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Tom Curran: "How do you take the Colts seriously?"


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We were only down by 8 points late in that game before penalties and an ill advised 4th down conversion attempt on our own side of the field derailed it (still have no idea what Chuck was thinking). These two teams match-up better than some are willing to see.

This is gonna require 4 quarters of mistake free football, but we can topple the Pats.

Everyone keeps calling the last meeting a blowout, but they Patriots poured it on late after we did some stupid things and had pretty much lost the game.

We were down 8 with 9 minutes left. If we could have contained the run at all, Luck would have gotten the ball back with plenty of time to tie.

And I guess everyone forgets the Pats got away with a lot of illegal contact and PI on defense. I distinctly remember one play where TY literally got thrown to the ground. No way that flies this week.

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Everyone keeps calling the last meeting a blowout, but they Patriots poured it on late after we did some stupid things and had pretty much lost the game.

We were down 8 with 9 minutes left. If we could have contained the run at all, Luck would have gotten the ball back with plenty of time to tie.

And I guess everyone forgets the Pats got away with a lot of illegal contact and PI on defense. I distinctly remember one play where TY literally got thrown to the ground. No way that flies this week.


No one recalls how these games really played out.  Even last year's playoff game, the Colts had the ball into the 3rd Q down one score.  The problem is that the Pats physicality has worn this team out so that the last 15-20 mins of a game, the Colts wilt.  I feel like the Colts have to get into the 4th Q with a lead and make it a one possession game.  If they have to play from behind while getting pounded, the Colts will make a mistake like over pursuing and get gashed for big plays.

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Everyone keeps calling the last meeting a blowout, but they Patriots poured it on late after we did some stupid things and had pretty much lost the game.

We were down 8 with 9 minutes left. If we could have contained the run at all, Luck would have gotten the ball back with plenty of time to tie.

And I guess everyone forgets the Pats got away with a lot of illegal contact and PI on defense. I distinctly remember one play where TY literally got thrown to the ground. No way that flies this week.


This game is in NE, I have a very strong sense that it'll still fly this week.

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Yep. Curran is a Pats homer through and through but hard to disagree with what he wrote. He is right in terms of this being the best path to the SB for the Pats. Most Pats wanted the Colts in the divisional round and not the Ravens because the match up is better. That being said, I don't see this as a walk over game at all even if recent history has the Pats dominating the Colts. This is the conference title and there have been very few blow outs in this game historically. I know the Patriot team is not taking the Colts lightly after what they did to Denver. No team makes it to this game and is a push over. I don't care what the previous games looked like.


In terms of the game, I think the Colts should do what the Ravens did and spread out the Pats D early and pass, pass, pass. Forget the run early. I know you guys like Boom and all but get up early like the Ravens did and then let your D go to work with a lead. I am actually hoping the Pats do the same. Test the run early see how the Colts are playing it and if they are stacking the box or pressing then play action over the top.


To those Pats fans:  Be careful what you wish for...

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Really hate the Patriots, and how people think their this invincible team. I really hope the Colts players and coaches can use this type of stuff as added motivation to come out and beat the Patriots.

The only way to shut these people up is to prove it and beat the Patriots in their own yard.

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There's an interesting stat this week....


Of Belichek's 8 career playoff defeats....    each came against a team that his Pats had beaten in the regular season that same year.


So,  that's 8 times that Belicheck's team has lost against an opponent it's already beaten in the same year.


That's not to say that the 9th time will be ths Sunday,  only that's it's not impossible and it shouldn't be a total shock if it does happen...

The reason we all watch sports is because the outcome isn't predetermined. "Even in the battle between man and steer the issue is not certain"(No country for old men for those of you who like the movie).


The reason I have hope for my Colts this weekend is that they seem to have a spark going right now. They seem to be playing for each other. They seem to have a chemistry. That's undefined in sports and there seems to be a passion with this team. We'll see come Sunday if that's enough to overcome the mighty legendary Boston Tom Bellichick's

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Well he's not a sports writer but.....


