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Who would you rather be today.


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A packer fan or a Colts fan.

Here what happen while i was watching the Colts game yesterday.

So I'm sitting in the bar during the 1st half of the Colts game. In comes a packer fans who knows he's going to catch crap from his buddies there. He takes it all in stride. He says he had his trip to the superbowl all planned out in the 3rd quarter. Says all he had to do was click buy on the plane tickets.

In the 3rd quarter it's clear the colts are going to lose bad i start to think who would i rather be packers fan or colts fans at that minute. I always said if the Colts are going to lose i hope they keep it close. I love blowouts if the Colts win. I don't like nail biters cause some times your team will lose. Today I'm 100% sure I'd rather be a Colts fans. Im over that loss but I'm sure Packers fans won't be over that loss anytime soon.

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Aaron Rodgers has to be sick, sick, sick. When they were up 16-0 he had the ball at the Hawks 30 and was driving to put the game away and Cobbs I think ran the wrong route and it was picked. If they go in there, no way Hawks come back. Also, too many FGs in general. The only TD they got was on a free play because of defensive onsides.

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I watched the fourth quarter of the Packers game to get a good seat in the bar for the Colts' game.  There were Packers fans joking around about going to the Superbowl, etc. when I got there.  They were crushed emotionally going into OT, never mind the ending.  One guy angrily texting his buddies not there ( I knew because he was mouthing out loud what he was sending).


I wouldn't want to be that fan base.  Logically, I didn't expect the Colts to win, but was hoping for a better outcome.  That the same way I ended the night.  Today...Disappointed but looking forward to next season.

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Well, at least the Packers only have one scapegoat (when did Hank Baskett change his name?)  We had a complete meltdown, we were out of this game from the very start.  It was embarrassing, it was pathetic.


The Packers were in it and fought back to take it to overtime, but were out coached and out played at the end. Still, it is better than rolling over and playing dead.

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I'd rather get blown out then choke the way the Packers did.

A "discount double-choke"...if you will. :)

Yeah...a 45-31 score might have softened things a bit, but by getting pole-axed the way we did....it leaves no doubt whatsoever that we have 2-3 "playmaker" deficiencies on both sides of the line to deal with.

Our trouncing was painful...but useful.

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I would absolutely rather be a Colts fan.  We overachieved this year.  On the other hand, the Packers completely choked.  6 mins left in the game and their offense becomes run, run, pass, punt?  They got scared, played conservatively, and played not to lose instead of playing to win.

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Based soley on the games yesterday and not the future, a Packers fan, at least they were competitive.

Yep, and they went to one of the hardest places in the NFL to play, with an injured QB and almost won against the Superbowl champions.  They choked bad, but at least at the end of the day, they can say their team deserved to be in the NFC Championship and will get there again to redeem themselves.  Our team just proved the media right, they proved that they were lucky that Manning was injured and got favorable match ups to get to the AFC Championship, but truly didn't belong there.  If we had to play the Steelers or Pats in the last round, it would have ended the same as last year. 

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I would absolutely rather be a Colts fan.  We overachieved this year.  On the other hand, the Packers completely choked.  6 mins left in the game and their offense becomes run, run, pass, punt?  They got scared, played conservatively, and played not to lose instead of playing to win.

To the portion in bold:  IMO, that's a coaching issue and can be fixed easier than a "toughness" issue. You can be taught to keep your foot on the opponent's throat.The Packers dominated the game and as a fan, you can say that they matched up well with Seattle. Toughness requires changes in mentality and personnel. It's much harder to address.

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To the portion in bold:  IMO, that's a coaching issue and can be fixed easier than a "toughness" issue. You can be taught to keep your foot on the opponent's throat.The Packers dominated the game and as a fan, you can say that they matched up well with Seattle. Toughness requires changes in mentality and personnel. It's much harder to address.

I agree that coaching mistakes are easier to learn from than changing your toughness/mentality.  But Grigson is still building the roster.  In year 3, we went 11-5, won our division, went 2-1 in the playoffs, and our offense led the league in multiple categories.  The Chiefs had the first overall pick 2 years ago and had a much more complete roster than we do now.  Yet we are doing much better than they are.  Grigson had to build the roster up from nearly nothing.  I think there are plenty of changes coming and more additions to the team.

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I agree that coaching mistakes are easier to learn from than changing your toughness/mentality.  But Grigson is still building the roster.  In year 3, we went 11-5, won our division, went 2-1 in the playoffs, and our offense led the league in multiple categories.  The Chiefs had the first overall pick 2 years ago and had a much more complete roster than we do now.  Yet we are doing much better than they are.  Grigson had to build the roster up from nearly nothing.  I think there are plenty of changes coming and more additions to the team.

