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Was it appropriate for Irsay to comment on Luck/Manning decision?


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I heard the interview after the Colts game and someone asked something like did Luck winning vindicate his decision to go with a luck over Manning? What was Irsay going to do? He couldn't just sit there and not answer the question or if he said something like "no comment" that would have been twisted too. So he answered it in away he didn't take a shot at Manning and reminded people it was circumstances driven and didn't rub it in Manning's face his team just beat him. Frankly I think Irsay answered it as well as he could have.

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People keep asking him the question, he's going to keep answering it. As many others have said, it's not like he brought it up unprompted. And again, the difference between him answering the question and Luck's declining to comment is that Irsay actually made the decision. 

And really, it's not as if that even matters.  At this point, everyone knows the answer to the question, anyway.  The only thing they're hoping for is either a misstep on record or a new sound bite.  Irsay might be a goofball (which is endearing, really, even if annoying to have to put up with it from people who don't like it), but h'es not an * when it comes to talking to the press.  One of the things I really like about him is how candid he can be and at the same time, be smart in articulating his responses.  He's not often a victim of the press except to the extent he does something that gets crazy coverage (i.e. the DUI).

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I think it's more a case of Jim wanting validation for this move. I know he's answering questions, but then why did he have the press conference about it because he was going to asked those questions anyway ? This on top of a previous press conferences, tweets, and other comments on the Manning/ Luck situation.

If I were him, I would have just say it's been adequately discussed. I, and many others long ago, said he made the logical move getting Luck, and moving on without Peyton. It was the smart money, and needs no validation.

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And really, it's not as if that even matters.  At this point, everyone knows the answer to the question, anyway.  The only thing they're hoping for is either a misstep on record or a new sound bite.  Irsay might be a goofball (which is endearing, really, even if annoying to have to put up with it from people who don't like it), but h'es not an * when it comes to talking to the press.  One of the things I really like about him is how candid he can be and at the same time, be smart in articulating his responses.  He's not often a victim of the press except to the extent he does something that gets crazy coverage (i.e. the DUI).


And I am getting tired of fans of other teams weighing on on every single thing he says and does

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And I am getting tired of fans of other teams weighing on on every single thing he says and does

He's an owner of the best franchise in America in the best city in America.  He's going to have his nay sayers and he's going to have mic's in his face.  It comes with the territory.  Gotta have tough skin when it comes to that crap.  It gets old having to deal with people's saying the same crap about him over and over - tweets this, drugs that.  He's one of the best owners in the league and has, along with Peyton, made Indianapolis a football city.  I think that's why he does have these conferences and continues to talk about Peyton, because he does acknowledge it, every time.  Jim, of all people should know and understand where he comes from.  Indianapolis was a bad franchise once entering indianapolis for quite some time.  He's battled drug and alcohol issues.  This is a man who knows and appreciates the past while embracing the future.  So people can have their opinions of Jim.  But the best part about opinions is I don't have agree with someone else's and I don't have to justify my own.  That includes everything in this post.

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He's an owner of the best franchise in America in the best city in America. He's going to have his nay sayers and he's going to have mic's in his face. It comes with the territory. Gotta have tough skin when it comes to that crap. It gets old having to deal with people's saying the same crap about him over and over - tweets this, drugs that. He's one of the best owners in the league and has, along with Peyton, made Indianapolis a football city. I think that's why he does have these conferences and continues to talk about Peyton, because he does acknowledge it, every time. Jim, of all people should know and understand where he comes from. Indianapolis was a bad franchise once entering indianapolis for quite some time. He's battled drug and alcohol issues. This is a man who knows and appreciates the past while embracing the future. So people can have their opinions of Jim. But the best part about opinions is I don't have agree with someone else's and I don't have to justify my own. That includes everything in this post.

Nothing to get too riled up about. Bisciotti got bashed pretty good on the Ray Rice deal, Kraft has taken his shots, it's all fair game with public figures . All three are successful owners, all are newsworthy.

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He's been known to post drunken tweets.   


It's just better for all if he stays behind the scenes for awhile.   

While I don't really hold it against him much because if I had 1.6 billion dollars I may well be into the drugs and alcohol a little bit too.

It's just with his recent arrest and questions on the death of that lady, it would be in his best interest to stay out of the limelight. 


That's just my thoughts as a Colts fan.   I am a little embarrassed when he caught doing something stupid.  

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He's been known to post drunken tweets.   


It's just better for all if he stays behind the scenes for awhile.   

While I don't really hold it against him much because if I had 1.6 billion dollars I may well be into the drugs and alcohol a little bit too.

It's just with his recent arrest and questions on the death of that lady, it would be in his best interest to stay out of the limelight. 


