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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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since you guys are so concerned with the integrity of the game, i can only assume you were all blasting the Colts throughout the Suck For Luck year? Afterall, tanking is far bigger slap in the face of integrity than doctoring balls.

I also assume the baseball fans amongst you get equally enraged at teams that steal signs and doctor balls, right?

Or any hockey fans in the group must have en eagle eye looking for inconsistencies in a player's stick curve

Best way to combat real allegations?

Imaginary ones.

Pats fans never cease to amaze me.

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Ok. So tell that to the Ravens. Two teams kicking units under perform drastically back to back and now this? If so, what now is the extent of this.


Here is official rule and protocol on the game footballs and supply-


Section 2


Each team will make 12 primary balls available for testing by the Referee two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game to meet League requirements. The home team will also make 12 backup balls available for testing in all stadiums. In addition, the visitors, at their discretion, may bring 12 backup balls to be tested by the Referee for games held in outdoor stadiums.

For all games, eight new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer to the Referee, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game.

These balls are to be specially marked by the Referee and used exclusively for the kicking game

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I mean that's the Boston way, no one cares that Manny or Papi cheated to break a curse, nobody cares the Pats cheated so bad that the commissioner of the NFL saw the tapes and found them to be so grevious he had no choice but to destroy them rather than face the consequences that the league he just took over has a team that won 3 out of 4 because they cheated, nobody cares about Gronk trying to injure players "LOL yo soy fiesta had to take him out the club" or KG the fakest tough guy in NBA history. boston is the walter white of sports they just get away with everything

Yeah let's not worry about being an upstanding team. Let's just laugh hilariously whenever someone says balls!

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In a game last month between Minn and Carolina the NFL caught team attendants warming balls in front of the heaters in order the soften them up to gain an advantage.  This is against NFL rules.  The refs gave them a warning and nothing else was done in reference to sanctions.    I take it you have a severe problem with the NFL not sanctions the team that was warming the balls or are you comfortable with just a warning.  You know from a integrity standpoint, is the warning enough for you for someone who is trying to manipulate a ball during the game to gain and advantage? 

First off, I'd like to see where it is in the rulebook that prohibits that specific conduct.  Because as I go through the rulebook, it doesn't say anything of the sort - instead, they were doing something that wasn't either expressly prohibited or condoned.  On the other hand, the footballs weight, PSI, and dimensions are specifically laid out.  So what the Patriots did was expressly prohibited. 


Second, what the Patriots did was give the appearance at the weigh in that they were in compliance and then attempt to conceal the deflation of their footballs.  What hte Panthers/Vikings were doing were open and notorious, and the refs simply clarified to them that, "hey, you can't do this."  And both teams stopped.  They didn't continue to try to warm the footballs without anyone knowing about it.  Patriots continued to play with footballs which they deflated after they passed inspection and did so until they were told to do otherwise.  Big difference.

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Here is official rule and protocol on the game footballs and supply-


Section 2


Each team will make 12 primary balls available for testing by the Referee two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game to meet League requirements. The home team will also make 12 backup balls available for testing in all stadiums. In addition, the visitors, at their discretion, may bring 12 backup balls to be tested by the Referee for games held in outdoor stadiums.

For all games, eight new footballs, sealed in a special box and shipped by the manufacturer to the Referee, will be opened in the officials’ locker room two hours and 15 minutes prior to the starting time of the game.

These balls are to be specially marked by the Referee and used exclusively for the kicking game



Yes....I know....  What i am suggesting is that IF the Kicking balls were deflated, to what extent does this expand the implications of who was involved.   Where do they keep these balls during the game?

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In a game last month between Minn and Carolina the NFL caught team attendants warming balls in front of the heaters in order the soften them up to gain an advantage.  This is against NFL rules.  The refs gave them a warning and nothing else was done in reference to sanctions.    I take it you have a severe problem with the NFL not sanctions the team that was warming the balls or are you comfortable with just a warning.  You know from a integrity standpoint, is the warning enough for you for someone who is trying to manipulate a ball during the game to gain and advantage? 

Already addressed this.  According to the rules wording as written, this is not considered altering the balls.  If they were merely keeping them at the same temperature as when they were originally inflated, this technically is not changing the balls in any way.  This is different than what the Patriots did.  Thus the refs could only warn them and not really punish them.

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since you guys are so concerned with the integrity of the game, i can only assume you were all blasting the Colts throughout the Suck For Luck year?  Afterall, tanking is far bigger slap in the face of integrity than doctoring balls.


I also assume the baseball fans amongst you get equally enraged at teams that steal signs and doctor balls, right?


Or any hockey fans in the group must have en eagle eye looking for inconsistencies in a player's stick curve


Grasping?  First, Colts tried every game.  And, for a good part of the season, we thought Peyton would return.  We then found out some time after season began Peyton needed another surgery.  Even then, Manning begged to get in games late in the year in the Red Zone.  We thought Manning would be around forever until he retired.  It wasn't until all the information trickled out over off season about the severity of the surgery and length of time for rehab.  By the season was done.  So we tanked to get what might have been the best backup in the NFL and pull another Favre/Rodgers act? Many wanted to trade 1st pick for a ton of draft picks in return.  although, there were a few that cheered Suck for Luck, as other teams vied for the sot and that QB.  Most were still Manning supporters here. So much for your revisionist history.

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First off, I'd like to see where it is in the rulebook that prohibits that specific conduct.  Because as I go through the rulebook, it doesn't say anything of the sort - instead, they were doing something that wasn't either expressly prohibited or condoned.  On the other hand, the footballs weight, PSI, and dimensions are specifically laid out.  So what the Patriots did was expressly prohibited. 


