback went on a frenzy one day replying to tweets about their music sucking which was actually quite funny what they were posting back to people. 

I basically like You Tube for capturing live performances of bands/musicians that I enjoy listening to, movie trailers for my film reviews, & comedy bits or commercials that make me laugh. Oh yeah, I do follow specific drummers online too. I usually try to avoid confrontation. It's not in my nature unless somebody attacks 1 of my friends out of the blue for no apparent reason, they slam Andrew Luck or my Colts, or someone says something so outlandish that it must be called into question. 


You're point about not engaging in arguments with people who love to insult others is a good one most because the person ruffling your feathers doesn't even know you personally & I try to remember that there are days when I loose my cool & say something dumb too so I try to remember that when differences of opinion arise between myself & other forum members. 


I've head people say or maybe Superman told me that twitter allows a person to track their favorite athletes & celebrities etc like 1 stop shopping which might be useful, but I don't need that kind of info that quickly or comprehensively. There's something to be said for avoiding a bombardment of information all at once. You can't comprehend it all anyway immediately & eventually a person gets what they need over time anyway. 


Sometimes, I'll read comments to an article or a You Tube video I replied to, but for the most part, I just let stuff go because even if the person is angry I'm never gonna meet them face to face anyway. 


That's why I enjoy the fans on the forum. 90% of the people who reside here are down to earth, smart, funny as hades, fascinating to learn more about, good debaters on a wide array of issues, & just darn nice. That's why I keep coming back. I take a break from the forum sometimes, but I always return no matter what. 

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That is a tremendous read, thanks for posting. For the reporter who broke the tweet to think Justine's life would be back to normal in a few months was incredibly naïve and perhaps something to sooth his own conscious, not that he seemed to have one.


For a communications person with her type of position to tweet that is the most stunning part of the story. If anyone should have known the consequences, it should have been her.


All the rules have changed. I am not sure people under 30 really get that when it comes to social media.

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I don't get twitter.  If the goal is to attract followers, anybody can say any sort of controversial things.  Its doesn't take a real high IQ to pick on a famous person or start an argument.  I get why a business would want a lot of followers, as product advertising, but I don't understand why an individual would care how many followers  they have. 


Having said that, Kaep calling out the fan for the lack of followers and asking the fan to read defenses shows a certain shallowness and perhaps low IQ himself.  IMO, the one making millions of dollars a year is the person who should be reading coverages, not anybody else. 


Why would Kap expect a guy who isn't getting paid to be a pro football player be able to read coverages?


Why would a guy who gets paid millions of dollars to play football, care about how many followers he has or how few somebody else has?  Does Kap get paid to have followers, or to read coverages?


Unfortunately, the fans tweet was dead on.....ab workouts don't help a QB succeed a whole lot.


Kap made it look like the fan has an IQ five times higher than him.

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Sounds to me like the guy hit a nerve, and Kaepernick is a little self conscious about the subject. Good for the Twitter troll Kaepernick's ego needs knocked down a couple pegs.

He hit a nerve cause the truth hurts. What the guy said is very true. Although he could've been better saying the study session wouldn't help either

Kaps been studying since day 1, he's a terrible QB

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It is most important that you don't engage when someone incites you because you have more to lose. Just say something like "the coaches and players in the locker room know best" and leave it at that. Otherwise, there are no winners in an argument, that is why it is called an argument and not a discussion.

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I really hate Twitter.


Kaepernick shouldn't have responded. Without Harbaugh around I have a feeling that 2014 was not rock bottom for Kaep. That would probably be this upcoming year, and it would not surprise me if he's no longer the starter there by say Thanksgiving. 

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Kaep won't be starting long imo, but not because he's the worst quarterback in the world. He got off of his game this year when they tried to hard to make some pocket passer out of him. If they would have just STUCK WITH WHAT GOT THEM TO THE SB then they would have been fine.

Anyway, that team has gotten old and they have the worst lockerroom I've ever seen. 2-14 isn't a bold prediction imo.

