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Josh McNary charged with rape (Merge)


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There are a lot of assumptions in this post. First and foremost, it's assuming the girl is telling the truth and the charges are legitimate. It's very possible that he did not rape the the accuser, that whatever happened she felt guilty about it the next day and cried rape. Maybe she was drugged and in that state consented to sex but did not consent to being drugged. maybe Mcnary did not know she was drugged. Maybe McNary is a rapist and deserves to be castrated (what I think should be done to rapists) and thrown into prison for years.

But to claim from the few reports coming out that he "psychologically" thought that he had to rape that girl is putting the cart about 10 miles before the horse.

Agree with your post. At this point it was more of a discussion of rape period. Not specifically him.
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I can't speak to his psychological reasoning, or that of anyone who has raped someone (not that he's guilty). But I think it's lacking insight (I'm trying to be nice) to say something like "why'd he rape someone, he doesn't need to do that, he could have a girl if he wanted."

I think that was that guys point and people just blew up overt an innocent comment. Most rapist do it because I'd psychological reasons where they get satisfaction rather than the actual act of intercourse in itself.

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It's odd that he didn't remember what happened, and went out and bought a new phone. Also, I will never understand why this female went to his house in the middle of the night, if the guy creeped her out. By the way, before the " this guy creeps me out...save me" message she sent, she was making out with Mcnary consensually, at his home in the middle of the night. Why?

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If these charges are true McNary should be released.


If the charges are true -- and proved -- then he'll be going to jail.    So, yes,  he'll be released.


As for right now,   I'd suspend with pay and tell him not to be at the facility as long as the Colts are still in the playoff hunt.

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No it isn't. Rape is not about sex.

There are some really reckless implications in that kind of comment.

Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about this point. In my eyes, for example, let's say we hear "Justin Beiber rapes woman." You wouldn't think, even for a second, "wow, this guy has women throwing themselves at them, why would he rape someone?" Or a different angle, "Bill Gates robs bank", Why? The guy is wealthy, why would be rob a bank?

Now Josh McNary isn't a household name by any stretch, but I'm sure being a football player he has has plenty of women throwing themselves at him in his life, so a rape allegation/charge is certainly surprising.

Just like Bill Cosby and all the allegations about him. A wealthy guy, a well known guy, a guy who could certainly get whatever he wanted sexually, why would he do some of the things he did? It's mind boggling but apparently he did them. No one is condoning rape people.

If you guys can't comprehend what myself and a few others have said, well then IDK what else to say.

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I've never been in the military(I have a disability so pretty much eliminates that) but I never understood some peoples thinking that all or even a lot of our servicemen....and women for that matter are all honorable upstanding individuals with a perfect track record

Your correct about that. I respect the older veterans. These kids now a days act way too over privileged fight in their fake wars. That last part is my personal opinion.

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If the charges are true -- and proved -- then he'll be going to jail.    So, yes,  he'll be released.


As for right now,   I'd suspend with pay and tell him not to be at the facility as long as the Colts are still in the playoff hunt.


Only the commissioner can suspend with pay (exempt list), it's stated as such in the policy, the team does not have that authority. So I believe Colts would have to suspend without pay.  I doubt they do that and instead they urge the commissioner to place him on exempt status.  That takes care of the suspension issue and also opens a roster spot for replacement. We'll see...

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He is/was a good depth player. If charges are true he burried himself pretty much. The stirrup it may cause around the team is worse albeit.


I wonder if anybody, one single other person, on the team knew about this, someone he secretly confided in? We'll never know, because that person really cannot come clean without suffering scrutiny themselves.  But it is clear the vast majority, if not all, teammates will be stunned that McNary hid this from them for over 6 weeks.

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I wonder if anybody, one single other person, on the team knew about this, someone he secretly confided in? We'll never know, because that person really cannot come clean without suffering scrutiny themselves.  But it is clear the vast majority, if not all, teammates will be stunned that McNary hid this from them for over 6 weeks.


I have no idea about it, but it appears to me, that he hid things from teammates. Whatever the outcome may be (whether guilty or not) it was a poor decision from McNary.

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Your correct about that. I respect the older veterans. These kids now a days act way too over privileged fight in their fake wars. That last part is my personal opinion.


Please expand on what you mean by "fake wars"... Surely you don't think Iraq and Afghanistan are fake wars?  You must mean kids that play Call of Duty and what not, correct?

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It's odd that he didn't remember what happened, and went out and bought a new phone. Also, I will never understand why this female went to his house in the middle of the night, if the guy creeped her out. By the way, before the " this guy creeps me out...save me" message she sent, she was making out with Mcnary consensually, at his home in the middle of the night. Why?


Blackouts, loss of memory, and both people's irrational, irresponsible behavior that night is not odd at all when you realize that too much alcohol was involved.  The detectives' report indicates that the woman recalled consuming at least seven or more servings of booze at three different bars.  Her co-workers who went bar-hopping with her that night stated that she was heavily intoxicated, but she refused to leave with them when they went home because she wanted to stay and dance and hang out with other people.  When Tiki Bob's closed at about 3AM, McNary and the woman walked together to his apartment building nearby.