That's just my thoughts as a Colts fan.   I am a little embarrassed when he caught doing something stupid.

From what I have read he doesn't drink, he most certainly has a drug problem. Hopefully he is still getting counseling for his drug problem. I am curious how you would know Irsay posts "drunken tweets"? Also, why are you embarrassed if/when Irsay is caught doing something stupid? After all, what he does is not any reflection on you positive or negative.

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He's been known to post drunken tweets.   


It's just better for all if he stays behind the scenes for awhile.   

While I don't really hold it against him much because if I had 1.6 billion dollars I may well be into the drugs and alcohol a little bit too.

It's just with his recent arrest and questions on the death of that lady, it would be in his best interest to stay out of the limelight. 


That's just my thoughts as a Colts fan.   I am a little embarrassed when he caught doing something stupid.  

Can you name me one other owner whose team is in the playoffs that hasn't been in sight?


Personally, I think that if he stayed out of the limelight while his team is firmly standing in it, it would be rather suspicious and lead to the talking heads doing more speculating.


As long as this team is continuing to make a playoff push (or remains under his ownership for that matter) you can expect Irsay to be around, best that you probably just accept that.


The only people still talking about his arrest and drug issues are those who like to use it as ammo against him.  Honestly, I feel worse for those people than I do Irsay.  At least Irsay has sought help (may still be getting it for that matter) to deal with his issues....maybe those people should do the same so they can get over it already!

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The only people still talking about his arrest and drug issues are those who like to use it as ammo against him.  Honestly, I feel worse for those people than I do Irsay.  At least Irsay has sought help (may still be getting it for that matter) to deal with his issues....maybe those people should do the same so they can get over it already!


Yup. To them, I say:





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From what I have read he doesn't drink, he most certainly has a drug problem. Hopefully he is still getting counseling for his drug problem. I am curious how you would know Irsay posts "drunken tweets"? Also, why are you embarrassed if/when Irsay is caught doing something stupid? After all, what he does is not any reflection on you positive or negative.

 As a proud Colts fan, I do get a little embarrassed when Colt affiliated people do stupid stuff.   If I were a Cowboys fan, I would be embarrassed by Jerry jones quite often :yay: . 

Irsay is great at putting a good team on the field, but in his personal life he is a *.

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As a proud Colts fan, I do get a little embarrassed when Colt affiliated people do stupid stuff.   If I were a Cowboys fan, I would be embarrassed by Jerry jones quite often :yay: . 

Irsay is great at putting a good team on the field, but in his personal life he is a *.

Why would you be embarrassed by their behavior? It's not like they represent you or your family.

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It was a Stupid question 3 years ago and its even a more stupid question now.

Of course it was the right decision. As a reporter you would think they would have more imagination of what to ask. We have a FRANCHISE QB for the next Dozen years while the Broncos don't even know if they will have an aging one for next year.

They might as well ask how much is 2+2.

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Why would you be embarrassed by their behavior? It's not like they represent you or your family.

Because when I wear my Colts hats, t shirts or other stuff, I am showing support for the franchise.    According to your thoughts, I shouldn't feel proud to be a Colts fan either.   One reason I have continued to be a Colt fan for many years is because they usually do not put up with crap.   They are not a team that tries to bring in the troubled players with bad attitudes.   I like that and am proud to support them for taking that stand. 

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Because when I wear my Colts hats, t shirts or other stuff, I am showing support for the franchise.    According to your thoughts, I shouldn't feel proud to be a Colts fan either.   One reason I have continued to be a Colt fan for many years is because they usually do not put up with crap.   They are not a team that tries to bring in the troubled players with bad attitudes.   I like that and am proud to support them for taking that stand. 

I'm with you on this one to an extent.  I don't know that the answer is that Irsay should lay low or stay off twitter.  He might be a goober when he posts stuff, but it's more at getting the fanbase engaged.  And it works, people follow him if for no other reason than to win his little twitter contests.  I followed him for that reason, I just don't get on twitter enough to actually do anything with it (in fact, I followed him last year, used it for a few days and got bored with it and haven't been back on since).  I think twitter is silly, but it's just because I'm a bit old fashioned.  I hardly use facebook either.


But I think you are right in the sense that Irsay's actions whether good or bad are a reflection of the team, and our support of it often gets misplaced as support for Irsay doing something wrong.  But tha'ts a problem with public perception.  I do agree with those who have said it's not a "personal" reflection of you or me.  It's just that poeple don't always separate the two when tehy see you as a Colts fan.  To which I say, "I don't care."  If people think I am supporting a DUI solely because I'm a Colts fan, they can just deal with it. 

