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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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I know it's wishful thinking, but you're wrong. They will still both be first ballot Hall of Famers, they will still be sitting at the top of whatever list a show is doing about rankings, and the banners will still hang in Gillette Stadium.

Just as the Spygate chatter finally calmed down, so will this. I know this is a wet dream for everyone who has ever hated the Patriots, but I'm sorry to tell you it just won't change a thing in the grand scheme of things.

That's your perspective.

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Wishful thinking. The first thing that will spring to mind when people here the name "Belichick" is "cheating". 

How was that different prior to today? He was still being proclaimed as the greatest coach in spite of spygate. Ball deflation in a blow out game won't change that especially if he beats the Hawks on the 1st.

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I heard 2 pounds of pressure less than what it should've been, and that's 11 of 12 Pats balls.  Brady, Gronk, and Belichick, thinks it's funny or some big conspiracy theory, but the only conspiracy going on is the one with the Pats and NFL, because they've been caught so many times and they get slapped on the wrist everytime.  Unlike other big scandals where teams and atheletes are suspended for multiple games.  Or in other sports banned/acheivements vacated.  The Pats are habitual offenders, but it still doesn't mean anything.

I meant the weight of the Colts footballs. 

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How was that different prior to today? He was still being proclaimed as the greatest coach in spite of spygate. Ball deflation in a blow out game won't change that especially if he beats the Hawks on the 1st.


It will. His legacy is forever tainted. 

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The only reason I am upset its because of the indignation here, which is laughable considering all the other rule breaking that is going on. I see people railing on about cheating, but don't see the same animosity to the other cheaters. It's the Patriots. Admit it and move on. If it was any other team, you wouldn't care.

tl;dr: The indignation is not about the actual cheating, it's just because the Patriots did it.

You aren't upset. You are upset. Make up your mind.

So on the message board of the team who the Pats cheated against, people care more?GEE WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?!?!?

TLDR: MINDBLOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And not only did they cheat against the Colts, it's far from their first cheat as well.

But please. If you think it's just Colts fans you're deluding yourself. Give Google a whirl. I don't think you'll like the public perception of your team.

BB knew what he was getting himself into. I feel bad for the fans who now have to rationalize this.

"We aren't the only scumbag cheaters guys!!!! Be fair!!!!!"

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How was that different prior to today? He was still being proclaimed as the greatest coach in spite of spygate. Ball deflation in a blow out game won't change that especially if he beats the Hawks on the 1st.

It wasn't the first time. Who knows how long they have been doing it?

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I've seen reports that all 12 Colts footballs where in the acceptable range.  But I don't feel terribly confident in the sources. 


But I have to believe that if the league was investigating this incident it would have to test the Colt's footballs as a comparison.

I figured it would just be good practice to weigh them all.  If you're going to test the Patriots, then you might as well test the Colts as well just to be thorough.  I googled it to see if I could find anything,b ut just kept coming up with the same copy/pasted handful of articles explaining why, how, and what to expect on the patriots deflated balls.  Nothing mentioned about whether the Colts footballs were also tested.

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haha you're so defensive. So you aren't upset that your team is taking heat, yet you're taking your free time to sit here and argue with all these posters on here?

Please little guy. You aren't going to work me up by bringing up our loss. I'm over that lol.

I only hope the Pats wind up on the other side of a team cheating them to hear the sound of backpedaling.


If that ever happens, it would be icing on the cake.  Just too funny.  They would complain and brady would cry and all Pats fans would be up in a roar.  But what can they really say.

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I know it's wishful thinking, but you're wrong. They will still both be first ballot Hall of Famers, they will still be sitting at the top of whatever list a show is doing about rankings, and the banners will still hang in Gillette Stadium.


Just as the Spygate chatter finally calmed down, so will this. I know this is a wet dream for everyone who has ever hated the Patriots, but I'm sorry to tell you it just won't change a thing in the grand scheme of things. 


There will always be a segment of the NFL watching world that will believe what Dustin posted. I think Belichick will be held accountable more than Brady. 




As was the case with Spygate, if they emerge from this and continue to win, at least some of the chatter will be silenced. Not all of it, but some of it. The first step in repairing the legacy will be to beat Seattle a week from Sunday. If they can do that, and continue to be a perennial contender for the duration of Belichick and Brady's careers, it will help to wipe this stain away, much like it did with Spygate (except of course for the most bull-headed haters). 


So the key, to me, is to just keep winning. That's all they can really do to help their cause. 

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He only needs one win though this time for a happy ending.