Belichick: Playoff experience chatter 'a bunch of hot air'


"Zero," Belichick said without hesitation. "I think it'll be the team that plays the best. I don't think it's about how  many All-Pros or how many playoff games or anything. I don't think that has anything to do with it. I've been on plenty of teams that didn't have any experience and won. We can go through the league and find just as many examples of that. So . . . zero." 


read rest here


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I read a funny prediction today that I disagreed with literally everything one of the "analysts" said about the game.  He said:


1) the Colts don't have the personnel to keep up with the Patriots.  Where are the Colts lacking?  The Colts' receiving corps is vastly superior to the Pats'.  The Colts' Oline is playing its best ball of the year, while NEs line is struggling and battling injuries.  The Colts' DBs are on a par with the much more acclaimed Pat DBs.  The Pat RBs are all hurt, whereas Herron is stepping it up.  The Pats actually ran for 1.1 ypc against the Ravens.  The Pat Dline let the Ravens run wild, whereas Denver had no success outside of a 22-yard run.  What am I missing here?  Shallow (nonexistent) analysis on this one.


2) the Pats have a vastly superior defense.  Didn't look like it last week.  Baltimore gouged them in every facet of the game.  The Colt D has averaged 11.5 points allowed in the playoffs.  And NE seems to have no pass rush right now.  Plus, regular season rankings: Colt D - 11.  Pat D - 13.


3) NE can take over the game by running the ball, whereas the Colts can't.  See #1.  1.1 ypc is terrible, and they've lost their starting center. 


I think honest analysis of these teams would result in many more Colt victory predictions, but I think many are just predicting the Pats because of a vague notion that the Pats are a much better team.  They ought to pay attention to who is hot in the playoffs.  The Colts and Luck are building confidence and momentum and playing their best ball.  NE needed multiple trick plays to win at home in a game otherwise dominated by Baltimore. 

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No one recalls how these games really played out.  Even last year's playoff game, the Colts had the ball into the 3rd Q down one score.  The problem is that the Pats physicality has worn this team out so that the last 15-20 mins of a game, the Colts wilt.  I feel like the Colts have to get into the 4th Q with a lead and make it a one possession game.  If they have to play from behind while getting pounded, the Colts will make a mistake like over pursuing and get gashed for big plays.

Colts were down by a score and driving in the 4th, Ninkovich isn't called for tripping Luck. Colts drive stalls, punt, levee breaks and Blount finally takes a big run to the house. Home run balls and 4th downs for the rest of the game.

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even if colts win they will be excuses of why the patriots lost its never how the colts played good its always something bout the other team. i love it personally how most people underestimate the colts


Many of their fans believe they haven't legitimately lost a game in the last 15 years.  It's always the refs' fault, along with an NFL conspiracy against the Pats.

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CryBrady:  The nick name Tom Brady gets for continually crying to the refs when he thinks something is "unfair" (he thinks he deserves special treatment).  The nickname also derives from his infamous pictures of him sitting on the field with his legs on in front and his head down pouting about losing football games!  These are perfect examples of why Tom Brady (crybaby) is in fact a CryBrady!  He shows no class, and often acts like a child :)

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That was not the title game. That was the divisional round. You were on the road either way.


Some were thinking 2 games ahead, when those guys should have been focusing on only Denver. But who can't help but hope the one team to win to get a home game. Everyone does it in the back of their heads.

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Many of their fans believe they haven't legitimately lost a game in the last 15 years.  It's always the refs' fault, along with an NFL conspiracy against the Pats.


Very ironic statement coming from a member of a fanbase that notoriously blames losses on the officiating and is STILL whining about illegal contact 10 years later....


But regardless, should the Colts win Sunday, each of the regular Pats fans on this forum will congratulate you guys....there has been close to no fan animosity build up for this match up....all these articles that are being posted to rev you guys up and get angry about the 'attitude coming from the northeast' are media based and do not reflect the attitudes of the majority of the Patriots fanbase. 

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That was not the title game. That was the divisional round. You were on the road either way.

I miss read what you said and thought you were talking about the games last week.


With that said I don't think it's going out on a limb to say that the Broncos were a better match up for the Colts than the Pats so yeah of course if given the choice Colts fans would rather play the Broncos.  I think most took the attitude of I'd rather play Denver in the next round and if we have to play New England in the AFCCG then so be it because it'll be the AFCCG.  I am still not really sure how this works as a response to someone saying "be careful what you wish for."  Clearly playing the Broncos worked out for the Colts.  There is no other choice this week.  Frankly if the Colts fans had their wish it would have been to play Denver last week and play the Ravens at home this week.  So The Colts only got half of that and the half they did get worked for them. 

