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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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Ironic we get to life talk everytime Pats are in hot waters

It's a catch all option when there is no way to go to the topic in hand. Yeah let's bring in some personal sentimental emotions and shut the people up

Nice work


Nice accusation. SMH...


When trying to put this whole thing in perspective, I didn't even mention the major scare we had with my own daughter five nights ago. Ever spend an overnight at Boston Children's Hospital with your entire world on the line? Ever hold a 5-year-old's hand while she got a 90-minute MRI and spent eight hours getting examined by two ER docs, a pediatric neurologist, and countless nurses? 


It has been a difficult week. I'm not complaining, I am very, very blessed. And I was simply trying to tell Buck that this entire silly story is in no way ruining my mood or my enjoyment of the Patriots reaching another Super Bowl. The young man from my office is in good condition and my daughter will be just fine. Life is good, and football is just football. 


But hey, I almost forgot... I'm a Patriots fan so I must be a lying and manipulative scumbag, right? 


There is so much more I want to say, but you aren't worth it... not even a little.

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Patriots fans are actually trying to say that professional football player D'Qwell Jackson doesn't know what a football feels like. Jesus.


No we're not. We're saying that an NFL referee should have a better sense for that than a linebacker. 


You don't think it's strange that a ref placed the same exact ball that Jackson intercepted without noticing the same thing that Jackson noticed? 

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No we're not. We're saying that an NFL referee should have a better sense for that than a linebacker. 


You don't think it's strange that a ref placed the same exact ball that Jackson intercepted without noticing the same thing that Jackson noticed? 


Do you think it's weird that the NFL removed several abnormal balls from the game? 

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I'm pretty sure that's not the first time DQ ever touched a football. Just saying.

It doesn't take a genius to notice a football feeling deflated anyway.


Which makes you wonder how the refs didn't notice this, since they handle the football on every snap of every game and also had the advantage of handling the fully inflated Colts balls for comparison. Why do you suppose they didn't notice it? Also, since the allegation apparently occured in the first half, when the game was still close and there was no significant rain, I wonder why the Patriots looked so much better in the 2nd half, when the rain got heavy and after the officials had been put on notice about potentially deflated balls?


I fully understand the compulsive need to believe in stories like this for fans of other teams, but again I'll say it - this is an incredibly flimsy accusation that requires a whole lot of logic to be cast aside in order to buy in to it.

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yeah bill had all the motivation going into the SB with spygate and we saw how that went


As always Shane, you're absolutely right.


We lost one game, 19 weeks after the allegations. The next 17 games immediately following the accusations? Complete domination.


Good thing we're only talking about 1 game, 2 weeks from now.

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And you know... I've never understood that. Especially since the Colts and the Patriots have/had a long standing rivalry. It makes more sense to be on a board that both teams don't "hate" each other. Because, to me, in my opinion, it's trolling in a way. Unless of course everyone minds their manners, but you know that can get out of hand.


I can only speak for myself, but I find it much more interesting and enjoyable contributing to discussions and hearing the viewpoints of fans that dont automatically share my opinions. I could easily go to Pats forum, join the circle and hold hands, and sing Kumbaya since the majority of us would all have the same thoughts. What's the fun in that? 


Trolling is not simply having a different opinion. Trolling is posting something with the sole purpose of eliciting a negative response from someone while intentionally contributing nothing of value to a conversation. 

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The Patriots are and have been cheaters for the last 15 years and will continue to be because Kraft's best buddy Roger won't do anything except slap them in the wrist again. More teams will start trying to do this because the potential reward far outweighs the possible punishment. Guys like scumbag Kraft and Bellichick don't care if they have to cheat or not, winning is winning.


My pappy said you only need an excuse when you lose. Seems like you need a bunch of them when playing the Pats.

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Do you think it's weird that the NFL removed several abnormal balls from the game? 


Sure, but I have no idea how often that happens in any given game. I would think it's far less common early on in the season when the weather is warmer.


From what I've read, if inclement weather is expected, teams are instructed to bring 24 game balls instead of 12. So that tells me, logically, that balls are swapped out more often when the conditions dictate it. Saturday wasn't too cold but it was raining heavily throughout most of the game. 


You didn't answer my question though, nice dodge.  ;)


Don't you think it's strange that Jackson, a LB, thought the ball was light, while the ref, who has been trained to actually look for that sort of thing, did not, and set the same exact ball for the snap?


Maybe Jackson is some kind of weight detection savant, I don't know. He should get a job with a carnival guessing weights when his NFL career is over! 

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Nice accusation. SMH...

When trying to put this whole thing in perspective, I didn't even mention the major scare we had with my own daughter five nights ago. Ever spend an overnight at Boston Children's Hospital with your entire world on the line? Ever hold a 5-year-old's hand while she got a 90-minute MRI and spent eight hours getting examined by two ER docs, a pediatric neurologist, and countless nurses?

It has been a difficult week. I'm not complaining, I am very, very blessed. And I was simply trying to tell Buck that this entire silly story is in no way ruining my mood or my enjoyment of the Patriots reaching another Super Bowl. The young man from my office is in good condition and my daughter will be just fine. Life is good, and football is just football.

