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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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since you guys are so concerned with the integrity of the game, i can only assume you were all blasting the Colts throughout the Suck For Luck year? Afterall, tanking is far bigger slap in the face of integrity than doctoring balls.

I also assume the baseball fans amongst you get equally enraged at teams that steal signs and doctor balls, right?

Or any hockey fans in the group must have en eagle eye looking for inconsistencies in a player's stick curve

Is your last name strawman?

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since you guys are so concerned with the integrity of the game, i can only assume you were all blasting the Colts throughout the Suck For Luck year?  Afterall, tanking is far bigger slap in the face of integrity than doctoring balls.


I also assume the baseball fans amongst you get equally enraged at teams that steal signs and doctor balls, right?


Or any hockey fans in the group must have en eagle eye looking for inconsistencies in a player's stick curve

I do not care about baseball, but I do like hockey and if a player is consistently using an illegal stick then that player should be punished. If 11 of 12 sticks are found to be illegal after inspections by the hockey refs then the team & coach should be punished.

The suck for Luck comment is just dumb.

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So to you all cheating is the same? Please. Is stealing $10 from your mom the same as robbing a bank in your world too?

Why are we comparing cheating at a game to crimes punishable by imprisonment?  One is about keeping the playing field competitive and fair on equal sides.  The other is about maintaining a civil code of conduct so that the basic rights and freedoms of others aren't impinged. 

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It was permeated throughout our culture.  When I grew up playing sports at every level it was taught and instilled as a value.  We didn't want to win by cheating... PERIOD.  



I didn't ask about you. I asked about the NFL.

pats fans have a hard time comprehending, integrity & value, when there is a resounding culture of rule bending/cheating, deflecting, spinning, etc...

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I didn't ask about you. I asked about the NFL.

Irrelevant.  You assume everyone cheats and want to justify your belief.  You will do anything to deflect from the simple facts - if they turn out to be corroborated.  You're like the child who is caught and says, "Well Johhny does it and you didn't punish him." 


When you break a rule to attempt to gain advantage for a win, you are wrong.  It doesn't matter how many others do it and don't get caught.   

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Irrelevant.  You assume everyone cheats and want to justify your belief.  You will do anything to deflect from the simple facts - if they turn out to be corroborated.  You're like the child who is caught and says, "Well Johhny does it and you didn't punish him." 


When you break a rule to attempt to gain advantage for a win, you are wrong.  It doesn't matter how many others do it and don't get caught.   

Irrelevant? Perhaps you should check NFL history in the 50's, 60's and 70's and then you can tell me how the patriots are so different from their peers of yester year.

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Irrelevant.  You assume everyone cheats and want to justify your belief.  You will do anything to deflect from the simple facts - if they turn out to be corroborated.  You're like the child who is caught and says, "Well Johhny does it and you didn't punish him." 


When you break a rule to attempt to gain advantage for a win, you are wrong.  It doesn't matter how many others do it and don't get caught.   




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I think the players are fine and will use it as a rallying cry for next Sunday.


In terms of the fans, what can you do. Sadly, we are used to this. The allegations, the silly rules violations that apparently were not necessary to violate ... very interested in what the investigation finds and what the Pats say. Bill will interview tomorrow ...



Pat's fans cry vociferously because they were Cinderella in early 2000's, but in 2007 suffered a lost first round draft pick and saw NFL fined coach B. Belichick a half million dollars.  Rumor has it I'd heard Robert Kraft asked BB on a scale of 1 - 100 how much spygate helped the Pat's and he said 99. To which Kraft called him a (self mod edit).  So I guess ball air pressure is 100 then.  And is another taint on the Patriots organization to which the fans still refuse to accept their inner Oakland Raider fan mode.  They want to go back to the pristine princess of Feb. 3, 2002 but these 2 incidents cement a black cloud legacy over the organization.


I wonder if anybody in the org knows things and will spill it to NFL investigators.  MB was able to find a lot out I never thought they would uncover. We should know by end of the week what the scope of involvement and punishments will be.

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The Commissioner’s powers under this section (UNFAIR ACTS) include the imposition of monetary fines and draft choice forfeitures, suspension of persons involved, and, if appropriate, the reversal of a game’s result or the rescheduling of a game, either from the beginning or from the point at which the extraordinary act occurred.

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How do you possibly think deflating a football for a better grip is the same as taping defensive signals??

Because the league isn't bound to a maximum penalty for either.  Violation of either of those rules is at the leagues discretion.  So as far as the league is concerned, they are on the same level - and rightfully so since the league finds both to be an attack on the integrity of the game.  It doesn't matter if you or I think one is worse than the other.  We can argue that until the sun starts rising in the west.  The league says their both the same and will punish however they see fit.

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Irrelevant? Perhaps you should check NFL history in the 50's, 60's and 70's and then you can tell me how the patriots are so different from their peers of yester year.

And for the last time... a man of honor would not choose to win that way.  Justifying wrong acts because others do so is wrong.  You are wrong.  You are so steeped in a win at all costs culture that you choose to have no moral compass.  Do not assume others are like your team to justify doing wrong.  