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Very ironic statement coming from a member of a fanbase that notoriously blames losses on the officiating and is STILL whining about illegal contact 10 years later....


But regardless, should the Colts win Sunday, each of the regular Pats fans on this forum will congratulate you guys....there has been close to no fan animosity build up for this match up....all these articles that are being posted to rev you guys up and get angry about the 'attitude coming from the northeast' are media based and do not reflect the attitudes of the majority of the Patriots fanbase. 

Yes because the issue isn't did the refs get it right the issue is fans complaining about the refs regardless of if they got it right or not...


You know what ALL fanbases have fans who complain about officials, yes even Pats fans do it, so pointing out one fanbase cries about the officials is pretty much pot calling kettle black no matter which fanbase does it. 


As for 03, it happened.  It's over.  I would say though for every Colts fan who complains about it still there is a Pats fan who is right there to complain about Polian going to the competition committee and getting them to enforce the rule that was already on the books.  So see my first point about pot calling the kettle black. 


I also wish I could say the "regular Pats fans" would all congratulate us IF the Colts win but I have a feeling it will be you, JJ and one or two others.  I think that some of the Pats fans here regularly just like to be a thorn in Colts fans sides and will either not be seen or will be here being a pain like they normally do.  Again, ALL fanbases have jerks including the Colts fan base. 


I do agree that most Pats fans probably wouldn't be jerks about it but I also think most of the Pats fans don't take time to sign up for the Colts message board either, most do so to try to be a pain in the Colts fans sides.  I know that doesn't apply to all which is why I am not saying all but I do think it applies to a lot of the Pats fans who have signed up here. 


As for the Northeast Media, I am listening to WNDE right now and they had some Pats writer on and he was even making fun of the Pats media being "homers" and joked that he doesn't know how they cover the Pats with a microphone in one hand and their Pats pompom in the other.  So I fully believe some of these writers just like to be trolls which is why I elect to just ignore most of it. 

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CryBrady:  The nick name Tom Brady gets for continually crying to the refs when he thinks something is "unfair" (he thinks he deserves special treatment).  The nickname also derives from his infamous pictures of him sitting on the field with his legs on in front and his head down pouting about losing football games!  These are perfect examples of why Tom Brady (crybaby) is in fact a CryBrady!  He shows no class, and often acts like a child :)


I laughed for ten minutes about Brady flopping around like an angry squirrel on the field and when he tried to pick a fight with that Ravens D-lineman.  "Please someone break this up..." he must have thought.   It would have been funnier if no one would have.  

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All the Boston media seems to have really short memories.  I seem to remember in January 2002 the media giving the Patriots little shot to beat the Broncos in the AFC Championship and then ABSOLUTELY NO SHOT to beat the Rams in the Super Bowl.  The Rams were supposed to roll over the Patriots with no trouble on their way to their second championship in three years.  I also think the Rams had beaten the Patriots comfortably in the regular season but can't find evidence right now.  While this is a different situation the Patriots in January 2002 showed everyone not to assume a team can't win at all.  The Colts can show the same thing Sunday.

Great post except for the fact that they didn't play Denver at all that post season

Edited by 21isSuperman
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I miss read what you said and thought you were talking about the games last week.


With that said I don't think it's going out on a limb to say that the Broncos were a better match up for the Colts than the Pats so yeah of course if given the choice Colts fans would rather play the Broncos.  I think most took the attitude of I'd rather play Denver in the next round and if we have to play New England in the AFCCG then so be it because it'll be the AFCCG.  I am still not really sure how this works as a response to someone saying "be careful what you wish for."  Clearly playing the Broncos worked out for the Colts.  There is no other choice this week.  Frankly if the Colts fans had their wish it would have been to play Denver last week and play the Ravens at home this week.  So The Colts only got half of that and the half they did get worked for them. 

I am not sure what the poster was getting at either. Every team wishes for favorable match ups in the post-season.

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In terms of the game, I think the Colts should do what the Ravens did and spread out the Pats D early and pass, pass, pass. Forget the run early. I know you guys like Boom and all but get up early like the Ravens did and then let your D go to work with a lead. I am actually hoping the Pats do the same. Test the run early see how the Colts are playing it and if they are stacking the box or pressing then play action over the top.


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