But hey, I almost forgot... I'm a Patriots fan so I must be a lying and manipulative scumbag, right?

There is so much more I want to say, but you aren't worth it... not even a little.

Nice way to circle around the topic again with personal emotions and taking a personal shot ( last line ).

This is a football forum and you want me to emphathize with all you are doing in your personal life, sure. And if I don't I am a cold blooded evil guy. I mean I can add all my personal issues and put under perspective.

Here is an advice for you since we are talking about perspective. Learn to treat others with respect. That's a good start. Cut your snotty and personal shots you constantly take. Otherwise, you look a hypocrite.

Back to the topic, we will wait and see how the investigation goes.

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As always Shane, you're absolutely right.

We lost one game, 19 weeks after the allegations. The next 17 games immediately following the accusations? Complete domination.

Good thing we're only talking about 1 game, 2 weeks from now.

Of course I am right.

Did you read to the post I commented to begin with?. The poster said Bill gets all motivation for the SB with deflategate to which I said he got even more motivation with spygate in 2007 and that really didn't help for the SB game. Not that hard to understand.

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I could easily go to Pats forum, join the circle and hold hands, and sing Kumbaya since the majority of us would all have the same thoughts. What's the fun in that? 


I can almost guarantee people on the Pats forum don't all have the same thoughts, bro.

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Sure, but I have no idea how often that happens in any given game. I would think it's far less common early on in the season when the weather is warmer.


From what I've read, if inclement weather is expected, teams are instructed to bring 24 game balls instead of 12. So that tells me, logically, that balls are swapped out more often when the conditions dictate it. Saturday wasn't too cold but it was raining heavily throughout most of the game. 


You didn't answer my question though, nice dodge.  ;)


Don't you think it's strange that Jackson, a LB, thought the ball was light, while the ref, who has been trained to actually look for that sort of thing, did not, and set the same exact ball for the snap?


Maybe Jackson is some kind of weight detection savant, I don't know. He should get a job with a carnival guessing weights when his NFL career is over! 



I guess we will know the answer to that if the report is there were deflated balls in play. Why do you guys want to speculate so much on this issue ? It's going to just end up a non issue as even if it's true , they can't prove the Pats intentionally deflated balls. BTW.... there's nothing wrong with Jackson , who's played for years in the NFL to feel the ball was under inflated . Contrary to what Pat fans claim , the game was not over at that point in time. Didn't the score go to 14-7 the drive after that int ? Maybe not and you people are right ... game over and sour grapes. My lord you people never stop with *ic comments. Lord , Lord Lord.

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The pats if found guilty will be subject to at $25,000 fine. No draft picks.



A team can be fined if it is found to be knowingly altering the weight of the football.

The NFL's game operations manual states: "Once the balls have left the locker room, no one, including players, equipment managers, ball boys, and coaches, is allowed to alter the footballs in any way. If any individual alters the footballs, or if a non-approved ball is used in the game, the person responsible and, if appropriate, the head coach or other club personnel will be subject to discipline, including but not limited to, a fine of $25,000."





Btw... betting line right now with both Seattle DB's expected to play is even at some sports books and Pats favored by 1 in some of the others. Usually I'm pretty good with this stuff...... for reasons I won't go into.

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Btw... betting line right now with both Seattle DB's expected to play is even at some sports books and Pats favored by 1 in some of the others. Usually I'm pretty good with this stuff...... for reasons I won't go into.

I saw it as a pick 'em but with Sherman and Thomas hurt and also Chancellor is playing with a bad hip than I think that is enough to favor the Pats. If that Seattle secondary is not up to peak performance than the game could get ugly.

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It's funny, when I first heard about this everybody was claiming Kravitz went to the league with deflated balls allegations. As if a reporter could even be in a position to do that. Then we hear, oh it was just the refs removing a kicking ball. Then we hear D'Quell alerted Colts higher ups, who in turn notified the league. Now they're reporting it was several balls, including the ball Cribbs fumbled. I'm choking on all of this smoke, there must be a fire around here somewhere. Especially, if you consider Billy B. has been caught cheating before.

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I saw it as a pick 'em but with Sherman and Thomas hurt and also Chancellor is playing with a bad hip than I think that is enough to favor the Pats. If that Seattle secondary is not up to peak performance than the game could get ugly.