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And for the last time... a man of honor would not choose to win that way.  Justifying wrong acts because others do so is wrong.  You are wrong.  You are so steeped in a win at all costs culture that you choose to have no moral compass.  Do not assume others are like your team to justify doing wrong.  

lol. I was just refuting your point that somehow the "old" NFL had more "integrity" than today's NFL.

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Posted Today, 01:54 PM

BrownianMotion, on 21 Jan 2015 - 1:39 PM, said:snapback.png

Against the rules? Yes.

Cheating? Absolutely not. By very definition of the word.
verb \ˈchēt\

: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something

There was no advantage. Therefore it is not cheating.


Yeah, purposely deflating a football to help it be easier to catch isn't cheating



"Jaws", (Ron Jaworski) disagrees with him, says it is very much an advantage.  Jaws was a high level QB for the Eagles for a long time.  He would know first hand.

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amfootball - I have simply lost all respect for you as a fan.  Defend and deflect away.


If my coach had done what yours did in the past I would have called for his head.  PERIOD.  

If my coach had allowed what has been alleged and appears to be all but confirmed, I would call for his head.  PERIOD


Bookmark this post and see what happens should my team do anything similar.  My values will not change.  My team's sportsmanship is of higher value to me than winning at all costs. 


Sadly, you will have some pathetic response so have a really nice day, I'm getting back to work and earning a living.

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amfootball - I have simply lost all respect for you as a fan.  Defend and deflect away.


If my coach had done what yours did in the past I would have called for his head.  PERIOD.  

If my coach had allowed what has been alleged and appears to be all but confirmed, I would call for his head.  PERIOD


Bookmark this post and see what happens should my team do anything similar.  My values will not change.  My team's sportsmanship is of higher value to me than winning at all costs. 


Sadly, you will have some pathetic response so have a really nice day, I'm getting back to work and earning a living.


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Honor.  Integrity.  Sportsmanship.


The forgotten character traits of great men and great teams.


There was a time, not so long ago when someone would not "do anything" to win regardless of it's legal or moral status.  They would do anything within the rules to win.  Winning by stretching, breaking, or bending the rules into a pretzel shape would have cheapened the value of the win for the team competing for the championship.


I am sickened by this and if Belicheck knew/condoned/looked the other way I would love to see him banned for life for a second offense.  PERIOD.  A lesson needs to be taught and fear instilled or the game becomes the WWE.


In a game last month between Minn and Carolina the NFL caught team attendants warming balls in front of the heaters in order the soften them up to gain an advantage.  This is against NFL rules.  The refs gave them a warning and nothing else was done in reference to sanctions.    I take it you have a severe problem with the NFL not sanctions the team that was warming the balls or are you comfortable with just a warning.  You know from a integrity standpoint, is the warning enough for you for someone who is trying to manipulate a ball during the game to gain and advantage? 

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Interesting that Chris Mortensen is reporting this all dates back to our first game with the Pats back in November.


Mike Adams picked off Brady twice and thought he noticed something funny with the ball.    He alerted the coaches,  and the team alerted the NFL.....


Now it happens again in the playoffs.


There's just no level low enough that Belichick won't stoop to win....    and for what?    He had the much better team!

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amfootball - I have simply lost all respect for you as a fan.  Defend and deflect away.


If my coach had done what yours did in the past I would have called for his head.  PERIOD.  

If my coach had allowed what has been alleged and appears to be all but confirmed, I would call for his head.  PERIOD


Bookmark this post and see what happens should my team do anything similar.  My values will not change.  My team's sportsmanship is of higher value to me than winning at all costs. 


Sadly, you will have some pathetic response so have a really nice day, I'm getting back to work and earning a living.

You really need to go back and read the thread. I have not defended the Pats at all in this. In fact, I posted an apology to Colts fans and said the Pats have explaining to do pending the rest of the investigation.


What I take issue with is this idea that somehow the Pats have done or are doing things that no other teams have done. And your comment that somehow the NFL of the past has more integrity than today's game is laughable and that is why I jumped on it. Sorry if that offended you or you took it as some kind of deflection but that comment was just too over the top not to comment on.


Enjoy the rest of your work day.

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Interesting that Chris Mortensen is reporting this all dates back to our first game with the Pats back in November.


Mike Adams picked off Brady twice and thought he noticed something funny with the ball.    He alerted the coaches,  and the team alerted the NFL.....


Now it happens again in the playoffs.


There's just no level low enough that Belichick won't stoop to win....    and for what?    He had the much better team!

The forgotton point being it was a one score game in the fourth quarter and the game ended up giving them home field advantage and zapped all our confidence.

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In a game last month between Minn and Carolina the NFL caught team attendants warming balls in front of the heaters in order the soften them up to gain an advantage.  This is against NFL rules.  The refs gave them a warning and nothing else was done in reference to sanctions.    I take it you have a severe problem with the NFL not sanctions the team that was warming the balls or are you comfortable with just a warning.  You know from a integrity standpoint, is the warning enough for you for someone who is trying to manipulate a ball during the game to gain and advantage? 

I believe rules need to be enforced.  Whatever the appropriate penalty needs to be meeted out.  Equally.  To winning teams and losing teams.  Do not assume that because I didn't mention this particular episode I condone their behavior.


Rules are put into the game to equalize the playing field for each team so that truly the "best team wins."  


A team that wins by cheating is not the best team.  EVER.

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