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AFC Championship game predictions (merge)


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When it's Colts vs. Patriots with a trip to the Super Bowl on the line for the winner it's completely, totally impossible for me to make unbiased predictions.  I just can't do it.


I will say that I think the Colts not only outplayed but outcoached the Bengals and the Broncos.  The Colts also got a few gifts from several plays that simply were not made (mostly overthrows).


Tom Brady will not miss open receivers.  Bill Belichick is extremely difficult to outcoach.  Rob Gronkowski is nearly impossible to cover, and when you *do* get him covered, the underrated and overlooked Lafell, Amendola and Edelman can burn you.  As brilliantly as the Colts D-line played against Denver, New England has a better O-Line than they do - they're capable of blocking Redding, Jones, Chapman, Jean-Francois et al and getting a hat on Jackson.  As brilliantly as the Colts' O-Line played against Denver, they'll have to at least equal that effort against Wolfork, Collins and their other talented defensive players, and they need to be ready for stunts and blitzes from all over the field on every down.


Now let's look at the other side of the coin.  If I'm the Patriots I'm not looking forward to having to cover T. Y. Hilton.  He's one of a few receivers in the league who even Revis can't blanket. Browner should be able to effectively cover whoever we line up at #2, but then who's going to cover Fleener, Allen and the RB out of the backfield?  And even in the unlikely event that they *do* get all of those players covered who's going to spy Luck to make sure he doesn't pick up first downs with his legs?  Sure, the Patriots can blitz, but they're going to live and die by it - you blitz Luck and don't get there and he BURNS you.  Denver saw that on the big play to Fleener.  If I'm the Patriots I'm also not looking forward to having Toler and Davis covering my top 2 receivers.


For this game to even be CLOSE, the Colts are going to have to:

 - figure out how to CONSISTENTLY give Luck time to throw

 - figure out how to at least LIMIT the productivity of Gronk (which probably means leaving Davis and Toler on islands)

 - stop the run without sacrificing pressure on Brady and/or the receivers


I know the game isn't played on paper, but on paper the Patriots have the better players and the better coach.  It's not impossible for the Colts to win, but if they do manage to beat the superior team in their house, it will be a feat that deserves to go down in history.


My prediction, as unbiased as possible, is Pats 41 Colts 30.

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I am going to back off on my statements that we have no chance. I don't expect the Colts to win, but deep down inside, I think....if they play to their potential, they are capable of winning. This requires a perfect game, with no stupid penalties, interceptions and no more "heroics" by Cribbs.

I am predicting a good game, nothing more, nothing less.

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The Colts vs Patriots rivalry lives on . :thmup:  :td:


The Colts have proven many wrong with the last 2 wins & the team has made a big step forward IMO this team like the 2006 team are playing there best at the right time hopefully the Colts can sieze the moment it would be huge ....


It'll be a dog fight no doubt but the Under Dog Wins  


Colts by a AV  FG  .. :td: 

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It's a little early, but I checked the weather and it looks like very ideal conditions for this whole week in Foxboro, MA.  Sunday is suppose to be a little breezy (15MPH winds high of 45 low of 32) but no snow in the forecast AT ALL after today!!


If mother nature doesn't throw us a curve ball, and we have clear conditions my predictions is 27-17 with the Indiapolis Colts upsetting the Patriots. 


Luck: 26-37 275 Yards Passing 2 TD 1 Rushing TD 1 INT

Brady: 21-34 245 Yards Passing 1 TD 2 INT's

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I wouldn't be shocked. We aren't a bad team and I think our defense as a unit is better then the Ravens when we are actually playing well. The media is laughable, we are a terrible team and the underdog because we underperformed at certain points this year, but what team hasn't? Even the mighty Seahawks and Patriots had 6 weeks spans where they were shadows and looked terrible.


I think we have a real shot at winning this came if we come prepared.

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If we play the way we are capable of playing, we'll either win or we'll lose.  It depends on whether the good Colts show up, or the bad Colts.


Deep down, my heart thinks the good Colts will make an appearance....but the cynical side of my brain keeps remembering the bad Colts.

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I personally think it's a toss up.  New England SHOULD win, but in the past three games, the Colts have been remarkably better than previous 15 weeks showed.  I think it'll be close, no blow away from either team.


Head:  24 - 21 patriots.

Heart, the opposite:  24 - 21  :coltslogo: 

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