Whether or not McNary was also wasted is unclear, but the fact that, a few hours later, security cameras showed him dropping his keys twice while re-entering his apartment building with his buddy might be an indicator.  Regardless of whether or not McNary and the woman were both drunk, the crux of the matter is that at some point during that night, their consensual flirting, hugging, kissing, and making out turned into non-consensual intercourse.  She claims to have told him "No" several times and tried to fend him off by scratching him with her fingernails while he was on top of her.


If her accusations are not false, that is rape.

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Your correct about that. I respect the older veterans. These kids now a days act way too over privileged fight in their fake wars. That last part is my personal opinion.

Not trying to hijack this thread, but what an ignorant statement....good thing most of these "kids" are willing to sacrifice their lives in order for people to have the right to make any statement they want. I respect ALL veterans, and that's my opinion. Fake wars? Thier "fake wars? " I've lost friends in these "fake wars," nothing fake about that. Yes some of them don't deserve respect when they commit crimes, but to make such a blanket statement.... SMH

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Ok... So first off I would like to start with I have been in the Army for over 10 years as a Military Police Officer and an Inspector General.  On the civilian side I am a professional interviewer/ Interrogator with several professional certifications/ designations, part of which being a certified forensic interviewer and document analyst.


To address the military aspect of it:  We have a serious issue in the military with sexual assaults and rapes.  No question about it.  Much of our time training is spend on teaching Soldiers how to identify the signs of sexual assualt/ rape and how to prevent it from occuring.  It is something the military has spent a good deal of time and money on trying to address and it is still very much a work in progress.  It is a very unfortunate reality that the men and women who are so looked up to by much of America have this kind of problem within the ranks. 


Now, looking at the police report there are several odd contradictions that strike me as suspicious.  I won't go over all of them here but some of the most glaring were the fact that the victim reported walking up meridian street after leaving the apartment when later there is an Uber receipt showing she was picked up right outside of the apartment on Illinois street.  Next, it is clear the victim was extremely intoxicated if not possibly drugged.  Given that, the different details she can recall and not recall are very interesting.  This could be attributed to her blacking out and coming back around but the specifics she goes into just strike me as odd given the state she claimed to be in.  Its little details like that that should give the investigator pause.


Also, the incident happened on Dec 1st.  In the report the detective goes from learning T-mobile doesnt save tex message data on Dec 18th to getting a warrant for McNary's phone on Jan 5th. That's a long 2 1/2 weeks to wait before requesting a warrant for his phone.  Why the delay?  Holiday break perhaps?  Also, the fact that McNary took photos of the bedding and his injuries point to the fact that perhaps there is more to this story than we know at this point.  Given his statements to his friend it sounds like McNary was rather intoxicated as well.  Clearly, if rape occured this would not excuse his actions one bit.  Just another piece of the puzzle.


Clearly without McNary's side of the story we can't really come up with any solid conclusions.  Again, as someone trained to disect statements for signs of deception I find lots to be concerned with given the victims side of the story.


Not defending either side, just trying to give an unbiased assessment of the information that is out there.

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I just want to point out once again that the NFL, based upon results collected from the NFL investigative team(s), does not have to find a level of evidence of guilt to withstand and hold up in a jury trial in the court system to enact discipline.  I mean if those two just struggled for any reason and her bleeding by the ear is a result of that struggle, the NFL could enact their 6 game suspension right then and there.  On that alone, or many other parts alone.  McNary does not have to be convicted or accept plea bargain, etc... for the NFL to act anymore.  It will be decided upon the results of NFL investigators or private Investigtors hired by the NFL and what they find credible and exceptionally probable. 

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McNary goes to commissioner's exempt list:   INDIANAPOLIS COLTS STATEMENT ON LB-JOSH McNARY

Posted by coltsindianapolis on January 15, 2015 – 10:07 am


After reviewing the documents supporting the very serious criminal charges filed yesterday afternoon against Josh McNary, the Colts have requested Commissioner Goodell to immediately place Josh on the League’s Commissioner Exemption list. If the request is granted, Josh will not be eligible to practice or attend games with the Club while designated as Commissioner Exempt. That designation will permit the investigation provided by the League’s Personal Conduct Policy to run its course and will afford Josh the opportunity to focus on his defense against the charges. The Colts sincerely hope this extraordinarily serious matter will be resolved expeditiously and that justice will prevail.

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Ok... So first off I would like to start with I have been in the Army for over 10 years as a Military Police Officer and an Inspector General. On the civilian side I am a professional interviewer/ Interrogator with several professional certifications/ designations, part of which being a certified forensic interviewer and document analyst.

To address the military aspect of it: We have a serious issue in the military with sexual assaults and rapes. No question about it. Much of our time training is spend on teaching Soldiers how to identify the signs of sexual assualt/ rape and how to prevent it from occuring. It is something the military has spent a good deal of time and money on trying to address and it is still very much a work in progress. It is a very unfortunate reality that the men and women who are so looked up to by much of America have this kind of problem within the ranks.