NE would never be an under dog to that team after Sunday's game. That was my point when we last discussed it. Opend up that way and the wise guys brutalized those books that felt Seattle minus 2. Lasted about 5 minutes

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NE would never be an under dog to that team after Sunday's game. That was my point when we last discussed it. Opend up that way and the wise guys brutalized those books that felt Seattle minus 2. Lasted about 5 minutes

Yeah, Seattle looked horrible. And they got injured. BUT they have the number one defense but if hurt than not really something you can count on. I think the line for this game is fascinating. I think most folks just assume Pats would get favored because of Bill and Brady but they were not favored in 2011 over the Giants given how bad their defense was that year and no Gronk either as he was hobbled with the ankle and a non-factor. There always seems to be one key injury every SB and I am thankful that this year it is not the Pats. :)

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It's funny, when I first heard about this everybody was claiming Kravitz went to the league with deflated balls allegations. As if a reporter could even be in a position to do that. Then we hear, oh it was just the refs removing a kicking ball. Then we hear D'Quell alerted Colts higher ups, who in turn notified the league. Now they're reporting it was several balls, including the ball Cribbs fumbled. I'm choking on all of this smoke, there must be a fire around here somewhere. Especially, if you consider Billy B. has been caught cheating before.


Dunno... would BB be so stupid that he didn't notice them removing balls from the game and keep deflating them ? This IMO is going nowhere. Did they do it ? You can't totally discount it as they are known for cheating but I would guess probably not.

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Of course I am right.

Did you read to the post I commented to begin with?. The poster said Bill gets all motivation for the SB with deflategate to which I said he got even more motivation with spygate in 2007 and that really didn't help for the SB game. Not that hard to understand.


Dude...you haven't been right about a single prediction or 'won' any argument all season. I'm saying that any motivation Bill seemingly had immediately following anyone 'questioning' the legitimacy of the team served him quite well for the next, what...4 months? Yeah, they lost one game at the end...but they did pretty darn well the next 17 games after the allegations....and if we get a repeat of that type of response...well...we'll take it.

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Dude...you haven't been right about a single prediction or 'won' any argument since you've been here. I'm saying that any motivation Bill seemingly had immediately following anyone 'questioning' the legitimacy of the team served him quite well for the next, what...4 months? Yeah, they lost one game at the end...but they did pretty darn well the next 17 games after the allegations....and if we get a repeat of that type of response...well...we'll take it.

you are wrong again. I think you are here to pick up fight and bait. It's clear. what part is hard to understand again.

Re read again. Going into the SB game is the discussion.

I am not going to feed you to this topic.

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Yeah, Seattle looked horrible. And they got injured. BUT they have the number one defense but if hurt than not really something you can count on. I think the line for this game is fascinating. I think most folks just assume Pats would get favored because of Bill and Brady but they were not favored in 2011 over the Giants given how bad their defense was that year and no Gronk either as he was hobbled with the ankle and a non-factor. There always seems to be one key injury every SB and I am thankful that this year it is not the Pats. :)



The Seattle DB's looked to be OK but who knows. I thought GB had an interesting way of defending Wilson .. but maybe I'm crazy. It looked to me that often the D lineman would just get in from of him when he started a scramble.. rather than futilely  chase him around. It looked to me that this often made him pull up and make a throw. Then they kind of lost contain the last couple of possessions and the rest is history. But man .. they just totally played for recovering an onside kick as they never stopped running the ball. They were still running need 2 scores with around 4 minutes left and no time outs. I think we may have seen a bit of a blue print of how best to contain RW. If you just play contain and make him find a receiver from the pocket , his size is a big detriment. Pats will win this game without a whole lot of trouble.

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The Seattle DB's looked to be OK but who knows. I thought GB had an interesting way of defending Wilson .. but maybe I'm crazy. It looked to me that often the D lineman would just get in from of him when he started a scramble.. rather than futilely  chase him around. It looked to me that this often made him pull up and make a throw. Then they kind of lost contain the last couple of possessions and the rest is history. But man .. they just totally played for recovering an onside kick as they never stopped running the ball. They were still running need 2 scores with around 4 minutes left and no time outs. I think we may have seen a bit of a blue print of how best to contain RW. If you just play contain and make him find a receiver from the pocket , his size is a big detriment. Pats will win this game without a whole lot of trouble.

I think when the DBs are forced to tackle Gronk, Lafells or Blount then their injuries could become an issue. Thomas has a dislocated shoulder which is a big deal and Sherman a sprained elbow which will prevent him from being able to reach up with his arm. Brady will test them I am sure at the start.


I agree about Wilson. They had the Dlineman on him and also Matthews who really put some licks on him. The Pats have better corners than GB to man up on the outside so they can put 7 in the box to shut down Lynch and also rush Wilson on obvious passing downs. This is the best I have ever felt going into a SB about the way the Pats defense matches up with the opponents offense. There is just no one in the Seattle receiving cop that scares you a little and even Lynch is not a slippery RB. He is a power guy so the Pats just have to wrap up well and gang tackle.


I also think playing Rodgers when he was healthy and Luck twice has helped the Pats to be ready for the running/athletic Qbs.

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You guys are cheaters.



This quote seems oddly fitting:


A man on the Internet wrote that the Patriots are cheaters.

This alone might not register as news, considering it is the rallying cry of message board trolls and general * all around the country on a daily basis.


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Here is an advice for you since we are talking about perspective. Learn to treat others with respect. That's a good start. Cut your snotty and personal shots you constantly take. Otherwise, you look a hypocrite.



Honestly, is this a joke? 


This is like David Duke giving a speech on diversity. 

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