Second, what the Patriots did was give the appearance at the weigh in that they were in compliance and then attempt to conceal the deflation of their footballs.  What hte Panthers/Vikings were doing were open and notorious, and the refs simply clarified to them that, "hey, you can't do this."  And both teams stopped.  They didn't continue to try to warm the footballs without anyone knowing about it.  Patriots continued to play with footballs which they deflated after they passed inspection and did so until they were told to do otherwise.  Big difference.


I agree and I found the same thing as you, and documented both with a link above! 



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The only way I will be satisfied by this is if they suspend Belichick for the SB.

Was just listening to Mike Francesa on WFAN in New York.  He thinks Belichick should be suspended for the SB.  I agree, but I don't think that'll happen in a million years.

He also pointed out that Roger Goodell can repair his public image by bringing the hammer down on this.  If he goes soft, the public is going to kill him, perception wise.


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Was just listening to Mike Francesa on WFAN in New York.  He thinks Belichick should be suspended for the SB.  I agree, but I don't think that'll happen in a million years.

He also pointed out that Roger Goodell can repair his public image by bringing the hammer down on this.  If he goes soft, the public is going to kill him, perception wise.



he also thinks the pats first rd pick should be given to us, which wouldnt be a bad consolation prize

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he also thinks the pats first rd pick should be given to us, which wouldnt be a bad consolation prize

Despite the game being a romp - we do have to be made whole for being wronged in a championship game, as well as possibly the game in week 11 that determined home field.

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Bill Belichick is my favorite coach of all time and I have said that many times.

He really didn't have to do any of these if this turns out true.

I am still giving him the benefit of the doubt.



Huh.. interesting considering he's already proved to be a cheater and it's obvious a ball boy didn't take it upon himself to do this.

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Was just listening to Mike Francesa on WFAN in New York.  He thinks Belichick should be suspended for the SB.  I agree, but I don't think that'll happen in a million years.

He also pointed out that Roger Goodell can repair his public image by bringing the hammer down on this.  If he goes soft, the public is going to kill him, perception wise.


He brought hte hammer down on the Saints and that got him on the "everyone hates Goodell" bandwagon.  Dude can't win, no matter what he does.  He's too soft in one instance and too harsh in another.  Everyone expects him to meet in the middle, but no one can define what that middle is until hindsight is arbitrarily applied.

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Brady has some explaining to do ... I have been saying that all day today. Moreso him than Bill IMO.

No. I'm sure hoody/higher ups called for it, and Brady just went along with his call like a good little boy... and when this all comes to light both should be suspended. 

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well I'm not sure what is going to happen, but if the pats are allowed to play, I am going to boycott the game, hoping that every other integrity loving American that wants the NFL to be held to a level of standards, boycott's the game too, resulting in a significant dip in ratings, resulting in backlash from sponsors & advertising...

So during the game, I'll be at the Red Lobster if anyone changes their mind !!!

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well I'm not sure what is going to happen, but I am going to boycott watching the game, hoping that every other integrity loving American that wants the NFL to be held to a level of standards, boycott's the game too, resulting in a significant dip in ratings, resulting in backlash from sponsors & advertising...

So during the game, I'll be at the Red Lobster if anyone changes their mind !!!

SB is always the highest rated show every year. That won't change this year. If anything this situation will drive more viewers ...

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Was just listening to Mike Francesa on WFAN in New York.  He thinks Belichick should be suspended for the SB.  I agree, but I don't think that'll happen in a million years.

He also pointed out that Roger Goodell can repair his public image by bringing the hammer down on this.  If he goes soft, the public is going to kill him, perception wise.


He also said lots of his contacts, who just aren't random callers, think BB should be kicked out for life.  

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well I'm not sure what is going to happen, but if the pats are allowed to play, I am going to boycott the game, hoping that every other integrity loving American that wants the NFL to be held to a level of standards, boycott's the game too, resulting in a significant dip in ratings, resulting in backlash from sponsors & advertising...

So during the game, I'll be at the Red Lobster if anyone changes their mind !!!


bwahahaha, that is rich.  i love the Midwest naviety.  you actually believe any franchise has a shred of integrity?  really?

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SB is always the highest rated show every year. That won't change this year. If anything this situation will drive more viewers ...

how'd I know you'd be the one to chime in...

that post was a lot more about the Happy Gilmore quote, punchline than the exposition...

I'm not a comedian, but that is sometimes how comedy works... 

thanks for ruining my joke...

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bwahahaha, that is rich. i love the Midwest naviety. you actually believe any franchise has a shred of integrity? really?

Bwana hahahaha, that is rich. I love the thought that people in the Midwest are any more or less naive than anywhere else. Oh Eastcoast (?) hubris. You never cease to embarass yourself.

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I believe rules need to be enforced.  Whatever the appropriate penalty needs to be meeted out.  Equally.  To winning teams and losing teams.  Do not assume that because I didn't mention this particular episode I condone their behavior.


Rules are put into the game to equalize the playing field for each team so that truly the "best team wins."  


A team that wins by cheating is not the best team.  EVER.


So then you would be fine then that after all of its investigation, the NFL indicates that we found out that the balls were altered after the game started and that we have issued a warning to the pats and want to emphasize that teams should not manipulate the air pressure in the balls up or down.


My impression from your first post was that you were one of the ones that wanted something more than just a warning.

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