Now, looking at the police report there are several odd contradictions that strike me as suspicious. I won't go over all of them here but some of the most glaring were the fact that the victim reported walking up meridian street after leaving the apartment when later there is an Uber receipt showing she was picked up right outside of the apartment on Illinois street. Next, it is clear the victim was extremely intoxicated if not possibly drugged. Given that, the different details she can recall and not recall are very interesting. This could be attributed to her blacking out and coming back around but the specifics she goes into just strike me as odd given the state she claimed to be in. Its little details like that that should give the investigator pause.

Also, the incident happened on Dec 1st. In the report the detective goes from learning T-mobile doesnt save tex message data on Dec 18th to getting a warrant for McNary's phone on Jan 5th. That's a long 2 1/2 weeks to wait before requesting a warrant for his phone. Why the delay? Holiday break perhaps? Also, the fact that McNary took photos of the bedding and his injuries point to the fact that perhaps there is more to this story than we know at this point. Given his statements to his friend it sounds like McNary was rather intoxicated as well. Clearly, if rape occured this would not excuse his actions one bit. Just another piece of the puzzle.

Clearly without McNary's side of the story we can't really come up with any solid conclusions. Again, as someone trained to disect statements for signs of deception I find lots to be concerned with given the victims side of the story.

Not defending either side, just trying to give an unbiased assessment of the information that is out there.

Glad I'm not the only one who picked up on the missing pieces of this report. Then again, we may not have the entire evidence report as this is just the plausible cause and investigation summary. It is interesting though for sure

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I'm really worried this incident will be a big distraction for this weeks game. 

It wasn't for the Ravens.  If Harbaugh can find a way to keep the Ravens focused for the bulk of the season during the Ray Rice/Ravens/NFL investigation, Pagano will find a way to keep these guys focused.  I'm not too worried about it.   

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Your correct about that. I respect the older veterans. These kids now a days act way too over privileged fight in their fake wars. That last part is my personal opinion.

Might want to choose your words a bit differently.  First, not all of those "kids" in teh military act over privileged.  The simple fact is, there are good people and there are bad people.  Unfortunately, in any facet of life, positions that should be held in high regard (police, government, military, charities, etc.) get filled with bad people and there won't always be any indication before it's too late.


Second, and where I really take issue with your post is when you say they fight in "their" fake wars, as if the kids to whom you refer are the ones dictating where tehy should be fighting, against what and whom.  You're essentially blaming those kids who put their lives on the line for hte wars this country is fighting.  Maybe that wasn't your intent, but it comes across all to wrong.

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McNary goes to commissioner's exempt list:   INDIANAPOLIS COLTS STATEMENT ON LB-JOSH McNARY

Posted by coltsindianapolis on January 15, 2015 – 10:07 am


After reviewing the documents supporting the very serious criminal charges filed yesterday afternoon against Josh McNary, the Colts have requested Commissioner Goodell to immediately place Josh on the League’s Commissioner Exemption list. If the request is granted, Josh will not be eligible to practice or attend games with the Club while designated as Commissioner Exempt. That designation will permit the investigation provided by the League’s Personal Conduct Policy to run its course and will afford Josh the opportunity to focus on his defense against the charges. The Colts sincerely hope this extraordinarily serious matter will be resolved expeditiously and that justice will prevail.



Yup, just as the new policy has stated.  Now Goodell has to accept the request.  The the League performs its own investigation and will handle punishment and it will not necessarily be on the timeline that the judicial system takes.


Colts want that open roster spot badly.  Wonder who they have in mind to fill it with?

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Might want to choose your words a bit differently. First, not all of those "kids" in teh military act over privileged. The simple fact is, there are good people and there are bad people. Unfortunately, in any facet of life, positions that should be held in high regard (police, government, military, charities, etc.) get filled with bad people and there won't always be any indication before it's too late.

Second, and where I really take issue with your post is when you say they fight in "their" fake wars, as if the kids to whom you refer are the ones dictating where tehy should be fighting, against what and whom. You're essentially blaming those kids who put their lives on the line for hte wars this country is fighting. Maybe that wasn't your intent, but it comes across all to wrong.

You know, those fake wars with fake bodies coming back that were killed with fake roadside explosions. Because wars are really just a **** measuring contest to see who can be the most dead.

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I think laying their lives on the line so you can sit on your couch watching football is more than enough to "earn" your respect.


there are different kinds of respect.  I can respect McNary for his service to the country while at the same time having zero respect for him on a personal level should these charges be true.  Likewise, I respect everyone in every branch of the military for their sacrifice and their service to the country while at the same time admitting and understanding that not all of them are good people on a personal level.

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You missed the point.

He claimed McNary shouldn't "have" to rape anyone since, as a football player, he can easily get sex. And you're defending him. Unbelievable.



Above is a link to many articles proving that rape is an anger, domination, control issue, more than a sexual encounter.

This isn't about who he is and what chicks he can pick up or not pick up.  


Instead of speculating what happened, I will hope that a thorough investigation is done and justice is served.  Also, that this awful incident doesn't take the teams focus off of Sunday.


moving on.....

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