Let's imagine Luck going to the Titans. He would be throwing to talented receivers, a good tight end, and would have a better O-line and run game than he currently has. The Titans have good defensive personnel, possibly better overall talent, minus the CB position. They would have won the AFC South. The Colts meanwhile would be a struggling team.


What I am saying is that minus Luck, we have the same talent as the bottom team in the AFC South. Grigson is being helped tremendously by Luck's abilities.


Lastly, Grigson and company stated "We will not use the R word (rebuild) this is a reload." Therefore, there is no 3-year plan or 5-year plan like so many fans are claiming. What do people expect will happen in year 5? Magically we will be a better team? We are better on offense this year (Luck's progression) and we've gotten better play from our CBs, but where else have we improved? We've actually had more blow-out losses this year.

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Let's imagine Luck going to the Titans. He would be throwing to talented receivers, a good tight end, and would have a better O-line and run game than he currently has. The Titans have good defensive personnel, possibly better overall talent, minus the CB position. They would have won the AFC South. The Colts meanwhile would be a struggling team.


What I am saying is that minus Luck, we have the same talent as the bottom team in the AFC South. Grigson is being helped tremendously by Luck's abilities.


Lastly, Grigson and company stated "We will not use the R word (rebuild) this is a reload." Therefore, there is no 3-year plan or 5-year plan like so many fans are claiming. What do people expect will happen in year 5? Magically we will be a better team? We are better on offense this year (Luck's progression) and we've gotten better play from our CBs, but where else have we improved? We've actually had more blow-out losses this year.

I dunno, it's hard to say.  They have the players they have now because, in part, they don't have Luck.  That's why they take a talented receiver like Kendall Wright in the first round of the 2012 draft.  Between Wright and Luck, I'd rather have Luck. You never know how a team's decisions would change with a franchise QB.on the roster.


To answer your question about year 5, yes.  We should have a much better team in year 5 because Luck and the offensive guys will have progressed more and we can find more talent to bring in via the draft and free agency.


At the end of the day, I'm glad to have Luck and I'm confident Grigson is going to build a Super Bowl winning team.  I've been very critical of Grigson and Pagano, but I say give them more time.  All they've done is take a 2-14 team, make the playoffs 3 consecutive years, and go farther in the playoffs each year.  Grigson really needs to have a good draft and free agency splurge this offseason

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The loud and boisterous Packer fans are silent today. It looks like that game was fixed with that had to happen to let The legion of trash to get back into that game


Clinton-Dix just watching the two point conversion and not doing anything to prevent it 

The onside kick was a disaster 

Keeping shorty with a zero passer rating chew up the field on the tying TD 

The packers getting to the 35 of TLOT and then doing nothing else to get a TD

Letting TLOT march down the field in overtime and not have safety help 


The Pack must have had the over.

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The loud and boisterous Packer fans are silent today. It looks like that game was fixed with that had to happen to let The legion of trash to get back into that game

Clinton-Dix just watching the two point conversion and not doing anything to prevent it

The onside kick was a disaster

Keeping shorty with a zero passer rating chew up the field on the tying TD

The packers getting to the 35 of TLOT and then doing nothing else to get a TD

Letting TLOT march down the field in overtime and not have safety help

The Pack must have had the over.

Man I commented about how the Packers gave absolutely no effort to block punts. In one instance both lines just literally stood up and kind of played slap hands for a second. There ed no push nor any resistance to push back. That happened twice that I saw.

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I would absolutely rather be a Colts fan. We overachieved this year. On the other hand, the Packers completely choked. 6 mins left in the game and their offense becomes run, run, pass, punt? They got scared, played conservatively, and played not to lose instead of playing to win.

I hate it when teams do that. Has none realized that never works? Saints vs Colts anyone?

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I agree ..... much rather be competitive . That was a pathetic performance yesterday.

Give NE some credit they took Hilton and Montcref out of the picture all game and Luck had no one to throw to. Pep needs to get more motion into the WR's before the snap so The opposing DB's can't jam our receivers at the line so much and we will get more separation. I 'm disappointed that the colts didn't ply well but I have been a Colts fan from when they were in Baltimore so i lived through some good times and the bad times. I will take getting to the playoffs every year over not getting there any day.

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If you're wondering, Packers guard Josh Sitton would rather be in our shoes




"Anytime you feel like you should have won, it's tough to get over," he said, per ESPN Wisconsin. "And when it's the last one, it's very difficult to get over. You feel like it's a waste of seven, eight months. What's the point of getting this far? I'd have rather not even made the playoffs."


Sitton -- adding he'd have also preferred a blowout to the late-game gut punch -- lamented the Packers' missed opportunities that led directly to the Seahawks' comeback.

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