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Kaep won't be starting long imo, but not because he's the worst quarterback in the world. He got off of his game this year when they tried to hard to make some pocket passer out of him. If they would have just STUCK WITH WHAT GOT THEM TO THE SB then they would have been fine.

Anyway, that team has gotten old and they have the worst lockerroom I've ever seen. 2-14 isn't a bold prediction imo.

Defenses shut down the read option after his first season. They had to transition to making him more of a pocket guy. I do think the team is in trouble this season unless this new HC turns out to be someone special.

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True, and he's not gullible enough to take the flame bait. I should go with Cam Newton. I really like the guy, but I need more followers. Sorry, Cam.


Cam is a solid choice.  :D


Even that little kid in the United Way commercial trolls him successfully, so... 

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Defenses shut down the read option after his first season. They had to transition to making him more of a pocket guy. I do think the team is in trouble this season unless this new HC turns out to be someone special.

The year they went to the SB wasn't even the year they relied on the read option. However, Kaep still ran the ball when he had to. For some reason he almost completely abandoned the run this past season though.

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The year they went to the SB wasn't even the year they relied on the read option. However, Kaep still ran the ball when he had to. For some reason he almost completely abandoned the run this past season though.

Yeah. I thought they took away his dynamic ability outside of the pocket this past year. They really should look at the way Seattle runs this O and do similar things with Kaep. He is much more explosive and faster than Wilson and can really do damage. For some reason they were trying to make him into Peyton this year.

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This article is bone chillingly scary Nadine. I don't condone what she said in her last tweet line, but it's mind boggling to think that a person can go from a minimal level of followers, to being mentioned on cable TV shows, to getting fired from their job. Whoa...I saw a CBS Evening News story last night about how liking certain FaceBook videos or social media items online can restrict a person's ability to get hired now. It's almost like your resume & work accomplishments are not the sole factor in getting employed now in some business circles. Basically, CBS featured a story on how employers monitor the activities of people online now as either current employees or prospective new recruits to their company. 




This notion is horrifying to me because what you do in your spare time is none of your boss's business unless it affects your production at work. Plus, as long as you can carry out your job description duties effectively on a regular basis, why should a boss even care?


I understand the employer wanting a productive workforce in order to generate more money annually & to avoid getting sued by a reckless use of the internet on company computers etc. etc. But what I like online, provided it's not illegal on a state or Federal law enforcement level, is none of their darn business IMO. 

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This article is bone chillingly scary Nadine. I don't condone what she said in her last tweet line, but it's mind boggling to think that a person can go from a minimal level of followers, to being mentioned on cable TV shows, to getting fired from their job. Whoa...I say a CBS Evening News story last night about how liking certain FaceBook videos or social media items online can restrict a person's ability to get hired now. It's almost like your resume & work accomplishments are not the sole factor in getting employed now in some business circles. Basically, CBS featured a story on how employers monitor the activities of people online now as either current employees or prospective new recruits to their company. 




This notion is horrifying to me because what you do in your spare time is none of your boss's business unless it affects your production at work. Plus, as long as you can carry out your job description duties effectively on a regular basis, why should a boss even care? 

yes that's creepy

I've heard of people being interviewed and straight up in the interview asked for their social media profile


But this thing where the internet tries and convicts people is pretty wrong


word to the wise, sarcasm is lost on the internet.  Close your facebook profile, they are just data mining you anyway

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Tom doesn't do the Twitter. 

The strange thing is all the heat QB RW got over saying that he liked the new movie "50 Shades Of Grey." Apparently, some religious groups were not pleased that he saw it & liked it. 


Now, people can take offense to a film on religious grounds if they so desire. It is their right naturally, but I was surprised at the backlash RW experienced over claiming he found the film entertaining.


Some people in this world just need to chill, relax, & breathe. RW isn't immoral just because he saw a provocatively steamy motion picture IMO.  

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yes that's creepy

I've heard of people being interviewed and straight up in the interview asked for their social media profile


But this thing where the internet tries and convicts people is pretty wrong


word to the wise, sarcasm is lost on the internet.  Close your facebook profile, they are just data mining you anyway

Great advice Nadine. Thank you. 

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