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Because when I wear my Colts hats, t shirts or other stuff, I am showing support for the franchise.    According to your thoughts, I shouldn't feel proud to be a Colts fan either.   One reason I have continued to be a Colt fan for many years is because they usually do not put up with crap.   They are not a team that tries to bring in the troubled players with bad attitudes.   I like that and am proud to support them for taking that stand.

I like the team because they win. Unless it's a serious crime I really don't care what they do off the field.

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I like the team because they win. Unless it's a serious crime I really don't care what they do off the field.

Really?    You and I are much different on this.    

I usually dislike teams that sign anyone as long as they think they could play ball.    Cincy, Dallas, Philly come to mind.  

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Really?    You and I are much different on this.    

I usually dislike teams that sign anyone as long as they think they could play ball.    Cincy, Dallas, Philly come to mind.

Well, I don't like the bad teammates type......because I think they can bring a team down. But I don't care about misdemeanors like weed and alcohol related incidents. To me it's just entertainment.

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Well, I don't like the bad teammates type......because I think they can bring a team down. But I don't care about misdemeanors like weed and alcohol related incidents. To me it's just entertainment.

I'm with you there.      Now multiple offenses will start turning me off.


Like when Cincy brought Chris Henry back as their 4th WR.    What the heck are you thinking.    You've already gone through a bunch of crap with the guy.   And you bring him back as a 4th WR?    High risk, low reward.  

Philly and Vick.    Everyone knows that Vick has always been an injury prone headcase that cannot play a whole season.   Factor in his dog abuse stuff and that signing was high risk, low reward.  It's not worth it in most cases.   There are alternatives.   It'll be the same if a team signs Ray Rice.    We all seen is production drop off significantly.    You know he has issues.   You know that RB's can be found under rugs in the NFL.    That is a high risk, low reward move.  

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I think we can all agree that Irsay needs to keep a low profile and keep himself away from the public eye.

To include everyone on our owns thoughts is odd. Feel free to say "I". 


Example is.....I don't feel Jim needs to keep a low profile......which is exactly what I do feel. 

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To include everyone on our owns thoughts is odd. Feel free to say "I". 


Example is.....I don't feel Jim needs to keep a low profile......which is exactly what I do feel. 

Fair enough.  


But he and those who agree with his methods must understand that putting stuff out there (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) means you may catch crap about it.    By putting stuff out for all to see, you are really agreeing to be criticized for it.


I tell my teenage daughter the same thing.  

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Fair enough.  


But he and those who agree with his methods must understand that putting stuff out there (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) means you may catch crap about it.    By putting stuff out for all to see, you are really agreeing to be criticized for it.


I tell my teenage daughter the same thing.  

I must understand? I may catch crap about what Jim Irsay says? I truly have no idea where you view the world from. Any one....and I mean anyone who feels slighted in anyway by someone they follow, believe in, support, etc......has the choice to refuse to follow, believe, support, etc....at any time. But to continue to be attached and then complain about it is your own choice, but don't expect others to agree with you and don't try to group others in with you. If Mr. Irsay bothered me to the level that many on here seem to feel, I would end my support. I certainly wont make you listen to how disappointed I am because my experience is mine, and yours is yours. 


I don't like to give advice, because I cant know what your world is like, but I can say that life is short and I prefer to align myself and my feelings with those who uplift me, not those who bring me down. Good luck. 

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I must understand? I may catch crap about what Jim Irsay says? I truly have no idea where you view the world from. Any one....and I mean anyone who feels slighted in anyway by someone they follow, believe in, support, etc......has the choice to refuse to follow, believe, support, etc....at any time. But to continue to be attached and then complain about it is your own choice, but don't expect others to agree with you and don't try to group others in with you. If Mr. Irsay bothered me to the level that many on here seem to feel, I would end my support. I certainly wont make you listen to how disappointed I am because my experience is mine, and yours is yours. 


I don't like to give advice, because I cant know what your world is like, but I can say that life is short and I prefer to align myself and my feelings with those who uplift me, not those who bring me down. Good luck. 

I'm not sure what you are talking about.    Do you not think that posting stuff on Twitter or Facebook can be used against you?    If you have kids, I hope you educate them so that they know that once it is out there, it can be criticized and used against you.  

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I'm not sure what you are talking about.    Do you not think that posting stuff on Twitter or Facebook can be used against you?    If you have kids, I hope you educate them so that they know that once it is out there, it can be criticized and used against you.  

Your quote...."But he (Jim I assume) and those who agree with his methods (me) must understand that putting stuff out there (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) means you (Again...me) may catch crap about it.    By putting stuff out for all to see, you are really agreeing to be criticized for it.


I agree with his methods but I do not catch crap about it. What am I missing here?

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