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Ahmad Bradshaw cited for pot possession


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Smoking weed doesn't make you a bad guy.

Not saying he's a bad guy or that this is equal to Domestic Violence. Just more so speaking to the continued run-ins this team is having. Bradshaw may not have had it but in his posession but he shouldn't have be in that situation period. Just want our guys to stay out the police blotter

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By the way, this headline could easily read: "Two mid-20s black men in a fancy car pulled over and searched with questionable cause"


And I'm not that guy, but following too closely is a weak reason to pull someone over. This isn't DUI/DWI, it's not reckless driving, etc. It's hard for me to take this seriously.


Regardless, Bradshaw was probably gone anyways.

Lol, they pulled him over for tailgating on the interstate? That's 90% of the drivers in the left lane.

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Da'Rick: cut

Old Hickory: cut

Boyett: cut

Purifoy: cut

Brazill: cut

Nixon: cut

Sounds like there is accountability, but you can't fix stupid.

This is why I think we should stay away from troubled players like DGB and Marcus Peters in the draft. If our other players do stupid things like this then what about players with a past in things like that, a true shame.

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Anyone remember when your dad came home from work and had a drink either before, with, or after dinner?


My dad had a one beer most nights with his dinner.


For this generation,  a joint is just that,  a nightly drink.    It's just not a big deal for them.


And for athlete's, it IS a big deal because it helps them manage their pain.   Marijuana is very helpful in this area.   Hey,  senior citizens with cancer are taking marijuana to manage their pain.     It's really helpful.


This just doesn't register for me as a big deal.


I think AB is 50/50 at best.   But, if he's healthy, I'd love to have him back.   It is shocking to me just how good he is!

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Apparently you hate America and the British should have committed genocide.

They didn't send the colonials here to revolt. 


On topic. Meh. Whatever.

I call nonsense on any of this "the coaches don't hold them accountable". That is just stupid. Why don't you go call their 3rd grade teacher and yell at them? They are grown men. They do what they want. I do what I want. You do what you want. And none of us has control over the other. The only way you can control is fear or psychological mind games. And I think we'd have bigger problems if the Colt's hire a hitman to take out players who stray too far from the family. 

That is a huge stretch there, but you do get an A for effort... it's not many people that would try to liken a pot smoking football player to the founders of our country.


Plus the British did commit genocide, they treated as colonials as traitors to the crown and when captured treated them as traitors rather than prisoners of war.


I disagree with somewhat about blaming the coaches though.  When I run a project the first thing I talk about in our kick-off meeting is my expectations of them for the project.  And it's one of those things... players will break the law and mess up, there are a lot of young guys making a lot of money with a lot of free time, that can't necessarily be held against the coach but when things are happening to different players on an almost weekly basis then you have to look at the leader.  You have to examine how he treats the players, how he let's them know his expectations what he does when those expectations are not met and what type of players he brings on the team.


But you can't say the coaches have no part in it.  There is a reason why things like this happened less often during Dungy's tenure in Indy than with Pagano.  There is a reason why it doesn't effect other teams like this.


I do hope, however, that Pagano and Grigson are smart enough to learn from these types of things.  When you are trying to overhaul a roster quickly sometimes you take chances on players that may have issues with drugs or other things and hope for the best... for a few years.  People forget that Polian took chances like that early on with the Colts... signing players like Tito Wooten, Andre Royal and Shawn King... all were awesome while they kept themselves on the straight and narrow... Wooten and Royal lasted half the season and King lasted a season.  

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This is why I think we should stay away from troubled players like DGB and Marcus Peters in the draft. If our other players do stupid things like this then what about players with a past in things like that, a true shame.

Yeah, all those guys are late round picks or UDFA. I don't expect the colts to go anywhere near peters or DGB

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Seems like this is mostly the fault of his passenger.  His passenger was the one that was actually arrested.

True, but should Bradshaw surround himself with people who smoke pot though? There's something to be said for not putting yourself in a bad situation or embarrassing your employer. 


The guy who cuts your cuts your check & provides you with a comfortable standard of living Jim Irsay cannot be pleased with this latest Colts incident at all.


Please don't become the Bengals. A roster littered with guys from a checkered past. 

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First, a citation is not an arrest. According to the story, his passenger was arrested, he was not.

Second, take a chill pill. Chuck Pagano isn't in charge of how players live their lives. This isn't his fault.

Third, I honestly don't know if I could care less about this. Some (or maybe just one) of you are acting like he killed somebody.



They're growing weed all around me CA , AZ . Everyone's getting a script to buy it , please excuse me if I don't give a rat's hinny.

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True, but should Bradshaw surround himself with people who smoke pot though? There's something to be said for not putting yourself in a bad situation or embarrassing your employer. 