If they think they need a competitive advantage to beat the Colts. God help the Pats against the Seahawks.

I can already picture BB and Brady dropping banana peels all over the field to trip up the Seahawks.

"We need the potassium!!"

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If they think they need a competitive advantage to beat the Colts. God help the Pats against the Seahawks.

I can already picture BB and Brady dropping banana peels all over the field to trip up the Seahawks.

"We need the potassium!!"

lol. Good one man. Whatever it takes, right? I do wonder if Bill was like beating the Colts by 22 was not enough, I want 38. Deflate those balls! :)

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The fact that you laugh off this, is exactly my point. It comes off as massive sour grapes, especially after Sunday.

Laugh off what?

Your only defense is that you aren't he only cheaters. Just the most high profile cheaters. Doesn't change it thing. It's just a really weak deflection.

Maybe I'm not the poster to be debating this with because you aren't doing so well.

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It's not the fact that the Colts lost, because they would've lost anyway, it's the principle of cheating.  There was SpyGate and now DeflateGate.  Plus didn't they have another teams playbook once?  Also the crap with the ineligible WR, and I'm sure there is more I can't think of (even more on top of that, perhaps they were never caught).  It is about damn time the Pats face serious consequences.  To think they only lose a draft pick (because they're team is already so good), or a fine (because they're filthy rich anyway), and slap them on the wrist by that after how many times of being caught doing illegal or immoral things.  All of them coming from the Belichek era.  In other sports you see heisman winners and record breakers get banned or their acheivements vacated (Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Reggie Bush, Pete Rose) from all different sports, the NFL even suspended Sean Peyton for a season and other players for a role in the bounty scandal.  Richie Incognito for bullying!  These are 1 time getting caught, although some of them cheated or did immoral things for a long period of time and then got caught, but the Patriots are habitual offenders!!  It think a severe punishment is definitely warranted.  I'm talking Vacated SB's, or at least suspend Belichek and Kraft for a whole season!!  I mean it's gone way too far, and nothing has been done.  Unfortunately with the difference between these scandals and Pat's, is that the NFL tries to downplay the severity and keep everything hush hush.  I'm so sick and tired of it!!  A statement from other owners and fans need to be made!


BTW I saw a pic on FB that Goddell was at Roberts Kraft's house (Pats owner) the night before the game!!  Sure it could be a fake picture, no evidence proving it wasn't photoshopped, but it had to be recent because on the TV in the background it was a Pats-Ravens game (perhaps of the Divisional Round?)  This all smells a little fishy to me. 


I for one am boycotting the SB and wish I was a public figure, only to speak out and have others join me.  I would love to see the NFL lose viewers for the precious Cheat Bowl (Pete Carroll is a cheater also.  Has numerous allegations with USC... "Once a cheater, always a cheater").  Wouldn't it be a shame if fans were sick of Goddell's antics (Ray Rice scandal amongst others), in his tenure with the NFL, and didn't watch the game, causing marketers to lose millions for their overpaid 30 second time slot during the SB, and them dropping the NFL as a sponser? 




Goodell hasnt even come to a decision yet, heck the investigation isnt even completed but youre saying that he's already covering it up?

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Laugh off what?

Your only defense is that you aren't he only cheaters. Just the most high profile cheaters. Doesn't change it thing. It's just a really weak deflection.

Maybe I'm not the poster to be debating this with because you aren't doing so well.


Laugh, you know at yourself.  Nice of you to declare to everyone that you won the argument.

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Because you think colts fans are the only ones with this. Look up ESPN, B/R, reddit, Twitter, other NFL boards.


I thought you held yourselves to a higher standard than most fans?  Is this not true?  I need to go to reddit?


Anyway, I am done, I made my point.  If you don't like it tough.

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Lol Sergio brown. Did he even play or was he benched too prior to the game?



Tom Brady... lol.


  Brady..... " Oh   God .. what now ? That's so ridiculous I won't even address it ? Man .. that is nasty stuff when your team did the deed.... 

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Laugh, you know at yourself. Nice of you to declare to everyone that you won the argument.

I think it's pretty obvious who's making the better points here. Sorry if you didn't pick up on it.

You're whole argument is based on the fallacy that the Pats are getting critiqued more than other cheaters. Which is only a deflection at best.

Taken into consideration that I blast all cheaters the same, you can even go back into the threads of the 2/4 incidences you referenced earlier and see my posts, you're agrument falls apart.

Sorry buddy. Have a nice glass a milk and chill out. You'll feel better.

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