The guy who cuts your cuts your check & provides you with a comfortable standard of living Jim Irsay cannot be pleased with this latest Colts incident at all.


Please don't become the Bengals. A roster littered with guys from a checkered past. 


Asking this of anyone is unrealistic ... he would really be pretty limited in who he could hang out with if he eliminated everyone who smoked pot... a large percentage of the population, and most NFL players.  

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Evidently both were pizzed that Brad was late getting them their stuff....


ughhhh.    what a comedy our team has become.   


Every one on this squad needs to tighten it up TODAY.


Not to mention if D'Qwell and mcNary spent more time with Bradshaw they might not be in the situations they are now.

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What an *. You get paid millions of dollars to make easy sacrifices.

I just lost a lot of respect for him.

Quit defending him. He messed up big time.


Overreact much???  You lost respect for him for a citation, he did not even get arrested. Do you realize how easy it is to get a citation for something like this?

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Nothing surprising. I'd say 90% of the players smoke weed. And this doesn't make him a bad guy, but I doubt we'd brought him back regardless.


Ninety percent?  So if they drug tested the whole league at once we might have another season with replacement players -- when almost all the players are suspended.

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Yeah, all those guys are late round picks or UDFA. I don't expect the colts to go anywhere near peters or DGB

Agree 110% the stakes are lowered by a huge amount when those guys are all flyers in the late rounds and UD free agency. I'm all for them. Low risk who knows the reward. But when its the big name players like DGB and Peters its High risk HIgh reward but with us it seems the risk is doubled essentially 

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I get that ...  but are rules not rules?   


I mean come on..    EVERYONE knows the routine...    they know when the * tests come  and STILL cannot pass?


I am all for Mary Jane legalization.      Too bad I live in the state that will be the LAST to do it...


that said...     It is written...      obey.


It's not hard.       AN nfl player has ALL OFF season to get high as a kite.          BUT then ,,,         3 scheduled tests a year and all are announced.          How can one possibly # this up?


JMO    oh well...     My cousin lives in Colorado...   heehee   no worries..  hheheee


Anyone remember when your dad came home from work and had a drink either before, with, or after dinner?


My dad had a one beer most nights with his dinner.


For this generation,  a joint is just that,  a nightly drink.    It's just not a big deal for them.


And for athlete's, it IS a big deal because it helps them manage their pain.   Marijuana is very helpful in this area.   Hey,  senior citizens with cancer are taking marijuana to manage their pain.     It's really helpful.


This just doesn't register for me as a big deal.


I think AB is 50/50 at best.   But, if he's healthy, I'd love to have him back.   It is shocking to me just how good he is!

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If this is true.. . this just goes back to a THEME I brought up mid season with this team as far as penalties, and drops, and all the other "discipline" issues...



THIS has got to end... NOW.. Chuck is running a clown show. on the field and off.. How is this team expected to beat NE when so many cannot stay out of trouble and do the basic things in life to succeed?

This is just bad... I am so disappointed in AB... WELL...

Melvin Gordin... go get him.

I find it amazing how up in arms you are about this with how much you argued in favor of Hardy.

I will say that for a guy that seemed to be on the cusp of being out the door anyhow, this probably sealed the deal.

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If this is true.. .   this just goes back to a THEME I brought up mid season with this team as far as penalties, and drops, and all the other "discipline" issues...  






THIS has got to end...   NOW..   Chuck is running a clown show.      on the field and off..    How is this team expected to beat NE when so many cannot stay out of trouble and do the basic things in life to succeed?  



This is just bad...   I am so disappointed in AB...    WELL...   


Melvin Gordin...    go get him.

Chuck pretty much doesn't run anything...he hands it off to his minion coaches and then cheers on his player buddies.

Chuck really has no clue how to be a head coach...he just lets things happen.

I wonder how many years it will take Irsay to figure it out.

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True, but should Bradshaw surround himself with people who smoke pot though? There's something to be said for not putting yourself in a bad situation or embarrassing your employer. 


The guy who cuts your cuts your check & provides you with a comfortable standard of living Jim Irsay cannot be pleased with this latest Colts incident at all.


Please don't become the Bengals. A roster littered with guys from a checkered past. 



I agree, but I'd like to know what Irsay is thinking with all of his own drug issues.  But of course it doesn't change the fact that he has to make some kind of call on these things though.

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wth, I am a hypocrite...       but I like my bad boys to stay out of trouble..    Thats not too much to ask for is it?



And I said bring Hardy in if the price is right.    incentives>        I mean come on ....   if this team is willing to put up with bench warmers getting clowned on the Police blotter surely Indy could pay a little for a guy that can sack the QB?



I find it amazing how up in arms you are about this with how much you argued in favor of Hardy.

I will say that for a guy that seemed to be on the cusp of being out the door anyhow, this probably sealed the deal.

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